Great News: Florida Lawmakers Poised to Pass Law Allowing Death Penalty for Pedophiles

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2023 Apr 12, 7:26am   806 views  13 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

If passed, pedophiles could be sent to death if they commit sexual battery on a child under age 12.

According to a report from CBS News, “the House is scheduled Thursday to take up its version of the bill (HB 1297), while the Senate version (SB 1342) was approved Tuesday by the Rules Committee, positioning it to go to the full Senate.”

The Supreme Court has previously ruled that imposing capital punishment in rape cases is unconstitutional, but that may change with the new justices.

After the bill passed the Rules Committee, Senate bill sponsor Jonathan Martin, a former prosecutor, said, “if an individual rapes an 11-year-old, a 10-year-old, a 2-year-old or a 5-year-old, they should be subject to the death penalty.”

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1   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 12, 2:21pm  

I'm starting to see a pattern emerge here. While Democrats are soft on crime ...

GOP Arkansas Gov. Sarah Sanders Signs Bill Banning Parole for Rapists, Murderers, And Human Traffickers

The legislation will also require people convicted of several other felonies, including manslaughter or fentanyl delivery, to serve at least 85 percent of their prison sentences.

“The failed public safety status quo ends today in Arkansas,” Sanders tweeted after signing the bill. “No more revolving doors in our prisons. No more weak sentencing. No more unsafe streets.”

3   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 12, 2:27pm  

More pattern ...

“F**k Catholics” – Biden Regime Offers Sweetheart Deal to Trans Terrorist Who Vandalized Catholic Church and Assaulted Church Worker

The Biden regime never fails to demonstrate how how much they loathe Christians, particularly Catholics.

On Wednesday, Fox News exclusively reported the Department of Injustice cut a sweetheart plea agreement with a 31-year-old trans terrorist named Maeve Nota.

After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Fox News revealed Nota went on a violent, drunken rampage and specifically targeted St. Louise Catholic Church in Bellevue, Washington.

Nota destroyed the church’s glass doors by throwing rocks and spray-painted the walls with several profane messages. These messages included “F— Catholics,” “rot in your fake hell,” “kid groomers,” and “woman haters.”

After a church worker confronted Nota, he spray-painted the worker across the face.

He also smashed a police car before finally turning himself in.

Despite these psychopathic actions, the Regime believes he should receive precisely zero jail time. This is the exact opposite of how they treat Christians and pro-lifers.
4   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 12, 6:14pm  

This is the one crime where I think death is warranted considering the damage done to children, despite the perpetrator not killing anyone.
5   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 12, 7:30pm  

NuttBoxer says

This is the one crime where I think death is warranted considering the damage done to children, despite the perpetrator not killing anyone.

By virtually all scientific studies, and, the testimony of pedophiles themselves, this sickness cannot be cured. Once a pedo, always a pedo (with very, very rare exceptions).
6   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2023 Apr 12, 8:38pm  

NuttBoxer says

This is the one crime where I think death is warranted considering the damage done to children, despite the perpetrator not killing anyone.

This. Literally alters the entire course of a persons life. The mental and emotional impact is severe and the trauma continues throughout the victims life.
7   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 12, 8:39pm  

With God anything is possible, and no man is ever beyond redemption. But I have very little grace or forgiveness when it comes to this subject.
8   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2023 Apr 12, 8:39pm  

RayAmerica says

NuttBoxer says

This is the one crime where I think death is warranted considering the damage done to children, despite the perpetrator not killing anyone.

By virtually all scientific studies, and, the testimony of pedophiles themselves, this sickness cannot be cured. Once a pedo, always a pedo (with very, very rare exceptions).

It probably can be cured, much like some homosexuality can be cured. But no one studies it enough to develop a reasonable treatment, mostly for political reasons.
9   richwicks   2023 Apr 12, 8:40pm  

RayAmerica says

NuttBoxer says

This is the one crime where I think death is warranted considering the damage done to children, despite the perpetrator not killing anyone.

By virtually all scientific studies, and, the testimony of pedophiles themselves, this sickness cannot be cured. Once a pedo, always a pedo (with very, very rare exceptions).

It's some form of sadism I think. I think sadism is the ultimate sickness.
10   Misc   2023 Apr 12, 10:46pm  

Does this mean Disney is going to relocate back to California?
11   stereotomy   2023 Apr 13, 2:32am  

Considering the fact that the typical pedo molests over 100 children during his/her active phase, I'd say the death penalty is warranted considering the damage these perverts inflict on society. To paraphrase OWH, "5 generations of pedophiles is enough."
13   Misc   2023 Sep 6, 9:53pm  

I'm certain that pedophiles have raped children in Florida since the death penalty law was enacted. Haven't heard of a single criminal charged under that law.

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