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“At exactly the point of the AFU’s weakest moment and near-collapse on the battlefield he chose to strike Russia in the back as if obviously driven by a hidden hand.”— Simplicius on Substack
You’d think that the hapless DC neocons, Antony Blinken and his boss, Victoria Nuland, plus the gang at Spook Central, would have learned a lesson about the diminishing returns of color revolutions: namely, that these bold pranks blow back… and not in a good way.
The New York Times informs us that US Intel was well aware weeks beforehand of the developing coup attempt by Yevgeny Prigozhin and his personal army, the Wagner Group. Congressional leaders were briefed a day prior to its roll-out. Well, golly, can you suppose for a New York minute that Russia’s intel agency didn’t know all about it, too?
A vast array of explanations for this bizarre wartime vaudeville can be found in every corner of the Internet. I’ll go with this one: Prigozhin came to bethink himself a Napoleonic figure. Just as Bonaparte wowed revolution-weary France with his military exploits against her enemies, and seized leadership of the nation, Prigozhin’s mercenary army carried the brunt of the action in Ukraine this year, culminating in the heroic victory at Bakhmut. Priggy regarded the Russian Ministry of Defense as oafish, and by extension, his long-time friend and mentor, Vlad Putin, indecisive about it. The moment was ripe to seize power! As a recent US president might have said: he misoverestimated.
It looks like the neocons, the CIA, and Britain’s MI6 did, too, if they helped nudge the event to fruition with assurances and cash — say, some of that $6.2 billion the Pentagon happened to find recently via an “accounting error.” What better time to destabilize Russia than during Ukraine’s vaunted spring offensive (which, let’s face it, was not going too well)? In fact, Ukraine’s whole NATO-assisted project from the get-go looked like a bust. The Bakhmut “meat-grinder” was just the latest fiasco. But then, the irascible, disgruntled, and grandiose field marshal Priggy seemed like the perfect instrument to jazz things up for the demoralized West.
Pretty darn quick, on the road from Rostov-on-Don to Moscow, Priggy learned the hard way that he had no support in the government, the military, or among the Russian public. The coup fizzled before sundown the very day it started. Some say, any way you cut it, the result is Vlad Putin left looking weak and vulnerable. I don’t think so. His speech to the Russian people that day appeared, if anything, resolute. And the way he seemed to spit out the words “a stab in the back,” you couldn’t think he was play-acting. By evening, with the whole psychodrama concluded, the people of St. Petersburg crowded the quay along the Neva River and busted into patriotic song.
Let’s address one nagging question: why did Mr. Putin allow the Wagner Group private army to play the leading role countering the Ukraine offensive? Answer: because he was saving and building-up the regular Russian army to strength in the further event that NATO might finally jump into Ukraine with all its multi-national feet when all else fails. ...
From his latest photographs, it looks like Mr. Zelensky is in the terminal throes of a cocaine rapture, and his actions are consistent with that state of mind. He must know that he’s not long for this world. And our country, the USA, must know that this Ukraine gambit is another lost cause on our long march of military misadventures. And if the government of our country doesn’t know, the people surely do. Have you noticed, the yellow-and-blue flags are not flying anymore? Even the most hardcore anti-Trump Democrats seem to understand what pounding sand down a rat-hole means when it comes to the many billions of dollars squandered on this stupid project while our cities rot and a whole lot more goes south in our own ailing homeland.
Not to mention the parlous position of the American president himself, the spectral “Joe Biden,” skulking in his demon-haunted White House as evidence of his treasonous turpitudes mounts and mounts. Which leaves us to wonder whether our Intel Community may have stirred up the Russia coup as just another distraction from its own Biden-linked crimes against this nation.
I need to issue a formal apology to RWSGFY Eric Holder and Bd6r. You guys were way more accurate about Russia's military state than I was.
So for the link I provided above, this guys starts giving a play-by-play of what happened around 30 minutes. I need to issue a formal apology to RWSGFY Eric Holder and Bd6r. You guys were way more accurate about Russia's military state than I was.
For those who like even more conspiracy theories:
Rolo Slavskiy? Like 'Rollo Tomasi' in 'LA Confidential'?
This is either US/NATO fighting Russia and Ukraine, or ethnic Russians in Ukraine being supported by Russia fighting US/NATO forces posing as Ukraine.
Finally, enjoy this clip of revolting disgrace John Kerry twisting in the wind after a French reporter pressed him to explain how Bush invading Iraq was any different than Putin invading Ukraine. The reporter insisted that the US invaded Iraq on a false premise — just like how Russia allegedly invaded Ukraine.
Kerry, face tragically frozen in a botox-induced Halloween mask, angrily stammered out that it was totally different when we did it! Because we were too stupid to realize we were invading Iraq over false pretenses. Somebody tricked us.
It’s a little hard to hear Kerry under the French translator’s voice over, but still. It is very satisfying.
Imagery published on social media has confirmed that a Russian Air Force Ilyushin Il-22M airborne command post platform was among several military aircraft shot down inside Russia in an apparent attempted coup by the Wagner Private Military Co.
Wagner-operated air defenses brought down the four-engine turboprop on June 24 near the city of Voronezh in southwestern Russia as the paramilitary group’s forces made an advance toward Moscow in what President Vladimir Putin described as an “internal betrayal” of the Russian people. All 10 crew on the Il-22 were killed.
Wagner forces also bought down several Mil Mil-8/17 transport helicopters, including: a specialized electronic warfare version; a Kamov Ka-52 attack helicopter; and a Mil Mi-35 attack helicopter being used to to stave off Wagner’s advance.
Yevgeny Prigozhin, Wagner’s owner, triggered the rebellion, aiming his ire at the head of the Russian military, Gen. Valery Gerasimov, and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
Prigozhin publicly blamed the two men for the conflict in Ukraine which has seen thousands of Wagner personnel killed. In a video published online on June 23, he said justification for the war in Ukraine was a lie, and just an excuse for "a small group of scumbags" to promote themselves and deceive both the public and Putin.
The loss of the Il-22M—a military conversion of the Il-18 airliner—represents a significant loss in the Russian Air Force’s intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance fleet. It is the second such loss in five years. Back in September 2018, an Il-20—an electronic intelligence version of the Il-18—was shot down accidentally by Syrian air defenses as it returned from a patrol flight over the Mediterranean Sea.
In conclusion: the mutiny was "mostly peaceful". =))
How come Russia isn't crawling on its knees begging Ukraine for forgiveness, now? Any day, now, any day.
Fucker. He knew that WMD was a lie. They all knew it was a lie, and that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. It was all the Saudis, and probably the CIA.
If anyone has the slightest doubt about 9/11 it's because you haven't taken the time, not because you can't know. I push Corbett for different things, but this one is his area of expertise.
Lost in all the fake news about the Wagner Civil War, the Evening Standard ran a story late last week headlined, “Ukraine May Be ‘Pausing Counteroffensive’, Says Institute for the Study of War.”
According to the article, on June 17th, the Wall Street Journal reported that Ukrainian forces “have mostly paused their advances in recent days” as command in Kiev “re-examines tactics.”
Re-examines. That’s a euphemism for “licks its wounds.”
In its latest update on the war, the Institute for the Study of War, a Washington-based think tank, said these news reports are consistent with their own recent observations of the “scale and approach” of local Ukrainian counterattacks in southern and eastern parts of the country. It added that it still does not look like Ukraine has launched its “main” effort yet.
The rationale for the “pause” was not clear, especially given that it provides the Russians even more time to shore up their defenses.
Headlines this week suggested a new push to lower liberal expectations, signaling nothing is going to happen anytime soon. ...
Haha, it’s not that the Russians are winning or anything. It’s the GROUND. The Ukrainians are being defeated by dirt.
The Times’ article, which is not paywalled, includes a helpful gigantic infographic with a large, scrollable battle map, pointing out all the different ways the devilish Russians have craftily frustrated the brave Ukrainian CounterOffensive™.
The Ukrainians have unlimited money, weapons, and ammo, and the Russians are — supposedly — isolated under crushing sanctions. Just saying.
Institute for the Study of War.
Patrick says
Institute for the Study of War.
Like the Carnegie Insitute for Peace, this org is pure bullshit
Prigozhin hates Shoigu because he tried to kill the Wagner troops in Ukraine when they wouldn't pay for ammo through various means, and bombed them when they returned to Russia. There's a lot of other aggression's, but suffice it to say Prigozhin took a lot of shit before pushing back. If they downed these aircraft, it's likely because they perceived them as a threat. Only reason Pirgozhin got as close to Moscow as he did is he has the support of Russian troops. He wouldn't get that if he was attacking them indiscriminately.
Putin is part of WEF, is the third person facing camera the conspiracy?
Now the $million dollar question is which Russian or international faction supported Prigozhin and what was the desired outcome of this exercise. I can’t answer this and I have not seen a good answer anywhere.
All appears to be true according to pro-Prigozhin telegram channels. He downed 5 or 6 helicopters and 1 aircraft because they were either firing at them or coordinating fire. Nearly all Russian regular troops showed either support or positive indifference to Wagner. Putin the fearless fled to his Waldai residence from Moscow.
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