I'm just asking if this is sustainable.

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2023 Aug 15, 6:27pm   10,023 views  75 comments

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51   Patrick   2023 Aug 17, 10:58pm  

PeopleUnited says

there are people with essentially bottomless pockets

The Fed and its friends have literally bottomless pockets.
52   Patrick   2023 Aug 22, 7:45pm  

Wow, looks like Ramaswamy is telling the truth about this:


QUESTIONER: But that is illegally taking money out the back door, not through the proper channels, or adding zeroes to bank accounts to the media or maybe your political opponents. How are you going to stop that illegal under-the-table spending of money from the Federal Reserve?

RAMASWAMY: The answer is, you have to actually make sure the Federal Reserve is politically accountable. See, this idea that it’s supposed to be some sort of special entity that exists outside the checks and balances of government, that’s where the original sin begins, right? And you’re correct to point out what very few people are aware of. Absolutely, that happens.

CNN anchor Jake Tapper was dumbfounded: “Ramaswamy — who is polling quite well in several states — is agreeing with a completely untrue and, frankly, unhinged conspiracy theory about the Federal Reserve illegally adding zeros to the bank accounts of media companies. You can’t invent it. None of that is true. That is a deranged conspiracy theory, and then here you have a Republican presidential candidate saying, ‘You’re correct to point out what very few people are aware of.'”

I'm pretty damn sure that the Fed simply prints up and hands cash to whomever is on the side of the shadowy oligarchy/mafia that is really running things.
53   AD   2023 Aug 22, 9:57pm  

Median sales price should be around $350,000 based on dashed trend line. Another way to examine this is that the median price was around $200,000 at beginning of 2004. So a 4% annual appreciation over 19 years means the price should be $200,000 x (1.04)^19 which is equal to $421,370. Professor Robert Shiller stated that housing typically appreciates 4% annually over the long run.

Median price was $329,000 around February 2020.

54   Eman   2023 Aug 23, 7:15am  

ad says

Median sales price should be around $350,000 based on dashed trend line. Another way to examine this is that the median price was around $200,000 at beginning of 2004. So a 4% annual appreciation over 19 years means the price should be $200,000 x (1.04)^19 which is equal to $421,370. Professor Robert Shiller stated that housing typically appreciates 4% annually over the long run.

Median price was $329,000 around February 2020.


4% compound annual appreciation = should be plotted in a log scale. Share with us the graph in a log scale and it will give us a different picture.

The same with plotting growth in the stock market in linear rather than log scale. Here’s the stock market in linear scale. Do you think it’s sustainable?

55   B.A.C.A.H.   2023 Aug 23, 7:26am  

AmericanKulak says

Thing is, demographics are inescapable. Despite ludicrous hyperimmigration, the US is still predominantly native born

Not true in the Bay Area, Homie.

About half the world's population lives in India and China.

There are many more billionaire families in either of those countries than in the US.

And many, probably most, of them covet to have their college age kids to relocate to the SF Bay Area. We who live here are immersed among them.

Remember, compared to where they came from, SF Bay Area is like the Wild Open Praire, at Bargain Prices, with (in spite of American-type crime) Rule Of Law.
56   Misc   2023 Aug 23, 8:01am  

One chart that stockbrokers, financial planners, and especially financial firms never ever show their marks is the debt per share chart.

You will have to create it yourself, but if you want to see something unsustainable instead of looking at the earnings chart of the S&P over time, look at a chart of the debt the S&P has over time.

While the federal government can print the money, corporations cannot. -- Feel free to giggle at the absurdity of increasing stock prices when you look at the accumulated debt these companies have.

Even with much higher interest rates, the corporations are adding to the debt at a nice clip. - Yes, a lot of it is a Ponzi scheme.

57   AD   2023 Aug 23, 8:48am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

There are many more billionaire families in either of those countries than in the US.

And many, probably most, of them covet to have their college age kids to relocate to the SF Bay Area. We who live here are immersed among them.

What percentage of +$1 million homes in the San Fran Bay Area are being bought by foreigners ? Is there any trend data on this for the last 30 years ?

I can see where localities like Palo Alto and San Jose are very attractive to rich foreigners.

That would help those who sell their homes in California, as they can then buy a much lower cost home in states like Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona.

58   Onvacation   2023 Aug 23, 9:10am  

Rubicon says

Hate the game but not the player.

What if the player is an amoral asshole?
59   AD   2023 Aug 23, 9:30am  

Misc says

One chart that stockbrokers, financial planners, and especially financial firms never ever show their marks is the debt per share chart.

Another way I would examine this is book value since debt cannot be examined only. One metric is price to book value.


60   AD   2023 Aug 23, 9:31am  

Misc says

ne chart that stockbrokers, financial planners, and especially financial firms never ever show their marks is the debt per share chart.

Even Apple has taken on a lot of new debt over the last few years, but its still has high financial scores according to Guru Focus.

61   Misc   2023 Aug 23, 10:00am  

Ok, here's a quick look under the hood of AAPL. Increasing liabilities, decreasing shareholder equity, and in its latest quarter it had smaller revenues than the previous year. That extra $18 billion in year over year debt from 2021 to 2022 didn't really pan out so well for it.

...and this is supposedly one of the better companies.

Yes, click on the link and see the yearly increases in liabilities and declines in shareholder equity.


You will need to click on the "Financials" tab and then the "Balance SHeet" tab

$2.8 trillion dollar company with $50 billion in shareholder equity. The shear amount of malinvestment is un-freaking real.
62   AD   2023 Aug 23, 10:35am  

Misc says

$2.8 trillion dollar company with $50 billion in shareholder equity. The shear amount of malinvestment is un-freaking real.

Have to examine earnings and profit margin trends also. Profit margin is still +24%.

But yes, as Apple's current liabilities have nearly doubled since 2016. Let's see if they remain flat or nearly constant going into 2024 to 2027.

63   GNL   2023 Aug 23, 10:56am  

Onvacation says

Rubicon says

Hate the game but not the player.

What if the player is an amoral asshole?

America has a problem. Most Americans defer to those who are doing financially better than them. Psychologically, most people think those with money are smarter, prettier etc. How they make/made their money is of no importance. Just look at how people fawn over some of the most insidious people on earth. Stand up to that and you'll be accused of being jealous. Morallity is way down the line in importance. Fiat and those who control it are the worst people on the planet. It doesn't take a genious to know this. No, it only takes some critical thinking mixed with a smidgeon of morallity.
64   Eman   2023 Aug 23, 10:57am  

During the pandemic and right after, money was literally free for almost all companies to borrow. It made sense for these companies to load up on “long-term” debt and use the money to fund more profitable ventures.

AAPL is projected to grow at 12% annually and pays 0.5% in dividend. It prints money consistently with free cash flow of $90B from their operation annually. $110B of debt is nothing in the scheme of things.

Then we look at AAPL’s chart in “linear scale” and ask ourselves if it’s sustainable.

65   Eman   2023 Aug 23, 10:58am  

Onvacation says

Rubicon says

Hate the game but not the player.

What if the player is an amoral asshole?

In any line of work, there will always be amoral aholes. Real estate is NOT an exception.
66   Eric Holder   2023 Aug 23, 11:51am  

ad says

B.A.C.A.H. says

There are many more billionaire families in either of those countries than in the US.

And many, probably most, of them covet to have their college age kids to relocate to the SF Bay Area. We who live here are immersed among them.

What percentage of +$1 million homes in the San Fran Bay Area are being bought by foreigners ? Is there any trend data on this for the last 30 years ?

I can see where localities like Palo Alto and San Jose are very attractive to rich foreigners.

That would help those who sell their homes in California, as they can then buy a much lower cost home in states like Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona.


Palo Alto? Puhleeeze! There is new king in town: https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/richest-cities-in-the-us?onepage=

67   Misc   2023 Aug 23, 2:49pm  

...And then we inflation adjust Apple's sales and earnings...and then...the P/E and P/S look even wonkier as both show Y/Y contraction.

And remember...this is the cream of the crop. The others really suck.

Eventually the greater fool theory of investing comes to a quick and sudden end.
68   AD   2023 Aug 23, 3:15pm  

Misc says

And then we inflation adjust Apple's sales and earnings...and then...the P/E and P/S look even wonkier as both show Y/Y contraction.

I look at earnings and it was somewhat slow and steady from 2013 to 2020 and the MSN finance link was helpful.

The below link graphs revenue and earnings per year and it looks like earnings is at best going to remain constant for the next few years.

69   HeadSet   2023 Aug 23, 5:40pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

About half the world's population lives in India and China.

There are many more billionaire families in either of those countries than in the US.

??? The US has more billionaires than China (including Hong Cong) and India combined.
70   AD   2023 Aug 23, 6:20pm  

HeadSet says

??? The US has more billionaires than China (including Hong Cong) and India combined.

I suspect based on economic growth rates and demographics there are a significant amount of multimillionaires from China and India who could easily afford buying a +$1,000,000 home in California such as for their kids.

71   Onvacation   2023 Aug 23, 9:14pm  

Eman says

In any line of work, there will always be amoral aholes. Real estate is NOT an exception.

Real Estate is the poster child of amoral asshoes.
72   Onvacation   2023 Aug 23, 9:16pm  

Rubicon says

The only difference is, nobody gives two shits about poor people.

No. Amoral assholes don't care about poor people. They only care about themselves.
73   Eman   2023 Aug 23, 9:29pm  

Onvacation says

Eman says

In any line of work, there will always be amoral aholes. Real estate is NOT an exception.

Real Estate is the poster child of amoral asshoes.

If this is your belief, you haven’t been around, or experienced what 3rd world people, or even 1st world people have to deal/live with.
74   GNL   2023 Aug 24, 8:44am  

Rubicon says

Poor people are no different than rich and powerful people. The only difference is, nobody gives two shits about poor people. The attention is reserved for the rich, powerful, beautiful ones.

You live on an earth with humans. Humans are all the same no matter where they live. It’s not America, your issue is with human nature. Out of all the shit boxes, America is the cleanest and best one.

No one overlooks the immorality of poor people..."It's why they're poor", they say. But just look at how much immorality people will overlook if they can get close to $$, fame and/or power. These things are what stupid people look at to judge intelligence.

@Rubicon, you're a real smart guy, right? I'm guessing you took at least 3 jabs.
75   GNL   2023 Aug 24, 12:13pm  

Rubicon says

Rubicon, you're a real smart guy, right

Thank you! I guess I did alright. :)

This is why you're a fraud.

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