US Government ignoring Constitution thread

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2022 Nov 23, 9:32pm   1,332 views  33 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


The Biden administration is extending the student loan freeze for another seven months because apparently Biden can just do whatever he wants now

Seriously this is just embarrassing on an international level. Total administrative chaos mixed with extralegal government-by-fiat. ...

Seriously — this is just ridiculous. I mean, the loan forgiveness thing seems patently unconstitutional. But even the nonstop, never-ending freezes seem completely out of the purview of the president himself.

Where does one man get the authority to control the debt of 40,000,000 Americans?

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1   richwicks   2022 Nov 23, 9:45pm  

The students loans will NOT be forgiven!

They are a major ASSET of the Federal Reserve.

Biden is just lying, just like he lied about giving a $2,000 covid relief check once he got "elected" (or installed).
2   Misc   2022 Nov 23, 10:48pm  

Congress gave him the authority when they passed the HEROES act.

Congress has delegated an absurd amount of discretion to the Executive Branch. Basically because Congress Critters have basically no knowledge of how things work in practicality. They allow Departments and Agencies of the Executive Branch to make rules and regulations that have the force of laws.

Under the HEROES Act they gave the president complete control over the terms and conditions of the Student Loan program. So, yes, he can cancel the debt.

We will see if the Supreme Court upholds the law giving the president this authority.

This is one of many reasons the "Emergency" has been prolonged.
3   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 24, 2:13am  

Misc says

Congress has delegated an absurd amount of discretion to the Executive Branch. Basically because Congress Critters have basically no knowledge of how things work in practicality. They allow Departments and Agencies of the Executive Branch to make rules and regulations that have the force of laws.

This is a major problem with our system the founders didn't foresee.

An era when the Treasury department would be more than a few dozen clerks.
4   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 24, 3:59am  

Did the Senate ever vote on the HEROES Act? The bill does not become law until the Senate also passes it.
5   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 24, 6:00am  

If the Constitution were strictly followed, about 90%, or more, of the Federal Government would have to be shut down.
6   clambo   2022 Nov 24, 7:36am  

There are numerous departments of the government which are likely unconstitutional.
1. housing
2. education
3. energy
4. FBI
5. IRS

In the "good old days" there was no IRS, no ATF, no FBI. Taxes on tobacco, liquor spirits and foreign goods tariffs were collected, and there was no income tax.
WWI, women's right to vote, Prohibition were the beginning of the downward spiral.
The 14th Amendment does not confer automatic citizenship to the children of people here illegally according the the correct reading of it.
The whole thing is scary; the USA is being more controlled by asshole bureaucrats like Fauci every day.
7   stfu   2022 Nov 24, 11:17am  

The constitution was a mistake and most things in the anti-federalist papers have come to pass

We would either be better off, or possibly speaking German if the congress had stuck with the articles of confederation.

Under those terms the Central government was inferior to the states with no real codified method of changing that
8   Ceffer   2022 Nov 24, 12:01pm  

RayAmerica says

If the Constitution were strictly followed, about 90%, or more, of the Federal Government would have to be shut down.

The foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC does not follow the Constitution, it interprets the Constitution at its pleasure for the chattels known as the citizens of the Republic of the United States. Otherwise, loosey goosey, corruption rampant Roman Law administers the law of DC, and British Maritime law is reserved for the slave chattels.
9   zzyzzx   2022 Dec 6, 7:52am  


Supreme Court likely to rule that Biden student loan plan is illegal, experts say. Here’s what that means for borrowers
10   Onvacation   2022 Dec 6, 8:06am  

zzyzzx says

Here’s what that means for borrowers

11   Misc   2022 Dec 7, 3:41am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Did the Senate ever vote on the HEROES Act? The bill does not become law until the Senate also passes it.

That was under the HEROES Act of 2003. Yep, passed both Chambers and signed by the Prez.
12   Misc   2022 Dec 7, 3:47am  

zzyzzx says


Supreme Court likely to rule that Biden student loan plan is illegal, experts say. Here’s what that means for borrowers

I would not trust a MSM expert. The media is simply against the student loan cancellation because for a change it benefits the little people instead of the elite. They are trying to sway the court opinion with all their negative press.
13   richwicks   2022 Dec 7, 5:24am  

Misc says

I would not trust a MSM expert. The media is simply against the student loan cancellation because for a change it benefits the little people instead of the elite. They are trying to sway the court opinion with all their negative press.

Student loan debts are considered an ASSET by the US Federal government. Our government isn't going to erase that.

It's not going to happen because of THAT reason. The Department of Education is HEAVILY invested in these bonds. The whole point of federalizing student loans, was a scam.
14   HeadSet   2022 Dec 7, 3:10pm  

richwicks says

The whole point of federalizing student loans, was a scam.

In my opinion. I think federalizing student loans by Obama was strictly to acquire a loan forgiveness vote buying tactic, to use when needed.
15   HeadSet   2022 Dec 7, 3:12pm  

Misc says

The media is simply against the student loan cancellation because for a change it benefits the little people instead of the elite.

It benefits the colleges. If the degrees were worth their cost, the kids could pay off the loans with the resulting high paying jobs.
16   richwicks   2022 Dec 8, 8:26am  

HeadSet says

Misc says

The media is simply against the student loan cancellation because for a change it benefits the little people instead of the elite.

It benefits the colleges. If the degrees were worth their cost, the kids could pay off the loans with the resulting high paying jobs.

No, the colleges are not the ones doing the loans. The Federal government is. The colleges have already been paid, by the federal government.

There is NO RISK at all by the colleges making a student pay $200,000 for a degree in anything.
18   HeadSet   2022 Dec 8, 2:46pm  

richwicks says

HeadSet says

Misc says

The media is simply against the student loan cancellation because for a change it benefits the little people instead of the elite.

It benefits the colleges. If the degrees were worth their cost, the kids could pay off the loans with the resulting high paying jobs.

No, the colleges are not the ones doing the loans. The Federal government is. The colleges have already been paid, by the federal government.

There is NO RISK at all by the colleges making a student pay $200,000 for a degree in anything.

I think we agree here. I say the colleges benefit because once current loans are forgiven, future students will be encouraged to pay even higher prices for worthless degrees.
19   Misc   2022 Dec 8, 10:03pm  

Once upon a time, there was (ok still is) a private company called "Sallie Mae". Primarily it, but a slew of other private lenders, as well, made the bulk of student loans. Student loans could not be discharged in bankruptcy.

Well, some enterprising analysts found one day that "Sallie Mae" bonds paid a higher interest rate than the loans it was providing to the student borrowers. It was still quite profitable...wait for it...because of all the late fees, fines and added on interest rates that were charged to delinquent borrowers.

The private lenders knew that higher education was a scam and they were taking advantage of it,

Well, when these findings were starting to be reported in the press (yes, crookedness was once exposed by the press), the Federal Government stepped in with the current student loan programs.
20   HeadSet   2022 Dec 9, 8:05am  

Misc says

Well, when these findings were starting to be reported in the press (yes, crookedness was once exposed by the press), the Federal Government stepped in with the current student loan programs.

To keep the higher education scam going.
22   Patrick   2024 Sep 1, 1:05pm  


That the regime has long existed in a state of tension with the Constitution is obvious to everyone, but their impatience with the restrictions the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments place on their tyrannical impulses is increasingly leading them to drop the pretense of Constitutional loyalty. The New York Times just published a piece openly discussing eliminating the Constitution entirely, in order to replace it with something that gives them a free hand to reshape society without having their equitable hands tied by obsolete conceptions of liberty.

23   stereotomy   2024 Sep 1, 1:51pm  

There is a mechanism for completely replacing the constitution - it's called a Constitutional Convention, where everything is up for grabs. There is actually a set of procedures LAID OUT IN THE CONSTITUTION to conduct said convention. Why doesn't the NYT mention this completely Constitutional process? Yeah - because they're globohomo commie fucks.

That's what "loony" people have been trying to do for the last 30 years - convene a Constitutional Convention, and fix what was wrong. The commiecunts will NEVER subscribe to this.
24   Patrick   2024 Sep 1, 3:00pm  

We just need a few more amendments to protect us from the government.

A permanent ban on any mandated medical treatment, especially vaccines and masks.

The right to know the exact total price of any medical procedure in advance of treatment. Emergency prices to be fixed by law.

An explicit right to privacy from government spying.

Allowing a popular vote to revoke specific corporate charters.
25   Patrick   2024 Sep 9, 9:41am  


The Times only employs persons, both birthing and other, of the subtlest minds. You can tell because they are credentialed by our country’s finest institutions of educational credentialing.

They come to The Times fully equipped with the armamentarium of advanced, progressive, innovative, nuanced, cutting-edge modes of understanding our world — which, you’ll agree, is a pretty goshdurned complex place, and rather niggardly in yielding its secret workings. Hence, The Times has concluded that the Constitution is flawed, perhaps fatally, because it allowed for the election of Donald Trump once, and now, possibly, a second time:

"It’s no surprise, then, that liberals charge Trump with being a menace to the Constitution. But his presidency and the prospect of his re-election have also generated another, very different, argument: that Trump owes his political ascent to the Constitution, making him a beneficiary of a document that is essentially antidemocratic and, in this day and age, increasingly dysfunctional.”

The Constitution does not stipulate a particular election day, but subsequent US law established the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November as the day for federal elections (the states can establish their own election dates for state and local offices). This changed beginning in the year 2000, when Oregon legislated to conduct all elections by mail-in ballot and other states followed with alterations to voting methods beyond a single election day. The Covid-19 pandemic prompted states to permanently relax rules on absentee ballots and expand mail-in voting, under guidance from the federal agencies such as the CDC, while the CARES Act of 2020 provided emergency funding to implement procedures for mail-in voting in order to reduce in-person voting that might enable the spread of Covid-19.

All of that followed orderly legislative procedure. The result was widespread ballot fraud, especially in crucial swing voting districts, much of it arrant. Contrary to official narratives out of the “Joe Biden” administration and the salient organs of corporate news, the allegations of widespread fraud were not “baseless” nor were they “conspiracy theories.” Subtle minds schooled in nuanced, cutting-age modes of analysis agreed to ignore documentary evidence of ballot fraud because it disfavored their preferred candidate, “Joe Biden.” Subtler judicial minds subsequently dismissed challenges to official tallies.

Other shenanigans such as the $400-million that Mark Zuckerberg (Meta and Facebook) injected into swing districts for “election administration and voter turn-out,” via his Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), was not adjudicated in any court. The upshot of the “Zuckerbucks” prank was that polling offiicials in many precincts were replaced by Democratic Party activists who ended up counting the votes. The Federal Election Commission (after “Joe Biden” became president) decided that under federal campaign finance law, the contributions were not seen as illegal — though the “Zuckerbucks” scandal did lead to legislative reform in several states.

You might suppose in the years since the 2020 election that opportunity would be seized to materially correct the weaknesses of mail-in ballots, early voting, ballot “harvesting” practices, giant “balloting centers,” and the use of vote-tallying machines (Dominion, etc.) with modems allowing for Internet hackery. The best and simplest reform would be a return to paper ballots cast only on one election day, with voter ID and proof of citizenship (accomplished prior in voter registration), conducted in smaller, distributed precinct polling places that make hand-counting of ballots practical. Alas, this was too difficult for Congress, while the subtle, nuanced, cutting-edge minds working in news media were not interested in such straightforward reform and did not advocate for it.

Rather, the news media advocated for further laxity in voting rules. And so, now they are actually arguing about whether it is desirable for non-citizens to vote. The “Joe Biden” administration allowed at least 10-million people to enter the country illegally since 2021 and have gotten a million or more of them registered to vote via motor-voter laws — automatic registration when an illegal alien gets a driver’s license, and ditto when they apply for various social services. Alejandro Mayorkas’s Department of Homeland Security has shrewdly distributed large numbers of these illegal aliens into swing districts of states crucial to the Democratic Party’s election chances.

The inquiring mind is prompted to wonder whether it is the US Constitution that is a “menace to democracy” or the Democratic Party. Mr. Trump is issuing communiqués on “X” (Twitter) that his party is paying special attention to voting fraud in the current election, with imputations of very severe punishment to cheaters and fraudsters. You might think that the Kamala Harris campaign would declare likewise. I expect Mr. Trump will put the proposition to her in their Tuesday debate.
26   Patrick   2024 Sep 9, 9:43am  


3 hrs ago
I have to laught at all this corruption in U.S. voting. I live in Mexico. Here, a Mexican citizen must have a voter ID card. To obtain one, a person must submit a certified copy of their birth certificate. The voter ID card must be presented on election day in order to vote. All ballots are paper. No mail-in voting allowed. On the most recent election day, my wife, a Mexican citizen, informed me of the results around 9 pm in the evening. But hey, it's Mexico, right??????????
27   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 9, 9:48am  

Patrick says

A permanent ban on any mandated medical treatment, especially vaccines and masks.

And a ban from the Federal or State government inserting itself in medical decisions AND banning them from being lobbyied or designating monopoly "Experts" (ie the AMA and the AHA).
28   Ceffer   2024 Sep 9, 9:51am  

Foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC has its own constituition and its own flag.
The flag does not represent the Republic, but the Vatican, the City of London, and DC, it is a foreign flag hoisted over the USA like a vampire bat on our resources, labor and wealth. Has anybody ever offered you a copy of the DC constitution to read?

The DC corporation has been both bankrupted and voided at this point due purposely insurmountable and inflicted Babylonian debt, but lurches on as an entity fooling the American people like a maggot infested zombie.

In addition, different zones of DC have different jurisdictions. The Congress and Capitol itself are subject to the Law of the Inquisition through the Vatican. It is why the Congress critters want to lure patriots there like a bait trap, because as we see they are subject to arbitrary imprisonment and torture. That is exactly what has happened to the Jan 6 victims, who mistakenly thought that the Congress was 'The People's House'. It is more rightly 'The Vatican's House' and subject to medieval rules and laws. It operates on the basis of corrupt Roman Law.

Our own alleged 'representatives' set up a trap to imprison and torture the hapless members of the Republic as punishment and example for supporting Trump.

The entire 'legal system' of DC is captured and corrupt. That is why no patriot should set foot in DC.
We see a series of these fake, sham Federal trials, set up purely as theatre (Jizzlaine, Sam of FTX, Hunter etc.) by the Intel agencies to cover for their criminal enterprise fronts. "Let's give them another fake show trial, fellas, to get them off our backs, Har, Har!"


view pdf

Amongst other strange tales, it is alleged that the astronauts (if they made it to the moon) first placed a Freemason flag, not the American flag, when they dropped down. Freemasons claimed ownership of the moon.
29   GNL   2024 Sep 9, 3:09pm  

Patrick says


3 hrs ago
I have to laught at all this corruption in U.S. voting. I live in Mexico. Here, a Mexican citizen must have a voter ID card. To obtain one, a person must submit a certified copy of their birth certificate. The voter ID card must be presented on election day in order to vote. All ballots are paper. No mail-in voting allowed. On the most recent election day, my wife, a Mexican citizen, informed me of the results around 9 pm in the evening. But hey, it's Mexico, right??????????

Nothing is fool proof.
30   AD   2024 Sep 9, 3:56pm  


Thomas Jefferson had a very limited view of "provide for the general welfare". He viewed it in terms of maintaining the Union such as assist with roadways connecting each state to promote interstate commerce.

US Mail or US Postal Service (USPS) was an interstate commerce invention.

This is way out of context and interpretation of Harris Biden regime spending at least $160 billion on student loan forgiveness.

32   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Sep 30, 8:33am  

Now they are being open about it:

33   Ceffer   2024 Sep 30, 9:46am  

Actually, fuck the New Yorker. I used to read it all the time, had a subscription for a while. Sad to see it turned to Kommie Globalist Screed toilet paper.

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