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1   freak80   2012 Jul 24, 2:43pm  

As long as folks can "lock in" these low interest rates with "fixed rate" loans then there's no problem. At least not from the threat of rising interest rates.

4   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 1, 7:38pm  

Holy mother of necro threads!
5   Patrick   2023 Feb 15, 9:19pm

The California exodus has shown no sign of slowing down as the state’s population dropped by more than 500,000 people between April 2020 and July 2022, with the number of residents leaving surpassing those moving in by nearly 700,000.

Paywall, but you can avoid it by pressing escape on reload to stop the javascript paywall. Thanks to @richwicks for that tip.
9   Patrick   2023 Mar 26, 2:34pm

The rain that fell on California in recent weeks could have supplied the state’s water needs for 10 years — if it had been captured and stored. Unfortunately, most of the water is being left to drain to the Pacific Ocean.

California received some 32 trillion gallons of water in three weeks of “atmospheric river” storms across the state, according to Fox News. In 2014, the state used 42 million acre feet, or about 1.4 trillion gallons, annually, according to the Desert Sun, citing the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (A more recent figure from USGS suggests the state withdraws up to 28,800 gallons per day, or about 1 trillion per year, from the environment.)

Given that the state only taps half of its water supply for human uses, about 16 trillion gallons of the rain that fell on California in the last few weeks could theoretically be directed to human use — if it were stored. That means that enough rain fell to supply the state’s water needs for at least another decade — and maybe longer.

However, the state’s water storage capacity is only 43 million acre feet, matching about one year’s human use. Given that most reservoirs — even in the ongoing extreme drought — have some water in them, not all of the 43 million acre feet of storage space is available to capture the ongoing rains — and some dams’ floodgates have been opened. More than 95% of the rain that is falling on the state is simply being allowed to wash out to sea.
11   AD   2023 Dec 7, 11:54am

California’s budget deficit has skyrocketed to $68 billion mainly due to months of unexpectly low tax revenues, according to a new analysis from the Legislative Analyst’s Office released on Thursday.

The latest deficit figure far exceeds the $14.3 billion estimate from June, according to Politico. The shortfall could potentially lead “Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers to make spending cuts on a scale that few term-limited elected officials in Sacramento have faced” during the next legislative year, the report said.
12   Patrick   2023 Dec 8, 1:27pm

California is suffering from the major financial impact of people and businesses fleeing the Democrat-led state.

As the mass exodus to red states continues, California is now faced with a devastating budget crisis caused by the “severe revenue decline.”

Under Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom’s watch, California now has a record $68 billion budget deficit.

Worryingly, Newsom believes that California should be a blueprint for how the rest of the country should be run.

The state’s budget deficit has grown exponentially in just a few months’ time, according to California’s non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) report released Thursday.

The deficit has soared by more than $54 billion from just $14.3 billion in June.

And while the deficit isn’t the largest to ever face the state as a percentage of overall spending, it is the largest in terms of real dollars.

The LAO’s report made no mention of the billions in tax revenue lost by California due to the exodus of its people and businesses. ...

California saw its first-ever population decline in 2020 when the state imposed rigid lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

From January 2020 to July 2022, the state lost well over half a million people, with the number of residents leaving surpassing those moving in by almost 700,000.
13   RC2006   2023 Dec 8, 1:37pm  

Need new ratio numbers for CA workers vs takers.
14   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Dec 8, 2:00pm  

RC2006 says

Need new ratio numbers for CA workers vs takers.

by race… just to have media scream “statistics is white supremacy”.
15   WookieMan   2023 Dec 8, 2:14pm  

Patrick says

Haven't done it in a while. Uhaul will practically pay you to drive a truck or trailer into CA. One of the cooler free metrics you can use to check out migration patterns.
16   Onvacation   2023 Dec 8, 2:57pm  

Patrick says

The state’s budget deficit has grown exponentially in just a few months’ time, according to California’s non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) report released Thursday.

had to pay for the chinese visit
17   Onvacation   2023 Dec 8, 2:58pm  

Patrick says

The deficit has soared by more than $54 billion from just $14.3 billion in June.

visits from dictator's are not cheap
18   Onvacation   2023 Dec 8, 3:00pm  

Patrick says

California saw its first-ever population decline in 2020 when the state imposed rigid lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

is that counting all the young men of military age passing over the border every day?
19   Ceffer   2023 Dec 8, 3:13pm  

You know how fucked California is when they offered it to Xi as a pre-softened KommieKunt colony with insane, abusive appointed electorate and fake elections, in return for money to keep the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC afloat. Xi turned them down. He brushed off the politicians, the CCP flags lining the streets, and the lisping promises of the traitors and treasonistas. He was primarily interested in the tech leaders, Blackrock, and Vanguard. Meetings with vaseline robot boy Newsom and the other Orc pols were perfunctory.
21   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2023 Dec 31, 8:35pm  

I live in the South Bay Area of Los Angeles County. Likely one of the nicest places to live in the nation, or at least it was. Multiple murders, home invasion robberies, mall takeovers, and random violent brutal assaults along with an overflow of homeless from City of Los Angeles have rendered it no longer the case. In particular a recent brutal murder of a woman in her 60’s out walking her dog by a transient with a sledge hammer, has local Nextdoor abuzz.

And in truly self defeating, delusional liberal style, there are a few posters with “then get out, we don’t want you” type comments along with another ignorantly hammering the “but stats show crime is dropping line that he hears from liberal propagandists without any interest in why that might be despite empirical evidence to the contrary.

California is a shithole. My wife grew up in the hood and said she felt safer there because the OG’s would look out for the neighborhood. I mentioned this to a few coworkers who lived in rougher areas and they confirmed it. They said the gangsters didn’t want the young guys going after the long time residents.

She won’t go anywhere here after dark by herself anymore.

I’ve go six more years and it cannot come soon enough. My childhood in an ethnically diverse suburb in the San Gabriel Valley, 9 miles east of downtown LA, was magical. Now it’s fucking crap. Fuck this place, fuck Gavin Newsom, fuck the Democrats and those that vote for the .
23   Booger   2024 Feb 3, 4:37pm  

Patrick says

The law was met with celebration by everyone still living in California, as they were all gay already.
27   richwicks   2024 Apr 17, 8:00pm  

Patrick says

As if they can't trace the money.

Pretty easy to follow the path of money going in, and money going out, and seeing where it stopped.
28   zzyzzx   2024 May 10, 10:16am

California Adopts One of Nation’s Highest Fixed-Utility Fees

The new billing structure was allowed by a law signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom two years ago that required fixed electric fees be based on income.
29   Ceffer   2024 May 10, 11:12am  

Stolen elections have consequences. The Kommie Kleptocrats go crazy. More money, more graft, disappearing services, road maintenance lethargic and inefficient but disruptive, money laundered through the homeless industrial complex back to politicians and their flunkies. What more could you ask for in State government?

Inefficiency, thievery, taxation and 'regulation' of everything, the Goth airdropped into previously attractive suburbs, escalating crime, defunct justice system full of printing press diploma morons and parasites. It's like watching the fleas carry the dog carcass somewhere to finish the job.

If your net is north of 15 million or so, you might make it into some coastal enclave still with a thousand square foot rat shack on a postage stamp that still has police protection or private security.

Of course, I am sure the DEW redevelopment is far from over. If you see the Skynet green lasers combing your area to map them, better break out the blue paint and blue tarps for your dwellings.
31   Ceffer   2024 May 17, 2:56pm  

I'm sure the Bolshie Ballet has all those Tavistock style study groups and think tanks devoted to finding novel ways to launder money.

Virtue Signaling Handle, Name, Logo etc. or 'Foundation' If the name is a Satanic Inversion, so much the better check

Copious Donations From Tax Base or Corporate Entities (write offs) check

Tax Free Status check

No Accounting or Auditing, or you dissolve the fraud and move on the next laundering shell, or murder or guilt trip or gang stalk the auditors check

Set aside big bundles of tax money for the 'Homeless Problem', and it winds up back in the pockets of politicians and apparatchiks in record time. The homeless are still sucking shit with their drugs and alcohol, and don't even notice all the tens and hundreds of millions sailing over their heads that are supposed to be utilized in their weather beaten names.

For Local Laundering Scams, the Homeless Industrial Complex is a bounty sent from perdition and assures that homelessness will continue to be a growth industry with all of its attendant 'social service' ticks and parasites.
32   AD   2024 May 18, 11:14am  

Ceffer says

Local Laundering Scams, the Homeless Industrial Complex is a bounty

I see this in the Florida panhandle and am suspicious of all the local "churches" that run charity events.

How much of what they purchase with donated money ends up in the wrong hands ?

Even if the volunteer board members for these charities are honest, does not mean this type of behavior is easily prevented or stopped.

33   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 May 18, 11:19am  

zzyzzx says

The new billing structure was allowed by a law signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom two years ago that required fixed electric fees be based on income.

So glad I left that place 6 months after that bill.
34   Patrick   2024 May 19, 8:29am

HEAVEN — According to sources in the celestial realm, God is scratching His head in wonderment that Democrats somehow managed to mess up California.

"You guys were literally given everything! How do you even do that?" said a spokesangel for the Almighty. "You have perfect weather, beautiful coastline, great surfing, skiing in the mountains, fish tacos, rolling vineyards, the list goes on. How on earth did you manage to take the most beautiful stretch of land on God's earth and turn it into a huge dump?"

"It doesn't make any sense."

Sources say Democrats in California took issue with the idea that they were to blame, claiming instead that everyone else was to blame and definitely not them or anything. "Yeah, it's like global warming and stuff," said Governor Gavin Newsom to a crowd of homeless meth heads on Pier 39. "And not enough taxes. If we had more taxes, all the things would be better."

Sources confirmed the host of Heaven is watching in amazement as people are actually leaving the beauty of California in the millions, choosing to live instead in places like Ohio and Florida. "We intended Ohio to be a place of torment for those who displease the Lord. We filled Florida with man-eating snakes and gators so mankind wouldn't live there," continued the spokesangel. "But somehow, Democrats have made those places actually look attractive to people. It's truly baffling."

At publishing time, God had finally decided to pour out his divine wrath after finding the Democrats had figured out how to ruin fish tacos.
36   WookieMan   2024 Sep 23, 5:06pm  

Patrick says

Wasn't that done 7-8 years ago? My kid puked in a rental car out there. Asked for plastic bags for the paper towels from clean up. He said he can't hand them out. I was polite and said you basically admitted you still have some stock in the back room (liquor store) between La Jolla and Anaheim as the destination.

I'm like dude I'm in a pinch with a rental car. Kind of need it cleaned up. He was nice enough and got me some. I thought they've been banned for a long time out there. Maybe based on county at the time?
37   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Sep 23, 6:58pm  

WookieMan says

they've been banned for a long time out there

The ban was lifted a while ago.

I like the plastic bags because I re-use them for stuff like with your son. And now that I'm providing day care for an infant, they are handy for used diapers.

We'll have to BUY them now, with our super-high regressive sales tax added to the price.
38   mell   2024 Sep 23, 7:02pm  

WookieMan says

Patrick says

Wasn't that done 7-8 years ago? My kid puked in a rental car out there. Asked for plastic bags for the paper towels from clean up. He said he can't hand them out. I was polite and said you basically admitted you still have some stock in the back room (liquor store) between La Jolla and Anaheim as the destination.

I'm like dude I'm in a pinch with a rental car. Kind of need it cleaned up. He was nice enough and got me some. I thought they've been banned for a long time out there. Maybe based on county at the time?

It was but they left an out for reusable (paid for) hard plastic bahs which were decent to use.
39   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Sep 23, 7:21pm  

mell says

It was but they left an out for reusable (paid for) hard plastic bahs which were decent to use.

Those have been great for putting poopy diapers into when away from home with the infant. But Gavin probably had paid help for those matters with his kids.

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