Defund the FBI

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2021 Aug 3, 1:18pm   126,700 views  863 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

If there was ever an organization desperately in need of defunding, it's the FBI.

They have become a tool of state oppression of citizens, like the old East German Stasi. They actively incite crime to get people to commit it in order to then "catch" them and justify their budget.


But for BLM, they studiously look the other way and never prosecute...

The best way we can defend ourselves is to cut off their funding. We need to make a national movement out of this.

Local police deserve our funding and support, but the FBI deserves defunding and hard prison time for its upper management.


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308   Patrick   2022 Oct 24, 7:45pm  

Patrick says


In the raid’s aftermath, Meek has made himself scarce. None of his Siena Park neighbors with whom Rolling Stone spoke have seen him since, with his apartment appearing to be vacant. Siena Park management declined to confirm that their longtime tenant was gone, citing “privacy policies.” Similarly, several ABC News colleagues — who are accustomed to unraveling mysteries and cracking investigative stories — tell Rolling Stone that they have no idea what happened to Meek.

“He fell off the face of the Earth,” says one. “And people asked, but no one knew the answer.”

I doubt he made himself scarce.

309   Patrick   2022 Oct 25, 12:24pm  


How did “JB” & Company imagine that a wide-open border along with big cash gifts to border-jumpers was going to play with the economically sore-beset public? Who imagined that drag queens grinding their junk in children’s faces was a winning ploy? Who told them that Americans would approve of turning the FBI into a Gestapo, barging into politically-targeted households with SWAT teams before dawn? How did they forget that there is a First Amendment to the Constitution that forbids the government to interfere with freedom of speech? Who is actually behind this insanity?

These never-before-seen acts-of-war against American citizens will call for some serious ‘splainin’ after the Party of Chaos is thrashed in the election — assuming they don’t make the final and fatal misstep of pulling some excuse to cancel, postpone, or muck with their November 8 appointment with fate. One such ‘splainin’ flurry is already set, since Judge Terry Doughty of the Western Louisiana District Federal Court has ordered Anthony Fauci and a train of high-profile officials to testify under oath in a lawsuit brought jointly by Missouri AG Eric Schmitt and Louisiana AG Jeff Landry on the “JB” regime’s collusion with social media to censor news and suppress free speech.

There is also the strangely lingering matter of Special Counsel John Durham’s inquiry into the origins of the RussiaGate scandal. It’s pretty inconceivable to me that he will quit the operation after the two seemingly lame cases against attorney Michael Sussmann and Brookings errand boy Igor Danchenko — both failures to gain convictions. What Mr. Durham did accomplish in those exercises was to get a whole lot of testimony submitted as evidence (that is, on-the-record) implicating the higher ranks of the FBI and the DOJ in all that malicious and illegal nonsense — perhaps enough to bring cases against the glaringly obvious true culprits such as James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and the rest of the Crossfire Hurricane gang. Is Mr. Durham being obstructed by Merrick Garland? (If so, you can be sure the country will eventually find out.) Or does the Special Counsel have the guts to carry on somehow anyway? I think we’ll know after the election.
310   Patrick   2022 Oct 28, 2:55pm  


FBI Asks Court for 66 Years to Release Information From Seth Rich’s Computer
311   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 7:49pm  


🚨FASCISM ALERT🚨 DNC Weaponized the DHS/FBI to Interfere in 2020 Election

New documents released to the public, pertaining to DHS secret relationships with social media companies, and the government’s hand in censorship of TRUTH, which altered the outcome of the 2020 election. See DHS/CISA documents here.

Turns out the “Disinformation Governance Board” was already going on before they told us about it. The US Intelligence Community were giving orders to social media companies on moderation. Instructing them what to label as “mis/disinformation”, see below via The Intercept.

“Prior to the 2020 election, tech companies including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Verizon Media met on a monthly basis with the FBI, CISA, and other government representatives. According to NBC News, the meetings were part of an initiative, still ongoing, between the private sector and government to discuss how firms would handle misinformation during the election.”1

Now, they might be able to justify this blatant Fascism if it was to actually protect us from true disinformation, but the stories they instructed these social media companies to censor… all turned out to be true… and they all covered up crimes of the DNC.

This directly altered the outcome of the 2020 elections. The Dems have been screaming “election interference” since 2016, while they simultaneously weaponized the powers of the FBI and DHS to feed LIES to social media companies to run cover for Biden leading up to 2020. Most significant of note was undoubtedly the censorship of the Hunter Biden Laptop story, which has since been confirmed to be true…

We saw the New York Post poll of voters back in August, 79% believe the outcome of the 2020 election would have been different if there was truthful reporting about the Hunter Biden Laptop.
312   AD   2022 Oct 31, 10:58pm  

Patrick says

New documents released to the public, pertaining to DHS secret relationships with social media companies, and the government’s hand in censorship of TRUTH, which altered the outcome of the 2020 election.

I hope the Repubs at least win the House of Representatives with a 10 seat advantage and have hearings into this. My fear is we are going to see an escalation of false flag style events and Biden admin doing some krazy and desperate shit before the upcoming midterm election to try to slow down the Republican momentum.

When I say krazy, I am talking about DOJ ordering FBI SWAT team raids against "Republican terrorists" in order to motivate the Democrat base and convince or manipulate independent voters.

313   Misc   2022 Nov 1, 4:20am  

Looks like more info is coming out about the FBI suppressing truthful information that was derogatory to the Democrats.

314   Patrick   2022 Nov 7, 9:25am  


The FBI will face a reckoning after the midterms
The House Republicans’ bruising report is a statement of intent ...

Some hapless scribe called Emily Oster recently wrote an article for the Atlantic called “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty.” That’s not bloody likely, Emily. The fallen angel Anthony Fauci and power-hungry apparatchiks throughout the land destroyed businesses, ruined nearly two years of education and socialization for children, made it impossible to visit your dying grandmother, go to the beach or to church or celebrate your favorite nephew’s birthday. Meanwhile, they forced millions to wear pointless masks and undergo experimental vaccinations whose safety, it now emerges, is highly questionable. The spectacle of the coercive power of the state being wielded against ordinary citizens going about their lives was frightening and outrageous.

“Amnesty” comes from the Greek word ἀμνηστία, whose primary meaning is “forgetfulness.” In common parlance, the word carries a suggestion of forgiveness as well. But neither forgetfulness nor forgiveness is on the docket. People are not about to forget what the politicians and their bureaucrats just did to them. And if they do not forget, neither will they forgive.

Nor are they going to forget what the FBI has done and is doing to us. The dawn raids against non-violent political rivals of the regime and pro-life activists, the nationwide dragnets to nab people who protested against the 2020 election, the spying on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, manufacture of forged evidence in order to mobilize the awesome surveillance apparatus of the state against American citizens and undermine Trump’s presidency. The bill of indictment is long and damning. How long? More than a thousand pages in its first iteration, which GOP members of House Judiciary Committee dropped on Friday under the title “FBI Whistleblowers: What Their Disclosures Indicate About the Politicization of the FBI and Justice Department.”

What they indicate is an agency that has gone rogue and should be dismantled. This has been a theme sounding for more than a years now. Roger L. Simon, writing for the Epoch Times, said that the FBI, like ancient Carthage, must be destroyed. Holman Jenkins, writing for the Wall Street Journal, said that the agency had to be abolished. I’ve argued the same case several times, here, for example, and here. In my column for the December Speccie, I suggest that FBI be relocated to Kansas City and have its budget cut by 75 percent. “Then,” I write, “it should be taken apart altogether,” not least because “a national police is probably unconstitutional certainly un-American”

With few exceptions, the consensus is that the Bureau is beyond reformation or reclamation.

I doubt that the Republicans will do the real work needed to eliminate the FBI and prosecute its corrupt "leadership" for their blatant and ongoing crimes against America, but it's nice to hope.
315   HeadSet   2022 Nov 8, 7:55am  

Patrick says

“Amnesty” comes from the Greek word ἀμνηστία, whose primary meaning is “forgetfulness.”

Interesting. That means "amnesty" and 'amnesia" have the same Greek root. So "amnesty" is just a Greek way of saying the mobster speak "FuggetAboutIt."
316   Misc   2022 Nov 8, 10:50pm  

The corrupt FBI agents will simply quit the Bureau. They will simply change employment to the IRS as they are hiring a huge number of agents. Their pension benefits will carry-over from one agency to the other.

They will continue to torment MAGAs and will audit those persecuting the Deep State.
317   Patrick   2022 Nov 10, 8:36pm  


The FBI's Transformation, from National Police to Domestic Spy Agency. Part One: "Disruption"

A Florida FBI agent blows the whistle on a Bureau that's stopped worrying about making cases, shifting resources to a vast new mission: domestic spying without predicate. Part one of a series

Matt Taibbi
318   Patrick   2022 Nov 16, 10:28am  


Whistleblowers recently disclosed how the FBI is “misrepresenting the scale of domestic violent extremism nationwide by categorizing January 6th-related investigations as organic cases stemming from local field offices, instead of all related to one single incident,” according to a report by GOP members of the House Judiciary Committee.

Shortly after the Capitol protest, FBI Director Christopher Wray designated the four-hour disturbance as an act of “domestic terror”; federal prosecutors routinely compare January 6 defendants to terrorists, enabling the government to seek—and receive—extended jail time for misdemeanors convictions and justify indefinite pretrial detention for nonviolent offenders.

During his Senate testimony in March 2021, Wray described members of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, two groups involved in the events of January 6, as “militia violent extremists.” When Senator Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) asked Wray whether he considered either group a domestic terror organization, the director refused to answer directly, instead insisting “individuals” associated with both groups are “domestic terrorists.”

Those comments alone should be fireable offenses. Set aside Wray’s excuse-making for leftist rioters—in 2020, Wray laughably refused to apply the same label to Antifa, calling it a “movement or an ideology,” not a terror organization—no evidence exists to support Wray’s accusations that the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys mimic terror cells comparable to al Qaeda. Of the nearly two dozen members of both groups now facing charges tied to January 6, only one is accused of using a weapon (a riot shield) and it is alleged he used it to break a window, not harm a person, that afternoon.

Members of the Oath Keepers who drove to Washington to attend the president’s speech left their legally transported weapons at a Virginia hotel rather than violate the city’s strict gun control laws. Worst “militia” ever.

And no one in either group carried a firearm into the building or on Capitol grounds.

A completely unarmed "insurrection" of people who were deliberately let into the Capitol is no insurrection at all.

The FBI should not exist. At this point, it is merely a criminal organization in the service of Democrats used for political oppression very much like the East German Stasi was.
321   Patrick   2022 Nov 28, 7:31pm  

Of course the FBI will never do anything to Schiff at all.

The FBI is purely a criminal organization now, something that Democrats, and Democrats alone can call on to attack and imprison innocent Americans who question absolute autocratic Democrat rule via repeatedly fraudulent elections.

Everyone who works there should be utterly ashamed of belonging to an institution which is actively undermining impartial rule of law.
322   Patrick   2022 Dec 3, 10:47am  


FBI met weekly with Big Tech ahead of the 2020 election, agent testifies

The FBI should not exist.

It is purely an agent of oppression now, dedicated to undermining free speech and suppressing all dissent.
323   Patrick   2022 Dec 3, 11:07am  


To give a short explainer, the talented Matt Taibbi posted internal Twitter documents around the 2020 presidential election which demonstrated how political operations – such as the Biden presidential campaign and the DNC – petitioned the company to remove “offending” tweets. Twitter complied. The Trump White House would make similar requests, but as Taibbi observe, “this system wasn’t balanced.” Instead, it was based on contacts. And as you can imagine, Twitter’s staff, especially at the highest levels, was far left and supported the Democrats.
324   Patrick   2022 Dec 3, 7:12pm  

Corrupt FBI agents (but I repeat myself) Elvis Chan and Laura Dehmlow should be in prison.

The FBI should not exist. It is purely a tool of political oppression now, has nothing whatsoever to do with justice.
331   Patrick   2022 Dec 6, 4:56pm  


The FBI's collusion with Facebook & Twitter to censor the bombshell New York Post story about the Bidens' corruption provided far greater election interference than anything Russia ever did.

Attorneys General for Missouri and Louisiana released the full 386-page transcript from their November 29th, 2022, deposition of FBI Supervisory Special Agent Elvis Chan, which was taken as part of a landmark lawsuit against the Biden Administration for colluding with social media companies to censor Americans.

Elvis Chan warned Twitter before the 2020 election to expect “hack-and-leak operations’’ specifically involving “Hunter Biden,” according to a sworn declaration by Twitter’s former head of site integrity, Yoel Roth.

“These expectations of hack-and-leak operations were discussed throughout 2020,” Roth said. “I also learned in these meetings that there were rumors that a hack-and-leak operation would involve Hunter Biden.”

“The warnings were so specific that Twitter immediately censored The Post’s scoop about Hunter Biden’s laptop on Oct. 14, 2020, citing its “hacked materials” policy,” Miranda Devine wrote in the New York Post’s coverage of the story.

“The extraordinary revelation for the first time lays bare how the FBI was involved in pre-bunking the story of the laptop, which had been in the bureau’s possession for almost a year.”

While Chan denies ever specifically naming Hunter Biden in the transcript of his deposition released today, “Chan’s testimony contradicts a previous sworn statement by Yoel Roth, Twitter’s former head of site integrity, stating that the FBI had named Hunter when warning the company about expected “hack-and-leak operations’’ before the election,” said Devine.

Here is the treasonous criminal Elvis Chan, who overtly used government authority to censor a political story of the utmost importance in order to influence a presidential election:

334   Misc   2022 Dec 8, 8:32pm  

This is nothing new for Elon.

The establishment has been continually lying about his endeavors, launching investigations on behalf of short-sellers (not saying Tesla ain't overpriced) and committing unconstitutional orders against him all the time.

The first one I remember was when a NYT reporter supposedly drove a Tesla cross country. In the article the reporter wrote how often the Tesla broke down, didn't perform, etc. Musk turned around and said Tesla had all the computer records of the trip and the NYT was a bunch of bunk.

The establishment has spent plenty coopting those in the media (even bloggers) into writing negative articles against him and his businesses.
335   HeadSet   2022 Dec 9, 7:47am  

Misc says

The first one I remember was when a NYT reporter supposedly drove a Tesla cross country. In the article the reporter wrote how often the Tesla broke down, didn't perform, etc. Musk turned around and said Tesla had all the computer records of the trip and the NYT was a bunch of bunk.

I hope Musk sued the NYT for libel.
337   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 10, 12:42am  

Patrick says

Federal Regulators have also arbitrarily limited the number of Starlink Satellites to a fraction of the request, with no justification/rationale provided in their approval.
338   Patrick   2022 Dec 11, 9:55pm  


The FBI now wants the court to agree to keep the new records shielded from Brian Huddleston, a Texas resident who filed a lawsuit against the bureau over its ignoring a Freedom of Information request for records on Rich.

Christopher Wray should be in prison for life for running a mafia dedicated to undermining the Constitution for the benefit the Biden crime family among others, for interfering with the 2020 election, for pretending that the bogus Steele Dossier was real, for calling parents terrorists for objecting to porn in schools, for calling people who object to Wuhan Virus lockdowns terrorists, for actively violating the First Amendment in collusion with tech companies, for various false flag operations and God knows what else.
340   Patrick   2022 Dec 13, 4:05pm  


Twitter Files Overshadow The Bigger Scandal: FBI Lied To Tech Giants To Interfere In Election
341   RC2006   2022 Dec 13, 6:17pm  

FBI needs to change FIB
343   richwicks   2022 Dec 18, 8:47am  

You know how the FIB is deeply embedded in Twatter and controlling what is said, and heavily censoring the public and feeding the public bullshit and controlled narratives?

That's what they've been doing for decades with CNN, ABC, NY Times, NPR, PBS, Washington Post, CBS, MSNBC, NewsWeek, The Boston Globe, USA Today, LA Times, Associated Press, Reuters...

This has been going on for your entire life, and mine.

Just so you know...

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