Trump lied about the vaxx, which is DANGEROUS and INEFFECTIVE

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2023 Jan 17, 6:00pm   7,529 views  55 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


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I cannot support Trump at all until he admits that the death jab is a HORRIBLE idea, and was from the get-go. Teaching your body to attack itself is never a good idea.

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2   Patrick   2023 Jan 19, 12:10am  

Liberal dilemma: If Trump were to drop dead from the vaxx, and indisputably from the vaxx, should they be happy or sad?
3   WookieMan   2023 Jan 19, 12:15am  

He failed on covid. The head guy flat out lied over and over, Fauci. He didn’t fire him. Birx as well. 15 days to stop an airborne virus. You only need a high school education to realize how retarded that was.

In the Dominican currently. Met a dude from Jersey that is having problems with his vax. Cool person. Honest too. Said he regrets ever getting the vax. Younger than me too. It hospitalized him at one point. He brought it up unsolicited, so it wasn’t like I was fishing. I think the situation is worse than I even thought.
4   PeopleUnited   2023 Jan 19, 12:20am  

WookieMan says

. I think the situation is worse than I even thought.

So many people have been injured. It seems like it was deliberate, that the powers that be knew it was going to hurt people and that’s why they won’t let us talk about it in the press.
5   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Jan 19, 4:32am  

Trump's rhetoric resounded with a lot of people. He spoke out about offshoring jobs. Essentially said it is OK to be proud you are white. Dumped on the corrupt war criminal Bushies. Nailed the Fake News. Emphasized that Chy-Nah was the enemy. Got the US close to or actually in energy independency. But he blew it big time with the toxxines. Ditto, Navarro. And now his ignorance and EGO won't let him admit the truth. Too bad.
6   zzyzzx   2023 Jan 19, 5:20am  

You would think that Trump would know better by now. When it was first out, I understood why he said it, but now it makes no sense.
7   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 19, 6:24am  

Trump didn't lie, he reinforced what the establishment was saying anyway.
I called an old friend of mine that knew Peto and told him about Peto's passing. The Vax came up, as I said his health really went south over the last year since taking the shot.
Derek got all upset and said there's nothing wrong with the vaccine, it has saved his life about 3 times since getting it. He's got Covid a month after his first shot and has gotten it two times since. If it wasn't for the shot he would have died. I told him, I've had the flu about 3 times since the pandemic, and since the flu is extinct now, that means I had Covid. Each time I caught it before the symptoms spiraled out of control with zinc, D3, C and Q. He just disputed that as the only way to protect yourself is to get vaxed. I then asked him about all of the sports stars and television presenters that collapse on live tv. He said "They are over exaggerating coincidences, people die of a heart attack all the time, "They" are hyping it up."

I told him "They" are live videos happening in realtime. It's the reality of these live events, that is preventing "They" from controlling the narrative as you would have us believe.

Then I remembered why I haven't talked to him much over the last 20 years.

We all don't believe the hype, but people like Derek and Peto did. DO you really think they needed Trump to tell them to take the Vax?
Maybe Trump was trying to save everyone's life, even those that despised him most. By thinking if he promoted it, people would reject and repel the vaccine, and any and all surrounding or had anything to do with it. But unfortunately it's the rare one thing, that all of the Trump haters embraced spite Trump promoting to them.
8   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Jan 19, 6:26am  

Orinally folks like Cumla said the toxxines were bad as Trump rushed them out. They she changed her tune.
9   pudil   2023 Jan 19, 6:48am  

A healthy normal 3 year old classmate of my son just died of a heart attack so I’m not going to support Trump even if he does admit the vax is bad.

Covid was the worst failure of Trump, but he had lots of others. Where’s the wall? Where’s the immigration reform?

All he did was make fun of people on Twitter and he did slightly fewer drone strikes then Obama.

And the fact that his supporters are still rotting in jail because he didn’t do a blanket pardon after Jan 6 is the final nail in his coffin.
10   clambo   2023 Jan 19, 7:14am  

On balance, Trump was good.
At the time, he was doing lots of things, and if everyone who was an "expert" told him the vaccine was effective and necessary, how would he be able to distinguish bullshit from the reality?
The reality is the vaccine both helped and hurt some people, which means everyone was largely correct about it.
If you are crazy enough to vote socialist party and let them steal your money via taxes, import illegals, hire foreigners, promote tranny values, you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Trump's intentions were good, and not motivated by financial gain.
If you are seeking perfection in a person, you will be disappointed.
11   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 19, 7:36am  

pudil says

A healthy normal 3 year old classmate of my son just died of a heart attack so I’m not going to support Trump even if he does admit the vax is bad.

Covid was the worst failure of Trump, but he had lots of others. Where’s the wall? Where’s the immigration reform?

All he did was make fun of people on Twitter and he did slightly fewer drone strikes then Obama.

And the fact that his supporters are still rotting in jail because he didn’t do a blanket pardon after Jan 6 is the final nail in his coffin.

I certainly can't argue with none of that. But the biggest crime of his, was just allowing the illusion that the President of the US is powerless against Staffers, Aides, activist Judges, and unconstitutional special council appointments. While allowing a ton of hopium on his Twitter feed, that is was an elaborate plan of Trump to bring down the swamp.

In DC the one that acts first wins. And spite Trump's promises to play his cards close to his chest, he would announce major upheavals and maneuvers that would upend the Deep State, but put the timeline for his action weeks out in advance. Giving the Deep State actors time to circumvent his efforts and beat him to action. Stopping him dead in his tracks every time. Where as had he just acted then announced his actions after the fact, no judge would have gone on record trying to undo what Trump did. And if you look back 90% of the time, activist Law firms and Judges were not as successful at undoing what he already did. As they were stopping his announced future plans dead in its tracks.

Jeff Sessions was announced because Trump didn't do what he said he was going to do. That is start investigations on day one.. Had he had done just that, it would have then been impossible for those under his investigation to call for an investigation into him. Just as it was moot for him to call for investigations once he was imperiled with Sessions and Mueller.
12   ElYorsh   2023 Jan 19, 8:01am  

EVERYBODY wanted a vaccine, so Trump delivered. What was wrong with that? Why apologize unnecessarily if you delivered something everyone wanted in "warp speed"?

Then the election process was rigged (Democrats collusion with MSM and social media) and the Biden White House came in and mandated to force what Trump had originally planned to be optional.

Some of you are starting to sound like libtards.
13   Shaman   2023 Jan 19, 8:10am  

1) I don’t see Trump trying to force vaccines on people.
However, if he had remained President, the libtards and never trumpers would have rejected the vax instead of eagerly gobbling it up. Even Kamala was like “hell no, not taking Trump’s vax!” And then it was Biden’s vax and everything was cool.
That’s why Trump lost the election. He had to go, because to our globalist owners, manipulating people into taking the vax was the ENTIRE POINT OF THE PANDEMIC!
14   clambo   2023 Jan 19, 8:20am  

Trump lost because ALL of the goverment goldbricks in DC hated him for saying he would look at government hiring and raises, the assholes who want to hire foreigners, the Democrats, and everyone else conspired to cheat and steal and election which he won.
15   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Jan 19, 8:27am  

ElYorsh says

EVERYBODY wanted a vaccine,

A vaccine, perhaps, but not a gene therapy. I was initially interested in the Novavax vaccine, but as time went on, I realized that even this would be toxic. Good thing the company was incompetently run and they kept fumbling the ball.

All one had to do was to review the public NYC Department of Health COVID data. Even 70+ year-olds without comorbidities had just about a nil chance of dying. The whole thing stunk from the get-go.

Trump is not an infallible supreme being. He fucked up royally with the toxxines. And like many people who get caught out, he fails to take the age old advice - when you find yoursellf in a hole, stop digging.
16   Onvacation   2023 Jan 19, 8:34am  

clambo says

The reality is the vaccine both helped and hurt some people, which means everyone was largely correct about it.


It was never effective; remember "breakthrough cases"? World class experts, who were censored, claimed the vax was dangerous from the beginning.

Who really believed modifying your cells to produce spike proteins was a good idea?
17   Onvacation   2023 Jan 19, 8:35am  

clambo says

On balance, Trump was good


The deep state took advantage of his germphobia.
18   Onvacation   2023 Jan 19, 8:39am  

Shaman says

That’s why Trump lost the election. He had to go, because to our globalist owners, manipulating people into taking the vax was the ENTIRE POINT OF THE PANDEMIC!

Yep. Vax passports were imminent before all the triple vaxxed got Omicron.
19   RayAmerica   2023 Jan 19, 8:59am  

First a disclaimer ... I voted for Trump in both elections.

RFK Jr. has done a lot of very good work exposing the danger of vaccines in general. He is VERY much against these EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines.'

Once Trump won the GOP nomination in 2016, RFK Jr. met with Trump at Trump Tower in New York. He found that Trump was quite knowledgeable about the dangers related to the use of widespread vaccines. Trump also expressed his admiration and support regarding RFK Jr.'s war against Big Pharma and vaccines and vowed that he wanted to curtail their use if elected. Not long after that meeting, Trump received huge sums of money from Big Pharma for his campaign. From that moment on, Trump never received, nor did he return any calls from RFK Jr.

Politics is a filthy business. Former Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill once said: "Money is the mother's milk of politics.' Politics is corrupt to its very core, and virtually everyone, including Trump, ends up becoming beholden to their suppliers of money.
20   RayAmerica   2023 Jan 19, 9:02am  

If you're interested in RFK Jr.'s work, etc., check this out:

21   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 19, 9:15am  

Onvacation says

clambo says

On balance, Trump was good


The deep state took advantage of his germphobia.

Wow that's a great point, and an angle I had not considered for his reasoning for any and all association with Operation Warp Speed.
22   pudil   2023 Jan 19, 9:24am  

Onvacation says

clambo says

On balance, Trump was good


The deep state took advantage of his germphobia.

This is a great point and another reason not to vote for him. If all it takes to get Trump to trample all over our rights is a bad flu season because he’s scared of germs, then he’s not fit.
23   mell   2023 Jan 19, 9:34am  

pudil says

And the fact that his supporters are still rotting in jail because he didn’t do a blanket pardon after Jan 6 is the final nail in his coffin.

Could he have done that? How long can a voted out president pardon people, probably til last day in office, but what about pending investigations? If he could he definitely should have done that.
24   clambo   2023 Jan 19, 9:47am  

Some people were likely helped not hurt by the shot or shots. The less severe disease was a likely effect, and I believe some data support this.
I was among a group in Palm Beach which were all 65 and up who got the shot when it first rolled out. A lot of people went to the county fairgrounds for it.

I am sure that if many of them had experienced problems they would have complained vigorously. Complaining is a major pastime among the older; I'm guilty although I think it's a lifelong pastime for me.
25   Shaman   2023 Jan 19, 10:40am  

There had to be some transient benefit or the public would have caught on immediately and it wouldn’t have worked. My problem isn’t with vaccines, but with the mRNA method itself, which is risky and overly meddles in your cellular biology/genetics to create some limited form of immunity. Also, with mRNA (and this was my original objection) you can encode whatever sequences you wish with whatever effects you intend and nobody will know what you did until it happens to them!
26   Patrick   2023 Jan 19, 10:49am  

mell says

pudil says

And the fact that his supporters are still rotting in jail because he didn’t do a blanket pardon after Jan 6 is the final nail in his coffin.

Could he have done that?

He could not have. His power to pardon does not extend beyond his last day in office.
27   Patrick   2023 Jan 19, 10:53am  

ElYorsh says

Why apologize

Because it doesn't work. At all. In fact, it makes you more likely to get infected, and adds on the risk of death from strokes and heart attacks, among other side effects.

I give Trump credit for not forcing it on anyone as far as I know, but he still crows about it as if it were something good when it is something 200% bad.

And this is true across all age groups. More vaxxing = more death.
28   RayAmerica   2023 Jan 19, 12:17pm  

Stew Peters (producer of 'Died Suddenly') Calls on President Trump to Apologize for Pushing COVID Death Jabs

President Trump has continued to praise Operation Warp Speed and the historically deadly COVID-19 jabs.

“I hope Trump’s first tweet back on Twitter is an apology to the millions maimed and murdered after his incessant and continuous push of the bioweapon death jab,” tweeted Stew Peters ...

29   Onvacation   2023 Jan 19, 1:13pm  

clambo says

Some people were likely helped not hurt by the shot or shots. The less severe disease was a likely effect, and I believe some data support this.

The old, "It would have been worse if I weren't vaxxed" argument. I have not seen the data to support this. Is it even possible to prove that the vax made the Wuhan less dangerous?
30   Onvacation   2023 Jan 19, 1:15pm  

Patrick says

He could not have. His power to pardon does not extend beyond his last day in office.

You can't pardon someone that hasn't been convicted. Nobody has even been charged with insurrection much less convicted.
31   RayAmerica   2023 Jan 19, 1:52pm  

ElYorsh says

EVERYBODY wanted a vaccine, so Trump delivered. What was wrong with that? Why apologize unnecessarily if you delivered something everyone wanted in "warp speed"?

According to science, the research and development of safe and effective vaccines takes, at best, 10 to 15 years. Virtually none of the required experiments, along with the necessary amount of time to study both the short and long term effects of such experiments, was ever conducted. Instead, the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' were tested on human guinea pigs on a global scale. More and more evidence is being brought forth that indicates that these dangerous 'vaccines' are in fact compromising the immune system, which makes the spread of disease much easier. Cancer, for example, is basically an immune deficiency disease and is spreading like wild fire, and, it's happening all over the 'vaccinated' globe.
32   RayAmerica   2023 Jan 19, 1:54pm  

Onvacation says

You can't pardon someone that hasn't been convicted. Nobody has even been charged with insurrection much less convicted.

That's not true. For example, Richard Nixon was never 'convicted' of any crime by a court of law. However, President Ford granted a 'full and unconditional pardon,' which, in effect, prohibited Nixon from ever being prosecuted, let alone convicted.
33   ElYorsh   2023 Jan 19, 4:21pm  

Patrick says

ElYorsh says

Why apologize

Because it doesn't work. At all. In fact, it makes you more likely to get infected, and adds on the risk of death from strokes and heart attacks, among other side effects.

I give Trump credit for not forcing it on anyone as far as I know, but he still crows about it as if it were something good when it is something 200% bad.

And this is true across all age groups. More vaxxing = more death.

I don't argue about that. But Trump is a politician. Politicians that admit they were wrong never win. It sounds nice and it could get some people to say that he is right for apologizing, but not that many people would get convinced to approve of him just because of the apology.
34   Onvacation   2023 Jan 19, 4:53pm  

RayAmerica says

Onvacation says

You can't pardon someone that hasn't been convicted. Nobody has even been charged with insurrection much less convicted.

That's not true. For example, Richard Nixon was never 'convicted' of any crime by a court of law. However, President Ford granted a 'full and unconditional pardon,' which, in effect, prohibited Nixon from ever being prosecuted, let alone convicted.

True. But Trump could not have blanket pardoned a bunch of people that had not even been charged much less convicted. Trump seems to be in favor of the rule of law and would probably support valid charges of vandalism. Aunt Jo, who walked through the rotunda staying between the velvet ropes, never should have been charged.

I don't think anyone supports putting someone in jail for over a year on charges stemming from following a mostly peaceful (previously mentioned vandals excepted) crowd that was parading through the capitol after the police opened the doors and allowed them in. There have been over 1,000 people charged for crimes that were less than those that have been ignored before and after January 6, 2021. Selective justice leads to vigilantism and anarchy.

If Trump were president he would bust most of these people out of jail and bring them to the Whitehouse for burgers and pop.

Trump Hails Jan. 6 Insurrectionists As 'Great Patriots,' Calls Prison Sentences A 'Disgrace'
35   Onvacation   2023 Jan 19, 4:58pm  

Free Derek Chauvin! Jail Michael Byrd!

Our country needs more Ashli Babbitt's and less George Floyd's,
36   Onvacation   2023 Jan 19, 5:01pm  

ElYorsh says

But Trump is a politician. Politicians that admit they were wrong never win.

37   HeadSet   2023 Jan 19, 5:53pm  

If Trump apologizes for Warp Speed then ALL of the blame will be put on Trump and none on anyone else. It will be "Trump myocarditis" and "Joe is repealing the Trump mRNA mandates" and "Trump responsible for jabb deaths."
38   pudil   2023 Jan 19, 6:41pm  

RayAmerica says

Onvacation says

You can't pardon someone that hasn't been convicted. Nobody has even been charged with insurrection much less convicted.

That's not true. For example, Richard Nixon was never 'convicted' of any crime by a court of law. However, President Ford granted a 'full and unconditional pardon,' which, in effect, prohibited Nixon from ever being prosecuted, let alone convicted.

Great point and I think you’re right. However, what I’d like to point out to all the Trump apologists that are saying he couldn’t have issued a pardon without a charge or conviction - that’s for sure not true.

A president can issue any type of pardon he wants. The question would be if it’s legal. I’m not aware of any case law around this, so if on Jan 20th, 10am Trump had written up a blanket pardon, this would have gone to the Supreme Court. Then at least his supporters would have had a fighting chance instead of rotting in prison for years.

The reason why he didn’t do this perfectly illustrates the problem with Trump. He talks a good game but at the end of the day he wants liberals in New York to like him. If he had tried the blanket pardon, if he had fired faucci, if he had diverted military funds to build the wall, if he had cracked down on blm riots, liberals in New York would have said mean stuff about him. So he doesn’t do these things, he betrays his supporters, and liberals still say mean stuff.
39   pudil   2023 Jan 19, 6:47pm  

HeadSet says

If Trump apologizes for Warp Speed then ALL of the blame will be put on Trump and none on anyone else. It will be "Trump myocarditis" and "Joe is repealing the Trump mRNA mandates" and "Trump responsible for jabb deaths."

Fine by me. If Trump can say something that would make people stop taking it and it saves one innocent kid whose dumb npc lib parents are boosting up right now just following the vax schedule he should. I don’t give 2 shits about his election chances compared to that.
40   PeopleUnited   2023 Jan 20, 2:30am  

Trump is either a deliberate willing collaborator in the cover up of the fake pandemic (the virus is real and many have become ill from it, but for most it is less troublesome than the flu and with proper early treatment most people can have shorter symptoms and most deaths could have been prevented) and the irresponsible/criminal implementation of dangerous and ineffective vaxxes. Or if he is not a deliberate willing collaborator in these lies and crimes then he is foolish and allowed himself to be compromised by his foolishness, greed and ego. In either case he is unfit for the job, but still may be the least unfit candidate on the ballot in the upcoming primaries and general election.

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