Interracial Violent Crime Rates

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2019 Sep 30, 10:50pm   66,487 views  453 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

How is it possible that only 12% of the population (blacks) assault whites at more than 5x the reverse rate?

It's possible only if black people are far more racist than white people and deliberately choose to attack whites.

Why is this violent racism never mentioned in the mainstream press?

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35   Patrick   2022 May 26, 12:36pm  

Hircus says
But when killing the opposite side, blacks do it at 2x the proportion as whites do (8% vs 16%).

Those are the absolute numbers. You could say that blacks kill whites at 2x the reverse if the population contained equal numbers of white and black people.

But the populations are very different. There are far more whites than blacks in the US, say 5x more whites. So black people kill white people at somewhere around 10x the reverse rate when you take the populations into account.

This implies that blacks are deliberately killing white people, which is a black racism far more pervasive and deadly than that of whites.
36   GNL   2022 May 26, 12:42pm  

BayArea says

I’ve been the victim of black on white crime in the past… as has been my mother and brother.

This was addressed once we moved away from Oakland. The black on white crime stats ring home to me.

My liberal friends accuse me of being racist if I ever bring up crime statistics with them.

Get new friends.
37   BayArea   2022 May 26, 12:50pm  

Most of my friends are conservative but tough not to have a few liberal friends when living in the Bay Area.
38   BayArea   2022 May 26, 12:50pm  

Patrick says

Hircus says
But when killing the opposite side, blacks do it at 2x the proportion as whites do (8% vs 16%).

Those are the absolute numbers. You could say that blacks kill whites at 2x the reverse if the population contained equal numbers of white and black people.

But the populations are very different. There are far more whites than blacks in the US, say 5x more whites. So black people kill white people at somewhere around 10x the reverse rate when you take the populations into account.

This implies that blacks are deliberately killing white people, which is a black racism far more pervasive and deadly than that of whites.

I was under the impression that’s it’s closer to 15-18x

If true, that’s absolutely alarming and a forfeit of ever accusing someone concerned for their safety of being racist.
39   Patrick   2022 May 26, 12:56pm  

Right, the dilemma is this:

A: Avoid black men because you know that you have at least a 10x rate of being assaulted by them.
B: Don't avoid black men because the majority of black men will not hurt you.

What's more important, your own safety, or being fair to the black guys who won't hurt you? You can make an argument either way, but at least some extra caution around black men is clearly warranted.
40   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 May 26, 2:09pm  

BayArea says

I’ve been the victim of black on white crime in the past… as has been my mother and brother.

This was addressed once we moved away from Oakland. The black on white crime stats ring home to me.

My liberal friends accuse me of being racist if I ever bring up crime statistics with them.

can say the same thing actually.
41   stereotomy   2022 May 26, 3:56pm  

Patrick says

Right, the dilemma is this:

A: Avoid black men because you know that you have at least a 10x rate of being assaulted by them.
B: Don't avoid black men because the majority of black men will not hurt you.

What's more important, your own safety, or being fair to the black guys who won't hurt you? You can make an argument either way, but at least some extra caution around black men is clearly warranted.

It's (almost like [don't know how to do crossout on PatNet}) is, the "good" black people are having to carry the burden of suspicion based on the actions of the thugs. This begs the question: if black people in general don't want to be racially stereotyped, how can blacks and whites together identify the thugs, and purge the scourge of violence? This can't be just a black or white thing - it needs to be an honest sit-down with takeaway rules for reporting thug behavior, be it black or white.
42   richwicks   2022 May 26, 10:38pm  

stereotomy says
It's (almost like [don't know how to do crossout on PatNet}) is, the "good" black people are having to carry the burden of suspicion based on the actions of the thugs.

I agree. They can fix this - turn "traitor" against the criminals. It is a burden I realize.

George Floyd was a criminal, BLM should have been called out far more vocally by the black community. The black community MUST realize they have traitors within their ranks. White people realize this.

Our government, and "news" media, still continues to victimize black people. They perpetuate this bullshit. Our media could just be honest about reports and non-partisan and non-racial. Our "government" (our mafia) could stop bowing down to criminals that happen to be black. Derek Chauvin was innocent. He didn't kill George Floyd, Floyd died from a drug overdose.


See for yourself.
43   Patrick   2022 May 26, 10:46pm  

stereotomy says
[don't know how to do crossout on PatNet}

@stereotomy You can use the "strike" html tag, like this:

crossed out
44   richwicks   2022 May 26, 10:50pm  

Patrick says

stereotomy says
[don't know how to do crossout on PatNet}

@stereotomy You can use the "strike" html tag, like this:

crossed out


I am kind of a dick.. But I'm a helpful dick.
45   Patrick   2022 May 26, 11:00pm  

@richwicks Why does your example actually show the tags?
46   richwicks   2022 May 26, 11:28pm  

Patrick says

@richwicks Why does your example actually show the tags?


OK, this will be hard. I'm going to have to figure this out so I need to experiment.




First one explains what I wrote, but I had to do a meta-meta version of it to show you what it looked like to demonstrate the tags
Second shows what I wrote to do the strike tag - this shows you what the ABOVE produces when I enter it, as you see it.
Third is the HTML tag example

PLEASE don't ask me to do a meta-meta-meta version. I'm looking up how to display characters as text in html. This is the & sign: &amp; I had to write that to display the &

This is super confusing. I'm writing in HTML to display HTML to explain how to show HTML.
47   richwicks   2022 May 26, 11:42pm  

@Patrick ^^^^ that. That took me 20 minutes to do! Also, I don't think I explained it properly, but the text is correct. This is

0) how to show &
1) how to demonstrate how to do the tags - what I wrote in html to display the literal < and > - what I literally wrote
2) how to do tags as I typed them in.
3) the tag itself

Man, my brain is broken.

use <pre>
49   Hircus   2022 May 27, 3:00pm  

Patrick says
Those are the absolute numbers. You could say that blacks kill whites at 2x the reverse if the population contained equal numbers of white and black people.

But the populations are very different. There are far more whites than blacks in the US, say 5x more whites. So black people kill white people at somewhere around 10x the reverse rate when you take the populations into account.

This implies that blacks are deliberately killing white people, which is a black racism far more pervasive and deadly than that of whites.

I'm not sure what you specifically mean when you refer to adjusting for pop. I can think of multiple ways to do it, each yielding different results.

I'll try to expand on the point I tried to make earlier.

Assume murders are random, unaffected by social circles, locality, bias etc...
You would expect all murders would be distributed equally among races, according to population percentage.
So if blacks are 13% of the pop, and whites are 60%, (and 27% in other categories) then you would expect to see 13% of murder victims be black, and 60% white.
And these same exact ratios would be expected for both white and black murderers. So, the expected ratio of victims would be determined by population ratios.

Expected victims of white murderers: 60% white, 13% black
Expected victims of black murderers: 60% white, 13% black
Actual victims of white murderers: 89% white, 8% black
Outgroup victim gap 13% - 8% = 5 or 13/8 = 1.6
Actual victims of black murderers: 16% white, 82% black
Outgroup victim gap 60% - 16% = 44 or 60/16 = 3.75

Of course, murder isnt random, nor is it unbiased, and social circles are a huge factor, along with other factors. But the reason I found this very unexpected is because while both blacks and whites show a VERY strong affinity for killing their own, blacks are much farther away from the population-expected percentage of victims than whites are. It's possible this indicates that blacks have a stronger affinity for killing their own compared to whites, although I want to say that I feel this dataset is pretty much inadequate for drawing conclusions from. While it's true that blacks kill outside their own more often than whites (16% vs 8% of their victims are outsiders), this would probably reverse if you adjusted for population, because since whites outnumber blacks 5x, in the absence of bias, one would expect the higher population white group to account for a relatively larger % of the victims compared to if whites were a small pop group.

While I don't have any personal experience with homicide, my personal experience with violent crime is that blacks have a chip on their shoulder and are aggressive towards whites much more often that the reverse. And this is a big part of why I was surprised by these findings, because it seems unintuitive and at odds w/ my experience.

If you look at the data from other angles, I think it would be easy to see that blacks commit more murders than whites, and dramatically more so when adjusted for pop. I think the "blacks are violent" argument is easy to make from that observation. But I'm not convinced on the "blacks target whites for murder" argument being drawn from this data set. I'm starting to wonder if maybe "blacks are violent" is sometimes misinterpreted as "blacks target whites for murder", at least for part of it.

I still think things will change if we had a better dataset. I suspect this data is like the female pay gap - one set of conclusions looks so obvious and strong when viewed from mile high aggregates, but when you break things down by context/scenario/specifics, it all falls apart, and flips prior conclusions on their head.
50   Patrick   2022 May 27, 4:09pm  

Hircus says
I'm not sure what you specifically mean when you refer to adjusting for pop.

The number of whites killed by blacks, divided by the number of blacks is 514 / (330000000 * 0.13) = 1.2 x 10^-5 whites killed by blacks per year, per member of the black population.

The number blacks killed by whites, divided by the number of whites is 234 / (330000000 * 0.60) = 0.12 x 10^-5 blacks killed by whites per year, per member of the white population.

So black people are about 10x more likely than whites to commit interracial murder, per person.

And since the number of black-white interactions is identical to the number of white-black interactions, black people are about 10x more dangerous to whites than the reverse.

51   Hircus   2022 May 27, 5:32pm  

Ok. So I agree blacks are violent, and also more violent than whites, which IMO is what that shows. I don't agree this particular data implies that they target whites.
52   AmericanKulak   2022 May 27, 6:33pm  

80% of kids are abused by their mothers.

But don't expect to see many PSAs or cartoons about it.
53   Patrick   2022 May 27, 8:04pm  

Hircus says

Ok. So I agree blacks are violent, and also more violent than whites, which IMO is what that shows. I don't agree this particular data implies that they target whites.

I admit that black people do kill an awful lot of other black people as well.
54   Misc   2022 May 28, 7:46pm  

The stats for Black violent crime compared to Whites is just so off the charts, the FBI includes Hispanics as White for crime stats.
55   AmericanKulak   2022 May 28, 8:36pm  

19-year old but third year Berkeley Student killed execution style in the Summer of Black Racists.

His killer whinged about people on caring about Da White Man. Yet the victim's own university made him an also-ran in his own obituary.

Many of you may have had a close relationship with Seth and are feeling a sense of loss and disbelief.

Others, like many of us, are experiencing stress, grief and anxiety related to the coronavirus pandemic and the recent murders of George Floyd, Riah Milton, and other Black Americans.


Carol Christ

Stephen C. Sutton
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Sunny Lee
Assistant Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students"

56   mell   2022 May 28, 9:28pm  

AmericanKulak says

19-year old but third year Berkeley Student killed execution style in the Summer of Black Racists.

His killer whinged about people on caring about Da White Man. Yet the victim's own university made him an also-ran in his own obituary.

Many of you may have had a close relationship with Seth and are feeling a sense of loss and disbelief.

Others, like many of us, are experiencing stress, grief and anxiety related to the coronavirus pandemic and the recent murders of George Floyd, Riah Milton, and other Black Americans.


Carol Christ

Stephen C. Sutton
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Sunny Lee
Assistant Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students"


This is the worst of the worst CA trash. Nobody should go to Berkeley. Fuck these leftoid asshoes
57   Patrick   2022 May 31, 10:35am  


–Madnote1984 10 points 2 hours ago +10 / -0
This is EXACTLY how you judo the outrage brigade when they come for you. Double-down and act totally justified like you give ZERO fucks. The minute you get all apologetic they smell blood and will destroy you.

–Bloodylouver 9 points 3 hours ago +10 / -1
I don’t see the problem… some negros act like Niggas.. it’s just a fact of life..when black folks stop saying it I might consider but not until then.

–cybertoke 7 points 3 hours ago +7 / -0

and she does make a point. If you are acting like an absolute jogger, throwing slurs and attacks of your own, don't be surprised when you get called one.

Its like women who scream at and beat on men (a la Amber Heard ) and then freak out when you raise a hand to stop their attack after all else fails.

–JimJordansJacket 2 points 2 hours ago +2 / -0
I had a long talk with my son about this yesterday. Not just about racial matters but I’m all things be unapologetic. Stop compromising. Live the truth out loud and drag the Overton window back to the right where it belongs.

–Jthenk 4 points 3 hours ago +4 / -0
Wish she was my grandmother

The father of a friend of mine used to say "There are black people, and then there are niggers." It's true. The majority of black people are fine human beings, but some are not. We should judge them on the content of their character and not the color of their skins. For example, these two black men holding and beating and Asian in public are niggers:

58   BayArea   2022 May 31, 2:46pm  

I see it two ways

#1 stats

#2 growing up in Oakland, Berkeley, Richmond…

#2 left an impression on me in a way that #1 could never.
59   GNL   2022 May 31, 4:48pm  

Patrick says


–Madnote1984 10 points 2 hours ago +10 / -0
This is EXACTLY how you judo the outrage brigade when they come for you. Double-down and act totally justified like you give ZERO fucks. The minute you get all apologetic they smell blood and will destroy you.

–Bloodylouver 9 points 3 hours ago +10 / -1
I don’t see the problem… some negros act like Niggas.. it’s just a fact of life..when black folks stop saying it I might consider but not until then.

–cybertoke 7 points 3 hours ago +7 / -0

and she does make a point. If you are acting like an absolute jogger, throwing slurs and attacks of your own, don't be surprised w...

How come no video of what the joggers did/said to her?
60   EBGuy   2022 May 31, 5:26pm  

Hircus says
I do expect to see very different numbers for a dataset that encompasses all violent crime, not just murder. I think murder is extreme and motivated by very different things than assault/robbery etc...

Be aware that Table 6 is Single Victim, Single Offender. Overall AA homicide victims in Table 6 is 2,925.[2018]
As the FBI explains elsewhere in its compilation, however, there were an estimated 17,250 murders in the United States that year [2016]. In 7,881 of these, the victim was black.
To summarize, (a) Table 3 drastically understates the total number of murders in 2016, and (b) in a high percentage of murders, the offender is unidentified. Consequently, the number of blacks killed by blacks in 2016 was clearly higher than 2,570 – no doubt, significantly higher if we assume the offense rates consistent with those derived from cases in which the offender’s race is known.

61   Patrick   2022 Jun 1, 9:33am  

Black people are the primary victims of black crime, simply because of proximity.
64   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Jun 18, 12:17pm  

Is there a way to run who has been attacking Asians over the past three years? Anecdotally it’s been blacks but the msm is hyper focused on those dastardly white supremecists.
65   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Jun 18, 12:24pm  

The supervisor from the Breanna Taylor matter was on …Sebastian Gorka. It’s long but very worth listening to.

original link

And surprise surprise, much like when Trayvon Martin attacked George Zimmerman and Zimmerman was forced to use deadly force to defend himself, much like when Michael Brown attacked a cop in Ferguson, MO and the cop was forced to use deadly force to defend himself, the mainstream media pushed forth a narrative that was a complete falsification…everything from the alleged “victims” background to the details of the actual incident. The entirety was made up fairy tales concocted by the msm and pushed forward by BLM and lying Democrats.
66   Patrick   2022 Jul 5, 10:19am  


Those who dedicate their lives to helping others always end up being ultimately deprived of their lives. In this case, a “saint” at the age of 88, who loved helping animals and dedicating his life to benefiting other people, was murdered by a black male.

And it’s barely a story in San Diego. Were white privilege real, all we’d talk about nationally, not just in San Diego, would be the murder of an 88-year-old white male veterinarian by a black male.

Sadly, the silence around his murder is a reminder white privilege is a myth promoted by those adamant on dismantling what’s left of the United States of America. By telling non-whites their situation in life is based on what white people did in the past, and are doing in the present, they might act out in a rage so that certain white individuals have no future. Like Clark Kelly. RIP.
67   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 5, 10:33am  

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

There might be a reason why Black Women are such hardasses.
68   Patrick   2022 Jul 26, 3:20pm  


How many more attacks and violence will we have to witness to admit that there is a huge security problem in Italy?
There is no more time to waste.

69   BayArea   2022 Jul 26, 4:51pm  

Patrick says


How many more attacks and violence will we have to witness to admit that there is a huge security problem in Italy?
There is no more time to waste.

I wasn’t prepared for that. That was shocking disregard for life.
70   RC2006   2022 Jul 26, 5:15pm  

Every continent, same shit, same group.
73   HeadSet   2022 Jul 29, 10:41am  

In the case of Ethan Liming, a strong mitigating circumstance it that Ethan started the fight, by shooting water pellets at those guys playing basketball, and then pursuing and continuing to shoot at the players as they ran off.

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