Mike Johnson

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2022 May 31, 5:00pm   6,977 views  114 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Mike Johnson, U.S. House Louisiana District 4, Republican


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18   PeopleUnited   2023 Oct 29, 7:51pm  

RayAmerica says

Now that I've briefly answered your question, how about giving me your definition of Zionism?

A figment of your imagination.

Zionism is the boogeyman. Chupacabra. Yeti. Sasquatch. Loch Ness Monster. Alien abduction. Vampires. Leprechauns.

But that being said there is a government in Israel that is just like ours, corrupt, coopted by the NWO satanic globalists. The Balfour declaration in 1917 gave England’s blessings to the repatriation of people with Jewish ancestry to the land then called Palestine. The land historically known as the Promised Land that God gave to the descendants of Israel, an actual human being originally known as Jacob. And in 1948 the Balfour declaration was set to expire, which meant Great Britain was officially relinquishing control over Palestine. It was this vacuum (void of leadership) that a provisional government stepped into at that exact moment. In 1948-49 The United States and the UN recognized the authority of this government which continues to this day despite several attempts of state and non state (terrorist) actors to destroy the government of Israel. That is the political and military side of things.

But I believe that the desire of religious adherents to Judaism to return to the land of their forefathers is a God given desire to fulfill their destiny. Their destiny (religious Jews) is to reestablish the daily sacrifice in the rebuilt temple on Mount Moriah (the Temple Mount) which will be desecrated by the Antichrist at the midpoint of the seven years of great tribulation. This great tribulation is likely to be witnessed by the majority of people who are alive on this earth today. The die is cast, the hour is late and the events of Daniel and Revelation are about to happen.
19   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 30, 9:20am  

PeopleUnited says

This great tribulation is likely to be witnessed by the majority of people who are alive on this earth today. The die is cast, the hour is late and the events of Daniel and Revelation are about to happen.

That's been declared, with slight variations, for well over 100 years by the Dispensationalists. It doesn't matter how many times, or, for how long, they've been wrong, they still have their devout followers.
20   1337irr   2023 Oct 30, 10:52am  

RayAmerica says

PeopleUnited says

This great tribulation is likely to be witnessed by the majority of people who are alive on this earth today. The die is cast, the hour is late and the events of Daniel and Revelation are about to happen.

That's been declared, with slight variations, for well over 100 years by the Dispensationalists. It doesn't matter how many times, or, for how long, they've been wrong, they still have their devout followers.

I don't believe the end times will happen for a very long time. That being said, I'm a Christian. I think the world needs an one world currency before we can seriously discuss an one world government and we aren't even close. Please check out the link below.
21   PeopleUnited   2023 Oct 30, 4:22pm  

RayAmerica says

PeopleUnited says

This great tribulation is likely to be witnessed by the majority of people who are alive on this earth today. The die is cast, the hour is late and the events of Daniel and Revelation are about to happen.

That's been declared, with slight variations, for well over 100 years by the Dispensationalists. It doesn't matter how many times, or, for how long, they've been wrong, they still have their devout followers.

The devout followers are called Christians. If to God one thousand years is like a day, then 100 years is like a couple of hours. Many, or most will be caught unaware when these events occur. You will have plenty of fellow humans who don’t expect the end times to occur. I’m not settling dates but even so, there is nothing preventing the tribulation from starting today. Or it could be 30 or even 100 years away. The strongest signal however that I see is the reestablishment of the state of Israel in its original location.
22   PeopleUnited   2023 Oct 30, 4:26pm  

1337irr says

I'm a Christian. I think the world needs an one world currency before we can seriously discuss an one world government and we aren't even close. Please check out the link below.

We essentially already have a one world currency through the bank of international settlements. I don’t think we need to have one single currency that is spendable in every location to fulfill the one world government. The SDG’s promoted by the UN and adopted by member nations around the world is a one world government or at least the foundations of it.
23   1337irr   2023 Oct 30, 5:47pm  

PeopleUnited says

1337irr says

I'm a Christian. I think the world needs an one world currency before we can seriously discuss an one world government and we aren't even close. Please check out the link below.

We essentially already have a one world currency through the bank of international settlements. I don’t think we need to have one single currency that is spendable in every location to fulfill the one world government. The SDG’s promoted by the UN and adopted by member nations around the world is a one world government or at least the foundations of it.

What's SDG, @PeopleUnited?
26   Patrick   2023 Nov 1, 11:38am  

Comment on patriots.win:

It has been around a week since Mike Johnson became Speaker of the House and not one second of the J6 tapes has been released. This tells me all I need to know about whose side Mike is on. "MAGA Mike" my ass.
27   HeadSet   2023 Nov 1, 1:01pm  

I hope Mike at least has that J6 tape release on his to do list.
28   AmericanKulak   2023 Nov 1, 2:21pm  

RayAmerica says

Zionism is a secular/political movement that was founded by Theodor Herzl.

It's in the Bible.

You can't be religiously Jewish without being a Zionist. It's like being a Christian who doesn't believe Jesus is returning.
29   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 1, 6:07pm  

AmericanKulak says

It's in the Bible.

You can't be religiously Jewish without being a Zionist. It's like being a Christian who doesn't believe Jesus is returning.

I respectfully disagree. If what you say is true, then why are there numerous Orthodox Rabbis that oppose the creation of the Zionist State? The reason? They know it is a secular/political movement that ignores the God of the Bible.
30   PeopleUnited   2023 Nov 1, 8:11pm  

The state makes the laws that are necessary to protect the free exercise of religion. When the temple is rebuilt it will be under the regulation/jurisdiction of a government friendly to the rebuilding of the Jewish temple. In order for the temple to be rebuilt, there must be a Jewish or at least Jewish friendly government in place in Israel/Jerusalem to authorize the construction.

I suppose Israel as a nation could be destroyed and a new government rise in its wake that would authorize the rebuild of the Temple on Mount Moriah, but it does seem more likely that the current government survives long enough to authorize the rebuild. They are even building a light rail from the airport to the Temple Mount to facilitate easy travel for visitors. Any time now we can expect an announcement that the temple is being rebuilt. But the rapture may happen before that.
31   AmericanKulak   2023 Nov 2, 12:45am  

RayAmerica says

If what you say is true, then why are there numerous Orthodox Rabbis that oppose the creation of the Zionist State? The reason? They know it is a secular/political movement that ignores the God of the Bible.

It's because they think the return to Israel must have a King/Messiah appointed by God, not a Parliamentary Government.

In any case, they're a minority of a minority of a minority, though MintPress News and Palestanian websites love to discuss and promote them.
32   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 2, 7:14am  

AmericanKulak says

It's because they think the return to Israel must have a King/Messiah appointed by God, not a Parliamentary Government.

That's not actually the reason. They believe that the State of Israel was founded upon the secular/political philosophies of Zionism. They also know that the history of this movement is rooted in terrorism ... a fact that Christian Zionists conveniently ignore. Look into the history of Palestine BEFORE 1948, and you will readily see who it was that introduced terror and murder into that region, and, it was done to create an unbiblical secular, God-denying State.
33   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 2, 7:28am  

PeopleUnited says

They are even building a light rail from the airport to the Temple Mount to facilitate easy travel for visitors. Any time now we can expect an announcement that the temple is being rebuilt. But the rapture may happen before that.

Several major problems with your assertions:

There is no need for the Temple to be rebuilt and for the blood sacrifices to be reintroduced. In fact, such a thing would be blasphemy. Christ died ONCE in a never to be repeated sacrifice for sin as the Lamb of God. To think that the Jews have a "destiny" to rebuild the Temple and begin the sacrifices again is total nonsense.

The Old Testament strictly states that only those from the tribe of Levites are allowed to perform Temple sacrifices and ceremonies. Where are the Levites today? Who will perform the (unnecessary) sacrifices?

Mount Mariah also contains the Temple Mount, one of Islam's holiest sites. In order to build this so-called temple, the Temple Mount will need to be destroyed, and all of this, according to you, will "likely" take place during the current Israeli government. It's not going to happen.
35   PeopleUnited   2023 Nov 2, 8:32pm  

RayAmerica says

There is no need for the Temple to be rebuilt and for the blood sacrifices to be reintroduced. In fact, such a thing would be blasphemy. Christ died ONCE in a never to be repeated sacrifice for sin as the Lamb of God. To think that the Jews have a "destiny" to rebuild the Temple and begin the sacrifices again is total nonsense.

You ought to read and understand Mark chapter 13. The temple Will be rebuilt and the daily sacrifice restored, because God told us it will happen. The Jews don’t yet know who their messiah is, so they will restore the daily sacrifice out of ignorance. And then God will reveal himself to them.RayAmerica says

The Old Testament strictly states that only those from the tribe of Levites are allowed to perform Temple sacrifices and ceremonies. Where are the Levites today? Who will perform the (unnecessary) sacrifices?

They are preparing to serve in the temple. https://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/the-third-temple/
RayAmerica says

Mount Mariah also contains the Temple Mount, one of Islam's holiest sites. In order to build this so-called temple, the Temple Mount will need to be destroyed, and all of this, according to you, will "likely" take place during the current Israeli government. It's not going to happen.

Oh yes, we shall see. The temple will be rebuilt and the Antichrist will desecrate it, like the demon that he is. But God will then prove to the world that Jesus was the sacrifice and Estabish his rule for 1000 years over the earth, and the survivors of the great tribulation which sadly will be few. Probably 10% at best of the worlds population will live through the great tribulation.
36   SoTex   2023 Nov 2, 8:43pm  

just_passing_through says

I'm giving him squinty eyed approval for now. We shall see.

Eyes opening and approval fading... No surprise though.
37   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 3, 7:37am  

Fanatical lunacy, under the guise of Christianity, at its very best. Epitomizes what the Evangelical/Zionist believes:

Pastor Greg Locke says to wipe out Palestine, destroy the dome of the rock, and build the 3rd temple

View this short video clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNqBHj5YqG8&t=2s
42   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 28, 4:32pm  

Different name, different face, same party, more of the same.
43   HeadSet   2023 Nov 28, 5:23pm  

RayAmerica says

Different name, different face, same party, more of the same.

Rearrange, and it is a jingle:

Different face
Different name
Same Party
More of the same
44   Patrick   2023 Nov 29, 9:08pm  


Meet the new Speaker, same as the old Speaker

The mud in The Swamp is as thick as it's ever been. Campaigns to combat the Uniparty will have to originate from outside of its base of operations.

They swapped out Kevin McCarthy for Mike Johnson, and nothing has really changed whatsoever.

It’s business as usual in Washington, D.C., with one party attempting to drive off the cliff at 97MPH, and the other party coasting in the same direction, but driving the speed limit.

Politico reports:

“Speaker Mike Johnson said he's ‘confident and optimistic’ Congress will be able to pass additional funds to help Israel and Ukraine before the holidays — provided lawmakers are able to coalesce around border security policy changes sought by Republicans.”

In the piece, Johnson is quoted as saying [emphasis on Uniparty rhetoric in bold]:

“Ukraine is another priority. Of course, we can’t allow Vladimir Putin to march through Europe. And we understand the necessity of assisting there. What we’ve said is that if there is to be additional assistance to Ukraine — which most members of Congress believe is important — we have to also work on changing our own border policy.” ...

In recent weeks, Speaker Johnson has endorsed Donald Trump and released the Jan. 6 tapes, in a seeming attempt to secure his bonafides with the GOP base. But when it comes to being a real agent for change, he’s come up empty. And his commentary about the holiday season legislative agenda makes that crystal clear.
45   Patrick   2023 Dec 1, 7:10pm  

MTG talks about how Mike Johnson completely caved on the budget, especially with respect to Ukraine and Israel.


She still sucks for supporting McCarthy though. Mealy mouthed excuses for that failure.
46   AD   2023 Dec 1, 8:52pm  

Patrick says

They swapped out Kevin McCarthy for Mike Johnson, and nothing has really changed whatsoever.

I suspect Johnson will compromise on Ukraine and the rest of the budget. Perhaps only give Democrats 65% of what they originally wanted and declare 35% victory.

I remember reading Congressional Dems wanted a 5.1% increase of spending for 2024. Perhaps Johnson will get a 3% increase and declare this a victory as far as holding spending in check.
47   Misc   2023 Dec 1, 9:03pm  

We will see WTF happens to the border situation. No coin for Ukraine until that reverses, and nobody trusts Biden to do anything even with an agreement.
48   HeadSet   2023 Dec 2, 5:59am  

ad says

Perhaps only give Democrats 65% of what they originally wanted and declare 35% victory.

Too bad that can't be a proposed 10% CUT with the Dems settling for a partial victory at 5% cut.
49   Patrick   2023 Dec 5, 5:52pm  


Here’s another reason this excuse for blurring smells fishy

DOJ & FBI already have the tapes & can prosecute whomever they want

This blurring of faces prevents Americans from learning the full truth about Fed involvement

Stop the blur!

This makes no sense since the DOJ already has this material. They are trying to hide these people from the public, not the DOJ.
50   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 6, 4:33pm  

Did you really expect anything else?

Mike Johnson Backtracks, Caves to Deep State, Democrats on Slipping FBI Spy Power Reauthorization into Defense Bill

51   Patrick   2023 Dec 7, 12:28pm  


Republic House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has blocked efforts to slip the reauthorization of the controversial FISA surveillance program into a defense spending bill.

A highly controversial government surveillance program is set to expire at the end of the year.

The program allows deep state operatives to spy on the American people without warrants.

Some members of Congress attempted to quietly slip the program’s reauthorization as an amendment into a must-pass military spending bill.

Speaker Johnson has other ideas, however, and reportedly tabled that amendment and excluded it, at least for the time being, from the National Defense Authorization Act for next year, according to Breitbart.

The controversial program in question is known as Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

It allows for warrantless searches and wiretaps and is ostensibly aimed only at foreigners.

However, it was previously revealed to have been broadly abused by federal agents to target American citizens.
52   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 7, 2:35pm  

Republicans in Revolt as Speaker Mike Johnson Moves to Punt Deep State Surveillance Fight to 2025

Johnson backtracked and caved to the deep state and Democrats on Thursday, agreeing to slip a surveillance authorization into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Conservatives are increasingly calling foul on the move, suggesting it adds to evidence that nothing is getting better under Johnson’s leadership.

“That’s a full-on strike two and a half — if not more,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) said, alluding to baseball’s three strikes and you’re out rule.

Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA), who was one of the NDAA conferees who was supposed to negotiate the details of the bill, said he was frustrated after not being able to participate in the negotiations.

“If you’re going to do all that behind doors, then don’t waste our time by making us look like we’re doing something we’re not. I think that’s what people are so tired of up here,” Collins said.

Beyond the politics of shutting out lawmakers who were supposed to negotiate the NDAA, privacy experts believe that the NDAA could very likely extend Section 702 authority until April 2025, all but removing any leverage for lawmakers to reform the controversial deep state surveillance law.

More here: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/12/07/republicans-revolt-speaker-mike-johnson-moves-punt-deep-state-surveillance-fight-2025/
57   richwicks   2024 Mar 25, 10:16pm  

AmericanKulak says

RayAmerica says

Zionism is a secular/political movement that was founded by Theodor Herzl.

It's in the Bible.

No it fucking is not!

Chapter and Verse, please?

Although I know you won't find what you're lying about.

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