2000 Mules

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2022 May 2, 2:30pm   26,461 views  189 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Looks to be a very interesting movie by Dinesh D'Souza about the 2016 election fraud.

Playing around here in some theaters Tue (tomorrow) and Thu for $20.


Also will be showing for $10 suggested donation in Redwood City:

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1   Patrick   2022 May 4, 12:56pm  


May 4, 2022
Rumble and Locals to provide censorship protection for “2000 Mules” documentary
Election fraud claims are widely censored elsewhere.
By Tom Parker
2   AmericanKulak   2022 May 4, 1:09pm  

Totally sold out in almost every theater in Florida!
3   Patrick   2022 May 4, 1:15pm  

I'm going to see it tomorrow.
4   Onvacation   2022 May 4, 2:23pm  

Patrick says
about the 2016 election fraud.

7   Ceffer   2022 May 8, 9:48am  

It's been released for free as of yesterday, watched it last night with el wife-o. It was 'See Spot Run' for anybody who has actually followed election fraud stuff, but I guess that is the level of the general public's mentality.
9   porkchopXpress   2022 May 8, 11:14am  

Just watched it. Irrefutable evidence that the level of fraud was enough to steal the election.
10   Ceffer   2022 May 8, 11:42am  

Disingenuous moments: I think it's pretty clear True The Vote were fed info from some intelligence sources. Can you say NSA or military intelligence?
11   rocketjoe79   2022 May 8, 5:44pm  

Ceffer says

Disingenuous moments: I think it's pretty clear True The Vote were fed info from some intelligence sources. Can you say NSA or military intelligence?

Didn't they mention they were able to buy the Geodata from Brokers? Certainly, the money to support making the movie (and all the investigation thereto) came from Conservative sources. But this funding is orders of magnitude less than the Zuckbucks used to pervert the electoral process.
Trump called it, as usual.
12   AmericanKulak   2022 May 8, 6:30pm  

porkchopexpress says

Just watched it. Irrefutable evidence that the level of fraud was enough to steal the election.

B-b-but, the guy was just dropping off 60 ballots for his extended family. They gave him that task... but they apparently insist on him photographing each one because they don't trust him to deposit their ballots... or something. Anyway: FactCheck: PANTS ON FIRE!!!
13   porkchopXpress   2022 May 8, 8:45pm  

All the shills on Reddit and Twitter can't answer these basic questions:
- Why was someone dropping off multiple ballots at 2am and then snapping a photo of the ballot box afterward?
- Why would the same person travel to 10 ballot boxes in a 24-hour period with stops at Left-wing non-profit locations in between? What legitimate role or job requires that kind of travel path?
- Why would someone cross state lines to go to a ballot box, or two, or three?
14   AmericanKulak   2022 May 8, 9:06pm  

- Why does somebody have dozens of ballots? How big can their family be?
15   clambo   2022 May 8, 9:36pm  

The election was a fraud.
NO country has an election for president or prime minister by mail.
The governors who changed the voting rules to vote by mail broke the law.
Nobody can convince me that Biden won, ever.
I hope to see the movie sometime.
16   Undoctored   2022 May 8, 9:55pm  

Ceffer says

Disingenuous moments: I think it's pretty clear True The Vote were fed info from some intelligence sources. Can you say NSA or military intelligence?

Didn’t they say this is just data you can buy from commercial sources? Not that those device tracking companies don’t also get government contracts. I wonder though if it is really possible to buy such “petabytes” of detailed device tracking data. What are the legal restrictions on such a sale, data privacy laws and all?
17   Undoctored   2022 May 8, 10:03pm  

I predict 2000 Mules will be just as successful in getting our government to prevent election fraud as VAXXED was in getting our government to keep dangerous vaccines from being distributed.
18   mell   2022 May 8, 10:11pm  

Undoctored says

Ceffer says

Disingenuous moments: I think it's pretty clear True The Vote were fed info from some intelligence sources. Can you say NSA or military intelligence?

Didn’t they say this is just data you can buy from commercial sources? Not that those device tracking companies don’t also get government contracts. I wonder though if it is really possible to buy such “petabytes” of detailed device tracking data. What are the legal restrictions on such a sale, data privacy laws and all?

There are no restrictions since you get the data without identification. They didn't have to know a single name to prove the fraud, they only correlated movements of the same phone ID with video footage which again is totally legal to show since you are in a public place approaching a public drop box. That's how every advertiser gets your data, they don't know "oh that's Joe Sixpack who is interested in product xyz, let's send him an ad", it's "this is user 1234567890abc, who is a 30-50yr old male interested in product xyz, let's send him an ad". As long as the data is "anonymized" enough so that you cannot figure out who that individual is you can buy anything given you have enough money. Of course more sensitive data such as health issues require even more randomization/anonymization and compliance with hippa etc., but the same principle applies.
19   mell   2022 May 8, 10:16pm  

AmericanKulak says

- Why does somebody have dozens of ballots? How big can their family be?

Yep. This is just the proof of what everyone knew when they woke up at 7 am to the 3am "ballot dump" which changed the election. I do agree that there have been too many allegations in all sorts of directions, occasionally razor dictates here that the ballot harvesting, trafficking and spoofing, i.e. the easiest to carry out and most difficult to prove AFTER the ballot is counted, is the one to focus on, which also explains theories dump. Sure they can prove it after thr fact with the geotracking and video footage, but it's not feasible to overturn a presidential election, so they don't care. Now they just need to attack all sane voices who argue for stringent voter laws, in person and voting with valid ID only. Jim Crow 2! Reeeeeeeee!
20   stereotomy   2022 May 8, 11:25pm  

Patrick says

Full movie online:


Does anyone need any more proof?

"A republic, if you can keep it." - Ben Franklin

Well, we couldn't (keep it), so we don't (have it anymore).
21   SunnyvaleCA   2022 May 9, 4:18am  

Hi Patrick, I think you missed OnVacation's post above. He's pointing out that the original post text mentions 2016 voter fraud, but instead should reference 2020 voter fraud.
32   Patrick   2022 May 10, 9:21pm  

Also on Bitchute now:

original link
33   Patrick   2022 May 10, 10:31pm  


MAY 10, 2022
‘2000 Mules’: The Film They Don’t Want You to See
A new film makes a compelling case that the 2020 election wasn’t “the most secure election in history.”
35   Ceffer   2022 May 11, 10:36am  

It really doesn't even matter who all the 2000 mule ballot box stuffing votes were for, the stuffing itself invalidates the election by intent, subversion and treason.
36   Patrick   2022 May 11, 12:09pm  


WASHINGTON, DC—President* Joe Biden has responded to the bombshell documentary 2000 Mules, which alleges there were 2000 ballot traffickers in swing states that helped steal the 2020 election. Biden boasted that “it was more like 5000.”

“Come on man, I said that we put together the most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of the country and I meant it!” Biden said in an honest take on the subject. “Two thousand mules? That’s child’s play. You think I could get elected with just 2000 ballot traffickers?”
37   Eric Holder   2022 May 11, 12:40pm  

Patrick says

Nice try, but support for helping Ukraine to repeal Russian agression is solidly bipartisan - look up the votes in the Congress.
38   Patrick   2022 May 11, 4:15pm  

Did I say that only Democrats were corrupt?
39   AmericanKulak   2022 May 11, 4:58pm  

Manafort was getting paid big time to lobby for Ukraine, too.
40   Patrick   2022 May 11, 5:09pm  

Holy shit, I finally watched 2000 Mules at

original link

The movie shows how https://www.truethevote.org/?source=patrick.net used phone geolocation data to prove that many thousands of "mules" each went around to an average of 25 ballot drop boxes and stuffed them for Biden in the key states, swinging the result. There is also a ton of video of these people actually stuffing in the ballots, and even stripping off their rubber gloves afterwards, and taking selfies with the ballots as proof that they did it, so that they would get paid.

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