What I Won't Forget

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2022 Mar 3, 12:35pm   127,163 views  804 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


What I won’t forget:

How they said it would be two weeks.

How they shut down churches but kept abortion clinics and weed stores open.

How Canadian pastors were arrested.

How doctors in lab coats knelt to mobs of rioters while ppl weren’t allowed to visit their loved ones.

How a criminal had four funerals while others weren’t allowed to bury their dead.

How cities were destroyed while the people sworn to uphold our Constitution cheered on the destruction.

How the CHAZ was called a “summer of love” but the trucker convoy was called terrorism.

How Kamala petitioned for bail for the terrorists destroying small businesses in Minneapolis.

How dirty DAs in Portland released vandals and arsonists night after night for over 100 nights.

How San Francisco and Seattle have devolved into living hells of drugs and filth.

How children have worn useless cloth masks for two years, delaying their development and causing physical harm, and some leaders and pastors can’t be bothered to say this was wrong.

How Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci betrayed the American people and are still called heroes.

How thousands of people lost their jobs over a therapy that doesn’t even prevent infection or transmission.

How people who resisted this therapeutic intervention have been demonized and dehumanized.

How many of my fellow countrymen would cheer if I died.

How ppl in cities were cut off from society if they wouldn’t show their health papers — and this was seen as righteous and good by all the experts and many of our fellow countrymen.

How children sat in front of screens for months and we called it “school.”

How Joe Biden has threatened, bullied, castigated, and demonized his citizens while claiming to be a “decent guy” and a “uniter” compared to the other guy.

How dementia patients died alone in nursing homes after already having recovered from Covid.

How people were denied safe, effective treatments because those treatments had been politicized, and they died on ventilators apart from their families.

How parks and hiking trails were shut down and police stationed there to keep families away.

How people fled blue states.

How thousands of employees have been forced to sit through brainless trainings that make them feel divided from their fellow countrymen on account of skin color.

How public school children have been groomed into gender confusion.

How 13yo girls have had their breasts removed.

How billionaires and politicians were involved with a man who trafficked children for sex, how he mysteriously died in prison, and none of them will ever be prosecuted, but…

blue collar ppl were arrested and had their assets frozen for peacefully protesting govt overreach.

How overdoses have increased ~30% this year.

How some governors still won’t relinquish emergency powers.

How we’ve been conditioned to view freedom as selfish.

How speaking against the establishment may cost your job or reputation — this in a “free” country.

Our government and other establishment voices would like to sweep all this under the rug.

The have been disastrously, fatally wrong. Don’t forget.

And now they want "amnesty".

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392   mell   2023 May 20, 4:21pm  

I remember they locked the tennis courts in SF and we just climbed over the fence so my oldest and I could play. Told the city "worker" sternly to fuck off when he tried to bully us, he said he'd call the cops. They never showed up. Never comply with unconstitutional bullshit, never give up your God given civil liberties
393   Patrick   2023 May 27, 5:07pm  

Never forget he was pushing poison.
394   Patrick   2023 May 28, 5:17pm  


Scarf lady Birx went from “This is one of the most highly-effective vaccines we have in our infectious disease arsenal. And so that’s why I’m very enthusiastic about the COVID vaccine,” to “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines"; how could she change her story completely yet media run silent on the fact she LIED & misled public

Her home address should be published so that the relatives of all the people she helped to murder can visit her.
397   Patrick   2023 May 31, 9:25am  


We collect verified documents from Freedom of Information Act Requests, legal discovery in court cases, public government databases, and other sources.

Our team of curators reviews the captured discovery, adding metadata to enable it to be easily searched and retrieved, and to connect the dots between policy makers and others.

Our experts in medicine, law, and research add relevant cross-references and material facts to the documents and records.

We publish the curated, reviewed documents and evidence in an accessible web-based search interface.

A group dedicating to remembering, and hopefully to prosecuting.
398   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 May 31, 10:04am  

Bruce Springsteen Returns To Broadway - With A Vaccine Mandate.

Bruce Springsteen will be the first act in a Broadway theater at full capacity since the industry shut down last March. The show, a concert-memoir titled Springsteen on Broadway, will start performances on June 26, more than a month before the next reopening marquee. It will also be a revival of sorts, bringing the famed New Jerseyan back to the Rialto after he shattered box office records in 2018.

His is also the first show to announce a Covid vaccine mandate for audience members. Some, like Hamilton, will require vaccines for its cast and crew. But Springsteen is setting a precedent many industry players seem ready to follow.

“Vaccines should be mandatory for everybody,” said producer Barry Diller in an earlier interview. “It’s crazy to think otherwise. The only way that any of us are going to get protection against each other or feel protected, is if you’re vaccinated and the person you’re inches away from is vaccinated.”


399   Patrick   2023 Jun 2, 10:50am  


“I’m sick and tired of hearing Democrats whining about Joe Biden’s age. The man knows how to govern. Just shut up and vote to save Democracy.” — Rob Reiner, Hollywood savant
401   Patrick   2023 Jun 4, 5:40pm  


Since 2020, we have witnessed charming, well-educated, “civilized” people all around us — especially from what my husband calls (as others do) “the laptop class” — reveal, during ‘lockdowns” and medical tyranny — a side that is, bare teeth and all, nakedly sadistic.

Now, as our stunned society slowly tries to set itself upright from having wallowed for nearly three years in an irrational, animalistic seizure of hatred and cruelty — as it struggles to settle its hat and to brush the dust and mire of the gutter off of its suit, and to straighten its necktie — few indeed from that group want to glance back at the Lord of the Flies-type scenes of savagery that these “civilized” people cheered on.

But we who were targeted know what happened and cannot forget it. We click, sometimes ruminatively, on compilations in social media of “respectable” politicians, comedians, talk show hosts, and thought leaders, avidly stating that they wished we would just die, that we should be denied medical care, that we should be locked indoors forever, lose our jobs, and so on.

We — the targeted — must reckon with the traumatizing fact that we were on the receiving end of cruelty which the perpetrators seemed really to enjoy.

Remember all of those affluent ladies (so often affluent ladies) — total strangers — who gestured wildly at you to pull your mask up over your nose? What was their energy like? Almost eager, almost erotic, right?

They liked it. They liked the power.

Remember the tone of the society hostess who told you that you can’t come to a private event at a major philanthropist’s penthouse — because “he is being careful”? Was there a bit of a thrill, a sensual savoring, for the hostess, of the words that excluded you, and that included all of them?

Remember the stories of disabled children who came home from schools, weeping, with their masks tied to their faces by their special education teachers? Remember the tone of the elementary school principals who told anguished parents that there was nothing that they could do about the forced masking, or about kids being socially exiled in full view of the class for shamingly-structured weekly testing? Remember the Ivy League deans who told distraught parents that there was nothing they could do about mandated mRNA injections that had been tested on only eight mice? Recall the hospital administrators who told miserable adult children that they could not sneak Ivermectin to their elders, or even hug them?

They were sorry, but there was nothing they could do. Remember that?
“We are just following CDC guidelines,” all of these gatekeepers parroted, not noticing, or choosing not to notice, the famous phrase, from about 85 years ago, that this recalls.
402   richwicks   2023 Jun 5, 2:19am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

His is also the first show to announce a Covid vaccine mandate for audience members

Well, what's the problem?

If you disagree with his beliefs, don't give him money.

I do not mind these mandates at all, for theater, for sports, for movies, for restaurants, PROVIDED they are not enforced by the government. This is voluntary, just boycott.
403   WookieMan   2023 Jun 5, 3:59am  

richwicks says

HeadSet says

richwicks says

Get a lawyer to do it pro-bono, have the lawyer keep all the money.

"Pro-bono" means free, even if there is an award. "Contingency" is where the lawyer collects only on successful award.

I stand corrected and will remember that.

Both statements are correct. There are some wealthy attorney's that do legitimate pro-bono work for a cause they believe in. I have a friend that does patent law but does pro-bono criminal on the side. She got a guy out of prison because the cops coerced admitting he killed someone. She didn't and doesn't want a dime from the future settlement.

She is 55ish and makes $500k/yr, husband makes $180k as a government employee. No kids. So attorney's that do work for no pay do exist. Extremely rare though. Most doing pro-bono are looking to get at least 30% of the cut if a payout is ever given. AND they still have to have faith in the case. You have to find someone like the women I mention or a young scrappy attorney looking to make a name for something high profile in your area.
404   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2023 Jun 5, 6:37am  

WookieMan says

Both statements are correct. There are some wealthy attorney's that do legitimate pro-bono work for a cause they believe in. I have a friend that does patent law but does pro-bono criminal on the side. She got a guy out of prison because the cops coerced admitting he killed someone. She didn't and doesn't want a dime from the future settlement.

She is 55ish and makes $500k/yr, husband makes $180k as a government employee. No kids. So attorney's that do work for no pay do exist. Extremely rare though. Most doing pro-bono are looking to get at least 30% of the cut if a payout is ever given. AND they still have to have faith in the case. You have to find someone like the women I mention or a young scrappy attorney looking to make a name for something high profile in your area.

I need to correct some stuff here.

Pro Bono is absolutely free. No contingency or anything. It’s most often in criminal cases and in some civil stuff like renter-landlord issues and restraining orders. There are some law firms that are non profits who do mostly or only pro bono work, many law firms even high profile law firms also do some pro bono work. Finally there are individual lawyers who do pro bono criminal defense and are paid by the county on a per client basis. This last one is bottom of the dung heap for attorneys and why those engaged in this work are often nicknamed “pro bonehead”. No I’m not joking.


Contingency is a lawyer taking on a case because they believe a payout is likely. So to gain a client for themselves, they represent without any payment and once a settlement or judgement is reached they get a percentage of it. What is less commonly known is that there is almost always language in these agreements that require the client to pay all the attorney fees in the event that a settlement can’t be reached or if judgement goes against them. This is primarily to prevent an unreasonable fuck from refusing to settlement deal when it is reasonable or prudent to accept a settlement. For instance say a dude is hit by a drunk driver and gets his leg chopped off in the process. Say the drunk drivers insurance company has a $300k liability max and the DD doesn’t have any identifiable assets. At that point the law firm representing the victim may approach him with this info and urge him to accept the $300k. But imbecile client says Larry h parker got dude $1 million and he wants $1 million too. This is an unreasonable fuck of a client. So law firm will represent clients wishes but may just drop him and go after client for attorney fees up to that point.

I also saw a blurb earlier in this thread about legal precedent. One court case absolutely does not set precedence. In fact, it typically takes a ruling becoming “case law” for it to be cited in other cases. To become case law a ruling must be “published”. At that point it is precedence that can be cited in other court cases. Typically this is only done after an appeals court ruled on a case.

I had this argument with Marcus years ago where he stated that People vs George Zimmerman would set precedent. I said that’s not how precedence works and cited the same information I’m stating here. 10 years down the road and not one court room cites that case as precedence for anything.

Not to go off on too much of a tangent but it’s why one should never listen to an attorney or expert who goes off on extraneous topics. Things like “oh Martin was just a teenager” or “if I had a son….” Those statements are utterly vapid and irrelevant to the case at hand. Their only purpose is to place doubt in the minds of stupid and weak minded jurors.

405   Patrick   2023 Jun 5, 8:51am  

richwicks says

I do not mind these mandates at all, for theater, for sports, for movies, for restaurants, PROVIDED they are not enforced by the government. This is voluntary, just boycott.

I would add that any theater which gets government money does not have the right to mandate anything. Totally private, OK, they can mandate whatever they want and the public can stay away with no loss. But if once they take any taxpayer money, they must be obligated to provide equal access to everyone.

I don't even really mind the idiots who would inject a totally new gene-modifying technology voluntarily. But once someone threatens to fire or expel you for not injecting toxic slime, that becomes an extremely serious crime.
407   Patrick   2023 Jun 5, 9:26am  

You're both correct. There are people who want to be authoritarians, but who are too weak to become authoritarians. So they thrive when practicing authoritarians, from outside of their identity group, give them second-hand authority, in return for betraying the other members of their identity-group to the authoritarians. While they have the second-hand authority they feel pride.

If the system collapses, then they feel fear of retribution, or at least abandonment, from the rest of their identity-group, and use denial to try to avoid it. They're weak, and need more support than most from outside of themselves, or they collapse. If their identity-group abandons them, then they have to find another. And other groups are unlikely to take in traitors.
11:19 PM · Jun 4, 2023
408   GNL   2023 Jun 5, 11:20am  

You either own the business and can refuse service for any reason or you don't/can't. A baker has to give service to some fag that might have aids or some other sexual disease but he doesn't have to service an unjabbed person? This whole thing is fucked up. Now medical records are everyone's business? What about HIPPA? HIPPA was the only thing needed to stop this whole bullshit. Rules/laws/regulations/the bill of rights and the constitution don't mean shit. The rule of law is jello.
410   Patrick   2023 Jun 5, 12:32pm  


Those actors best positioned to lead a public dialogue, namely the press and the broadcast media, are among the most complicit. The last thing they want is anybody to review all the truly crazy things they have advocated. The only political party not implicated in pandemic repressions, the populist Alternative für Deutschland, are by an informal and deeply undemocratic agreement of the self-professed democratic political establishment excluded from governing coalitions, and slandered as fascist, antidemocratic, antisemitic, racist and xenophobic by everyone with a microphone. They were right all along, but in the modern right-thinking German imaginary, they are not allowed to be right, not ever. That lockdowns were an obvious catastrophe, that mass vaccination was the height of folly, that the public vilification of the unvaccinated was profoundly wrong and in fact irreconcilable with the liberal values enshrined in the constitution – AfD politicians were clear about all of these things from the beginning, and it is not just a great embarrassment that their positions have aged so well. It is, in the mind of the average German, for whom politics are a perpetual morality play in which globalist progressive green policies are always right and their opponents always wrong, a baffling paradox, dangerous even to contemplate.

411   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 5, 1:42pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

" https://www.forbes.com/sites/leeseymour/2021/06/07/bruce-springsteen-returns-to-broadwaywith-a-vaccine-mandate/ "

No kidding? This is June 2023, 2.5 years after the introduction of the toxin vaccines that killed and injured millions of people and this loser - who cannot stand on his own two feet - is imposing a vaccine mandate on his audience?

This, in my thinking, is another Globalist attempt to cover up the fact that the Covid vaccines are toxins, they are unsafe, ineffective and whose toxicity killed and injured millions of people.
412   HeadSet   2023 Jun 5, 8:31pm  

richwicks says

I do not mind these mandates at all, for theater, for sports, for movies, for restaurants, PROVIDED they are not enforced by the government. This is voluntary, just boycott.

HIPPA. No one has any right to inquire into your medical status.
413   Patrick   2023 Jun 5, 8:32pm  

But they did anyway, and fired people for their answers, and got away with that. So far.

Everyone who mandated the toxxine must be hanged.
414   richwicks   2023 Jun 5, 8:55pm  

HeadSet says

HIPPA. No one has any right to inquire into your medical status.

It's like those gay couples going out of their way to give money to a highly religious Christian baker for a gay wedding.

Why are you giving these people your money, if you disagree with them so vehemently?

For all I care, Bruce Springsteen can require everybody to wear a butt plug and a ball gag to go to his concert. Who cares? He can make any stupid requirement he wants.

"Oh I won't be able to hear The Boss unless I take a risky dangerous experimental injection! Well, I guess I have to!"

Yeah, for anybody thinking this way, just die already. Please?

Heck, at this point, pretty simple to fake a vaccine card anyhow. Nobody checks. Know somebody with a vax card? Just duplicate it. It's not like they have a computer there, are checking the validity and whatever. They just look at it.

But I have a better idea, just boycott.
416   Patrick   2023 Jun 7, 1:32pm  


If we all support the colleges that never mandated COVID vaccines, we can build them up to become the new leaders of higher education. ...

Listeners may not be aware of the unique forms of retaliation and privacy violations which college administrators put into policy against young adult students who declined the experimental vaccine and testing, even in states where Governors had issued Executive Orders to prohibit mandates.

We converse about the resulting mental health crisis & suicides, vaccine injuries & deaths, and lawsuits.

The takeaway message to all parents and prospective college students is THIS IS NOT OVER. How a college handled students during COVID should be a priority factor in selecting a college to give your tuition dollars & for alumni donations. This summer of 2023 is a critical time to act-- to not only protect exemptions, but to END MANDATES!

If you want to volunteer on a small project to help No College Mandates, contact Lucia Sinatra at:

Twitter: @NCM4Ever & @luciasinatra_
417   GNL   2023 Jun 7, 2:13pm  

Are colleges still mandating the jab?
418   Patrick   2023 Jun 7, 2:54pm  

Yes, many still are.
419   Patrick   2023 Jun 8, 9:06pm  


CatGirl Kulak 😻😿 (Anarchonomicon)
Hey remember when Walmart, of its own initiative, implemented vaccine passport checks and refused to let the unvaccinated buy BLOODY GROCERIES (starve to death pleb).

Would be a shame if everyone remembered and gave them the BudLight treatment.

#BoycottWalmart #NoAmnesty

420   WookieMan   2023 Jun 9, 4:59am  

GNL says

Are colleges still mandating the jab?

To be honest, why is anyone even going to college now? Outside of STEM, you go to college to fuck and party. The classes aren't difficult if you attend and stay sober during the day. I never had a difficult college class that challenged me. My wife is competitive as hell and we took the same Spanish history class. I didn't study, didn't read any of the material. I took copious amounts of notes in class and re-read them before the test. I generally remember nothing of it now. Waste of time

She was a business major, but had to check the boxes. Should have never been in the class. I got the A she got the B after reading all the books and shit the professor told us to. I was a history major though. I KNEW the professor was going to test on what he lectured on. She didn't get it and trust what I was saying. If a professor lectures for 3 classes a day, they expect you to listen, at least in History. Why? It makes their grading easier because they talked about it all day.

I just really don't understand why they require a vaccine at colleges. Like really think about it. The students are probably dishing out AIDS, herpes and other STD's that have life long effects on the body. The flu for a young person needs a mandated vaccine that doesn't work? I'm burned out on covid and the topic is basically dead here in the midwest. I feel for you CA people though. It's just not a big deal anymore at all where I'm at. I only talk about it here.
421   stereotomy   2023 Jun 9, 6:59am  

Patrick says

richwicks says

I do not mind these mandates at all, for theater, for sports, for movies, for restaurants, PROVIDED they are not enforced by the government. This is voluntary, just boycott.

I would add that any theater which gets government money does not have the right to mandate anything. Totally private, OK, they can mandate whatever they want and the public can stay away with no loss. But if once they take any taxpayer money, they must be obligated to provide equal access to everyone.

I don't even really mind the idiots who would inject a totally new gene-modifying technology voluntarily. But once someone threatens to fire or expel you for not injecting toxic slime, that becomes an extremely serious crime.

Fuck them.

Recently, I had to call a medical provider about billing for some procedures my wife underwent. They told me they couldn't tell me because HIPPA. I said "Wow, it's so nice that you're now following the law, unlike during the plandemic where everyone's vaccine status was public knowledge. Keep up the good work."
422   HeadSet   2023 Jun 9, 7:09am  

WookieMan says

To be honest, why is anyone even going to college now? Outside of STEM, you go to college to fuck and party.

You just answered your own question. College with clown majors is just a 4-year extension of adolescence.
423   HeadSet   2023 Jun 9, 7:12am  

WookieMan says

The classes aren't difficult if you attend and stay sober during the day. I never had a difficult college class that challenged me.

WookieMan says

I was a history major though.

Engineerinng types may have a different opinion.
424   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 9:17am  

WookieMan says

I just really don't understand why they require a vaccine at colleges. Like really think about it. The students are probably dishing out AIDS, herpes and other STD's that have life long effects on the body. The flu for a young person needs a mandated vaccine that doesn't work? I'm burned out on covid and the topic is basically dead here in the midwest. I feel for you CA people though. It's just not a big deal anymore at all where I'm at. I only talk about it here.

They require the toxxine at colleges not to protect students who are 100% safe from Wuhan Virus, as not one reasonably healthy person that age has died from it. The reason is to make profits for Pfizer and to get students used to obeying obviously harmful stupid rules on demand.

It should still be a topic in the midwest. It should be THE topic forever, until everyone who mandated it is hanged. You may think that will never happen, but hanging the bastards can happen if we all keep the focus on it. Also, simply talking about it helps to protect all of us from a repeat.
425   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 11:03am  

HeadSet says

WookieMan says

The classes aren't difficult if you attend and stay sober during the day. I never had a difficult college class that challenged me.

WookieMan says

I was a history major though.

Engineerinng types may have a different opinion.

Correct. I have an EE degree and a different opinion.

You cannot pass in engineering school without working your butt off, and maybe not even then. Some of the classes are deliberately made hard enough that a certain percentage will fail.

I learned that you have to make friends in engineering school, particularly with the Chinese students who already have degrees in China, but are just getting an American degree for increased legitimacy.

I also learned that the Chinese students cheat and they coordinate the cheating with each other. Maybe not all of them, but I don't recall running across any Chinese student opposed to cheating. I think it's just a cultural thing. They would call it "realism".
426   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 11:05am  

stereotomy says

Recently, I had to call a medical provider about billing for some procedures my wife underwent. They told me they couldn't tell me because HIPPA. I said "Wow, it's so nice that you're now following the law, unlike during the plandemic where everyone's vaccine status was public knowledge. Keep up the good work."

Thank you @stereotomy

We should all be doing this.
427   WookieMan   2023 Jun 9, 11:51am  

Patrick says

WookieMan says

I was a history major though.

Engineerinng types may have a different opinion.

Correct. I have an EE degree and a different opinion.

As I said, STEM degrees are different and the only reason to go to college in today's age. I gave no shits for math or science outside of the forced courses. I was planning the attorney route and said fuck it. Poli Sci minor and History major. Use neither outside of saying I did it. Waste of time and $$$.

Cheating is rampant in college. I did it and got caught. Nothing happened. It's like when I talk about debt. Nothing actually happens. Everyone is so scared. I got caught and could have moved to a new university in weeks and gotten accepted. They just want my fucking money. Has nothing to do with education or teaching you. Until you realize that, you'll continue to be brainwashed.
428   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 12:04pm  

WookieMan says

It's like when I talk about debt. Nothing actually happens.

I worked with a guy at Wells Fargo who would get all the credit cards he could, max them out, and then default. As it was unsecured debt, the credit card companies couldn't do anything but take down his credit rating.

Then seven years later, when his credit was clear, he would do it again. He didn't care about his credit rating.
429   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 12:08pm  

WookieMan says

They just want my fucking money. Has nothing to do with education or teaching you. Until you realize that, you'll continue to be brainwashed.

I agree 100%.

Universities really don't care about you at all.

The right way to fund college education is by promising 10% of your pay for 10 years after college. Then the college has a motive to really help you. If you take out loans, you'll probably be paying that 10% anyway, maybe more.
430   WookieMan   2023 Jun 9, 3:02pm  

Patrick says

Then seven years later, when his credit was clear, he would do it again. He didn't care about his credit rating.

Bingo. It's what blacks do if I'm being honest. They don't care about evictions or credit. Guess what. They survive.

Not joking when I say I know people that committed suicide because of debt. It doesn't matter. The only thing it does defaulting is limit future borrowing as you mention for 7 years. Generally less. Most could get a home loan in 4 years even after a foreclosure.

The key is communication. NEVER, EVER answer your phone and acknowledge your name. Especially if you don't recognize the number. Never say yes. I get that can be hard if you're in business and have random calls all the time. Be a dick. "Hey is this John Doe?".... "Why are you asking?" Never say yes or your name on a phone call unless you know the reason/person for the call.

I only answer maybe 10-15 phone numbers if I get a call. All others go to voicemail. If it's important, and I assume it's from my inner circle of family or friends I just don't answer. 90% of calls I get don't leave a message. Get fucked.

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