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2023 Feb 21, 9:53am   114,040 views  1,040 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Nuclear Missiles On Combat Readiness

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.


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392   richwicks   2023 Oct 9, 2:51am  

PedoIwog says

Yeah. The bitch is that it costs a lot in both $$$$ and downtime to refurbish/retool a refinery to do that. Esp with the older refineries like we have.

Yeah, that's over my head. I know that a major gripe of the Koch brothers is that they USED to get a lot of heavy sour crude from Venezuela and the refineries they were putting it though couldn't be retooled.

Our real hated of Venezuela isn't about the human rights or even economic system there, it's that some billionaires lost their cash cow there.
393   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Oct 9, 3:40am  

richwicks says

Yeah, that's over my head. I know that a major gripe of the Koch brothers is that they USED to get a lot of heavy sour crude from Venezuela and the refineries they were putting it though couldn't be retooled.

And Alberta crude. The Keystone Pipeline wasn't just for transporting Abertan heavy sour to Louisiana for export, but mostly to feed into our existing pipelines to our refineries.
394   GNL   2023 Oct 9, 5:21am  

socal2 says

FFS - here we go with the conspiracy retardation.

Apparently the thousands of Hamas Jihadis that carried out this sophisticated attack have absolutely no agency and it was all the work of the Joos pulling the strings.

Just how sophisticated are these Bedouins?
395   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 9, 7:05am  

The Israel Gaza thing has no business in this thread. Gaza is an open air prison, and has no access to even water with Israel. The only thing we're talking about here is genocide. Don't believe me? Watch any of the many racist videos of Israeli's calling for the extermination of the people in Gaza.
396   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 9, 7:57am  

There seems to be a pattern whereby an 'event' leads to war:

The U. S. battleship Maine is blown up in Havana harbor which directly led to the Spanish-American War.

1914, Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of the Austro-Hungarian empire, and his wife were assassinated by a serbian nationalist in Sarajevo. The European media led the frenzy for revenge, which eventually led to the outbreak of WW I, causing the deaths of over 20 million people.

After the USA provoked the island nation of Japan with a crippling embargo, Japan retaliated with attacks on the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. Hitler, honoring his commitment to the Tripartite Pact, declares war on America within days. Hence, America immediately enters into a two front war in Europe and in the Pacific. All told, WW II, a war that Churchill claimed could have been easily avoided, ends with approximately 60 million dead.

Congress grants LBJ a war powers act (The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution) after an 'attack' on an American naval ship in the Gulf of Tonkin by the North Vietnamese. Beyond all doubt, the attack never happened, yet, America enters the disaster known as the Viet Nam War. 58,000+ American soldiers are killed, countless others wounded both physically and psychologically.
Hundreds of thousands of innocent Viet Nam civilians are also killed.

Operation Desert Storm/Iraq War. The 15 year old daughter of the Kuwait Ambassador to the USA provides fabricated testimony at an off-sight 'Congressional' hearing led by Rep. Tom Lantos, a Holocaust survivor. Posing as Nurse Nayirah, she tearfully claimed that Iraqi soldiers took babies out of their incubators and watched them die on the floor. Rep. Lantos claimed that this was 'the worst crime since the Holocaust.' Pres. George H. W. Bush, knowing full well that this was a complete lie, nevertheless repeated the babies-incubator story numerous times in speeches leading up to the Gulf War.

9/11 attacks led to the USA & Britain attacking two nations that had NOTHING to do with the crime; Iraq & Afghanistan. In order to help justify war, the NeoCon warmongers came up with the 'weapons of mass destruction' lie. The middle east has been in chaos ever since.

Will the Hamas attacks on Israel lead to a major war, involving the USA & Israel against Iran and its allies China & Russia? That's exactly what the warmongering NeoCons want.
397   Ceffer   2023 Oct 9, 8:13am  

Our buddy Benjamin Fulford seems to think that Bibi wants to provoke a Satanic sacrifice of the Gaza residents. He claims to consult with the white hat factions of the Intel agencies.

398   HeadSet   2023 Oct 9, 8:28am  

RayAmerica says

After the USA provoked the island nation of Japan with a crippling embargo, Japan retaliated with attacks the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor.

Nonsense. The US just stopped selling to Japan because Japan was invading and conquering its neighbors.
399   socal2   2023 Oct 9, 8:46am  

I believe Gaza will be ethnically cleansed, not like the German Nazis did with death camps, but like the Allies did AFTER WWII including millions of Jews, Germans, Ukrainians, Poles, Hungarians, Indians and Pakistanis.

There is no tenable way that Gaza can continue under its current leadership and death culture.

Arabs in Gaza will be shipped all over the world and Gaza will be raised and rebuilt into bustling beach city in about 10 years.

The Patnet Russian, Islamist and Anti-Semite fan club will call this all "Satanic" - because they either like what they saw Islamist feral animals doing to women and children this past weekend or they still retardedly think this is all CGI and being controlled by the Joos and Globalists.
400   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 9, 8:53am  

HeadSet says

Nonsense. The US just stopped selling to Japan because Japan was invading and conquering its neighbors.

From Defense Media Network; an article published February 21, 2011:

The Embargoes That Blocked Japanese Expansion and Led to War

America, first under President Herbert Hoover and then Franklin D. Roosevelt initially responded with diplomatic protests. When they failed to curb Japanese aggression, Roosevelt upped the ante. In 1938, the State Department advised banks at home and abroad not to extend credit to Japanese businesses. In 1939, the United States terminated the 1911 commercial treaty between the United States and Japan. This led to an American embargo initially of airplanes, parts, machine tools, and aviation gasoline. The embargo was expanded in 1940 to include oil, iron and steel scrap, and other commodities. Sharing America’s concerns, Great Britain and the Netherlands joined in the economic embargo.

Japanese leaders had already done the math, and the numbers were ugly. If the situation remained unchanged, Japan faced economic ruin within two years. But for the West to lift the embargo, Japan had to retreat from China and abandon its expansionist policy – a surrender pill too bitter and humiliating for the far right to swallow. On Jan. 23, 1941, Japan sent ambassador Adm. Kichisaburo Nomura, respected in America, to the United States in a final effort to lift the embargo. It was a smoke screen. No one expected his mission to succeed.

Read more here: https://www.defensemedianetwork.com/stories/the-embargoes-that-blocked-japanese-expansion-and-led-to-war/
403   socal2   2023 Oct 9, 9:34am  

Patrick says


Once again, useful idiots in the West claiming Palestinians have absolutely no agency and are just puppets of the Jews.
404   socal2   2023 Oct 9, 9:42am  

Patrick says

I support both Ukraine and Israel against Russian and Islamist aggression. Russia (and the USSR) have a long history of fucking up the Middle East supporting both Marxist and Islamist movements in proxy wars against Israel and the West. FFS - the current leader of the PA (Abbas) got his PHD in the USSR for Holocaust denial.

Will be interesting to see the intersectionality of Leftist Marxist Democrats who have hated Israel forever square this with their support for Ukraine.

Also interesting watching the 9/11 Troofer/Bircher retards on the Right seemingly allying themselves with every retrograde and Leftist adversary of the United States (Russia, China, Iran, Gaza, BRICS.......)
405   AD   2023 Oct 9, 9:59am  

406   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 9, 9:59am  

socal2 says

Israel against Russian and Islamist aggression.

Proof that once again McCarthyism is alive well. But just to confirm, you support IDF killing children, and bombing civilians?
407   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 9, 10:00am  

socal2 says

Also interesting watching the 9/11 Troofer/Bircher

Please explain how Building 7, 47 stories high, collapsed in its own footprint after a small fire in the corner of the building.

Also, explain how all the security cameras at the Pentagon somehow conveniently malfunctioned.

Thanks for playing.
408   AD   2023 Oct 9, 10:02am  

All of this as far as coming out of the next wash are:

USA pushes Ukraine to cease fire and accepting Russia's demands for Donbas (besides giving up on Crimea)

Russia scales down and nudges Iran to settle down which in turn nudges Hamas (and Hezbollah) to settle down

Perhaps Hamas gets a lot more international humanitarian aid for Gaza which is more wasted and corrupted than the funding to Ukraine

Oil prices do not increase much (or drop some) for the next 12 months going to the November 2024 election

Economy remains at worse flat also

409   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 9, 10:10am  

Israel has lots of IDF soldiers on the border of the Gaza Strip. Israel also happens to have probably the best intelligence services in the entire world.

How is it that slow, low flying para-gliders were able to cross into Israel, in broad daylight and thereby slaughter dozens of 'peace' concert goers? No one noticed them in the air? No one looked at these para-gliders with binoculars? No one noticed that each para-glider carried two, heavily armed men? No one sounded an alarm?

The whole thing seems impossible to believe. But that's just my opinion.
410   richwicks   2023 Oct 9, 10:13am  

HeadSet says

Nonsense. The US just stopped selling to Japan because Japan was invading and conquering its neighbors.

The US had an embargo on Japan, they were preventing trade by anybody..

Japan was a bunch of assholes before WWII but don't claim the US wasn't poking them constantly either.
412   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 9, 10:32am  

If you oppose Zionism, does that make you anti-semitic?
413   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 9, 10:37am  

I have no sympathy for willing stooges, and patsies. That's the problem with Useful Idiot commies, they are not fine people because they go along with it.
414   Patrick   2023 Oct 9, 10:40am  

RayAmerica says

If you oppose Zionism, does that make you anti-semitic?

I don't think so. Zionism is a political movement. Judaism is a religion and ethnic group. Anti-Semitism is hating people just because they are Jewish, without regard to their own actions.

There are Hasidic Jews who oppose Zionism. Are they anti-Semitic?

The anti-Zionist world-view of the ultra-Orthodox groups Neturei Karta and Satmar Hasidism perceives Zionism and the estab­lishment of the State of Israel as an anti-messianic act, conceived and born from sin. These groups vigorously deny the very legiti­macy of the collective political return to the Holy Land and to Jewish sovereignty. For them, this is the handiwork of humans, violating the Jewish people’s oath of political quietism.
415   Patrick   2023 Oct 9, 10:42am  


You know, of course, that the CIA’s job is to detect sinister doings in other countries, especially as they might affect our own country. Looks like they missed something lately in the spook-filled space between Iran and Israel. Do you suppose they’re too busy running Facebook? And their domestic companion, the FBI, has been working overtime for years now, between their mighty labors concocting RussiaGate and the current program to root out election deniers and other seditious riffraff — while millions of sketchy mutts from here, there, and everywhere in the world scuttle over our border with Mexico and decant across our fruited plains — with assistance, you understand, from our own border officials — and, yet, no questions asked. Here’s a free phone and an auto-refilling debit card. Have a nice day in Skokie, Plattsburgh, or wherever! And don’t forget to send in your court appearance forms by the 2030 deadline!

So, it came as a big surprise when southern Israel was overrun by Hamas dudes in tricked-out pickup trucks and para-gliders on Saturday, who carried home hundreds of nubile young women to have sport with, after slaughtering hundreds more people of all ages, like rampaging bronze age Philistines. That fresh enormity is, shall we say, quite a ways from resolution at this time. I’ll tell you what will be an even bigger surprise, though: when some organized unit of those aforesaid mutts of unknown origin who snuck across our border sets off something like a dirty bomb in New York, Los Angeles, or Washington DC. Or takes over a nuclear power station. Or… well, I wouldn’t want to put any ideas in a bad actor’s head. But you get the picture, I’m sure.

So, we’re in something that smells like uncharted territory this autumn Monday, and events are galloping faster than anyone can process. The scene looks a little bit like World War Three. At least any child of twelve could game it out that way in three easy steps. Say, the chief mullah in Teheran issues some crude remark about how Israel had it coming, yadda yadda … and the IDF forthwith fires a cruise missile up his qabaa… and next thing you know, so many mushroom clouds rise over the Levant that it looks like a shitake farm.

All this while the USA struggles to restore its political mental health after years of domestic abuse at the hands of our own government. A big question here is what kind of correction will it require to straighten out that abusive government… or can anything at all avail before having to shred the whole goshdarn operation and start over? Quien sabe? (As they say in Plattsburgh nowadays.)
416   AD   2023 Oct 9, 10:52am  

Patrick says

Looks like they missed something lately in the spook-filled space between Iran and Israel. Do you suppose they’re too busy running Facebook? And their domestic companion, the FBI, has been working overtime for years now, between their mighty labors concocting RussiaGate and the current program to root out election deniers and other seditious riffraff

I think it is intentional as far as expert class in targeting knucklehead January 6 protesters whereas inept and incompetent as far as Chicom espionage , Mexican cartels, and Islamic extremism.

It is a Woke version of an anarcho tyranny mixture of 1984 + Keystone Cops + Demolition Man.

417   Ceffer   2023 Oct 9, 10:55am  

Illuminati techniques, secret organizations, treachery, propaganda, blackmail, bribery and chambered hierarchies are more or less generic and non denominational, and were developed mostly by Jesuits over centuries of subterfuge, subversion, Inquisition torture and infiltration, which is why everybody uses them in their intelligence agencies (and why a lot of countries have kicked out the Jesuits). They are used both by 'black hats' and 'white hats' more or less routinely, if to different ends and at different levels of moral composure.

If they are attributed as denominational, it is usually a distraction or misdirection for purpose. 'Zionism' it seems is part of the Illuminati horn books attributed by a journalist to 'Elders of Zion'. In that sense, it is a false attribution of source and origin, although accurately reflecting many standard Illuminati type 'commandments'.

"Largely plagiarized from several earlier sources, it was first published in Imperial Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. It played a key part in popularizing belief in an international Jewish conspiracy."
419   AD   2023 Oct 9, 11:00am  

Patrick says

Bibi Netanyahu could pin this on the Israeli deep state or intel services which were reportedly politically targeting him.

He could say he told them to look into this Egyptian intel report and that the Israeli intel services failed to take further effective action.

420   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 9, 11:02am  

Patrick says

If you oppose Zionism, does that make you anti-semitic?

I don't think so. Zionism is a political movement. Judaism is a religion and ethnic group. Anti-Semitism is hating people just because they are Jewish, without regard to their own actions.

There are Hasidic Jews who oppose Zionism. Are they anti-Semitic?

The anti-Zionist world-view of the ultra-Orthodox groups Neturei Karta and Satmar Hasidism perceives Zionism and the estab­lishment of the State of Israel as an anti-messianic act, conceived and born from sin. These groups vigorously deny the very legiti­macy of the collective political return to the Holy Land and to Jewish sovereignty. For them, this is the handiwork of humans, violating the Jewish people’s oath of political quietism.

I couldn't agree more. In numerous places throughout the Old Testament, over and over again, the requirement for obtaining the land was repentance and turning back to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Zionism, founded by Theodor Herzl, is a secular/political movement, that, in fact, introduced terrorism into the region. Prior to the Zionist invasion, Jews, while making up less that 5% of the population of the Holy Land, lived in peaceful harmony with Muslims and Christians. It was the Zionists that changed all that, and the people in that region have been living with violence ever since.
421   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 9, 11:07am  

So Bibi was warned, and did nothing?

That's reminiscent of the 'surprise' attack on Pearl Harbor. It is now known that the United States broke not only the diplomatic code, but also Japan's military code. FDR knew in advance that Japan's carrier force was heading to Pearl Harbor and that the attack was imminent. He did absolutely nothing to warn Admiral Kimmel, who became the scapegoat for the disaster.

War is coming folks ... and it's going to be a big one involving all the major powers.
422   socal2   2023 Oct 9, 11:11am  

NuttBoxer says

But just to confirm, you support IDF killing children, and bombing civilians?

Respectfully, this is a retarded clown-show question to ask.

Especially a few days after the whole world watched Islamist terrorists from Gaza kill, rape and pillage innocent civilians at concerts, bus stations and pulled out of their homes to be executed, raped or taken hostage.

Israeli victims were not collateral damage of Islamists attacking military sites, Israeli civilians were the prime target of murder and rape.

For a dude that likes to talk up religion and hating war, YOU appear to have a massive broken moral compass. Especially when Hamas (and Iran) make it clear as day that they want to kill every Jew on the planet - not just Israel.
424   socal2   2023 Oct 9, 11:55am  

Patrick says

Many on your forum seem to struggle with this basic stuff.
425   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 9, 12:12pm  

We want peace but if america defend israel then russia will help palestine "russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov"

426   socal2   2023 Oct 9, 12:18pm  

Eric Holder says

We want peace but if america defend israel then russia will help palestine "russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov"


Relax - the Islamists, Russians, Marxists, Chinese, American Socialists and 9/11 Troofers are going to save us from Satanist Jewish conspiracies and Pax Americana!

Some who ostensibly claim to be on the political Right are desperately waiting to get their marching orders from Bannon and MAGA to figure out how to square this circle for them.
427   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 9, 12:21pm  

socal2 says

Respectfully, this is a retarded clown-show question to ask.

I'm against killing kids, don't care who does it. My morality is personal and God given, it doesn't change with the party or country who does it. I'm against all war, because it only benefits banks, governments, and sociopaths? What about you? IDF stated what I asked, not me, just wondering how you can support people who are ok killing kids?

If it's not clear, fuck Hamas, Fuck IDF, fuck sick people who rationalize supporting organizations who are ok murdering children, fuck government. I'm not afraid to say exactly what I stand for every time, still haven't heard from you...
428   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 9, 12:24pm  

All of you who didn't fall for the scamdemic, or the Ukraine fiasco. If you're frothing at the mouth for justice for Israel you're the same as the Covidites, and brainwashed Ukraine supporters. You owe them an apology, because the deep state finally found the propaganda that you'd fall for.
429   Patrick   2023 Oct 9, 12:26pm  


Rukshan Fernando

Flying in armed terror squads to a music festival attended by unarmed young women and men from Israel and around the world, who are there promoting peace, and then systematically murdering, raping, kidnapping, and mutilating them in front of an adoring public, who further desecrate those bodies, is not an act of resistance.

The level of depravity and hatred it requires for anyone to find solidarity in terrorists hunting and butchering young women and men at a music festival cannot be understated.

More than 250 festival attendees are feared dead, with many more missing.
430   socal2   2023 Oct 9, 12:36pm  

NuttBoxer says

I'm against killing kids, don't care who does it. My morality is personal and God given, it doesn't change with the party or country who does it. I'm against all war, because it only benefits banks, governments, and sociopaths?

I don't believe you.

Otherwise you wouldn't be creating retarded "IDF Has Publicly Stated they Murder Children" post the day after the biggest and most brutal attack on civilians in Israel's history. We have hundreds of absolutely shocking Islamist snuff videos of them celebrating their killing, raping and kidnapping women and children civilians. And you post this shit the day after?

In fact, I can't recall a single negative post from you about Islamist barbarity around the world. They sure as shit have killed lots of kids over the years both as targets and brainwashing them to be suicide bombers and other cannon fodder.
431   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 9, 1:02pm  

In many telegram channels, there is a short interesting moment in the enemy video from the military base where the IDF girls were captured. A Hamas militant commands him “to the floor” in Russian. How does he know Russian? Why did you decide that the Israelis would definitely understand him? And what was that? No well-known private organization could be involved in these events?

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