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116022   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 May 4, 7:33am  

is there a full copy at NSA somewhere?
116023   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 May 4, 7:34am  

CA rentals will soon perhaps come with hate soeech clause allowing landlords to cancel contract if tenant uses gendered language or “hate speech”? come on guys, gotta clown world all the way.
116024   clambo   2022 May 4, 7:42am  

Headset, I think an ex would cost 50%, don’t they?
Tangential to the subject, not owning a house is a sure way to deflect women being too serious about you; this can be a blessing or a curse, depending on how comfortable you are constantly seeking out new female companionship.
116025   Bitcoin   2022 May 4, 10:50am  

clambo says
I have not bought a house in my life.

thanks for sharing! Whatever works
116026   Bitcoin   2022 May 4, 11:29am  

dumbest scam ever. you will always be caught receiving large payments to your bank account. The victim only has to report you, the authorities will reach out to the bank and track you down.
116027   clambo   2022 May 4, 11:38am  

“You can’t cheat an honest man” WC Fields.

“Everyone I conned wanted something for nothing; I just gave them nothing for something.” Conman.
116028   pudil   2022 May 4, 11:50am  

It’s not the dumbest scam. You wanna bid on this low price house? Okay, you gotta use our lender. Put your earnest money in this escrow account while our lender approves you. Uh oh, you didn’t qualify, we keep your earnest money now.
116029   clambo   2022 May 4, 12:00pm  

I’m afraid to not have a valid USA driver’s license so I need to have a home state somewhere.

The car registration lasts 2 years so I can do that before making “a run for the border.”

Social security and Medicare don’t care where you live, but Delta Dental and United Healthcare do.

I want to be sure that I won’t get any shit from insurance companies if I come back for a medical reason.

Credit cards are an issue too come to think of it.

For banking in Mexico some guys get a Wise account and skip getting a bank account there.

Prince Harry out.
116030   Ceffer   2022 May 4, 12:27pm  

What ever happened to the good ole days when renters were nothing more than quartered mendicants and could be beckoned for labor on demand.
116031   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 May 4, 12:37pm  

DooDahMan says
A senseless dispute over interest rates and Fed policy.
116032   WookieMan   2022 May 4, 12:46pm  

clambo says
Credit cards are an issue too come to think of it.

How so? I've used CC's in Mexico all the time. Only like 8 visits, but I've never had an issue. My experience is using US$ they'll just fuck with the exchange rate if paying cash at local places. Dollar wise it's a joke even though you pay more. Living there I suppose might be different over time. I've actually yet to visit Baja. Caribbean side is my jam. I'm not a Pacific coast guy outside of CA, OR and WA. Though I despise all 3 in all honesty. Costa Rica was the only Pacific side vacation I personally enjoyed. If you don't surf, west coast beaches are shit. Opinion, feel free to tear it apart, but I've seen a lot of beaches.
116033   Patrick   2022 May 4, 1:17pm  

If you really want privacy with CC transactions in Mexico or elsewhere, you could get one of those pre-paid Visa cards from CVS or other stores.

OTOH, someone who gets that Visa number might be able to drain the card.
116034   Bitcoin   2022 May 4, 1:28pm  

pudil says

It’s not the dumbest scam. You wanna bid on this low price house? Okay, you gotta use our lender. Put your earnest money in this escrow account while our lender approves you. Uh oh, you didn’t qualify, we keep your earnest money now.

First of all, we are not talking about earnest money but downpayments.

reading the article helps:

"The group would then accept offers — sometimes more than one to a house — and direct the buyers to deposit down payments in supposed escrow accounts that the scammers actually controlled."

And second, its the dumbest scam ever because you can easily be tracked down.
116035   stereotomy   2022 May 4, 1:49pm  

Yeah, but they've been able to get away with it for almost 10 years. If they could have kept their greed in check, they could have left the country will their ill-gotten gains for friendly (i.e., non-extraditable) shores.

(channeling Richwicks)
For example, Shrub and Cheney have 10,000 acre spreads in Uruguay. Don't you know that they expect someday to be indicted as war criminals, and have their bugout haciendas ready and waiting?
116036   clambo   2022 May 4, 2:57pm  

I wasn’t clear about the credit card issue.

One reason for wanting a USA address is to maintain the credit cards which need replacing from time to time.

I have used them in Mexico in addition to my bank ATM card with no problem.

I’m considering Wise as another ATM card which will have lower fees to convert US dollars to pesos.

I can also transfer $ from my USA bank to my friend’s bank account and get a good exchange rate from western union, then get cash from her.

This has obviously a few drawbacks: “I’m going to town, I need $100.” “What for?!?”
116037   KgK one   2022 May 4, 3:11pm  

So anyone who comes end of month typically is con artist. Because landlord is eager to bring them in they don't do due deligance. Learned from expensive problem.

1Credit history is must , tells you if they pay their bills.
2 Income to check if they have capability.
3x rent.
3 eviction record shows they been painful before n they can make it hard for u.
116038   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 4, 4:24pm  

clambo says
I want to be sure that I won’t get any shit from insurance companies if I come back for a medical reason.

We use a PO Box address for everything. Only ones who made me give them a different address was care insurance. They looked it up, and forced me to give them my "real" address. I have it saved in an email so I don't forget it. And that's actually a pretty common tactic used by people as Postal Annex and UPS boxes addresses can look like a physical address. Very common for people living in TJ if they don't have a relative to use.

On the bank thing, you can take your American bank card to any Mexican banks ATM and withdraw cash in Pesos. You will get a small charge from your bank, but the exchange is usually very good, so I think it comes out ahead.
116039   charlie303   2022 May 5, 3:33am  

116040   GNL   2022 May 5, 3:49am  

Answer: No
116041   richwicks   2022 May 5, 5:01am  

WineHorror1 says

Answer: No

I'd disagree. Religion is just a hijacking of moral and intellectual thought. If there is a higher purpose and a higher meaning, it's up to each of us to discover it ourselves - no supposed "religious leader" is going to help you do that - in fact, quite the opposite.

If there is some true purpose in life, it would be commonly found in nearly all cultures. Have you ever looked at the prohibitions that nearly every culture has? For example, name a culture in 18th century OR BEFORE in which homosexuality was openly accepted. As near as I can tell, it's been frowned upon in nearly all cultures for most of time, and only exists for short periods of time during a nation's decline.

Now, does correlation imply causation? This is something we are currently forbidden to think about.

Pedophilia has never been accepted, criminality has never been accepted, corruption has never been accepted, murder has never been accepted - but these things do happen, during a decline of a nation.
116042   clambo   2022 May 5, 5:10am  

I’m not religious and I don’t think life has a meaning, although I try to make my life meaningful.

Helping my friends in certain ways is the only thing that I do which may be meaningful.

I have already helped my parents, which I wanted to do.
116043   ElYorsh   2022 May 5, 8:34am  

I've seen their ads around town. But I do my own work, I think these guys sub-contract. I buy, remodel, add or split rooms, then rent. I didn't know anything about construction but partnered with a retired construction worker and we have been flipping and holding for more than 10 years
116044   Tenpoundbass   2022 May 5, 8:05pm  

charlie303 says

We're just packing peanuts really that's all. What is the purpose of packing peanuts, and how insignificant is just one?
116045   GNL   2022 May 5, 8:15pm  

richwicks, where does morality come from? Right and wrong...where do they come from? How would "criminality" even be a thing without them?
116046   GNL   2022 May 6, 5:04am  

You're saying morality is innate?
116047   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 May 6, 6:48am  

Heck, folks be trying to market time RE, goodness gracious!
116048   Tenpoundbass   2022 May 6, 6:52am  

Investing replacing interest baring saving, is the biggest fuck job, H.W. Bush and his henchmen ever pulled on the world.

See S&L crisis of 1986, the collapse of our Savings institution, was a controlled demolition, just like the 2000's tech stock market crash was.

The notion that everyone can be a prudent knowledgeable investor trader is the biggest bunch of malarkey in modern day economics.

The way it was done for most of America's history was working slobs put their money into a savings account. That got interest in return, a guaranteed return, often more than what our stock indexes payout in normal times. You gave the bank money, and Widget factory ACME, then went to the bank to borrow money to expand and grow.

After the S&L destruction, Workers are forced to just give ACME Widget factory your money directly and allow them to spend anyway they see fit, and not owe you one single red cent, unless they grow or can find more idiots to give them their money. So it can create an illusion they had growth.

And don't kid yourselves, the minute the majority of the workforce figures out the real winners and losers in the stock market, and stop putting their money into indexes and consumer financial products. Will be the day they pull the plug on the stock market crashing it and bringing it all down.

They want our money, they don't want us making money. Or when/if we do, they will just toss the chess board, and collect all of the marbles and go home, leaving everyone broke.

Funny how the tech market of the late 90's early 00's crashed, yet it didn't! Tech stocks are more valuable today than they were way back then. The problem was Marge the secretary day trader was the hot shit investor, beating out the top cats at the brokerage houses, pushing consumer financial investment vehicles.
116049   clambo   2022 May 6, 6:58am  

Doodahman is correct.
The reason is a little surprising.
It's because of the similarities between the interest compounding effect and the compounding effect of dividends and capital gains (in mutual funds).
Look at a graph of the compounding effect; notice it begins gradually rising and later goes up like an exponential equation.
You get that big rise after many years invested.
Of course, some stocks are exceptional, AAPL is an example.
My advice to young people is have a shitload in mutual funds and spend their "beer money" or "funny money" on a few stocks if they can't resist the urge.
Always have mutual funds to back you up.
$500/month invested for 33 years=$ 1million
If you can't come up with the 500 you should examine your life choices.
"Money talks, bullshit walks." Someone

116050   Tenpoundbass   2022 May 6, 7:11am  

DooDahMan says
I only invested in companies that I knew something about that were related to the field I worked in. As for trading - I was a buy and hold type that went for those with a history of paying dividends.

Every trade is an investment or they wouldn't buy the damn thing!

What I bet you know, or have experience in deducing or realizing yourself, that your average 401K contributor doesn't know.
Will be the difference in losing it all when the market tanks.
You probably know where to find relevant investment news, you can read investment news, while most it's like trying to read tealeaves.
You can probably know a company is going to get in trouble and might go bankrupt in the coming months, while the other folks will be advised to keep their money parked because they are in it for the long haul .

Since 1999 the same person has told me their 401k is worth the same value over three times. It keeps going back down to a starting point.
There has been a good run for the last 12 years or so. But there will be folks who will be back to the same spot they were in 2007-2008 the last time the stocks took a shit on their 401K.

That doesn't happen to saving accounts.
116051   Eric Holder   2022 May 6, 1:26pm  

The only thing more expensive than having a top-notch military is NOT having a top-notch military.
116052   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 May 6, 1:45pm  

Cloaking technology aint' cheap.

116053   EBGuy   2022 May 6, 3:00pm  

I highly recommend John Vervaeke's Awakening From the Meaning Crisis series. Vervaeke is a cognitive scientist at the University of Toronto and has been working on a grammar for dealing with meaning making, wisdom and relevance realization. Many of these concepts have been part of the religious domain, and are not going away even as many religious traditions fade.
116054   Shaman   2022 May 6, 3:39pm  

Life is suffering.
Suffering without meaning is just torture and unbearable.
A belief in a higher power and a transcendent purpose for life is what gives most people meaning, making the suffering of life bearable.

By this logic, we could surmise that the increased health, comfort, ease, and distractions of modern life make for less suffering and thus less need for meaning, thus less need for faith in the eternal.

But everyone gets there someday. To that point where suffering is everything and you wonder what the point of it all is. When you get there will you submit to the despair or look up to the Father?
116055   richwicks   2022 May 6, 4:18pm  

WineHorror1 says

richwicks, where does morality come from? Right and wrong...where do they come from? How would "criminality" even be a thing without them?

The best explanation I think of how morality develops is through evolutionary psychology. Behaviors that a group engages in either helps or harms the group, and most behaviors and beliefs are passed down from the old to the young. If the group has thinking which harms the group as a whole, it works against the group's expansion and survival. IF the group has thinking which is beneficial to the group as a whole, it expands.

There's more than one group though of course. Eventually these groups come into conflict with one another and that's a war. Ideas and beliefs can combine when this happens while other ideas are extinguished.

Foot binding was done away with in China. Sati was done away in India and the Caste system lost a lot of its power. Cannibalism has been done away with in certain parts of Africa. 1000's of years ago though we adopted the Arabic numeric system doing away with Roman numerals.

What's interesting about this hypothesis is that morality doesn't only exist among people, but any social animal.

Slavery was a moral advancement. The practice came from turning conquered people into forced servants. Prior to that, they were just exterminated. People, properly, decry slavery - but it was a moral and social advancement. Had the United had different moral principles in the 1950's, it could have taken over the world, extinguished the Chinese, Russians, Indians, and Africans in time. Had we the same morals that were prevalent in 0 AD, we probably would have.
116056   rocketjoe79   2022 May 6, 5:54pm  

I like Jordan Peterson. He puts into words many of my own feelings. For Example, About Belief in God: (yes, it;s Twitter)

116057   richwicks   2022 May 6, 6:43pm  

rocketjoe79 says

I like Jordan Peterson. He puts into words many of my own feelings. For Example, About Belief in God: (yes, it;s Twitter)


Peterson just had a run in with the grim reaper which he escaped.

It's a common feature of people to "find god" at their end of their life. I'm going through the same process, although I'm not nearly as close to the end of my life as he is.
116058   mell   2022 May 6, 9:28pm  

richwicks says

rocketjoe79 says

I like Jordan Peterson. He puts into words many of my own feelings. For Example, About Belief in God: (yes, it;s Twitter)


Peterson just had a run in with the grim reaper which he escaped.

It's a common feature of people to "find god" at their end of their life. I'm going through the same process, although I'm not nearly as close to the end of my life as he is.

What run in did Peterson have?
116059   Blue   2022 May 6, 9:36pm  

It’s facilitated to see how people live with a nonexistent s* and lazy enough to know that they were brainwashed by parents.
116060   richwicks   2022 May 6, 9:46pm  

mell says
Peterson just had a run in with the grim reaper which he escaped.

It's a common feature of people to "find god" at their end of their life. I'm going through the same process, although I'm not nearly as close to the end of my life as he is.

What run in did Peterson have?

I cannot say. He had some medical problem, the family elected to keep it private and I respect that privacy.

It happened about a year ago. I have no idea what it was, but I suspect stroke or something that effected him neurologically. I may be wrong about this, and it's wrong for me to poke and prod. He's basically recovered.

Peterson was a hard atheist at one point, to his credit, I don't think his medical condition was what changed his viewpoint - I think merely age did, but I would bet whatever he experienced further solidified it.
116061   Blue   2022 May 6, 11:59pm  

atheist will never take u turn. It’s non atheist appears like atheist are the ones take uturn to become none atheist, duh!

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