by tovarichpeter ➕follow (7) 💰tip ignore
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I was required to join the NRA to belong to a gun range club in Scotts Valley, CA.
I objected but to no avail.
I asked what the NRA does with the hundreds of millions of dollars they take in each year.
People under 25 should not own guns, period.
I wouldn’t let someone under 25 drive my car, or borrow my shit.
I think once people are retired, they should have to give up their drivers license. How do you like that one?
WineHorror1 saysI think once people are retired, they should have to give up their drivers license. How do you like that one?
That would actually save lives!! All kidding aside, that would be a meat ax approach. But we do need to test elderly drivers more frequently as although some people stay cognizant until 90, many Biden out by age 70 and are dangerous.
Lingering behind those politicians’ words is a simple fact: Many of them receive donations from the NRA and other gun rights groups. And they go on to vote against assault weapon bans, background checks, waiting periods, age limits, ammunition restrictions and the like that many believe would curtail the epidemic of gun violence in America.
People under 25 have not fully developed the part of their brain that controls judgement.
Mixed up and upset impetuous people are more often young, so I will discriminate against them.
“Rebel without a brain.”
I’m fine with young people joining the military if they want to roll the dice and hope they are not sent into battle.
Retired is a function of planning, it’s not a measurement of decrepitude.
I’m fully capable of driving, I have had one speeding ticket in 40 years, a speed trap in Oregon.
They dropped the fine when I told them I had a perfect DMV record in California for 30 years.
They will make me take tests someday to renew my license, states already discriminate against old drivers.
But, why do car insurance rates drop when you get older? What do insurance companies know about young guys driving recklessly or fucked up on something?
Just stop discriminating.
WineHorror1 says
Just stop discriminating.
Discrimination isn't a bad thing. Be discriminating. If you have a company and think white people are entitled worthless assholes? Fine - stop hiring them. Same for blacks, jews, hispanics, whatever. If you're wrong, well, you've placed your company at a disadvantage with respect to a company that is right. Your company will limp along or fail in time.
You want to fix our system? Let INSURANCE companies dole out driver's licenses, and let INSURANCE companies allow you to own firearms. Make it an economic force.
Corporations want money, governments - they just want control and they don't care about money.
Money is the driving force to equalization. I know that liberals don't think that's true, which is because they don't think about it.
, and let INSURANCE companies allow you to own firearms.
I'm one who believes the Civil Rights Act really put a hurting on meritocracy
They will make me take tests someday to renew my license, states already discriminate against old drivers.
Let INSURANCE companies dole out driver's licenses, and let INSURANCE companies allow you to own firearms
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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