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1   Patrick   2022 Sep 30, 7:29pm  

Lol, I have to admit that PDS is just as serious a mental illness as TDS.

They are remarkably similar, where all of the ills of the world are projected onto one man for the benefit of the deep state and its controlling oligarchy.
2   Ceffer   2022 Sep 30, 7:32pm  

What I want to know who gets Snake Island. He who rules Snake Island, rules the world!
3   Ceffer   2022 Sep 30, 7:36pm  

The Russkies gonna get Odessa, they'd be crazy not to. I would bet on Certain and at least 50 percent of Likely. They get a good bit of the Ag and most of the port related criminal and industrial enterprises.
4   Ceffer   2022 Sep 30, 7:43pm  

Up to their eyeballs in pussy and vodka. They'll croak at fifty, but I think they mostly do that anyway.
5   Patrick   2022 Sep 30, 7:48pm  

cisTits says

they aren't critical or even open to the possibility of being wrong about their pro-Nazi Ukey shit

On the one hand, it's odd that the Azov battalion would fight under a Jewish leader if they were Nazi. But on the other hand, they sure look Nazi:
6   Patrick   2022 Sep 30, 10:04pm  

I don't know about whole camps being run by Jews, but there were Jewish prisoners working for the Nazis, operating under the hopes of saving their own skins by betraying their co-religionists. Mostly, that did not work out for them, and it seems like karma.
7   AmericanKulak   2022 Oct 1, 5:45am  

cisTits says

There were Jewish commandants in charge of some of the extermination camps.

They didn't do very well.

The only one who did well was the apprentice of the guy who inventoried Jewish Property, an Esperanto One-World Atheist named... George Soros, from Esperanto "To Soar".
9   Reality   2022 Oct 1, 7:51am  

AmericanKulak says

cisTits says

There were Jewish commandants in charge of some of the extermination camps.

They didn't do very well.

The only one who did well was the apprentice of the guy who inventoried Jewish Property, an Esperanto One-World Atheist named... George Soros, from Esperanto "To Soar".

George Soros was unlikely to be the only one. Given what we know about Bernie Madoff and numerous false Messiahs throughout European middle age, "co-religious" doesn't mean much in the slaughter phase of the human-farming business ("co-religious" brings advantages in the fattening up the cattle phase). After 400+ years of inter-breeding, and 15+ points of initial IQ difference, it's doubtful anyone of high IQ in Germany in the 1930's was entirely free of Jewish blood. That's why Hitler and the Nazis had to define "Jewishness" in the infamous Nuremburg Race Law as 3 out of 4 grandparents being Jewish, or at least 2 out of 4 and actively practicing Judaism. Even Hitler himself was at least 1/4 Jewish (from grandfather impregnating grandma, who was working as a house servant at the 19yo's house; the father of the boy who impregnated Hitler's grandmother paid child support for many years). Germany's nuclear program went nowhere after kicking out Jewish scientists, and even the Luftwaffe had to keep Jewish generals and hid their status in order to keep operating. The anti-Jewish thing was just a scam to kill the IQ100-120 woke also-ran crowd (Weimar Germany was very woke) who soaked up the foreign direct investment money in the 1920's and saved the money in banks, especially Swiss banks (after the German hyperinflation in 1923). Keep in mind 50% of the entire population has IQ greater than 100, but of that half of the general population, 80% have IQ less than 120. i.e. only 10% have IQ greater than 120. That IQ 100-120 segment are the fattened cattles for the human farming business, when the business operates through wiping off their bank balances by killing them. In the 1930's Germany, that segment of the population was over-represented by people of various degrees of Jewishness and gayness. Gay households can save more because they don't have spendthrift female wives; we see that clearly in real estate: gay neighborhoods and Jewish neighborhoods tend to appreciate in value the most in the past few decades.
10   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 1, 7:56am  

Looks more like butthurt thred.
11   clambo   2022 Oct 1, 8:34am  

So, if I think Russia and Putin are agressors I'm either "deranged" or a "fluffer"?

Oh, wait, I'm "brainwashed by the meida" which is interesting because I don't consume it.

What names are you calling the retreating Russians? Chickens or deserters?
12   rocketjoe79   2022 Oct 1, 10:13am  

cisTits says

HIMARs is vaporware. Lockheed has to build them. That will take YEARS.

The article said the Ukes have to build them under contract. Hmm. That factory would never be a target, right?
13   socal2   2022 Oct 1, 10:40am  

clambo says

Oh, wait, I'm "brainwashed by the meida" which is interesting because I don't consume it.

The 9/11 troofers and chem-trail folks are accusing people of being brainwashed.
14   AD   2022 Oct 1, 2:18pm  

I didn't fluff but I got bamboozled when I thought USA intel was lying when they said Russia was going to invade Ukraine.

I trusted Russia when it said it was silly propaganda. Then Russia invaded all the way to the outer suburbs of Kiev.

15   Ceffer   2022 Oct 1, 2:23pm  

cisTits says

Another one for the fuffers!

Nice article, but it would be nice if they would distinguish the vampiric, sucking parasite of the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC from the Republic, lumping them monolithically as the USA. They are trying to destroy the Republic as much as the various backwashes who stand in their way.
16   Patrick   2022 Oct 1, 10:12pm  

ad says

I didn't fluff but I got bamboozled when I thought USA intel was lying when they said Russia was going to invade Ukraine.

I trusted Russia when it said it was silly propaganda. Then Russia invaded all the way to the outer suburbs of Kiev.

I also didn't believe that Russia would invade until they did.
17   tomtomtom   2022 Oct 1, 10:35pm  

Where are ethnic Polish on the map?

AmericanKulak says

cisTits says

There were Jewish commandants in charge of some of the extermination camps.

They didn't do very well.

The only one who did well was the apprentice of the guy who inventoried Jewish Property, an Esperanto One-World Atheist named... George Soros, from Esperanto "To Soar".
18   Ceffer   2022 Oct 2, 12:23pm  

"Only Adult Children Still Believe U.S. Propaganda
By Edward Curtin

October 1, 2022

It should now be quite clear to any reasonable person that the Biden administration is hell-bent on destroying Russia and will risk nuclear war in doing so. It has already started World War III with its use of Ukraine to light the final match. The problem is that reasonable people are in very short supply, and, as Ray McGovern recently wrote in “Brainwashed for War with Russia, the Biden administration and their media lackeys

… will have no trouble rallying Americans for the widest war in 77 years, starting in Ukraine, and maybe spreading to China …. Most Americans are just as taken in by the media as they were 20 years ago, when they were told there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They simply took it on faith. Nor did the guilty media express remorse – or a modicum of embarrassment.

Many good writers – all of whom are banned from mainstream media – have made clear why the corporate media propaganda about the US/NATO war against Russia via Ukraine is false and egregiously dangerous. The government of the U.S.A. is led by morons in the demonic grip of the “The U.S. Should Rule the World” ideology. It is nothing new."
19   Ceffer   2022 Oct 2, 12:25pm  

"I don’t wish to debate the facts, for that is a fool’s game created to suggest there is something to debate. For the evidence is clear, except to the public in the grip of propaganda-induced ignorance or those elites who never learned from the ancient Greek goddess Nemesis that dark Furies will destroy those who in their hubris push the limits. The Biden administration has already done that, while President Biden mutters inanities as if he were a mafia boss wandering the streets in his pajamas and slippers. The recent sabotaging of Nord Stream 2 is another example of the treacherous road we are traveling, as Diana Johnstone makes clear in her recent article, “Omerta in the Gangster War.”"
20   Ceffer   2022 Oct 2, 12:27pm  

"For years, the U.S.- run NATO has moved military forces and bases into countries encircling Russia. This includes weapons that can very quickly be converted to nuclear use. This, as I’ve pointed out before, is tantamount to Russia doing the same in Mexico and Canada, and let’s add Cuba as well. We know what the U.S. response would be, but when President Putin and his government objected and said this is a betrayal of previous agreements, he was dismissed as if he were a child making things up.

In 2014, when the U.S. engineered a coup in Ukraine, bringing into power neo-Nazi elements, and Russia protested this coup on its western border, Washington mocked such concerns. Every time Russia has complained about such provocative moves, the U.S. has dismissed them as inconsequential.

For years the U.S. has supported the Ukrainian killing of the Russian speaking peoples of eastern Ukraine, and finally, when Ukraine had amassed forces to invade the Donbas region, the Russian government had had enough and sent troops into the region to defend this area. Thus the hypocritical West played at outrage that what they had created was finally backfiring. Russia was cast as the guilty party for invading Ukraine. And now a full-fledged U.S. war against Russia is out in the open and it will become more dangerous as it continues. Nuclear annihilation becomes a very real possibility as the Biden administration continues to push the envelope.

There will be no end to the war in Ukraine because the U.S. is intent on doing everything in its power to try to bring Russia to its knees. It is madness on its face, but then insane people are in charge. In this process, everyone is expendable, friends, foes, and anyone who stands in its way, including the U.S.’s supposed European allies whose leaders seem intent on destroying their own countries."
21   Ceffer   2022 Oct 2, 12:30pm  

Like the Balkan tinder pot of WW!, all of this is programmed Illuminati crap designed to get us to fall into the snare of WWIII (or WWIV depending on your perspective).

High Masonic Witch IHLlary was chafing at the bit to ride this horse of the apocalypse in for the Satanic forces. Unleashing nukes has always been their goal.

Current Biden Actor looks like some military psycho with the mask looking increasingly waxen and fake, but the unelected SES behind the scenes in their bunkers are the real culprits.
22   AD   2022 Oct 2, 1:02pm  

cisTits says

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
September 30, 2022

Yeah, I see what Putin was trying to do as far as appeal to non-Wokes and pro-liberty types in the West such as saying about the Left promoting an ideological Satanism.

23   Ceffer   2022 Oct 2, 1:51pm  

Satanism is the 'religion' of pure psychopathy, based entirely on power, intimidation, subversion and deception. Even the Globalists need some kind of religion to establish hierarchies and organization, even if it is Satanic. They regard this as 'illumination' aka Lucifer.

They have superstition equal to standard organized religion, however, if not even greater superstition based on 'magic', symbology, 'magic numbers', and dates etc. They may very well have some kind of historic 'alien influence' that has girded their resolve and self confidence.

Satanists suffer high insecurity because when they operate on criminal premises, they always have to watch their backs and they need anticipatory paranoia, heavy threat, punishment, blackmail and intimidation to rule because they can't rely on traditional altruistic loyalties. In fact, they spurn altruistic loyalties. As such, they need to pelt lower hierarchies with abuse, humiliation and contempt, while providing entirely conditional rewards and promotions. Obviously, all these geriatric politicians who have sold their souls are allowed no rest if they want to survive, and it appears demonstrable that they are easily replaced with replicas and avatars when no longer of use. The avatar puppets continue to act as store fronts.

There is also the high entropy requirement to base all actions except for the warning shot on absolute deception. Lies stacked on lies may fill them with enormous pride at 'getting away with it', but lies have no internal guide rails or logic as does the truth. Lies require ever increasing castles of inane, anti-logical mythology that need huge amounts of energy and resources to maintain. This does allow for a rather straight forward 'key', however, that you simply reverse the 180 degree Satanic inversion to view some version of the truth.
24   AmericanKulak   2022 Oct 3, 8:47am  

tomtomtom says

Where are ethnic Polish on the map?

They were in the west of Ukraine. Were, before most were exterminated by the Nazis and their Ukrainian Hiwis, the rest were expelled into Poland by Russia after WW2. Just FYI we expelled millions of Germans from the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe back into Germany, working with the Soviets. One of the reasons there is peace in Europe.

Only two countries after WW2 that weren't Ethnically Cleansed: Yugoslavia and Northern Ireland. Guess where the two places in Europe where there was ethnic violence?

Ethnic cleansing cures Revanchism.
25   Shaman   2022 Oct 3, 10:09am  

Patrick says

Lol, I have to admit that PDS is just as serious a mental illness as TDS.

They are remarkably similar, where all of the ills of the world are projected onto one man for the benefit of the deep state and its controlling oligarchy.

I took an online survey at about if Putin was responsible for sabotaging the Nordstream. 59% of the idiots there said absolutely. Another 25% said probably. I was with the 7% who said definitely not.

So yah, your theory checks out. PDS is easily in the same category as TDS, making sheeple turn off their brains and believe every negative thing they hear about the dude, whether or not it makes any logical sense.
26   GNL   2022 Oct 3, 10:33am  

Patrick says

Lol, I have to admit that PDS is just as serious a mental illness as TDS.

They are remarkably similar, where all of the ills of the world are projected onto one man for the benefit of the deep state and its controlling oligarchy.

Wow, 100% accurate.
27   AD   2022 Oct 3, 4:14pm  

jykiodfgr says

Also, red arrow would be hilarious.

That red arrow is in definitely an anti-Russian sentiment region of Ukraine.

28   AD   2022 Oct 3, 4:21pm  

Some reading for the uber supporters of the BirdBrain Biden admin

29   Ceffer   2022 Oct 3, 5:41pm  

All of the science fiction lunacies are coming to fruition.
30   AD   2022 Oct 4, 9:31pm  

cisTits says

Oh looked!

A Russian Water Tentacle!

More and more we need adult supervision to step up and marginalize Biden and his national security advisers. This may mean the Pope, the Presidents of Philippines, Mexico, India, and Turkey. Maybe even German's woke or left wing party that is the majority in government may distance itself from Biden.

Erdagon, who survived a coup when Obama was President, could broker a cease fire at least while some type of deal like a DMZ set up around the boundaries of these 3 annexed regions is arranged.

Its not Zelensky calling the shots. Its Biden and his advisers telling Zelensky what to do because they want Putin to be defeated and removed from power. That's their goal.
31   AD   2022 Oct 4, 9:34pm  

And I tell Germany not to fall for some Biden antics like they try to pin something on the German president as reprisal for him distancing from Biden.

Yes, you know what I mean. Its Democrat dirty tricks like they do to Republicans, and they do the same to the German president if he did not toe Biden's line. I could see them trying to pin something like rape or pedophilia on him in order to get a new president who will do exactly what Biden wants.
32   mell   2022 Oct 4, 9:40pm  

ad says

And I tell Germany not to fall for some Biden antics like they try to pin something on the German president as reprisal for him distancing from Biden.

Yes, you know what I mean. Its Democrat dirty tricks like they do to Republicans, and they do the same to the German president if he did not toe Biden's line. I could see them trying to pin something like rape or pedophilia on him in order to get a new president who will do exactly what Biden wants.

Agreed, one of the main reasons they are not investigating. Time for EU countries incl. Germany to finance their own armies so they can stand up to putin, zelensky and xiden.
33   richwicks   2022 Oct 4, 9:45pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

It's not to do with nationality, it has to do with ethnicity.

When Stalin did the Holodomor he murdered millions of Ukrainians. He then shipped in Russians to take over the farmland of the dead Ukrainians, the Kulaks, that refused to give up their land to the state under communist collectivization. Stalin was killing Russians as well, who also refused to abandon their land in the name of collectivization.

That's the rift. Eastern Ukraine has a large Russian ETHNIC minority, who speak and read Russian but not Ukrainian, despite the languages being quite similar and they are mostly in Eastern Ukraine. They aren't Russian citizens, but they are basically, Russian, not Ukrainian.

Those two groups have been at war since Viktor Yanukovych was ousted from power. The ethnic Russians, by and large, did not accept the coup, and the ethnic Ukrainians, by and large, did. They went to civil war right after the US led coup d'état. Hostilities started almost immediately after the coup.

Now you can argue that "Russian" and "Ukrainian" really isn't an "ethnicity", but that's how they see it. They're wrong of course, but, telling them that won't make them go "aha, we have common interests! We ought to work together against this criminal government and our criminal oligarchs!"

Putin was placed under tremendous pressure to intervene on behalf of the Russian ethnic minority in the East, and well, the East has all the factories and farmland, as well. The factories are probably destroyed at this point, but the farmland is still there. Ukraine was once known as "the breadbasket of the USSR".

If you look into the history of any event, or the causes of any war, there's no good sides. I can't defend what Stalin did, he was a mass murderer. I can't defend what the US did, they caused this war. I can't defend the Ukrainian people for accepting a US coup. They are all wrong. People want to have a good guy and a bad guy in every conflict, well, that's a story book. There are no good guys in this and it annoys me to no end that people think there are. Fuck Zelenskyy, he's a traitor. He's an illegitimate puppet of the United States that will gladly get every single Ukrainian killed, because the US told him to do that. Fuck the US for telling Zelenskyy do this. Fuck Russia for dragging this out, but I see the strategic advantage of doing it.

There's no morality in this situation, that's a human abstraction, and the people who start war, are subhuman.

People won't see the nuance in situations, it's annoying. I hope this war ends quickly, but I expect this war to go on for at least 6 more months - if Europe does well during the winter, I expect 18 more months. Russia knows they really aren't at war with Ukraine, they're at war with the United States, and they are going to punish their stupid European quizzling allies. This is World War III but I kind of doubt it will involve nukes.

At the end of this, I expect the United States and Europe to end up isolated. We have a bunch of geezer dying gassbag Neocon FUCKS running this nation, and they want to go out in some sort of blaze of glory, they don't care about the future, they're practically dead themselves.
34   AD   2022 Oct 4, 11:15pm  

richwicks says

Eastern Ukraine has a large Russian ETHNIC minority, who speak and read Russian but not Ukrainian, despite the languages being quite similar and they are mostly in Eastern Ukraine. They aren't Russian citizens, but they are basically, Russian, not Ukrainian.

But you did not have a lot of volunteers from Eastern Ukraine to fight for Russia against the Ukraine government. And it did not help that Russia invaded eastern Ukrainian areas or cities like Kharkiv.

I do not think its conservatives or neocons. Its Woke Left Wing or globalist marxists in the USA national security complex who hate Russia because its white, Christian, and publicly and supposedly turned its back on socialism. Its the E R I C - A N T H O N Y - C I A R A M E L L A 's in the bureaucracy and at the higher ranks of the national security complex.

Maybe Biden just wants to weaken Putin enough so as to be able to declare a victory for the Democrat party. He may not totally agree with the national security advisers.

35   GNL   2022 Nov 10, 1:39pm  

cisTits says

$66 Billion In, It’s Clear The Realists Were Right About Ukraine

Why were the realist Republicans called Putinists and fascists when they argued for the same thing the Biden administration is doing?

Because the democrat party owns the media.
37   RWSGFY   2022 Nov 10, 3:05pm  

cisTits says

$66 Billion

.... out of $300+ Billion of Ruscist assets already arrested.
38   Patrick   2022 Nov 11, 3:25am  

cisTits says

Poles are engineered from the womb to hate Russia and Germany and to harness that hatred all their lives. It’s Poland’s Social-Governmental Molotov-Ribbentrop pact with no domestic deserters or dissenters allowed.

I also got that strong impression when visiting my grandmother's town in Poland. They really don't like their neighbors to the east or the west. There are good historical reasons for that, but at some point you have to try to get along.

The Poles do love France though. Catholic country, and one of the best loved French queens was a Polish princess.
39   Bd6r   2022 Nov 11, 6:43am  

Patrick says

but at some point you have to try to get along.

lets get along also with people who pushed vaxx...? Similar logic.
40   WookieMan   2022 Nov 11, 6:52am  

Wife just got an invite to go to France. She's relatively naive if I'm being honest to world matters. Told her I'm not sure it's the best time to be going to Europe right now.

Her choice. Can't control it. I know Western Europe isn't involved outside of weapons, I just don't think it's a good time to go to Europe for leisure. At some point this spills over into Western Europe. I don't really see a way around it. That part of the world has never been able to play in the same sandbox for 100 years straight. They're due for a war. Hell the fact it has gone this long without a major war is amazing.

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