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I do not know of anyone (other than an 80 year old Realtor who told me her husband died "Suddenly") who has died in a fashion that could be pinned on the jab. Yes, if I heard of a young healthy person dying suddenly IN MY CIRCLE OR 1 DEGREE OF SEPERATION IN THAT CIRCLE, I would be very suspicious but, I do not.
I don't think there's anyone dying from the jab. If there is, it's a very low and unprovable number of people.
GNL says
I don't think there's anyone dying from the jab. If there is, it's a very low and unprovable number of people.
Ok. You realize that this lowers your reputation as a serious person here tho. Your opinion is unlikely to be considered valid when you’re taking such an unrealistic stance.
Yes, if I heard of a young healthy person dying suddenly IN MY CIRCLE OR 1 DEGREE OF SEPERATION IN THAT CIRCLE, I would be very suspicious but, I do not.
GNL says
Yes, if I heard of a young healthy person dying suddenly IN MY CIRCLE OR 1 DEGREE OF SEPERATION IN THAT CIRCLE, I would be very suspicious but, I do not.
Does your inner circle include anyone who died of Covid itself?
Australian Senator Alex Antic: 'Massive excess mortality above the baseline average; Clearly, something serious, I would say catastrophic, is occurring' para; I would reply to Antic: "It's the vaccine stupid, it's the vaccine! It's the spike protein, stupid, its the spike protein!" 4 prior death data stats show 15.1%, 16.0%, 17.0%, and 17.3% increases in excess deaths above the baseline average.
Senator Alex Antic
The previous four Australian ABS Provisional Mortality Statistics data releases reveal 15.1%, 16.0%, 17.0%, and 17.3% increases in excess deaths above the baseline average.
Similar, if not worse, trends, are happening all over the western world.
Clearly, something serious, I would say catastrophic, is occurring, yet strangely politicians and the censorship industrial complex are almost entirely unconcerned about investigating it.
They don’t want you to know what is driving this, but we all know what is causing it.
Watch as I speak in the Australian Senate about the tragic western trend of excess deaths.
COVID-19 vaccine injury to the liver: brave Ontario mother shares story of vaccine injured young boy; 22 year old young woman in Army National Guard develops liver disease 3 weeks after Pfizer vaccine
Group 4: The most extreme damage (death).
Excess deaths are estimated to have occurred at an absolute rate of about 0.1% of the 25-64 population for 2021 and 2022 combined (upper limit).
This represents a about 23% excess mortality for 2021 and 2022, relative to the expected baseline.
In absolute numbers, this represents about 310,000 excess deaths.
Autopsy Studies of COVID-19 Illness Rule Out Extensive Myocarditis
Systematic Review of 50 Studies with 548 Hearts Does not Find Heart Inflammation as Significant Contributor to Death
Joel SmalleyMar 29 · Dead Man Talking
In summary, this review should be the nail in the coffin in ruling out COVID-19 illness as a cause of fatal myocarditis. Despite the virus being found in heart tissue, it was not causing significant inflammation. The explosion of fatal myocarditis by report of unexplained cardiac arrest, adjudication, and at necropsy must have another explanation than SARS-CoV-2 infection. The only new proven cause of heart damage in human populations is COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccines used in America (Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, Novavax) have been demonstrated to cause myocarditis as published in the peer-reviewed literature.
Russian national team head coach, Alexander Pongilsky, revealed Krotov suffered a brain haemorrhage when a blood vessel burst in his sleep on Friday night.
Excess deaths are estimated to have occurred at an absolute rate of about 0.1% of the 25-64 population for 2021 and
Patrick says
Excess deaths are estimated to have occurred at an absolute rate of about 0.1% of the 25-64 population for 2021 and
Admittedly, I am terrible with statistics, graphs etc but, isn't 0.1% statistical noise?
Yes, it shows exactly what happens when you allow free movement of people with Covid into an area that was under strict quarantine up until March 2021.
Here's a chart on Covid death stats. Since Australia was isolated until they were 90% jabbed, they have a much lower mortality rate per million than those countries that were not isolated before being jabbed.
Misc says
Yes, it shows exactly what happens when you allow free movement of people with Covid into an area that was under strict quarantine up until March 2021.
Here's a chart on Covid death stats. Since Australia was isolated until they were 90% jabbed, they have a much lower mortality rate per million than those countries that were not isolated before being jabbed.
The article states that “ strict zero-Covid policies meant that by 31 December 2021, WA had only counted 1,158 Covid cases during the pandemic.”
So March to December only 1,158 CASES not even deaths from Covid. That means the signal seen in those graphs is ALL VACCINE AND NO COVID.
Gawd, cope harder!
That is a very useful chart. Do something for me. On the deaths/million column, hit the arrows at the top. It’ll organize the chart by countries which had the greatest deaths to the least deaths per million.
Can you find even one country in the top 100 for deaths/million who didn’t have access to the vax?
India didn’t
And doesn’t it make you at least a little suspicious that all the western countries and first world countries had the worst outcomes despite all the expensive mitigation measures and vaccine access?
GNL says
Patrick says
Excess deaths are estimated to have occurred at an absolute rate of about 0.1% of the 25-64 population for 2021 and
Admittedly, I am terrible with statistics, graphs etc but, isn't 0.1% statistical noise?
No, it's HUGE as an excess death rate, an increase over normal. People die at pretty predictable and low rates in that age range.
See the graph above, or this one in absolute terms in Nova Scotia:
It's unmistakable and very bad.
Old age was the primary driver of Covid deaths
Dr. Roger Hodkinson estimates now 20 million deaths due to the COVID mRNA gene injection vaccine and climbing; a billion adverse effects, some very serious
These numbers are best estimates, at this point in time, using government data for the global consequences of the clot shot in terms of death and morbidity … Now, these numbers are beyond staggering.
UW-Madison student dies outside residence hall, official confirms
March 27, 2023
Madison, Wis. - A University of Wisconsin-Madison student died Monday outside of a residence hall, a school official stated. Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Lori Reesor said in a letter to students and employees that the individual died outside of Smith Residence Hall. Reesor noted that there is no foul play suspected, and that the UW–Madison Police Department and Dane County Medical Examiner’s Office are still investigating.
No age or cause of death reported.
University of Wisconsin “strongly encourages” “vaccination”:
All students and employees are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 and flu.
Mukilteo community devastated after Kamiak High School student dies
March 22, 2023
Chloe, a high school senior at Kamiak High School in Mukilteo, [WA], tragically passed away on Mar. 16 after suffering an aneurysm. She was 18. Chloe even attended the USA Games as an ambassador for the Special Olympics in Florida.
The Special Olympics reversed their Covid vaccine mandate, but only at the last minute June 2, 2022:
The Special Olympics reversed its Covid-19 vaccine mandate for upcoming competitions in Orlando after Florida threatened event organizers with a $27.5 million fine over the requirement.
Shia Frishkorn II, 29
March 18, 2023
Shia Frishkorn II, 26, of Clintonville, Pennsylvania, passed away March 11, 2023. Shia was very athletic, excelling in track and field, football, and wrestling. After graduating from high school, he won numerous trophies in powerlifting competitions. He was currently working for Slippery Rock University. He enjoyed hunting, riding a dirt bike or a three-wheeler, and just enjoying nature. He loved being with his friends and his dog, Foxy, who brought him so much joy.
No cause of death reported.
SRU encourages everyone on campus to get “vaccinated”:
Proof that the miscarriage rate after the COVID vaccines is far higher than the real background rate and how the pharma corporations hide it
This story is not going away, however much the pharma companies and their vaccination-in-pregnancy foot soldiers want it to. The recent revelations of the #Placentagate scandal has brought it to a head, and we are going to keep gnawing away.
Because I know that everybody’s attention span is short I am going to put a summary here for this article:
The normal miscarriage rate of a healthy population is somewhere around 5-6%. For years, studies have been misrepresenting rates of 15-20% so that when new drugs are tested in pregnancy, a doubling of the miscarriage rate will fly under the radar.
This is how the COVID vaccine managed to be sold as "safe in pregnancy" when it was far from it. This article shows you how the data was misrepresented by the CDC and others to cover up the scandal.
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