Trans activists are evil

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2021 Apr 6, 7:37pm   220,887 views  2,169 comments

by FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


So Arkansas overrode the veto from beta cuck governor. But no one is asking why the leftist tran activists trying to fuck kids up before they grow normal since puberty tends to fix this shit. Such murderous jealous fucks, trying to drag kids down with them since they fucked up their own lives.

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1458   Patrick   2023 Sep 20, 11:57am  


Why not? If one is willing to deny the basic reality of exactly two sexes, why not deny the reality of species as well?
1460   socal2   2023 Sep 20, 4:14pm  

Trump still not sure what a woman is.

Apparently afraid to go against his buddy Bruce and upset Leftist mentals.

We can thank Trump for helping normalize this mental illness.

1465   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 22, 11:40pm  

socal2 says

We can thank Trump for helping normalize this mental illness.

Trump banned Trannies in the military in July 2017, one of his first acts as President during the Honeymoon phase he never got.

Biden overturns Trump transgender military ban
1469   Patrick   2023 Sep 24, 12:07pm  


What caused Gavin Newsom to veto that bill that would allow California to take kids away from “non-affirming” parents?

Could it be maybe he's hedging his bets that this particular bill is (a) enough of a lightning rod that it could be easily used against him in a possible presidential campaign, while being (b) obscure enough that vetoing it won't cause too many political headaches among Democrats both in California and nationwide?
1470   Patrick   2023 Sep 25, 1:40pm  


... it is worth reminding folks of the high stakes to the children, and I apologize for doing this to you, but behold this January 2022 New York Magazine cover, which re-defined the ancient concept of “penis envy”:

Although “Gabriel’s” leg was heavily airbrushed, you can still see the absurd cost she paid to obtain her prominent Pirola package and, in her inflamed imagination, to join the boy’s club. In case you missed previous explainers, Gabriel’s Nazi-inspired doctors harvested a huge chunk of her leg to make a non-functional appendage and she still needs to put the seat down to urinate.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but that is not healthcare. That is surgical mutilation, adventures in plastic surgery, and magical thinking at its worst. Never before have we treated mental illness with extreme surgical modification to make someone’s body more consistent with their self-perceived psychological identity delusions.

What we really need is a bill to strip any doctor of their medical license for performing that Frankensteinian surgery.
1471   richwicks   2023 Sep 25, 4:45pm  

Patrick says

What we really need is a bill to strip any doctor of their medical license for performing that Frankensteinian surgery.

Do we?

She's sterilized. At some point we have to move on from viewing these people as victims, and viewing them as victimizers.

Were they groomed into mutilating themselves? Yes, most likely. So are pedophiles. She's going to try to convince people to "transition" as well.
1476   Patrick   2023 Sep 27, 2:04pm  


A San Francisco transgender daycare worker has been sentenced to 25 years in prison after she was caught abusing “tod­dler and preschool-aged chil­dren.”

Jace Wong, a woman formerly known as Robyn Danielle Wong who claims to be a transgender “man,” was reportedly taking “libido-boosting” male hormones due to the misguided belief she could change gender.

The San Francisco Public Safety News reported Monday that Wong was sentenced for multiple counts of child sexual abuse.

Wong pled guilty to possession and distribution of child pornography after she was caught distributing images and videos of children being abused online.

Wong was abusing children at the daycare center and uploading pictures of young boys and girls being abused to online pedophile chat rooms.

Prosecutors told the court that Wong is “a sys­tem­atic preda­tor of tod­dler and preschool-aged chil­dren.”

Wong would touch the children inappropriately, and encourage them to touch her inappropriately.

According to videos on Wong’s phone, she would also describe in detail further sexual abuses that she planned to carry out against the innocent children who were supposedly in her care. ...

During the trial, one parent said that they “miss the smiles of my girls that I re­mem­ber see­ing and know­ing prior to Wong’s ma­li­cious abuse.”
1478   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 28, 7:14pm  

Hazelbrook Middle School, Tulatin, OR: "Trans" Boy beats up Middle School Girl

1479   EBGuy   2023 Sep 28, 9:14pm  

Patrick says

Jace Wong, a woman formerly known as Robyn Danielle Wong who claims to be a transgender “man,” was reportedly taking “libido-boosting” male hormones due to the misguided belief she could change gender.

Notice what is missing from this Press Release from the DOJ...
San Francisco Daycare Worker Sentenced To 25 Years In Prison For Using Access To Children To Produce, Possess, And Distribute Child Pornography
SAN FRANCISCO – Jace Wong was sentenced to serve 300 months in prison for production, attempted production, distribution, and possession of child pornography in connection with a scheme to take pictures and videos of four- to six-year-olds that he could share on child pornography sites online announced U.S. Attorney Ismail J. Ramsey and FBI Special Agent in Charge Robert K. Tripp. The sentence was handed down by the Hon. James Donato, United States District Judge.
Wong pleaded guilty to the charges on April 24, 2023. According to his plea agreement, Wong admitted that beginning March 19, 2021, while he was employed at a daycare facility in San Francisco, he surreptitiously took sexually explicit photos and videos of prepubescent minors at the facility while they were going to the bathroom. Wong acknowledged that the children were approximately four to six years old and that the photos and videos he captured depicted the prepubescent minors’ genitalia. Wong admitted that he distributed those videos and images online in group chats and in private messages.
1480   Patrick   2023 Sep 29, 9:52am  


I did laugh out loud when he said "Whenever you call me my pronoun is your master. You want to get me, you say hey master."
1483   Patrick   2023 Sep 29, 11:51am  

Technically there are a few very rare others, like XXY or XYY, but they have nothing at all to do with the "trans" mental illness going around.
1485   richwicks   2023 Sep 29, 2:41pm  

Patrick says


This trans student beat the snot out of multiple girls at an Oregon middle school

It should just be prosecuted as assault and battery. There, problem fixed!

The problem is that the law isn't being enforced.
1486   Patrick   2023 Sep 30, 11:48am  


Thursday, in a 2-1 vote, the federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a legal challenge from transgender families and allies who argued that the new Tennessee and Kentucky bans “discriminated on the basis of sex.” But the 6th Circuit panel agreed with supporters of sterilization prohibitions and genital mutilation bans, who successfully argued the treatments are unproven and risk permanently harming kids.

According to the Sixth Circuit’s written decision, the plaintiffs failed to prove that transgenderism is an “immutable characteristic” or even describes any “discrete group” of people:

To establish a new classification, plaintiffs must show that transgender individuals "exhibit obvious, immutable, or distinguishing characteristics that define them as a discrete group." Bowen v. Gilliard, 483 U.S. 587, 602 (1987). It is difficult to see, at least at this stage of the case, how transgender identity fits that description. Unlike existing suspect classes, transgender identity is not "definitively ascertainable at the moment of birth." Ondo at 609. It is not necessarily immutable, as the stories of "detransitioners" indicate and as plaintiffs do not dispute. See Detransitioners' Amicus Brief. Instead of defining a "discrete group," Bowen at 602, "transgender" can describe "a huge variety of gender identities and expressions," 2022 WPATH Guidelines.

This fantastic ruling was the second in a row by a federal appeals court, after another 11th Circuit ruling recently revived a similar Alabama law, overruling the lower court. The two appeals court decisions make it very likely that the Supreme Court will agree, if the issue ever gets that far due to a split in circuits.

Even though the so-called “gender affirming” treatments did not even exist a few years ago, lawyers for gender-bending families and the so-called ACLU decried the ruling as a "devastating result for transgender youth and their families" and said "we are assessing our next steps" in defense of transgender rights.
1487   Patrick   2023 Sep 30, 1:50pm  


Congratulations young anthropologist, you've just discovered an ancient burial ground which will give you unparalleled insights into how men and women lived 2,500 years ago.

But how do you know which ones are men and which ones are women?

The world's largest anthropological conference with the American Anthropological Association and the Canadian Anthropology Society had hoped to answer that question in a panel using science we've had since the dawn of humanity.

The event would have discussed "Sex identification whether an individual was male or female - using the skeleton is one of the most fundamental components in bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology."

And skeletal distinctions between men and women are not hard to make.

This is where the trans activists come in and say:

"But how do you know which ones are men and which ones are women?"

Which is exactly what happened at the anthropological conference and got the panel canceled.

One of the speakers for the panel, Elizabeth Weiss, an anthropology professor at San José State University, said,

The field has been nose-diving into an 'off the rails' agenda, with activists pushing for some facts to be replaced with feelings. As anthropologists have developed more precise metrics to determine the sex of the human skeleton they study in the field, the more they get attacked for knowing and being able to determine those differences.

Truth is not necessarily considered an objective goal and the victims' narrative is more important than facts. Who tells the story is more important than the data, which we obviously know is not true. ...

I think Dr. Weiss explains these trans activists best:

"I also think that the increase in the trans what I would say ‘social contagion' has led to activists in the field… So they're not really interested in understanding… how a tribe in the rainforest of Brazil lived. They want to push their agenda onto those narratives to make it more seem more normal," Weiss said.

1490   HeadSet   2023 Oct 1, 8:05am  

Patrick says

It is rare that you would need a dog to tell.
1491   Misc   2023 Oct 1, 9:57am  

richwicks says

Patrick says


This trans student beat the snot out of multiple girls at an Oregon middle school

It should just be prosecuted as assault and battery. There, problem fixed!

The problem is that the law isn't being enforced.

Nope it was arrested for assault.
1494   Patrick   2023 Oct 3, 2:23am  


I've fully exited what I thought was an anarchist movement that pretty much turned out to be anything but... I also have no intention of attending any anarchist events such as bookfairs, protests, etc. I'm even avoiding events in the region I live in where there may be an anarchist presence. The reason being that I want to be free to say what I actually think rather than have to adhere to the self censorship that's required of anyone attending an anarchist event such as the Anarchist Bookfair in London 2023 who issued this: Anti-Oppression Statement*. Suffice to say, saying what I want and then subsequently attending events where there's an anarchist presence would lead to a certain amount of 'friction' that I really can do without!

One of the main causes of friction between me and what I thought was an anarchist movement where ideas could be freely debated (how wrong I was!) concerns the issue of gender ideology. One that, despite denials from some elements, is fully part and parcel of the transhumanist agenda. I've selected a couple of readings which among other issues, explain the way gender ideology is inextricably linked with transhumanism:

Eugenics, Propaganda & Transgenderism - Dustin Broadbery | OffGuardian | 30.9.23

And what’s really under attack here is not, woe betide, people’s feelings, delusions of identity or, indeed, right to immoral debauchery, but the fundamentals of our humanity.

The rainbow flag hangs from every public institution, the NHS is erasing the word ‘women’, schools teach 11-year-olds – manythat have just started menstruating – that if they feel uncomfortable in their bodies they’re probably transgender, according to Wikipedia there are 107 gender identities and counting, and ask Google if a man can get pregnant and the answer is unequivocally “yes”.

If the lessons from history are anything to go by, systems of authoritarianism usually begin with people’s attempts to strong-arm the population into the kind of collectivist wrong-think rife throughout trans-ideology; and typically accompany people’s attempts to hijack science and values, language, and culture.

Battling The Hydra Of Gender Ideology - Jennifer Bilek | The 11th Hour | 9.4.23

As a species, we are part of, and in relationship with, a complex biological system that is a continuous process of death and regeneration via sexual reproduction. We don’t live in isolated bubbles in space where we can individually opt out of this reality but inside an entire biological community. Our sex is our tether to this natural world. This is true even if we are not having sex. It is true even if some individuals don’t or can’t reproduce. ... We are still, as a species, sexually dimorphic mammals and are rooted in the material world by this fact. We must hold fast to this root when battling the hydra of gender ideology.

Gender ideology was corporately constructed to break this bond, to introduce us to new ways of reproducing our species. The ideology was seeded everywhere before it was dropped on our societies, promoting a human rights movement. It is deeply entrenched in all our institutions, corporations, media, and the market. More problematic is its solidification in our minds. Even those attempting to resist this anti-human agenda want to hold fast to the concept of beings outside our species’ boundaries.

Then there's this piece from Paul Cudenec about what can best be termed as ideological capture. It looks at both the environmental movement which has been captured by the climate change agenda and also, the way anarchism and other radical movements have been captured by gender ideology. More importantly, it looks at the web of funding from and links between the organisations orchestrating this capture:

Shining light on the climate of manipulation - Paul Cudenec | Winter Oak | 31.7.23

In this debased modern world we often find ourselves in the dark.

Ours is a society built entirely from artifice and illusion, and so in this labyrinth of lies, this demonic hall of mirrors, it has become extraordinarily difficult to distinguish fact from fake, reality from spin.

Indeed, we have pretty much now arrived at a stage of complete inversion.

The best indication of something or somebody’s integrity is that they are denounced as criminals by the system and the strongest warning sign of misinformation is when a certain proposition is presented as sacred truth, protected from contradiction by a special taboo status.

So there you have it, three readings which I hope will shed more light on why we're in the weird situation we're in at this point in time.
1496   Patrick   2023 Oct 3, 8:58am  

(paywall, in spite of what they say)

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