More evidence that the toxxine kills about 1 in 800 recipients

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2023 Feb 8, 6:10pm   2,367 views  28 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

Multiple sources are converging on a 1/800 death rate for the vaxx, which is more than a thousand times too dangerous to be given to the public.

Take the US population. Assume 75% are toxxinated, and that 1 in 800 die from this very foolish choice to submit:
330000000 x 0.75 x (1/800) = 309,375 dead from the toxxine in the US alone.

This corresponds pretty well to the estimate of US dead from this paper:


"With these survey data, the total number of fatalities due to COVID-19 inoculation may be as high as 278,000 (95% CI 217,330–332,608) when fatalities that may have occurred regardless of inoculation are removed."

This also matches recent estimates of 100,000 dead from the toxxine in Germany, which has about 1/3 the population of the US.

This is yet more evidence for the 1 in 800 death rate from the toxxine.

Say the average person knows 200 people. So the average person would have about a 1 in 4 chance of knowing someone killed by it if 100% of people had taken it. So if you just ask around, you'd expect that about 25% of people would know someone killed by the toxxine.

But if you're a Democrat, you're also more likely to know other Democrats, who are more likely to have taken the toxxine. So the graph makes perfect sense.

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1   richwicks   2023 Feb 8, 6:26pm  

Hey @Patrick (and anybody else) - you should learn what a Fermi problem is, if you don't already know what they are.

Enrico Fermi held the position that anybody should be able to make a gross estimate given limited information. Once you've done one or two, you can use it everywhere.

The classic example is how many piano tuners are in the city of Chicago? Another is how many cars exist in NYC? You just need to know a couple of data points to make pretty accurate guesses as to how many. What percentage of people own a piano in Chicago? How many people are in Chicago? How often does a piano need to be tuned? How long does it take to tune a piano? You don't need exact numbers, but get reasonably close, and you have a good estimate.

You'll get within an order of magnitude in most cases, unless you make major errors.
2   Ceffer   2023 Feb 8, 6:42pm  

Patrick says

More evidence that the toxxine kills about 1 in 800 recipients

So far, that they can surmise. Lots of damage that sheeples aren't even associating with vax.
3   Patrick   2023 Feb 13, 2:38pm  

A friend writes:

> Still a lot more to come…
> Steve Kirsch thinks 13,9 million died as a direct result of the vaxx.

Let's see, if there are about 300,000 dead from the vaxx already in the US, then globally it should be about (7 billion global and 0.33 billion in US): 7/0.33 x 300000 = 6,363,636

So I think he's estimating too high. "Only" about 6 million dead globally if the world death rate from the vaxx is the same as US and Germany.


"With these survey data, the total number of fatalities due to COVID-19 inoculation may be as high as 278,000 (95% CI 217,330–332,608) when fatalities that may have occurred regardless of inoculation are removed."

Let's try it another way, say 75% of earth took the death jab and 1 in 800 dies from it:

7000000000 x 0.75 x (1/800) = 6,562,500

So again a bit over 6 million dead for the profits of Pfizer and power of Pfauci.
4   Patrick   2023 Feb 13, 3:12pm  

Here is Steve Kirsch's post about it:


New paper: An estimated 13 million people worldwide killed by the COVID vaccines
That's twice as many as were killed by the virus. In the US, the estimates are 670K Americans killed. Perhaps it's time to declare that the vaccines are a worldwide emergency?
5   Booger   2023 Feb 13, 3:17pm  

Only 1 in 800? Bill Gates must be disappointed!

Unless it's only 1 in 800, so far!
6   WookieMan   2023 Feb 13, 3:26pm  

Booger says

Only 1 in 800? Bill Gates must be disappointed!

Unless it's only 1 in 800, so far!

For a vaccine, if true, that's fucking deadly AF. Especially what it was created to respond to. We'd be far better off with no vax. It literally did little to nothing to me when I got covid. One bad day and that could/would have happened with the flu or food poisoning. It was nothing outside of the day I felt shitty, but didn't need to visit a doctor. That's how minor. You freak out that you have it and then the next day I felt fine. Probably more anxiety issues than actual viral issues.
8   Patrick   2023 Feb 13, 10:26pm  

I like that @Booger. Did you make it?
9   Booger   2023 Feb 14, 4:52am  

Patrick says

I like that Booger. Did you make it?

10   Patrick   2023 Aug 3, 2:24pm  


The Defender ran a story this week about a remarkable independent analysis published back in late March, in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, as a letter to the editor. Kudos to the journal for printing it at all. The researchers’ conclusions, based upon Danish VAERS* data, confirmed yet another “misinformation” “conspiracy theory.”

(* Their reporting system is called something else, but for all intents and purposes works essentially the same way as our VAERS system.)

The Danish government has a robust regulatory system that, in theory, tested and approved all that country’s Pfizer jab batches, and then supposedly monitored the ongoing performance of the batches for “safety and efficacy.” So the researchers expected to see a “homogenous rate and distribution of” serious adverse events between batches. Meaning, no particular differences between the batches.

That’s not what they found at all. They found the reverse opposite of what they expected:

The informative chart above shows all the serious adverse events reported for Danish Pfizer shots. The researchers found the data organized itself into three distinct groups of batches. As you can easily see, one group, the blue group, or the “death group,” was particularly awful, with nearly 1 in 10 shots resulting in a serious adverse event. The second group, shown on the green middle line, was moderately dangerous — far more dangerous than any acceptable drug should be — with reported adverse events clocking in at around 1 in 400.

That’s bad enough. But the third group, including nearly a third of all doses injected into Danish citizens, was shocking, ringing alarm bells louder than if the dike had sprung a leak. Pfizer shots in the third group of batches, shown in yellow above, and tracking right along the bottom line of the chart, generated NO ADVERSE EVENTS AT ALL. None. Zip, zero, nada.

The implications are massive. I’ll offer four big ones.

1) The only explanation for the third batch, the “zero batch,” is that it must have been a placebo. Think saline. There is no other reasonable way to explain how NO adverse events at all could have been reported in that large sample.

It gets even weirder, if that’s possible. German researchers who followed up on the March study with public records requests would later tell the Daily Skeptic that “almost none of the harmless batches, unlike the very-bad and not-so-bad batches, appear to have been subject to any quality-control testing at all.”

In other words, for some reason, the regulators ignored the “zero group” shots.

This lack of testing of the “zero” group strongly suggests that the regulators must have known in advance these batches were placebos, and didn’t need to be tested. How would they have known?

2) The data also suggests the regulators didn’t fail at their job of eliminating the most dangerous batches. They must have seen it in the data. The giveaway is how few of the death batch jabs were injected into patients — since the “deaths shots” group included fewer than 5% of all injections.

This data strongly suggests that the most deadly batches were quietly discontinued — without any warning or follow up for injectees who got the dangerous shots.

Who has the juice to corral Danish regulators like this?

3) The existence of three discrete groups of injections, with dramatically different results, raises even more questions. Was Pfizer — with willing cooperation by regulators — experimenting on the public with the different dosages? Or, were the placebos deployed to lower the average number of total adverse events, to hide how insidiously dangerous the shots are?

I won’t to go there, since I can’t prove anything, but I’ll just say the depopulation theorists will have lots of comments about these figures.

4) In Denmark, as in the U.S., the voluntary reporting system is believed to drastically underestimate the number of adverse events. Historically, studies have shown VAERS represents only 1% of actual injuries. So the two bad groups were conceivably much, much worse than what the data shows.

In a sane, non-clown world, these findings — easily reproduced by anyone who wants to check — would be international front-page news and also grounds for immediate suspension of the jab program. But that’s not the world we live in. So, who cares, right?

One wonders what the U.S. data looks like.
11   Patrick   2023 Aug 12, 11:55am  



Links to some spreadsheets, but I'd like to see the analysis.

If it really were 1 in 73, everyone would know one or two dead from the toxxine.
12   Onvacation   2023 Aug 12, 12:17pm  

Patrick says

So again a bit over 6 million dead for the profits of Pfizer and power of Pfauci.

You're discounting the "control the population through vaccine passports" angle.
13   Onvacation   2023 Aug 12, 12:19pm  

Booger says

Patrick says

I like that Booger. Did you make it?


All hail meme master Booger!
14   richwicks   2023 Aug 12, 12:19pm  

Patrick says

If it really were 1 in 73, everyone would know one or two dead from the toxxine.

There's the bullshit government, and there's the bullshit whackos that just spew bullshit. I hate them both.
16   Patrick   2023 Nov 19, 9:00pm  

From https://patrick.net/post/1340336/2021-07-29-thread-for-vax-deaths-maimings-and?start=6418#comment-2009008 :

Say 75% of the world unwisely submitted to the death jab. So that's about 6 billion people.

6 billion divided by 17 million dead means that 1 in 353 recipients died from the jab. That's actually much higher than 1 in 800.
17   Patrick   2023 Dec 1, 1:27pm  


Data from US Medicare and the New Zealand Ministry of Health shows, beyond any doubt, that the COVID vaccines have killed millions

It's finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses. ...

The reason the data is kept secret is simple: it would expose the fact that the COVID vaccines are unsafe, as well as all the vaccines that I have been able to get record-level data on.

Today, thanks to a courageous whistleblower who works at the New Zealand Ministry of Health, we have record-level information from a large population of all ages and are making it public for the first time in history. ...

There is no possible way that this data is consistent with a safe vaccine. I estimated that the vaccine killed, on average, about 1 person per 1,000 doses. That means an estimated 675,000 Americans were killed by the COVID vaccines.

We have confirmation of the analysis from the US Medicare data thanks to another whistleblower.

I think that's still an underestimate of the massive number of deaths caused by the toxxine.
18   Patrick   2024 Feb 24, 12:13pm  


For every 800 injections administered, Rancourt and his colleagues concluded in their 180-page paper that one vaccine-related death occurred.

This 1-in-800 number becomes even more alarming when you consider how many doses were given.

At the time of Rancourt and colleagues’ report, 13.5 billion COVID-19 injections were administered.

Divide that number by 800, and you end up with approximately 17 million COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths.

And there is that 1 in 800 number again!
19   GNL   2024 Feb 24, 12:21pm  

If people are still dying, shouldn't the 1 in 800 go up over time?
20   Ceffer   2024 Feb 24, 12:31pm  

Toxxine maiming and death is certainly much, much worse than any reported figure.

I think you can depend that any generated statistic of convenience is manufactured at the numeric level that will still allow minimizing, gaslighting and deflection. The population is supposed to be 'alarmed' at Fake Covid, not the vaccine atrocities.
21   tanked   2024 Feb 24, 1:30pm  

GNL says

If people are still dying, shouldn't the 1 in 800 go up over time?

unless they cure it tomorrow yes. Not happening
22   Shaman   2024 Feb 24, 1:32pm  

this PRO-VAX doctor examines a recent peer-reviewed study and changes her mind completely in the process.
This is damning stuff, straight from Pfizer/Moderna trials used for EUA approval. 27 vax deaths to save 2 from Covid!
23   stereotomy   2024 Feb 25, 9:55am  

The 1 in 800 is just the relatively prompt deaths (deaths occurring within the first several months or a year). The truly long-term (1-10 year) tragedy is still growing:

What about the neurological morbidities like Alzheimers, CJD, ALS, Parkinson's?

What about turbo cancers?

What about long term deaths from subclinical myocarditis/pericarditis?

What about increased maternal and fetal deaths due to clots in the placenta and fetus?

What about increased vehicular accidents due to brain fog or brain freezes?

What about the suicides of people who's lives and families have been ruined or killed?

I predict that the toll will top 100,000,000 before the spike toxin works it's way out of the human gene pool.
24   tanked   2024 Feb 25, 5:17pm  

stereotomy says

The 1 in 800 is just the relatively prompt deaths (deaths occurring within the first several months or a year). The truly long-term (1-10 year) tragedy is still growing:

What about the neurological morbidities like Alzheimers, CJD, ALS, Parkinson's?

What about turbo cancers?

What about long term deaths from subclinical myocarditis/pericarditis?

What about increased maternal and fetal deaths due to clots in the placenta and fetus?

What about increased vehicular accidents due to brain fog or brain freezes?

What about the suicides of people who's lives and families have been ruined or killed?

I predict that the toll will top 100,000,000 before the spike toxin works it's way out of the human gene pool.

easily. try 2,000,000,000
25   Misc   2024 Feb 26, 10:25pm  

Unless there is some miracle, eventually they will all die.
26   Onvacation   2024 Feb 27, 9:02am  

Misc says

eventually they will all die.


We're all going to die.

Don't fear the reaper.
27   Patrick   2024 Oct 1, 2:15pm  


As Slay News recently reported, one major study, led by Dr. Denis Rancourt, uncovered evidence showing that one person died of a vaccine-related injury for every 800 shots administered.

While the figure of 1 in 800 doesn’t seem so alarming at first glance, it becomes deeply troubling when the number of doses administered is taken into consideration.

At the time Rancourt’s study was published in July, 13.5 billion Covid injections had been administered.

According to Dr. Rancourt’s calculation, this equates to approximately 17 million Covid vaccine-related deaths.

The global study was the largest to date and included an analysis of 2.7 billion people – roughly 35% of the worldwide population.

The researchers analyzed excess mortality data in 125 countries.

The study covered the period during the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning with the March 11, 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic declaration, and ending on May 5, 2023, when the globalist agency declared the pandemic over.
28   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Oct 1, 3:01pm  

Former Cal Poly track and field star Shelby Daniele has died suddenly at 23—just months after celebrating her hard-earned master’s degree from the university.

23 year-olds don't usually die from a brain aneurysm unless it is congenital or unless there is a weird familial predisposition.

However, it is very plausible that the spike protein mRNA nanoparticles hitched a ride in the circulatory system of the deceased, until finally blebbing onto the lining cells of a cerberal artery, causing the cells to become targeted by the immune system, weakening the wall of the artery and causing the aneurysm.

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