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Monks or Monkeys, or MTFs ?
Zuck the Phuck, AI E Lone Muskturd, and Will Hades are our most beloved yet dangerous American sweethearts. So kool, so bada$$. Warning: This is not Pulp Fiction! You were forewarned. Ha ha ha .....
Some of the women were asked about their involvement in extramarital affairs, their preferences in pornography, and whether they had any nude photographs of themselves on their phones.
Page Six ran a very curious story last week headlined, “Bill Gates admits he was ‘foolish’ to spend time with Jeffrey Epstein — which contributed to Melinda Gates divorce.”
There wasn’t much more to the story. In short, the Wall Street Journal interviewed Gates in a friendly puff piece about Bill Gates’ upcoming book. You might be wondering why Gates would write a book, and why now? The answer is almost certainly that it is for public relations and damage control. And it was almost certainly ghostwritten by an expensive PR firm.
An even better question is, why did Gates agree to answer any questions about his relationship with the Deep State’s suicided sex trafficker and blackmail engine? And why would Gates admit to making a mistake? The most intriguing possibility is that the Microsoft billionaire and global health tycoon might soon be anticipating an exposé.
I have speculated before that, even if Epstein is (allegedly) worm food, the Deep State still has its blackmail hooks buried deep in its victims’ flesh. Victims, if you can call him that, like Gates.
So: Is Gates’ new public relations initiative —including his Epstein “mistakes”— a hint that the long-awaited “List” might be in the mail, soon to arrive in the public in-box? You’ve got mail!
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This is good news! The planned to just steamroll everyone into getting jabbed to death, but there was a lot of resistance. I think there will be more resistance from now on.