Deaths from Wuhan Virus continue to be wildly exaggerated to keep fear and funding going

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2022 Sep 28, 11:21am   24,255 views  181 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Six recent “Covid” deaths, per the Milwaukee coroner’s office
Alex Berenson

Working on a bigger story but wanted to share this.

You may have wondered how the United States is still clocking 3000 Covid deaths a week when even Joe Biden - who can barely manage a staircase unaided - easily beat Omicron.

The Milwaukee coroner’s office has the answer. It publishes anonymized death reports, including cases where Covid is listed on the death certificate. Here are four of the seven from the last two weeks. Average age 90.

The youngster in the group was 80 and had metastatic prostate cancer.

And diabetes.

And Parkinson’s disease.


As for the others, they are all in their sixties.

Lest you accuse me of cherry-picking, here’s one of the younger deaths:

These folks are not the exceptions, they’re the rule. “From” versus “with” Covid is a pointless distinction for this population.

Anyone dying of Omicron is likely either incredibly old, incredibly sick.

And, according to the coroner’s office, most are vaccinated.

It should be obvious that Covid death counting is now pure theater and database matching, in a way it wasn’t even a few months ago.

Which raises a somewhat unpleasant question: if Covid is no longer killing anyone who wasn’t at death’s door, why is overall excess mortality so high across the heavily mRNA vaccinated countries?

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90   AD   2023 Aug 28, 9:38pm  

Patrick says

The CDC is a criminal organization which exists now to protect and profit Pfizer, and to be used to manipulate elections so that democracy is defeated in America.

And Pfizer is at the same price (around $37) it was back in late 1998.

It at least doubled in share price during the pandemic and peaked around $60; I wonder who made a lot of money selling it after the pandemic run up.

91   richwicks   2023 Aug 28, 10:08pm  

Patrick says

The CDC is a criminal organization which exists now to protect and profit Pfizer, and to be used to manipulate elections so that democracy is defeated in America.

I think that is going too far.

I don't think they manipulate elections, but they sure as fuck pay off people in our government and regulatory agencies. Trump was paid off by them, Hillary Clinton got the largest contribution.

He did "Operation Warp Speed" after all. Don't look up for a savior, look within.
92   HeadSet   2023 Aug 29, 7:20am  

richwicks says

I don't think they manipulate elections

The plandemic made the massive vote fraud possible.
94   clambo   2023 Sep 4, 3:14am  

RC2006, they also have flu tests; I recently got one.
The nurse shoved the Q-tip up my nose and the results were negative for Covid, positive for one of two flu viruses.
It was interesting to see.
95   richwicks   2023 Sep 4, 3:34am  

clambo says

RC2006, they also have flu tests; I recently got one.
The nurse shoved the Q-tip up my nose and the results were negative for Covid, positive for one of two flu viruses.
It was interesting to see.

Don't get tested.

You have no idea what they are shoving up your nose, and those nurses have no idea.

Sure they went through several years of medical school - assholes that have a genders study degree went through several years of school. They have no idea what they are sticking up your nose, no more than you do. They have a real education, but still, they have no idea what is in those q-tips.

When I was taking engineering courses, I had an obsession of understanding what I was learning, I couldn't just accept Euler's identity. I had to understand it. That wasn't a problem for 99% of my classmates. It was just given to us as fact, but the derivation was never explained and that's fucking frustrating, because it's not that complicated but it was just expected you accepted it without explanation.

I think most people in most "professional professions" just accept what they are told is true, without explanation.

If they don't understand the reasoning, don't trust their reasoning. For all you know, they are shoving qtips laced with sarin liquid up your nose.
99   Patrick   2023 Sep 12, 12:02pm  


Shortly after COVID reached US shores, the World Health Organization estimated that the virus would kill 11.2 million Americans—an alarming and frightening number that panicked public health officials. Today, we know that a much smaller number of Americans actually died, meaning the world’s experts got it wrong.

But researchers at Stanford doubted those early numbers, and set out to run a study that would find how deadly the virus actually was, and how many people were being infected. Called the Santa Clara Study—for the California county where Stanford’s professor ran their tests—the research was met with interference by Stanford administrators and a series of excoriating and sloppy articles in the now defunct newsite Buzzfeed. ...

Following the money trail and naming names, Bhattacharya recounts getting his research published despite being under the microscope of Stanford administrators, and muses on the future of science and public health.

Bhattacharya’s first-person account follows. ...

The Santa Clara study results had several enormous implications for the lockdown strategy:

1) The Covid virus had spread to at least 2.8% of the population after only a little more than a month of its arrival in the U.S. and despite the lockdown;

2) Most who had been infected and recovered had not come to the attention of public health authorities, and nearly 40% recalled no symptoms;

3) Infection fatality rate (IFR), or chance of infected people dying, was much lower than previously thought; and

4) The pandemic had a long way to go before the end, and nearly everyone would become infected. ...

The initial estimates were based on laboratory-confirmed cases of H1N1 and inferred a catastrophically high mortality rate—above 5%.

Later estimates were based on population samples of antibody levels—meaning a test confirmed people had been sick with the virus. This method found an infection fatality rate of around 0.01%—more than 100 times lower. This also meant that 99.99% of infected patients survived. ...

Together, we were calling for an immediate seroprevalence study to resolve the scientific uncertainty and to understand whether the lockdowns we were following had any chance of success. To this day, I am stunned by the failure of the US Centers for Disease Control to run a nationwide seroprevalence study in March 2020. Not running a study was a catastrophic failure that hampered the ability of authorities to design an appropriate pandemic response. ...

Embracing our results would have forced some leaders to admit error or reverse their policies, which would have meant a loss of reputation. ...

In the end, Stanford's leadership undermined public and scientific confidence in the results of the Santa Clara study. Given this history, members of the public could be forgiven if they wonder whether any Stanford research can be trusted. Is work published by Stanford faculty actually what the researchers think, or was there unreported and inappropriate interference by Stanford's academic bureaucrats in service of interests other than the truth?
101   Patrick   2023 Sep 15, 2:18pm  


11,793 Canadians Resurrected from COVID Deaths

How can anyone believe what a health regulatory agency says about COVID-19 when they apparently cannot do math right? Numbers matter because data are used to inform policies that affect people.

A couple of days ago I had a great discussion with integrity journalist Glen Jung from Bright Light News. He brought my attention to some very odd Canadian statistics related to COVID-19. They suggest that Canada experienced a miracle around Christmas last year. ...

One thing this graph shows is that after accumulating death statistics over a period of 3.75 years, COVID-19 was no more lethal than several other common causes of death, including things like traffic accidents (that could be reduced to zero with a permanent stay-at-home order if everyone genuinely cared about saving every possible life at the expense of individual quality of life). ...

Further, these data do not parse out deaths “due to COVID-19”, which were conflated with deaths “with COVID-19”, which meant the cause was something else and the person had a positive PCR test result (which may or may not mean they had COVID-19; a person must be sick to be diagnosed with a disease). ...

Most importantly, I want to bring your attention to one statistic, which is the total number of COVID-19-associated deaths. As you can see in the figure title, that number is “35,086” (it is circled in red).

Why Does This Matter? ...

The total number of “COVID-19 cases deceased in Canada” was apparently 46,029!

With the ongoing public messaging that COVID-19 remains a lethal menace and the passage of eight-and-a-half months, how did the total number of deaths of Canadians DECREASE by 10,943 ?!?

When, Exactly, Did the Resurrections Occur?

I looked into this and found that this reversal of death occurred between December 23, 2022 and January 9, 2023, and then the number has slowly risen since then. ...

Summarizing the Canadian Resurrection Miracle
Between December 23, 2022 and January 9, 2023, which is a span of 17 days, the number of Canadians that died changed by -11,793. Or, put another way, 11,793 Canadians that were dead due to COVID-19 just prior to last Christmas were alive a short time later.

Implications of the Canadian Resurrection Miracle
I know that the harms of COVID-19 have been overestimated due to nontransparent manipulations of data. Regulatory agencies should be compelled to present any data in a fully transparent matter, including providing raw data and clear descriptions of the methods used to acquire the data, analyze them, and present them.
102   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 15, 3:43pm  

See https://twitter.com/gunthertree2/status/1702277639191310734 Watch at least the first five minutes...

104   Ceffer   2023 Sep 15, 4:23pm  

LOL! The Kraken variant! In the annals of attenuating deceptive fear mongering, the fear over the original vested bogey man has to be geometrically amped up to fit the Illuminati schemes.

Problem is, they will come up with some other Scarium which might have their brand name on a nuclear missile. It will be embalzoned, "Create the problem, observe the reaction, blow the living fuck out of the solution, we don't give a fuck anymore, we want lots of dead bodies before we go down."

106   Patrick   2023 Sep 28, 10:27am  

Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD

While the feds push false narratives, we assessed the data & here's the truth: Over 70% of CDC's so-called "COVID hospitalizations" in FL are not hospitalized FOR COVID. They may be in the ER with a broken leg, have no respiratory symptoms, but happen to test positive.
107   Misc   2023 Sep 28, 10:48am  

Patrick says

Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD

While the feds push false narratives, we assessed the data & here's the truth: Over 70% of CDC's so-called "COVID hospitalizations" in FL are not hospitalized FOR COVID. They may be in the ER with a broken leg, have no respiratory symptoms, but happen to test positive.

Well, just press felony record violation charges against the perps then. Something tells me he ain't got the guts.
111   Patrick   2023 Oct 8, 5:23pm  


"Toronto-area LTC residents died of ‘dehydration and malnourishment,’ new military documents reveal"; to read this headline makes my blood boil, those crooked killer Hospital & LTC & nursing home CEOs

In addition to deaths from COVID-19, residents at two long-term care homes in the Toronto area died of dehydration and neglect during outbreaks last spring; 26 residents died due to dehydration

Again, kind of like the Hamas attack, I suspect that these elderly people were deliberately killed though neglect because that furthered the goals of the psychopaths in power.
112   Patrick   2023 Oct 31, 11:28am  


Oh look, I caught the CDC scrubbing another document from the internet that shows they intentionally manipulated the RT-PCR cycle count for those who got the vaccine, to manufacture the narrative that it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated because they were still receiving 40+ cycle count tests. Just a few months later into the fall, they eventually admit false positives are a problem, and they phase out the use of RT-PCR for other tests and assays, which lead to the largest jump in COVID cases that we ever saw. How convenient.

Why does no one talk about RT-PCR fraud anymore? Why are people still trying to argue any of the COVID numbers as if they are legitimate?

Early vaccine efficacy data was predicated on RT-PCR.

Lockdowns, social distancing, etc, were predicated on RT-PCR.

Vaccine mandates were predicated on RT-PCR.

The foundation of the entire psyop relies on this one test, which was completely misused intentionally, per the inventor Kary Mullis. He criticized Fauci heavily for the same practices during AIDS, but no one cared. Fauci destroyed his career and sent him into obscurity for speaking truth, just like all the rest.


Dead link:

Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20210429220602/https:/www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/downloads/Information-for-laboratories-COVID-vaccine-breakthrough-case-investigation.pdf

This paper also proves the entire pandemic was a fraud, so quit arguing their contrived data. They used these tests to capture deaths from the vaccine and cover it up. They classified people as unvaccinated until they had every shot + 2 weeks, to which they then used high cycle RT-PCR to manufacture a positive. Once they were considered vaccinated, down to 28 cycle count, and then not positive.

Thus reality was manufactured. Everything destroyed in its wake.
113   Patrick   2023 Nov 1, 8:34pm  


In summary, we have outlined eight different reasons why we suspect that the data surrounding the 2020 spring mortality wave in NYC might be incorrect. They are:

It is unlikely that Covid combined with iatrogenic and other factors could have caused a wave of mortality as recorded.

It is implausible that every age category should experience a spike in deaths simultaneously.

It is improbable that deaths occurred simultaneously independent of place of death.

The magnitude and steepness of the spike in deaths is indicative of an unparalleled non-natural mass casualty event. But no such event has been detected.

Records of hospital visits and ambulance transports do not correlate with what would be expected had the massive wave of mortality happened as stated.

Occupancy levels of hospital and ICU beds are not what one would expect if such a wave of death happened.

What happened in NYC is significantly worse than similar cities in the U.S..

Far too many younger people are reported to have died in a very short time frame, and to have died from Covid.

Therefore, we call upon the authorities to release basic daily hospital data so that admissions can be matched with bed occupancy, deaths and discharges. Death certificates should also be released in order to prove the number of deaths occurring each day and at each place of death. Officials must substantiate the timing and magnitude of the event with complete datasets, supported by records.
114   Patrick   2023 Nov 3, 9:40am  


BBC confirms there was no pandemic

Their headline: 'Scotland's winter death toll worst in more than 30 years'

Lacking any self-awareness, British government broadcaster, the BBC, published this past month a report under the following headline:

Scotland's winter death toll worst in more than 30 years

The BBC was one of the important media enforcers globally of the entire pandemic narrative. Assiduously, they pushed lockdowns and vaccines, and shut down any debate.

And now, so very casually, the corporation inadvertently admits that there was indeed no pandemic. For how could there have been, if three years later, after the deaths of thousands, after the successful roll-out of a miracle vaccine, a Scottish winter produced more death than in 2020, than in three decades prior?

The evil of the media is perhaps only outstripped by its stupidity. Nowhere in the report is this connection made; nowhere is the obvious question asked.

115   The_Deplorable   2023 Nov 3, 8:21pm  

Patrick says
"BBC confirms there was no pandemic"

Do we have a BBC article that states this explicitly? I cannot find such a quote.
116   Patrick   2023 Nov 6, 11:20am  


It depicts the DEVIATION by month from the average number of deaths per 100,000 population during the time period 2015 - 2019 in Sweden for the years 2020 and 2021.

The first thing that struck me about this graph was that, in both 2020 and 2021, only about one fourth of the months had deaths per 100,000 higher than the average of 2015 to 2019.

In a PANDEMIC? You’ve got to be kidding! Then I looked at the worst month, April of 2020. The graph shows that SWEDEN, in that month, only experienced 26 excess deaths per one hundred thousand people.

26/100,000 = .00026 = .026 %

In other words, at the worst time of the pandemic, the deaths per 100,000 people went up only 2.6 hundredths of 1 %.

That’s what we stopped the world for. ...

... Covid would have come and gone without anyone noticing if the government hadn't gotten involved with the idiotic policies some of which were put in place by people who knew better. In addition to this, there were recommendations made which made absolutely no sense and resulted in the deaths of some patients. Continuing to get injected with vaccines that were made for strains three or four generations previous when you've had the disease and recovered is one such example of many.

It was all hyped to have a reason for mail-in ballots, which were then used to defraud the American people in the 2020 election.
117   Patrick   2023 Nov 13, 1:14pm  


A top government health official has admitted that hospitals were faking data for causes of death during the pandemic.

A former director of the UK government’s National Health Service (NHS) has spoken out to allege that a new system was introduced at the beginning of the Covid panoramic to certify deaths.

Prior to the pandemic, four types of pneumonia were grouped together as the highest cause of death in the United Kingdom.

However, after the new Medical Examiner System was implemented, medical examiners started certifying deaths from all types of pneumonia as being caused by Covid.

In a post on Twitter/X, former NHS director of End-of-Life Care Saineethan “Sai” Balasubramaniam exposed the changes to the death reporting system implemented by the UK government health service.

120   Patrick   2024 Jan 1, 7:22pm  

A year old, but still relevant:

121   Patrick   2024 Jan 12, 11:06am  


Something else is killing most alleged Covid victims, not this virus …

Again, my major take-away from my research and contrarian analysis is that something else must have been the true cause of death for the vast majority of alleged Covid victims, especially among the younger age cohorts.

The spike in all-cause deaths that began after the lockdowns has to be explained by dozens of reasons instead of this virus. It was the response to the virus, not the virus, that better explains most of these purported “Covid deaths.”

These reasons would/might include ventilators, remdesivir, not giving pneumonia patients antibiotics, de-hydration, over prescription of powerful sedatives, isolation, panic, depression, etc.

If we’re counting all excess deaths, the mRNA “vaccines” probably caused millions of deaths. Spikes in suicides, homicides, domestic assaults, drug over-doses, accidents and deaths from delayed diagnoses from treatable diseases are other causes that no doubt explain the massive surge in extra deaths in the last three years.

Basically, if my hypothesis is correct that the Covid mortality rate should have remained constant, this would mean that, even today, millions of deaths attributed to Covid probably aren’t occurring from Covid or Covid alone.

Even I admit this would constitute a scandal almost too mind-boggling to consider … but I’m considering it because that’s what my “early spread” hypothesis strongly suggests.

If this virus wasn’t deadly in December 2019 or January 2020, it shouldn’t have suddenly become “deadly” a year later … nor today.
123   mell   2024 Jan 12, 5:54pm  

Patrick says

Lol there was some of illness, a trifecta of flu, could and rsv, mostly covid and rsv, and I'd say rsv is more severe than covid at this point. It seemed more pronounced than last year for sure, our kids and my wife were sick for 2 weeks. I just had a cold for 2 days with mild fever but I eat a shit ton of garlic and onions. Plus vitamin d and quercetin, so I went skiing to free the sinuses lol. It's also brutally cold, relatively speaking for CA, thanks to global warming. We have frost in wine country pretty much every night :)
124   mell   2024 Jan 12, 5:55pm  

Oh and I love my daily red wine, total cold killer.
125   Patrick   2024 Jan 26, 10:43am  


BBC ‘misrepresented’ Covid risk to boost lockdown support, inquiry told

Epidemiologist Prof Mark Woolhouse criticised corporation for reporting rare deaths among healthy adults as the norm during pandemic

The BBC was allowed to “misrepresent” the risk posed by Covid to most people to boost public support for lockdown, the UK Covid Inquiry has heard.

Prof Mark Woolhouse, an eminent epidemiologist and government adviser, lambasted the corporation for having “repeatedly reported rare deaths or illnesses among healthy adults as if they were the norm”.

He said this created the “misleading impression” among BBC News viewers at the start of the pandemic that “we are all at risk” and “the virus does not discriminate”.

In reality, he said it was known at the time that the risk of dying from Covid was 10,000 times higher in the over-75s than the under-15s.

But Prof Woolhouse told the inquiry the BBC did not correct its reporting, saying: “I suspect this misinformation was allowed to stand throughout 2020 because it provided a justification for locking down the entire population.”

So when is the BBC going to be punished for intentionally distorting information in order to harm the public?
127   Patrick   2024 Feb 24, 2:01pm  


The saga started almost immediately after he conducted one of the first comprehensive COVID-19 studies examining how the virus spread and impacted patients. The “Santa Clara Study,” released in April 2020, found that the mortality rate of the disease was close to .2%, or about 2 out of 1,000 people -- orders of magnitude below the World Health Organization's warnings at the time of 3% or 4%. The study showed that the virus had a steep age gradient and generally did not impact children. The elderly and immunocompromised were at high risk. Healthy children and adults faced relatively minimal harm. Many of the people who were infected with the virus showed no symptoms.

The study, followed by research in Los Angeles County and other studies that confirmed its findings, outraged the establishment, which was using radically higher mortality rates to demand draconian restrictions on travel, commerce, education, and all other manners of public life. Bhattacharya publicly criticized economic and school lockdowns, which he called unnecessary and likely to harm the young and the most vulnerable in society. These statements further made him a public enemy. ...

He has subsequently been vindicated on virtually every point of contention. The school lockdowns were a catastrophe that created a crisis of learning loss, particularly among low-income children in public schools. COVID-19 vaccines did not prevent transmission, as the Biden administration claimed. The mortality rate of the virus was much more in line with Bhattacharya’s early findings than with the stated claims of the WHO and the U.S. government public health agencies. The vaccine mandates for young, healthy adults were never remotely supported by scientific evidence.
128   Patrick   2024 Feb 29, 2:50pm  


What is the real Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for Covid-19? ...

The only group I can think of that might have an IFR over 0.4 percent would be nursing home residents.

Indeed, common sense tells me that any group we can identify with people who are still working or going to school is going to have a microscopic Covid IFR. (The average age of a Covid victim ranges from age 76 to 82 in most countries).

My guess would be the IFR at the CDC and NIH is also either 0.000 percent or a smidgen above this microscopic figure.

One possible reason these public health agencies won’t provide an honest answer to a simple question is that the answer might prove the novel coronavirus is/was not a “deadly” virus to those who work in almost every single identifiable American group, industry or organization.

This information, in turn, might prove these agencies have been knowingly spreading disinformation to scare the daylights out of people who should have had no reason to fear dying from Covid.
129   Patrick   2024 Mar 7, 1:22pm  


Disabled Patients Given ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Orders to Boost ‘Covid’ Deaths

An inquiry has heard shocking evidence that doctors were ordered to issue “do not resuscitate” (DNR) directives for disabled patients during the pandemic to boost the number of “Covid” deaths.

The allegations first emerged late last year when several disabled people in Scotland discovered that they had secretly been issued with “do not resuscitate” orders, without their knowledge or consent.

Several of those patients have now testified saying they feel like the government believes their lives are “not worth saving.”

According to a recent report from the Daily Mail, as Covid began to spread, doctors’ receptionists even called up those with disabilities to try to persuade them to sign up for the orders.

The DNR orders inform doctors that they do not want their lives saved in an emergency.

At the time, doctors were pushing for disabled patients who had tested positive for Covid to sign a DNR order.

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