If The Nukes Start To Pop In Ukraine..

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2022 Sep 19, 10:48am   9,547 views  75 comments

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(Even if it is a tiny 5kt warhead used on a British training camp in Ukraine)

Ppl will fucking PANIC like it is May (or was it March?) 18th 2020 again.

The fools (majority) will swarm COSTCO to buy up all the water and toilet paper.

The (few) smart ppl will get straight into their cars and floor it out of Dodge, period. The freeways will still jam up because of all the accidents caused by these peeps tho.

The Survivalists will throw out all the wife's crap that has accumulated in their bunker and button up tight.

But if Russia uses chemical weapons, ppl won't care.

Such is the Power of Nukes of any size.

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3   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 19, 11:10am  

WookieMan says

What incentive is there for Russia to use nukes?

They are playing the "Madman theory" card and using Western useful idiots to spread this shit around. Their previous trump cards - "the resistance against the SECOND MILITARY IN THE WORLD is futile" and "we should stay away from fulfilling our obligations BECAUSE CORRUPT NAZIS" have failed miserably.

The fuckers are desperate (but not suicidal).
5   clambo   2022 Sep 19, 11:22am  

"It's not like we won't get our hair mussed, Mr. President; but I say we'll have 10 to 20 million killed, tops!" General Turginton

I have seen this before; Kissinger was negotiating with the North Vietnamese to end hostilities.
Nixon had been bombing them with B52s and it was getting pretty scary.

Kissinger told North Vietnamese: "I don't know what he'll do next, I don't control him."

Anecdote: Once Nixon looked out the window of the white house and saw written in snow with piss: "Nixon sucks!"
Nixon "Find out who did this!"
They put the FBI on the case.
They reported back to Nixon: "We analysed the writing Mr. President. The piss belongs to Henry Kissinger, but it's your wife's handwriting."
6   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Sep 19, 2:09pm  

its a really long way of saying that Biden is a sell out
7   Misc   2022 Sep 19, 10:39pm  

Before Putin uses nukes in the Ukraine, there will be an escalation in attacks on the Ukraine's infrastructure.

Someone here erroneously believes that Russia has already tried this and failed. That is just useless propaganda. Russia can very easily take out the Ukraine's power grid. Those electric sub-stations just don't deal well with explosives and cannot be defended against by the air attacks Russia can launch. The country's Water -works can similarly be taken out.

Yes, attacks against a country's infrastructure constitutes war crimes (something that Russia has mostly stayed away from) but less so than popping off a few tactical nukes.

Putin has continued to slowly increase pressure against the Europeans (notice how he did not just stop gas exports to Europe all at once).

If you think that inflation is bad here in the US, try being a European they simply aren't able to pay their electric bills.
8   zzyzzx   2022 Sep 20, 6:37am  

Misc says

Someone here erroneously believes that Russia has already tried this and failed. That is just useless propaganda. Russia can very easily take out the Ukraine's power grid. Those electric sub-stations just don't deal well with explosives and cannot be defended against by the air attacks Russia can launch. The country's Water -works can similarly be taken out

And you think that the same won't happen in Russia as retaliation?
9   Tenpoundbass   2022 Sep 20, 6:51am  

Putin has no need to Nuke Ukraine, I know Rachell Meadows like to opine that Putin's head is going to spin, and detach from his body and turn into a tactical nuke, but it's just more bullshit, hype and lies.

One thing nobody here even talks about nor mentions, is the fact that the Ukraine has not been applying any pressure back to Russia on Russian soil. For a group of smarties I find that perplexing. Putin can invade and fight Ukraine, or pull back and take a break at his own leisure. There is no threat of a counter offensive coming from Ukraine.
So it's pointless to think that Putin would have the will or reason to nuke the Ukraine, other than to manipulate the minds of the American bottom feeding fake news consumers into believing it's a real threat, so they wont question the billions our ruling class is dibbing up amongst themselves that was earmarked as Ukraine war aide.
10   socal2   2022 Sep 20, 8:33am  

ZipperTits says

I think Russia will first fully mobilize and throw that at the Ukrainians before using nukes...unless they can't fix their logistics problems.

What is left to mobilize other than a bunch of new poorly trained conscripts who have been watching in horror at the tens of thousands of dead and maimed Russians returning home from brutal combat?

Has Russia been holding back its best armor and aviation all this time?

Does Russia have a secret stash of additional artillery and rocket rounds they haven't already wasted in Ukraine?

Can Russia even fix or build new kit with their primitive tech industry that was totally reliant on the West?

The fact that the usual suspects are now talking nukes and using energy as a weapon to freeze out Europe lends me to believe that Russia has already lost the conventional war.
11   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 20, 8:46am  

socal2 says

ZipperTits says

I think Russia will first fully mobilize and throw that at the Ukrainians before using nukes...unless they can't fix their logistics problems.

What is left to mobilize other than a bunch of new poorly trained conscripts who have been watching in horror at the tens of thousands of dead and maimed Russians returning home from brutal combat?

Has Russia been holding back its best armor and aviation all this time?

Does Russia have a secret stash of additional artillery and rocket rounds they haven't already wasted in Ukraine?

Can Russia even fix or build new kit with their primitive tech industry that was totally reliant on the West?

The fact that the usual suspects are now talking nukes and using energy as a weapon to freeze out Europe lends me to believe that Russia has already lost the conventional war.

Oh, they have plenty of 1943 helmets and 1891 Mosin rifles in storage.

And midgets in reserve!

12   HeadSet   2022 Sep 20, 10:21am  

Cool Confederate Flag on the midget's chest.
13   socal2   2022 Sep 20, 10:34am  

Looks like Jerry Seinfeld and the angry midget (Mickey) who was Kramer's friend and acting buddy.

14   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Sep 20, 3:22pm  

Jake Sullivan is Deep State trash.

Jake Sullivan, whom Joe Biden has chosen to serve as his National Security Advisor, was deeply enmeshed in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. He also launched negotiations with Iran, and later pushed the “Russia collusion” hoax to the media.

In a particularly cruel irony, Sullivan falsely accused former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn of collusion with the Russian government — and is now poised to take the job that Flynn lost, largely on the basis of similar false allegations.

15   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 20, 3:42pm  

Let's also not forget that Ruscia has many NPS in its Western part, some of which are comfortably within air and even artillery strike distance. Off the top of my head Kursk NPS is within 50 miles from Ukrainian border. That's comfortably reachable by Tochka or HIMARS. And while the former is somewhat interceptable by the Ruscist EAD (didn't happen in Berdyansk last Spring though), the latter is absolutely not. So the fucks thinking about covering their conventional ineptitude with nuclear band-aid do have something to think about. Hard.
16   Eric Holder   2022 Sep 20, 4:38pm  

ZipperTits says

I think Russia will first fully mobilize and throw that at the Ukrainians


18   AmericanKulak   2022 Sep 20, 10:21pm  

European Contributions to Ukraine: Under $10B
US Contributions to Ukraine: $80B
Keep in mind the rest of NATO is as rich, maybe richer, than the USA.


19   Ceffer   2022 Sep 20, 10:28pm  

Money, weapons, and mercenaries. Just what they can drum up from the intel agencies and the Department of State. Still, no direct troops on the ground, just the Pentagon cucks sending a few advisors and soldiers of fortune.

It does look like Russia is preparing for a major stomp. If NATO won't come to the Russian winter, Russia will destroy Ukraine's infrastructures and Europe's energy supplies and the Russian winter will come to them.
20   Patrick   2022 Sep 20, 11:12pm  

AmericanKulak says

European Contributions to Ukraine: Under $10B
US Contributions to Ukraine: $80B
Keep in mind the rest of NATO is as rich, maybe richer, than the USA.

Makes sense if you think of the war as a way to enrich US weapons makers.
22   Ceffer   2022 Sep 20, 11:43pm  

Crimeny. They kill that many Ukrainians at least every coupla weeks.
23   Ceffer   2022 Sep 20, 11:43pm  

Yup, they're getting serious. Ukraine is in for it.
24   Ceffer   2022 Sep 21, 1:17am  

So, I guess the Illuminati all think they can bunker up and ride the nukes out while the rest of us fry. Could we be at the end of another cycle of civilization of an endlessly imploding series?
25   Ceffer   2022 Sep 21, 1:19am  

Sounds like they are planning to take on more than just Ukraine. Question is, what informations and intelligences did they receive to precipitate these decisions?
27   Ceffer   2022 Sep 21, 2:02am  

Yeah, but can I AirBnB it during non-nuclear season? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11215021/Swiss-firm-creates-fortified-underground-bunkers-powerful-individuals-world.htmlhttps://t.me/WeTheMedia/75673
28   socal2   2022 Sep 21, 6:54am  

Only 5,937 dead?

Makes total sense why Russia is resorting to using prisoners and reinstating the draft!

This was Russia’s plan all along - right? International humiliation and new NATO members on their borders.
29   zzyzzx   2022 Sep 21, 7:16am  

Ceffer says

Yup, they're getting serious. Ukraine is in for it.

And extra 300,000 poorly motivated, poorly led, most likely poorly equipped troops is only going to prolong the war. Using leftover WW1 or WW2 rifles and maybe some T55 tanks?
30   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 21, 7:29am  

See, no nukes. One just doesn't summon additional 300,000 conscripts if a nuke or two could solve the problem.
31   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 21, 7:52am  

What a bunch of clowns:

September 13, 2022
Kremlin Spokesman Says No Mobilization Despite Ukrainian Counteroffensive Success

The Kremlin says there are no plans to announce a full or partial mobilization for Russia's ongoing unprovoked invasion of Ukraine as Russian troops suffer losses and lose territory in the Kharkiv region to a counteroffensive.

"At this point, no, there is no talk about it," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on September 13, answering a journalist’s question about the possibility of a mobilization.

Peskov also said that any criticism of Russian military officials over Ukraine's recent successes on the battlefield in Ukraine's Kharkiv region could be made only "in accordance with the current legislation."

"But the dividing line here is very thin. One should be very careful here [when criticizing Russian military leadership]," Peskov warned, in a thinly veiled reference to a law adopted in March, days after Russian launched its invasion of Ukraine in late February, that criminalized any criticism of the invasion.
32   Shaman   2022 Sep 21, 7:56am  

I think someone is bucking for the toaster…

33   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 21, 8:13am  

Interestingly there was a blurb about "Western nuclear blackmail" in the Putler's speech. Means he acknowledges that Ukraine is de-facto under US and UK nuclear umbrella.
34   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 21, 8:13am  

Shaman says

I think someone is bucking for the toaster…

Somebody needs to visit an optometrist then.
35   Ceffer   2022 Sep 21, 12:03pm  

It's NATO vs. Russia using Ukraine as it's designated cannon fodder. Thank you EU for making Ukraine the seat of all of your criminal enterprises, and then throwing them into the furnace of war while you sit in your Swiss castles and chalets unfazed and unharmed, with your go bags ready for Argentina and Australia.https://t.me/SGTnewsNetwork/32967
36   Ceffer   2022 Sep 21, 12:05pm  

39   Ceffer   2022 Sep 21, 12:36pm  

I imagine Odessa is all they need. Ukraine will be so shriveled up at that point without its rivers and ports, Russia can just let it implode on its own.
40   Patrick   2022 Sep 21, 7:06pm  

Ceffer says

Thank you EU for making Ukraine the seat of all of your criminal enterprises, and then throwing them into the furnace of war while you sit in your Swiss castles and chalets unfazed and unharmed, with your go bags ready for Argentina and Australia.

One nuke on Davos when the "in" crowd is there would do wonders to liberate humanity.
41   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 21, 7:19pm  

Russian authorities have denied mobilization 15 times

Officials, including the president, have denied mobilization plans 15 times since the start of the war with Ukraine, according to The Moscow Times.

There were three denials a week before.

March 8, President Vladimir Putin: "There will be no additional call-up of reservists from the reserve."

March 25, Andrey Klishas, head of the constitutional committee of the Federation Council: “Mobilization is not envisaged. A complete travel ban for all Russians or groups of the population is also not.”

May 4, press secretary of President Peskov: "This is not true, this is nonsense."

May 5, Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin: “No. No. I will tell you on the air and without the air” (to the question about mobilization).

May 5, Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Defense Yuri Shvytkin: "Rumors appear with reference to foreign sources in order to sow some confusion, panic among the population."

May 6, Ministry of Culture: “This is a fake” (about armor from mobilization for cultural workers).

May 20, Andrey Gurulev, a member of the Duma Defense Committee: “The bill on lifting the age limit for contract servicemen cannot be considered any form of mobilization.”

June 14, the head of the Federation Council Committee on Defense Viktor Bondarev: "An additional conscription into the Russian army in the light of the special operation will not be required."

June 16, Peskov: "These are false informational stuffing"

June 21, Peskov: "These are pure fakes"

July 26, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: "A number of foreign media disseminate unreliable information about allegedly some kind of mobilization activities."

September 12, Senator Andrei Klimov: “There is no need to introduce mobilization. The enemy would very much like mobilization to begin in Russia, then the people would begin to seethe and they would get the main thing.

September 11, State Duma deputy Andrey Gurulev: "Today there is no such need."

September 13, the head of the Duma Committee on International Affairs, Leonid Slutsky: "There is no need to be afraid of stuffing about mobilization."

September 13, Peskov: "At the moment, no, this is out of the question."
--- Moscow Times
42   PeopleUnited   2022 Sep 21, 8:51pm  


Russian authorities have denied mobilization 15 times

Suck England’s cock somewhere else.

If it bothers you that Putler lies about what they are going to do, why don’t you go to Moscow and tell him how you really feel?

Russia is asshoe for what they are doing to Ukraine, but let’s be honest, the west is ALSO asshoe for what they have done and are continuing to do to Ukraine. This war would not be happening without the west pulling the strings. Russia is just playing their part. The new world order is pulling the strings.

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