Why Hasn’t Governor DeSantis Stopped the COVID Vaccines in Florida When He Admits They are Killing People?

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2022 Dec 15, 8:29pm   1,945 views  30 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Excerpted from the article linked below:

On December 13, 2022, there were two political events where politicians publicly stated that the experimental COVID-19 "vaccines" were neither safe nor effective, and were in fact killing people. One of those events happened at The House of Commons in the UK where Andrew Bridgen, a Member of Parliament (MP) delivered an amazing speech about the corruption behind the Pfizer COVID "vaccines" and how they were harming and killing people ...

The other event that happened on December 13, 2022, was a round table public discussion in Florida led by Governor Ron DeSantis and his Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo. He discusses a study of people who "died suddenly" within a few weeks of being injected with a COVID shot, which showed a high rate of myocarditis that was attributed to mRNA COVID "vaccines." Ladapo has also previously reported that statewide analysis of vaccinated Florida residents aged 18 years or older found an 84 percent increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related deaths among males aged 18–39, within 28 days of mRNA vaccination. So what is Dr. Ladapo's call to action as Florida's Surgeon General now that he knows that the COVID-19 "vaccines" are killing people? "We are initiating a program here in Florida where we will be studying the incidence in surveillance of myocarditis within a few weeks of COVID-19 vaccination for people who died."


PS: They have enough evidence right now to at least put a temporary (hopefully, permanent) STOP to these dangerous EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines.' Instead, as it is typical
as to how the inept government works, thy need to conduct more studies. Amazing!

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1   Patrick   2023 Jan 7, 11:14am  


Dec 15, 2022
text of tweet: "PET scan results = MYOCARDITIS! Left for over a year with myocarditis, gaslighted and left to believe this was all in my head! People need to realise you know your own body better than any Dr will! DR'S ARENT ALWAYS RIGHT! THE COVID-19 VACCINE IS DOING MORE HARM THAN GOOD!"
video attached


JOHN WATT: I just thought I'd give everyone a quick update in regard to my PET scan I got last week. I got the results at the start of the week. And it turns out myocarditis. Myocarditis. It's taken over a year to diagnose me and a specialist in the UK, a specialist cardiologist in the UK, to tell me that it's myocarditis from the vaccine. I've seen over about 5 different cardiologists in Scotland, not one of them as soon as I say this is from the vaccine not one of them want to acknowledge me. Well there you have it. Myocarditis one year later after the vaccine. I've been complaining about chest pain, complaining about heart issues, and what was I told? It's anxiety, PTSD, health anxiety, all in my fu*king head. And now the confirmation that it wasn't.

This is a message to all the health professionals. I'm going to start calling you the health unprofessionals. If I had sat here and had just accepted what you told me, I would never had got an answer and never understood what was going on with my heart here. I want people to realize it took me a year and it's taken me 27,000 pounds to get an answer for my heart. I want people to realize if you're going to your doctor and your doctors tell you this is in your head, that's anxiety and whatnot, you know your body better than these fu*kers! You know yourself better than this!

This vaccine is doing more harm than good. One year they have left me with myocarditis. I think it's time for people to start questioning, people start questioning the health professionals. It's time for you health professionals to realize you're doing more harm than good. I could have take my own life because yous made me believe this was in my head! This narrative will change in the near future. Trust me when I say it! I want this message to get around the whole world. And make yous realize it's time to start doing the right thing. You're killing people and making people think they're going fu*king crazy!
2   Patrick   2023 Feb 16, 9:19pm  


Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety
Florida Surgeon General alerts his State to the substantial increase in risks associated with the mRNA injection and demands transparency and honesty from the federal agencies.

As a father, physician, and Surgeon General for the State of Florida, I request that your agencies promote transparency in health care professionals to accurately communicate the risks these vaccines pose. I request that you work to protect the rights and liberties that we are endowed with, not restrict, and diminish them.

Why don't they ban that dangerous and ineffective toxic shit right now?
3   Patrick   2023 Feb 19, 1:01pm  


The state of Florida has instructed doctors to warn their patients that Covid shots may cause them to suffer a heart attack or other adverse effects.

Florida issued the new guidance for medical professionals this week amid mounting concerns over the negative side effects of the mRNA vaccines.
4   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 20, 5:25am  

2 Years Too Late: Florida Surgeon General Only Now Highlights VAERS Increase in COVID Vaccine Adverse Events – Fails to Call for Halt of COVID Shots

NOTE: A very valid point is made in this article. This information has been made available by U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), although, being that it is provided by the Government, you can bet that the REAL statistics are much worse. Nevertheless, using VAERS alone and taking it at face value, these shots should have been stopped immediately. Instead, the FLA Surgeon General is now only mandating that warnings of adverse side effects must be presented prior to the jab.

5   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 20, 5:36am  

IMO, the way 'trusted' politicians such as Trump and DeSantis handled these toxic EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' is a prime example as to why you should NEVER TRUST A POLITICIAN.

I recall RFK Jr.'s account of his meeting with Trump after he secured the GOP Nomination in 2020. RFK Jr., an expert on the dangers of vaccines, presented his evidence to Trump, who vowed that, if elected, he would work hard against the ongoing implementation of these dangerous vaccines. Not long after their meeting, Trump it was revealed that Trump received big campaign contributions from Big Pharma. After that, Trump never took another call from RFK Jr.

Trump's 'Operation Warp Speed,' which bypassed all of the known scientific regiments, should cause everyone to hold him suspect. He continues to push, and continues to take credit for, these dangerous 'vaccines.' He is one of two things; either he is incredibly ignorant about the death and destruction caused by these 'vaccines,' or, he's part of the global cabal that is behind them.

6   Shaman   2023 Feb 20, 7:31am  

I agree that Trump is vaccine compromised. I don’t choose him for nominee. I’m reserving judgement as to whom should be the candidate. Not Nikki Haley tho. She’s a sold out globalist and it’s obvious.
7   richwicks   2023 Feb 20, 7:42am  

Shaman says

I agree that Trump is vaccine compromised. I don’t choose him for nominee. I’m reserving judgement as to whom should be the candidate. Not Nikki Haley tho. She’s a sold out globalist and it’s obvious.

Trump is the best bet to get a revolution.
8   Patrick   2023 Oct 7, 4:28pm  


💉 On Thursday, during an interview with Del Bigtree, Florida’s Surgeon General and Harvard trained doctor Joseph Ladapo, MD, PhD, clarified that Florida does not recommend the jabs for anyone, even 65+. “It’s not a product,” Ladapo explained, that “based on its safety, that anyone should take.”

10   Misc   2023 Nov 2, 9:13am  

If he was really serious, he could take action as a governor by having criminal charges brought against current and former employees of the CDC, NIH, FDA, etc. Since he is not...what is his believability???? - Well...he is polling above Chris Christie.
11   Patrick   2023 Dec 9, 5:02pm  


Finally, this week Florida’s outstanding Surgeon General, Dr. Joe Ladapo, sent a letter to the FDA demanding answers to three difficult questions over the presence of DNA plasmid contaminants and oncogenic SV40 promoter genes in the mRNA shots:

Dr. Ladapo’s short letter got right to the point. Referring to Kevin McKernan’s groundbreaking work, he asked about the risk of biological integration of the DNA fragments into human cells, especially when combined with the SV40 promoter/enhancer:

This raises concerns regarding the presence of nucleic acid contaminants in the approved Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, particularly in the presence of lipid nanoparticle complexes, and Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter/enhancer DNA. Lipid nanoparticles are an efficient vehicle for delivery of the mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccines into human cells, and may therefore be an equally efficient vehicle for delivering contaminant DNA into human cells. The presence of SV40 promoter/enhancer DNA may also pose a unique and heightened risk of DNA integration into host cells.

Our terrific Surgeon General didn’t waste time messing around with the whole ‘no evidence’ fallacy. He threw right in their face the FDA’s own 2007 document, “Guidance for Industry: Considerations for Plasmid DNA Vaccines for Infectious Disease Indications,” which in dark hilarity warned:

Plasmid DNA could integrate with cells, which could theoretically transform healthy cells into cancer cells.

DNA integration could make normal chromosomes unstable.

DNA vaccines might not stay at the injection site, but could affect “intended parts of the body” including the blood, heart, brain, liver, kidney, bone marrow, ovaries/testes, lung, draining lymph nodes, and spleen.

Dr. Ladapo’s letter then asked three very pointed questions, and referred to a previous unanswered letter, demanding answers by December 13th. It’s not clear what he can or will do if his questions remain unanswered, but if the FDA won’t answer a state Surgeon General’s health questions, then what good is it?

The tipping point is tipping ever closer to a tumble.
12   Patrick   2023 Dec 26, 3:34pm  


Dr. Richard Schroeder, M.D.: Open Message to Governor Ron DeSantis, 'Ban the Jab'!
Dr. Joseph Sansone, December 11, 2023

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is one of several videos made by citizens urging Florida Governor Rick DeSantis to ban the covid jabs in the state of Florida. For more about the campaign, see https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/open-message-to-governor-ron-desantis

DR. RICHARD SCHROEDER: Governor DeSantis, I'm asking that you remove all COVID-19 vaccines from the shelves in the state of Florida. This is Dr Richard Schroeder in Naples, Florida. And from what I'm seeing down here in testimony from many patients that we've just seen on the Children's Health Defense Bus* and from people who have come to me even as a retired obstetrician asking for help and advice that I'm almost powerless to give, we really need to do something at this point. The evidence is becoming overwhelming that the COVID-19 vaccines are harming people and they're even killing people.

We've had testimony on the bus from doctors, nurses, surviving relatives of loved ones who were killed. And I've been so impressed by the Pfizer documents** that were released from Pfizer against their will that showed all these harms to pregnant women and nursing mothers. And that particularly struck a chord with me because I'm a retired obstetrician gynecologist.

You know, of the 270 women that they followed in the trial, Pfizer only followed 32 of these and 28 of them lost their babies for an 87% death rate. Breastfeeding mothers had partial paralysis and migraines, discolored milk, and the babies had vomiting, fever, rash, and allergies to the vaccine. And yet Pfizer, the CDC, Health and Human Services, and numerous medical societies didn't do anything. They just recommended continuing vaccinating in pregnant women, which should have been an absolute no-no.

So I'm requesting that these be removed from the shelves. I know you've got a grand jury out there that should have this evidence available to back you up. I know you're a courageous man. It, it really needs to be done. You have the power to do it. So please help. Please don't ignore the calls for help from the citizens of your state. They're becoming quite numerous, quite vociferous, and, and it's going to be inevitable sooner or later. Stop it before anyone else gets hurt.
13   Booger   2023 Dec 26, 3:53pm  

If Democrats was to suicide themselves with "vaccines", why would you want to stop them?
14   HeadSet   2023 Dec 26, 5:21pm  

Booger says

If Democrats was to suicide themselves with "vaccines", why would you want to stop them?

Because they mandate that crap for everyone else, even those Dems who exempt thenselves.
15   RWSGFY   2023 Dec 27, 10:13am  

HeadSet says

Booger says

If Democrats was to suicide themselves with "vaccines", why would you want to stop them?

Because they mandate that crap for everyone else, even those Dems who exempt thenselves.

I don't think it's mandated anywhere anymore.
16   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 27, 10:18am  

Some colleges still mandate it, and some have implemented new mandates.
18   Patrick   2024 Jan 3, 10:26am  


Nurse Julia Marks Urges Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to "end this modern day Tuskegee Experiment"


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is one of several videos made by citizens urging Florida Governor Rick DeSantis to ban the covid jabs in the state of Florida. For more about the campaign, see https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/open-message-to-governor-ron-desantis

JULIA MARKS: Hello, Governor Ron DeSantis. My name is Julia Marks and I'm an RN with React19.[1] I answer the calls of the vaccine injured every day. I'm reaching out to you in supplication to end this modern day Tuskegee Experiment [2]. Whereas syphilis in the Tuskegee Experiment didn't cause neurological decline for 10 years, we are witnessing neuropathy, memory problems, extreme headaches, stiff neck, convulsions, and difficultly walking within minutes to months after the shot.

Just like Tuskegee, we are being denied informed consent, treatment options, and research-guided therapies. New people are getting continually injured by their boosters. This scientific verification is seen in the pathology studies that prove immunogenic activation.

Myocarditis is the tip of the iceberg. Those who rapidly developed heart-related arrhythmias, high blood pressure, myocarditis, and aortic dissections were the canaries in the coal mine, warning us of toxicity. This inflammation caused by the shot activates clotting cascades. The swelling doesn't stop at the heart. It disrupts blood flow at the extremities and causes traumatic brain injury.

In an adult the skull forms a vault, without the protective soft spots we had as infants. This leaves the swelling of the brain to have no option but to push the swelling down the neck into the spine where it goes on to compress nerves that control everything from movement, breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure.

I don't know if these folks can hold on and wait for the legal arm to twist the political arm into doing the right thing. We're not on a level playing field. We are limping victims crossing a busy street in Manhattan where Washington lobbyists run over the injured in armored tanks. They are shielded by profit margins and legal immunity. The system of checks and balances has been corrupted by Big Pharma interest and corporate investors. It's going to take someone of great moral character, like yourself, to stand up for those who cannot help themselves.

The World Health Organization now acknowledges the shot has a significant correlation with the development of multiple sclerosis. They in fact saw multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions, like CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease[3] develop in the trials. CMT also was characterized by severe neuropathy and muscle weakness. Why have a trial if you aren't going to look into the data?

The real question is, can you as governor continue to allow an agent that causes the same neurological symptoms as syphilis to be injected into the unsuspecting public without informed consent and without a just system of recourse?

Because after being permanently disabled from the covid vaccine, they are denied their right to bring an attorney and are given a statute of limitations of one year to get medical documentation together. Does that sound like upholding a constitutional right to due process?

To add insult to injury, the CICP [Countermeasures Injuries Compensation Program][4] denies 97% of claims, regardless of physician-backed proof of injury.

Big Pharma's cash cow are the covid vaccines, allowing our blood to be curdled with micro clots. Florida's very own Cody Hudson,[5] a previously healthy 21 year-old, developed a pulmonary embolism and antiphospholipid syndrome[6] after his Pfizer vaccine. He is also diagnosed with autoimmune, myocarditis, and neurological deficits. He is applying for disability at age 23.

There is no help coming from the CDC for Cody, or others in Florida that have suffered.

I know you will do everything in your power to protect those who cannot stand up for themselves, especially our children. I trust your leadership. You have the distinct background as a trial attorney and lieutenant colonel of the US Navy to protect our citizens and our military from being weakened.

If you don't protect the young work force, who will? If you don't protect our military, then who will protect the USA?

You are upholding the vision of our founding fathers and just like them, you have the courage, commitment, and sacrifice to uphold the values of our Constitution. So God bless Florida, and God bless Ron DeSantis. I pray you remove these shots from injuring more Floridians. Thank you.


Julia Marks is a vaccine-injured registered Nurse from Florida who serves as Advocacy Director for React19.org For a more detailed biographical note, see:

[1] React19.org "React19 is a science-based non-profit offering financial, physical, and emotional support for those suffering from longterm Covid-19 vaccine adverse events globally. Our mission is to bring healing to the moms, dads, friends, and loved ones who are facing life-altering side effects from their Covid-19 vaccine. We build bridges between patients and research institutions in order to develop a better understanding of our vaccine complications. React19 works with both patients and providers, as well as research teams. Our programs all fall within our 3 categories of assistance (financial, physical, and emotional). Programs include funding, promoting, and sharing relevant scientific research; bringing the right medical teams together with patients; direct financial assistance; educational outreach; and supporting communities where impacted people can begin to heal physically and emotionally."
— Source: https://react19.org/about

[2] "The Tuskegee syphilis study, American medical research project that earned notoriety for its unethical experimentation on African American patients in the rural South. The project, which was conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) from 1932 to 1972, examined the natural course of untreated syphilis in African American men. The research was intended to test whether syphilis caused cardiovascular damage more often than neurological damage and to determine if the natural course of syphilis in black men was significantly different from that in whites. In order to recruit participants for its study, the PHS enlisted the support of the prestigious Tuskegee Institute (now Tuskegee University), located in Macon county, Alabama. A group of 399 infected patients and 201 uninfected control patients were recruited for the program. The subjects were all impoverished sharecroppers from Macon county. The original study was scheduled to last only six to nine months. The subjects were not told that they had syphilis or that the disease could be transmitted through sexual intercourse."
... Continue reading at https://www.britannica.com/event/Tuskegee-syphilis-study

In 1997 President Bill Clinton issued a formal apology for the Tuskegee Experiment. See https://www.britannica.com/topic/Presidential-Apology-for-the-Study-at-Tuskegee-1369625

[3] "Charcot (shahr-KOH)-Marie-Tooth disease is a group of inherited disorders that cause nerve damage. This damage is mostly in the arms and legs (peripheral nerves). Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is also called hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease results in smaller, weaker muscles. You may also experience loss of sensation and muscle contractions, and difficulty walking. Foot deformities such as hammertoes and high arches also are common. Symptoms usually begin in the feet and legs, but they may eventually affect your hands and arms."
— Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/charcot-marie-tooth-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20350517

[4] See: https://www.hrsa.gov/cicp

[5] See: "Exclusive: Healthy 21-Year-Old Given 3 Days to Live After Pfizer Shots Led to Rare Autoimmune Disorder
In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Cody Hudson and his mom, Heather, shared how Cody developed a rare autoimmune disorder causing recurring blood clots and other symptoms he'll be coping with for the rest of his life after receiving two doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine."
by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., October 4, 2023

[6] "Antiphospholipid (AN-te-fos-fo-LIP-id) syndrome is a condition in which the immune system mistakenly creates antibodies that attack tissues in the body. These antibodies can cause blood clots to form in arteries and veins."
— Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/antiphospholipid-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20355831
19   WookieMan   2024 Jan 3, 10:33am  

PeopleUnited says

Some colleges still mandate it, and some have implemented new mandates.

DIdn't realize people were still that stupid. I'm pretty sure half of my close friends have it right now. Some tested, some didn't. But they're slightly sick and it's lasting weeks. But they still function mostly fine. Covid is a minor flu, more cold like from my 2 experiences. For some people it lingers which is weird, but not lay in bed and rest bad. Both times I tested it was a 1-2 day sinus type issue with some lung butter. Felt tired and that was it.

I think if you were vaccinated it hangs around longer. Nothing but anecdotal data to back that up, but everyone I know currently sick were all vaccinated. Ultimately I just don't care because I won't ever be vaccinated for this. I don't understand why 18 to 20 something year old people cannot fend of Covid. I'm 40 and it was an extreme nothing burger both times.
20   Patrick   2024 Jan 4, 3:59pm  


Ladapo knows exactly what he’s doing. Both his guidance and his letter began by citing the FDA’s own documents from 2007, which clearly advised that DNA contamination can cause cells to be genetically modified. Full stop. The FDA said it, not Ladapo. Dr. Ladapo just asked the FDA to clarify whether it was lying in 2007 or whether it is lying now?

Some folks see this as “too little, too late,” because most of the jabs have already entered arms, and jab uptake is now dwindling to embarrassingly-low levels. But that’s not the point. In order to get to the next stage, to prove harms and to start talking specifically about accountability, we must first cross a conceptual Rubicon: the vaccines are — or may be — defective.

At this moment, even though nearly everyone else but Pfizer executives and its bowtied shills have long left the station, the formal Establishment position remains that the vaccines are the safest and most effective vaccines in history. To reach Accountability Station, the Establishment’s position must change, even a little. Just one little crack in the wall would do it.

So the news is: Florida has become the first state to official designate the mRNA shots as potentially defective and therefore unsafe. In other words, the burden of proof has finally shifted — at least, in Florida. Dr. Ladapo is saying that it’s not our job to prove the shots were dangerous. It’s the Establishment’s job to prove its approved medications were safe.

In other words, given the contamination, there is no evidence the shots are safe.

The troops are massed all along the river. All that remains is an order from some modern Julius Caesar to start the crossing.
22   Patrick   2024 Apr 11, 12:37pm  


Yesterday, in the latest remarkable combination of pro-sanity forces, mega-influencer Russell Brand (6 million subscribers) interviewed Florida’s standout Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo.


... But the single most impressive thing about the interview was the full and frank discussion over vaccines between Brand and Dr. Ladapo — the surgeon general of one of the biggest states in America. Critically, if not somewhat ominously, Ladapo opined that while the science isn’t yet settled, he expects that we will ultimately find the dreaded DNA integration.

“These vaccines are just products from hell,” Dr. Ladapo said darkly.

This interview won’t be any good for public health business. Watch the whole thing when you have an hour.
23   Patrick   2024 May 25, 4:43pm  


- This is one of several videos made by citizens urging Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to ban the covid jabs in the state of Florida. For more about the campaign, see https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/open-message-to-governor-ron-desantis
- Robyn Openshaw blogs at https://robynopenshaw.substack.com/

ROBYN OPENSHAW: Governor DeSantis, my name is Robyn Openshaw. I am an influencer, I go by Green Smoothie Girl online. And I was a refugee to Florida. Literally, 3 years ago I ran from the state I raised my children in and I built my eight-figure business in, to come to Florida because of your leadership. And I have one request of you and that is that you show other governors the way, as you have in so many other issues, and ban the jabs in Florida.

Last I heard there were 1.5 million injuries reported to VAERS[1] and over 40,000 deaths. I'm sure it's gone up since then. The US had 158,0000 excess deaths in the first 9 months of this year. Please, please show the way and ban the jabs.

I personally spent 4 years in bed after the flu vaccine in graduate school. This isn't a new problem, it's just a worse problem. I have a 23 year-old, sir, who has myocarditis and severe health problems I don't even want to talk about right here publicly, but I'm just asking you to please show the courage you have so many times before. I have donated so much money to your campaigns, I am behind you all the way. Please, please ban the jabs for the sake of the American people and to show other leaders what true leadership is like.
24   Tenpoundbass   2024 May 25, 4:53pm  

Be likable Ron!
He's declared 2024, the summer of freedom. He's extending a sales tax break on all outdoor activities. Sporting goods, park fees, camping fees anything that gets you outdoors he's waiving sales tax. But it doesn't start until July. Wow that's GREAT!
But where's the coalition of like minded GOP hopefuls stepping up in big Blue cities, being groomed to run for key offices? Where's the Ron DeSantis protégé that is being prepped to be the next Florida Governor GOP candidate? He's going to beat his chest for the next two years, do cheesy easy populist shit, then try to run for President in 2028. But he wont stand a chance if he allows the Commies to take over the Florida governorship in 2026. They will erase everything he did so fast and he wont have one single standing legacy left in Florida after the two years between the midterms and the 2028 election. He will be exposed as the self pandering disingenuous pompous dud that he is. His attempt to damage Trump and MAGA movement for his 2024 desires, is all the proof one really needs.

His only tangible legacy will be the GOP entropy he leaves behind.
25   Patrick   2024 Jun 14, 1:55pm  


Maija Hahn: Open Message to Governor DeSantis, Ban the Jab!
Dr. Joseph Sansone, Dec 16, 2023

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is one of several videos made by citizens urging Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to ban the covid jabs in the state of Florida. For more about the campaign, see https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/open-message-to-governor-ron-desantis

MAIJA HAHN: Hi, my name is Maija Hahn.[1] I am a founder of United for Healthcare Workers[2] and I'm calling on Governor DeSantis to ban the shots.

Ban the COVID shots, they're causing massive damage to patients all across the world. Over 17 million people that have taken these shots have now died. The data is clear. There's contamination. These shots need to be pulled from the shelves.

If the FDA refuses to pull them, we ask you, Governor, to pull them, protect the Floridian people, and have them no longer accessible to hurt any more people, any more children. We need to save lives.

It is unethical to continue the COVID lies. It's unethical to be administering these contaminated, deadly, maiming shots. Please, Governor, do the right thing. Our federal government obviously is not doing the right thing. The FDA should have pulled these off the shelves over a year ago. We now see the collateral damage everywhere. There's healthcare workers all across the state that do not want to participate in this genocide. We ask you, Governor, stop the shots, ban the shots, pull them from the shelves.
27   Patrick   2024 Sep 13, 12:05pm  


💉💉 Mark today, Friday the 13th, down as the day the “safe and effective” lie suffered a fatal head injury. Yesterday, Florida’s Department of Health issued its Fall covid season guidance, headlined “Updated Guidance for COVID-19 Boosters for the Fall and Winter 2024–2025 Season.” It advised Florida doctors against giving mRNA covid shots to anybody, not even medical fetishists:

Based on the high rate of global immunity and currently available data, the State
Surgeon General advises against the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Any
provider concerned about the health risks associated with COVID-19 for patients
over the age of 65 or with underlying health conditions should prioritize patient
access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatment.
Safety and Efficacy Concerns
Providers and patients should be aware of outstanding mRNA COVID-19 vaccine safety
and efficacy concerns...

Boom. The FDOH continued by listing seven different categories of safety and efficacy concerns, including things like negative efficacy (i.e., making patients more likely to get covid), increased risk of an autoimmune disease, myocarditis, persistence of mRNA spike protein in the body (i.e., long covid), and coarse, unwanted body hair growing in the most inconvenient spots.

Okay, maybe not the hair thing. But all the rest! And each category provided hyperlinks to scientific studies, so that the media will shut up this time and have to keep its stupid “no evidence” dance routine in the box.

And the media is shutting up. Despite its revolutionary conclusions, there was not a single story in corporate media anywhere. Not even a critical story. Not even a story rounding up ‘covid experts’ to call it misinformation. Not even a fact-check. You’d think at least the Miami Herald would have had a go, but nope.

The media is terrified that mRNA sales might slip even more.

A year ago last September, Florida’s outstanding Surgeon General Joe Ladapo advised against mRNA vaccines in anyone under 65. Yesterday, the Florida Department of Health —one of the largest state-level public health agencies in the country— became the very first government health agency in the world to advise against the shots regardless of age.

Florida’s Department of Health advisories have the legal effect of setting the “Standard of Care” in the Sunshine State. Providers who stray from the standard of care risk potential civil liability and medical board review.
28   Patrick   2024 Sep 17, 11:11am  

This was blocked by Peets Coffee wifi, so I'm posting it:


Policy Shifts Against The mRNA Platform Rapidly Emerged This Past Week

Major Covid mRNA policy reversals and awakenings occurred this week within a major U.S health system, a large U.S state, a South American country, and in the UK. The dominoes are starting to fall.

Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
Sep 17, 2024

This week a nurse reached out with disturbing descriptions of some major changes she has witnessed inside the Ohio State University Medical Center (OSUMC) system. ...

Lets start off with this screenshot of a webpage from OSUMC’s website which provides information to the public as to where they can get Covid-19 vaccines. Check out the highlighted sentence at the bottom of the page:

Wait, what? Ohio State is suddenly no longer offering the Covid-19 vaccine to any of their employees but they are happily offering to inject them into the public? How can such a policy be justified? Why was this change in policy done and why was it done so quietly? ...

So it must be the case that Ohio State leadership somehow found themselves a stronger financial disincentive to subjecting employees to Covid-19 vaccine injection. Where would such a disincentive come from? Answer: lawsuits. I also suspect that fear of worsening staff shortages from disability and/or death further disrupting operations played a role as well...
29   Patrick   2024 Oct 31, 11:00am  


💉💉 It’s a start! Boise’s NPR affiliate ran a liberal-horror-movie story yesterday headlined, “Southwest Idaho Health District Board pulls COVID vaccines from its clinics.” Now what are medical fetishists supposed to do?


The Southwest Idaho Health District, covering about 30 public health clinics, voted 4-3 Tuesday to remove the covid shots from its facilities, following about 300 public comments supporting ditching the jabs, and after anti-vaccine presentations by several doctors who’ve survived multiple cancellation attempts, including fearless Idaho pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, and Zoom appearances from equally courageous Texas-based cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, and others.

It’s not a ban or anything. People who live around there can still get jabbed at CVS and Walgreens or their doctor’s office if they want. They just can’t get the shots at the public clinics. But you should see how badly triggered some Democrats were. “Sorry, but this pisses me off," complained board chair Kelly Aberasturi, who voted against the decision.

Idahoans desperate for their tenth booster will have to go trick-or-treating somewhere else. Let’s acknowledge the dedication and toughness of our brave covid docs who are still out there trying to teach people about the health risks of these obviously ineffective treatments. They tried to cancel our covid docs, but the jabs are getting canceled instead.

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