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I dunno, bros. Like clambo pointed out, every time the preppers and gold bugs and silver bugs buy in a big way, it's been a peak.
Where else is good to buy silver through the internet such as silver bars and silver eagle coins ?
Where else is good to buy silver through the internet such as silver bars and silver eagle coins ?
The Internet because it's anonymous? You're better off bringing cash to the local silver shop.
I don't think we'll have enough stability where people will agree to use silver as a medium of exchange or a replacement for fiat currency like the US Dollar or EU.
Another reason not to hoard this "industrial metal".
If there is a collapse of society, I just don't think even silver is going to be of enough value to be freely used for bartering, even if it is an "industrial application material" in the pre-collapsed world.
Society would have to be well on the road of recovery for silver and gold to be considered a medium of exchange.
You think people are buying silver and gold for the collapse. That's why you're struggling to understand. It could be valuable as things are going down to trade for something you need, maybe even transportation. But most people are buying it for after the collapse. Do you want to come out on the other side penniless? Or ahead of majority of the population? Those of us who have our food, shelter, security, and water already provided for, are going to use the extra to buy up assets for next to nothing from those who are desperate, and to rebuild the world on the other side.
What is your plan to avoid financial disaster in the face of a increasingly unstable world economy, built on the largest bubble ever blown in credit history? I see many potential mitigations, but they all require a willingness to separate from the current system.
rebuild the world on the other side.
I see many potential mitigations, but they all require a willingness to separate from the current system.
What is your plan to avoid financial disaster in the face of a increasingly unstable world economy,
What is your plan to avoid financial disaster in the face of a increasingly unstable world economy, built on the largest bubble ever blown in credit history? I see many potential mitigations, but they all require a willingness to separate from the current system.
Phillips Curve applies. So Fed was referring to how 2% to 3% inflation will result in higher unemployment.
. Or just steal regularly under $950 to make a living, tax free. There aren't any mass layoffs and there won't be any, this is a dysfunct economy of the unwilling to work, caused by leftoid marxism.
I don't think someone would trade gasoline or food with me for silver.
This never made sense to me. Maybe if you hold fiat currency only and have that imo crazy belief that the dollar will be worthless soon against other currencies (currently it's going the opposite way), you may lose it all, but most people have assets, houses, stocks, maybe precious metals. Any asset of any practical value will sell and convert to whatever the new currency du jour is. How do you see people losing everything? I'm not disputing money printing and debt has debased our currency and that most countries have too much debt (/gdp), but assets will always retain their intrinsic worth, so will services people can provide, if they are able ad willing to work, where's the "collapse"?
One thing I learned in the Financial Crisis was that sovereign states made good on their versions of FDIC type deposit insurance:
Regarding hoarding precious metals, the US government already seized gold in 1934. They can do so again. Or else (more likely, in my opinion) they can tax the redemption of it so heavily that it won't be an effective hedge-hoard. Maybe retailers of gasoline and food (and electricity) will accept silver bullion for more than the face value of it on the coins. Maybe. What do you think?
Yep, an average person nowadays has no experience to tell real silver from some other alloy, so they most probably won't accept it.
Those of us who do are the same ones who've been stocking up. It will be our market, and because we know the value, they'll learn it because that's the only way they'll be able to get what we have.
I don't see paper money or central banks having any place left in this world for at least a hundred years.
The US dollar is the reserve fiat paper that backs all the other fiat papers. If it goes down, they all do.
Do you really own your house? No mortgage, no taxes? If not, and your ability to make those payments is wiped out, how will you keep it?
Hugh_Mongous says
Yep, an average person nowadays has no experience to tell real silver from some other alloy, so they most probably won't accept it.
Those of us who do are the same ones who've been stocking up. It will be our market, and because we know the value, they'll learn it because that's the only way they'll be able to get what we have.
And the rest of us will keep collecting the interest you pay in taxes and loans, and the dividends you pay when buying services and stuff, including even the mining companies, the gun companies and whatnot.
So you see that much of an economic collapse within the next 50 years to result in this ?
If there is that much of a Mad Max style collapse, then economy will be based on bartering to the lowest level of survivability which is potable water, food, shelter, housing, and medical care.
Your wages and assets go up, as long as there isn't a supply problem of goods and services how can there be a collapse?
Your mortgage is denominated in the same fiat so it will adjust.
I don't see how are you going to persuade somebody who has something real like food, energy or clothes you need that these old worn coins are worth more than what is written on them. "Son, it says 25 cents right there on the coin you gave me so why should I believe you that it's really $10? I'll just keep my jerry can of gasoline thankyouverymuch".
Why would you get a cut of the taxes?
As far as loans, if you can't afford your lifestyle, you should make changes before you start investing.
There are a number of people who have operated outside the financial slave system
You pay federal taxes, we collect interest on the treasury debt.
Yes, I'm talking SW.
Sorry, Software. Wishing more and more I would have gone into farming...
Ahh, you're holding bonds
Have you ever adjusted for inflation?
Your dream of other people paying you ended decades ago
Are you saying that software (SW) is not going to be needed in the future because society is going to collapse that much ?
No use getting torqued up about an unstoppable force.
It's just the irony I see in preppers and horders of silver hoarders hoarding silver (an industrial metal) assuming that they can trade it for food, fuel, rent, and medical procedures.
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