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1   AmericanKulak   2022 Aug 20, 10:43am  

Fif-teen Facial Piercings
They got lots more all downstairs...
Purple-Pink hair with some nasty dreadlocks
The smell knocks you out when you're near there

Oh... I wish they ain't all like California Girls...
2   SoTex   2022 Aug 20, 11:22am  

1-month for me... TX rental dialed and and movers booked. I just sent this to some of my friends there lol.
3   SoTex   2022 Aug 20, 11:24am  

Incidentally, I'd always known I would leave eventually, even 25 years ago when I initially moved back here. That's why I picked, 'just_passing_through' as a handle on patnet. Little did I know shit would get this bad there though.
4   Ceffer   2022 Aug 20, 11:27am  

California girls are fine as long as you have all the signatories of glossy conspicuous consumption, and continue to conspicuously consume with them, around them and for them.

They sure are using the camel toe attractors at the gym these days. Everybody says it's a hookup culture via cell phone, but they have been saying that hookup fantasy shit for decades and it has only ever been minority partially true at best. You don't change biology on a whim. Hookups are a hundred times more dangerous for women than they are for men.
5   Tenpoundbass   2022 Aug 20, 12:51pm  

LOL I'm jealous I didn't think of it. Sounds like a game on songs my drummer and I do every time we jam.
We come up with funny twists on songs.
Like "I went to the Bagel Zone"
"Burgers and fries, burgers and fries, every single one of us are getting burgers and fries"
Dear Putin(Dear Prudence)
6   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Aug 20, 1:49pm  

7 plus years still :(

I’m truly sad at what has happened here. It’s not at all the place I grew up. I only have a small group of lifelong friends and two of them already moved out of state. Ill probably be the fourth or fifth to do so. This place is just sad now.
7   Michael Cooke   2022 Aug 20, 2:39pm  

Funny Parody. But I wish some people in the news media would please stop telling them to come to Florida. There's a full time You-Tube advert trying to convince more Californians to move to Texas and Florida.

They are always at the City Council meetings with nothing better to do trying to "improve things". You've never seen people with so much money and time on their hands.
8   Ceffer   2022 Aug 20, 8:00pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

They are always at the City Council meetings

They will improve you benighted Flurida inferior beings for their convenience and delusions even if it kills you.

At least I know that I'm not the one of the only one in the country who has to put up with California Fucktards. You should see what happens when they are all over the place.
9   komputodo   2022 Aug 20, 9:02pm  

just_passing_through says

Incidentally, I'd always known I would leave eventually, even 25 years ago when I initially moved back here.

That's quite a "pass-thru"...sheriff says to Rambo: What are you doing in my town. You need to leave. You: I'm just passing thru...I'll only be here 25 years.
10   komputodo   2022 Aug 20, 9:08pm  

I left cali about 35 yrs ago....went back once 15 years ago to visit my brother...Fremont...we walked into a BOFA and it was full of Indians working there....Then we passed thru "little Kabul" and saw the Falafel shops......then one morning I went to a McDonalds and saw a chinaman eating a big breakfast...WTF..a chinaman is supposed to eat white rice and maybe a little fish for breakfast...It's crazy.
11   Patrick   2022 Aug 20, 9:46pm  

Edited to add the Rumble link and video.
12   mell   2022 Aug 21, 6:15am  

Maybe it went completely to shit that fast or maybe we are just too old now, but some of the most beautiful girls I shagged were from Cali. SF as a cultural and business hub was full of beautiful girls less than 15 years ago, and definitely during the SV hey days late 90s early 2000s with happy hours galore. The tatted purple dreads with lotsa iron in the face were a minority. The 2008 recession, Trump win, and covid was the 1-2-3 punch combo that did it in. You could see the transformation in some gals going from pretty flower to sjw shit if you kept loosely in touch with them.
13   porkchopXpress   2022 Aug 21, 6:17am  

Well, it has been about 7 weeks since we left CA for TN, and I can't tell you how awesome it feels. It's as if a massive weight has been removed off my shoulders. We LOVE the new area we live in...sometimes I can't believe it. I highly encourage you all to leave if you're thinking about it. CA is only going to get worse.
14   mell   2022 Aug 21, 6:26am  

porkchopexpress says

Well, it has been about 7 weeks since we left CA for TN, and I can't tell you how awesome it feels. It's as if a massive weight has been removed off my shoulders. We LOVE the new area we live in...sometimes I can't believe it. I highly encourage you all to leave if you're thinking about it. CA is only going to get worse.

Congrats! How's the summer in TN? The CA climate is unbeatable imo and will be a consideration if and when we leave. Also wine country is hard to best as long as you're not sick of paying CA taxes. Portland, ME is nice, def some of the best food and beer, but most high-quality food cities, with beautiful waterfronts or other settings, are permeated by the rainbow and alphabet society one way or another. Bet TN has that (not) going for it ;)
15   BayArea   2022 Aug 21, 6:31am  

Never agreed with the whole CA girls thing… maaaaaybe SD but otherwise no.

Best looking women I’ve seen traveling all over the USA has been AZ Phoenix metro (Scottsdale)
16   mell   2022 Aug 21, 6:51am  

BayArea says

Never agreed with the whole CA girls thing… maaaaaybe SD but otherwise no.

Best looking women I’ve seen traveling all over the USA has been AZ Phoenix metro (Scottsdale)

Phoenix, esp. Scottsdale likely better considering quantity and quality, agreed. SD is good, but CA girls used to beat NY imo anytime, back then. Midwest good as well. One of my faves regarding feminine beautu is Utah, never seen 3 generations together in a diner where all 3 looked pretty and in shape. That was a while ago as well though.
17   porkchopXpress   2022 Aug 21, 6:58am  

BayArea says

Never agreed with the whole CA girls thing… maaaaaybe SD but otherwise no.

Best looking women I’ve seen traveling all over the USA has been AZ Phoenix metro (Scottsdale)
Agreed with Scottsdale but also Utah. Utah women are so naturally beautiful.
18   porkchopXpress   2022 Aug 21, 7:01am  

mell says

porkchopexpress says

Well, it has been about 7 weeks since we left CA for TN, and I can't tell you how awesome it feels. It's as if a massive weight has been removed off my shoulders. We LOVE the new area we live in...sometimes I can't believe it. I highly encourage you all to leave if you're thinking about it. CA is only going to get worse.

Congrats! How's the summer in TN? The CA climate is unbeatable imo and will be a consideration if and when we leave. Also wine country is hard to best as long as you're not sick of paying CA taxes. Portland, ME is nice, def some of the best food and beer, but most high-quality food cities, with beautiful waterfronts or other settings, are permeated by the rainbow and alphabet society one way or another. Bet TN has that (not) going for it ;)

Thanks! Right when we moved in, TN and many parts of the country were in a crazy heat wave, so the weather was really hot and humid. Having said that, I would take it any day over Phoenix or Vegas heat. Once the heat wave was over, our days have been high in the 80s and some humidity for sure, but nothing brutal at all. In fact, we enjoy the summer nights here far more than San Diego because we don't have to wear jackets at night anymore.

Would I take TN weather of SD? Of course not. Nothing beats SD or CA weather...period. But if you want a place with good all-around weather, middle or East TN is a damn good bet. So far we're handling the summers just fine...even the kids.

TN is not so far north that you get nasty winters, or far south that you get ridiculously hot summers. It's a nice sweet spot and one of the MANY reasons we picked it.
19   Tenpoundbass   2022 Aug 21, 7:03am  

porkchopexpress says

I highly encourage you all to leave if you're thinking about it. CA is only going to get worse.

I grew up in the foothills of South Carolina, in a sleepy town of 1200 people. Our Elementary through High School was only about 350 pupils.
The woods in front of my house went on for miles, down the holler and over the hill to the lazy creek, at the bottom of a rapid shoal, where my favorite fishing spot, kept me company on many Carolina Summer days. All of my life I thought I would return one day and bring my kids or grand kids to share a bit of Rural America that they would never experience in South Florida.

Fast forward to today. The woods across from my old country home has been clear cut and is an exclusive Gated community for all of the damn Yankees that thought "Oh my God what a beautiful river in such a lovely town! I love it so much I'll clear it out and build my McMansion."
There's a major grocery store chain in that town now, where as before we had the General Store and a Mom and Pop small grocery store.. I was working for a company a few years back, and had a New York Italian Putz asshole, I had to report to for a project. One day we went to lunch, for a relationship reset to try to find common ground. As we both just didn't like each other. But we knew the success of the project depended on us working together. He stated to tell me about a $800K spread he was building in Carolina Mountains. I told him I grew up in Salem South Carolina, but I heard that all of the Northern assholes are moving down, with their eye on developing all of the best scenic spots.
He turned white as a ghost, and said, Salem is where he is building his house. Needless to say that lunch just deepened our rift. One day in a brain storming meeting while he was crumbling a piece of paper, he whizzed at me, with full might. My quick reflexes just caught it before it hit my face. He was surprised and shocked at the same time.
I told him, I could have your ass for this. It was then we finally found common ground, and started working together. By that I mean, he just let me do my job, without injecting his useless shit, because he felt technically inadequate.

If you found a nice spot in Tennessee, keep it to yourself, don't go telling to many people, you'll be surprised how many assholes will show up and fuck it up for you.

I'll leave you with that old adage, "you can never go home".
20   porkchopXpress   2022 Aug 21, 7:04am  

Tenpoundbass says

If you found a nice spot in Tennessee, keep it to yourself, don't go telling to many people, you'll be surprised how many assholes will show up and fuck it up for you.
Fair comment but the cat is already out of the bag regarding the place we live. Brentwood/Franklin is ridiculously sought-after and we paid a hefty price to buy a home here, but it was a price we could afford so we went for it.
21   stereotomy   2022 Aug 21, 8:00am  

Tenpoundbass says

I'll leave you with that old adage, "you can never go home".

So true. Where you grew up was both a time and a place. You can't go back in time.
22   socal2   2022 Aug 21, 8:38am  

This place isn't going to get better if all the good people flee!

California is far too beautiful of a place to surrender it to the Leftist mutants.

There are still pockets of political sanity and paradise to be found in California, especially in SD/Orange county. But I totally get why some are leaving if stuck in one of the many shitholes.

I am not giving this place up without a fight! There is no surf in Texas or Tennessee!
23   Shaman   2022 Aug 21, 9:34am  

porkchopexpress says

Tenpoundbass says

If you found a nice spot in Tennessee, keep it to yourself, don't go telling to many people, you'll be surprised how many assholes will show up and fuck it up for you.
Fair comment but the cat is already out of the bag regarding the place we live. Brentwood/Franklin is ridiculously sought-after and we paid a hefty price to buy a home here, but it was a price we could afford so we went for it.

One lefty shithole to another. Friend of mine living in that area is seeking to sell (to some idiot Californians no doubt) and move away. He says the political environment was indistinguishable from LA or SF.
24   SoTex   2022 Aug 21, 10:14am  

socal2 says

There are still pockets of political sanity

True but there is other crap I'm not willing to deal with anymore like having to pay $800/year for each LLC you own (which is why I don't have any yet) among other anti-biz shit. I'm already feeling good that soon my taxes won't be going to Gavin to shell out to illegals.

Sure Brandon will at the federal level but hopefully that is done with soon as well.

Feels dirty paying taxes in CA.
25   porkchopXpress   2022 Aug 21, 11:19am  

Shaman says

porkchopexpress says

Tenpoundbass says

If you found a nice spot in Tennessee, keep it to yourself, don't go telling to many people, you'll be surprised how many assholes will show up and fuck it up for you.
Fair comment but the cat is already out of the bag regarding the place we live. Brentwood/Franklin is ridiculously sought-after and we paid a hefty price to buy a home here, but it was a price we could afford so we went for it.

One lefty shithole to another. Friend of mine living in that area is seeking to sell (to some idiot Californians no doubt) and move away. He says the political environment was indistinguishable from LA or SF.
Sorry but not even close. Yes, this area is more Left wing than rural TN, but nothing like CA. Besides, I'm socially liberally anyway so that part of it doesn't bother me, and TN is VERY conservative fiscally which is what I care about the most--no state income tax and dirt cheap property taxes.
26   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Aug 21, 2:26pm  

socal2 says

This place isn't going to get better if all the good people flee!

California is far too beautiful of a place to surrender it to the Leftist mutants.

There are still pockets of political sanity and paradise to be found in California, especially in SD/Orange county. But I totally get why some are leaving if stuck in one of the many shitholes.

I am not giving this place up without a fight! There is no surf in Texas or Tennessee!

No can do. Prices plus its actively dangerous to live here now and about to get worse. I’d like to be able to conceal carry. I don’t want to live somewhere that I HAVE to conceal carry.
27   Ceffer   2022 Aug 21, 2:32pm  

Well, NorCal is conceivably a place that can still be fled from by car. SoCal and its huge populations and endless concrete jungles, and long stretches of byways and highways through third world nests, not so much. People cite boats for the coastals, but I can't see that either if you are facing panicked masses heading to the harbors to hijack.
28   BayArea   2022 Aug 21, 2:44pm  

I still think CA has amazing pockets but you have to have a household income of over $500k (or be grandfathered in) to price out riff raff and have a high quality of life.

I tell some of my younger co workers to strongly consider whether it makes sense for them to try to make it here.
29   Ceffer   2022 Aug 21, 3:40pm  

Yes, Krash Kart Kompetition for entitlement to live here just improves the flavor of the place (NOT). California is probably the most over-credentialed place in the country for various professionals just to throw their hat in the ring to stay here. Plastic surgeons driving cabs in San Francisco in the day trying to find a spot used to be not so uncommon. "Well, if an ordinary MD doesn't work, maybe a Phd or two in addition might work, for the privilege of popping zits on California rich."

Even the poorfucks are entitled, weird. "Hey, you can have a great job and a nice house if you move somewhere else that has worse weather?" "No, I'd rather live in somebody's' garage or crash on their sofa in coastal California.".
30   Ceffer   2022 Aug 24, 6:50pm
Sorry for Bad Tube, Pat.

5th Dimension "California My Way" and Mamas&Papas 'California Dreamin" Now, it's the U-Haul blues: "Can't find me a U-Haul to leave Californy"

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