2024 where to invest

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2023 Dec 27, 3:15pm   11,019 views  217 comments

by KgK one   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Housing and stocks can crash in 2024.

Gold holds value but no return.

Berkshire may be good investment

Amazon n microsoft keeps monopolizing so they will do well

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1   Booger   2023 Dec 27, 3:28pm  

Buy dividend paying stocks before the Fed lowers rates. If you are happy with the cash flow forget about the stock price after that. People here (generally speaking) are old or old-ish and should be shifting their investments to dividend paying stocks at this point anyway.
2   KgK one   2023 Dec 27, 3:30pm  

Rin has been suggesting good div paying stocks

Some reits r good also
Most of my stocks r div paying
3   AD   2023 Dec 27, 3:44pm  

When you look at the Magneficient 7 which includes such as Amazon and NVDIA, they rallied a lot this year. Amazon is up about 75% year to date.

Typically if you have a rally like this, the following year will see likely a +7 to +10% return. I liken it to a spring oscillation as the displacement or movement decreases with time.

However, investors will rotate to other stocks that were beaten down and look like good values.

In 2023, regional banks have been beaten down, so has healthcare and energy stocks. That is why I like Vanguard High Dividend Yield Fund and its Healthcare Fund.

4   EBGuy   2023 Dec 27, 4:57pm  

Regional banks... is the worst yet to come? They've already had a decent run (but well off their previous highs).

5   clambo   2023 Dec 27, 6:12pm  

I'm older and I am not going to dividend stocks yet because I am a greedy bastard who wants more obscene capital appreciation before shifting to an income objective.

Luckily I have enough dividends and interest to be able to wait a little while longer.

"Money talks, bullshit walks."
"It's fuck or walk."

Why I added that I don't know.😎
6   Eman   2023 Dec 27, 6:58pm  

History suggests the stock market will likely do well in the election year of an incumbent President which is 2024. Time will tell.

With 3 rate cuts projected for 2014, and 30-year fixed mortgage rates have come down to 6.25% now, this actually provides a little tail wind for the housing market going into this spring/summer.
7   stereotomy   2023 Dec 27, 10:53pm  

For those iTulip fans, Finster's Financology website has a few suggestions (full disclosure, I just read because I like his writing style, and am not financially affilliated with this) for a more income/dividend weighted investment style:

8   SunnyvaleCA   2023 Dec 28, 12:00am  

Booger says

Buy dividend paying stocks

Unfortunately, I make enough in Apple dividends that I don't qualify for a whole bunch of government welfare... Obamacare subsidies, energy subsidies, etc. Dividends force you to take the "income" every year. I'd rather just be accumulating capital gains and decide when to take recognize the gain. For example, after qualifying for medicare and fleeing California.
9   Misc   2023 Dec 28, 12:11am  

A person could always short California State and municipal bonds.

That might work out.
10   clambo   2023 Dec 28, 8:01am  

While you're working, living in California is OK from a taxation perspective. If you're paid enough, who cares about California income tax?

When you're retired and living off of your various investments, it's a very bad deal.

Without withdrawing anything from a retirement account or annuity, I saved $7,000 in California taxes in my first year.
When I start actually spending the money, the savings will be much more.

You guys can help pay for the schools and healthcare for illegals and their children; don't expect them to thank you however.
I forgot the rich pension of the county workers, cops and firemen, sheriff, CHP.
11   mell   2023 Dec 28, 10:23am  

Biotech, that xbi smackdown from 23 will have a continued yuge snapback.
12   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2023 Dec 28, 11:38am  

Beanie Babies
13   gabbar   2023 Dec 28, 1:58pm  

SunnyvaleCA says

Unfortunately, I make enough in Apple dividends that I don't qualify for a whole bunch of government welfare... Obamacare subsidies, energy subsidies, etc. Dividends force you to take the "income" every year. I'd rather just be accumulating capital gains and decide when to take recognize the gain. For example, after qualifying for medicare and fleeing California.

Is there a bulletproof long term dividend paying stock?
14   porkchopXpress   2023 Dec 28, 3:17pm  

What do you guys think of this?
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index Fund Admiral Shares (VDADX)

You're in stocks of the healthiest blue-chip companies at an expense ratio of almost zero.
15   clambo   2023 Dec 28, 3:27pm  

VDADX=You probably can't go wrong.
16   stfu   2023 Dec 28, 3:33pm  

SunnyvaleCA says

Unfortunately, I make enough in Apple dividends that I don't qualify for a whole bunch of government welfare... Obamacare subsidies, energy subsidies, etc. Dividends force you to take the "income" every year. I'd rather just be accumulating capital gains and decide when to take recognize the gain. For example, after qualifying for medicare and fleeing California.

Please let us know when you figure out how to circulate your money through a DAF and back into your pocket. We damn sure know that's what the Buffetts and Bezo's are doing but somehow it's legal for them.
17   Booger   2023 Dec 28, 4:28pm  

porkchopXpress says

What do you guys think of this?
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index Fund Admiral Shares (VDADX)

You're in stocks of the healthiest blue-chip companies at an expense ratio of almost zero.

Not enough income being generated. I'm nearing retirement and really only want the income.
18   porkchopXpress   2023 Dec 29, 10:08am  

Booger says

Not enough income being generated. I'm nearing retirement and really only want the income.
Makes sense. I was thinking just in general, not necessarily for income generation. I'm about 15 years away from retirement.
19   clambo   2023 Dec 29, 11:19am  

Before retirement your investment objective is capital appreciation.

During retirement, your investment objective is usually income to replace the income you had from working. But, this isn't a rule.

Even capital appreciation funds pay a dividend in December each year, small as it may be. But, if you a lot of dough in the fund, you get some cash from it.

My extreme greed and avarice compels me to delay changing my investment objective just yet.
21   clambo   2023 Dec 29, 1:58pm  

Vanguard Wellseley Income
22   WookieMan   2023 Dec 29, 2:09pm  

Not investment advice necessarily. Slightly confused by the massive price drops at the grocery store. Talking 25% drops. Same with gas here. I'm confused. This happened in the last week. End of year dump or something? It's dramatic from what it was 2-3 weeks ago. Not joking 25% across the board almost. Fucking weird.
23   AD   2023 Dec 29, 3:38pm  

WookieMan says

Slightly confused by the massive price drops at the grocery store.

yes as far as eggs

24   EBGuy   2023 Dec 30, 12:58pm  

WookieMan says

This happened in the last week. End of year dump or something? It's dramatic from what it was 2-3 weeks ago.

You can't fight the Fed... ?!
In a move that was largely anticipated, members of the Federal Reserve’s policymaking panel have opted not to raise their benchmark interest rate, the federal funds rate. But, in a bit of a surprise, they’ve signaled that multiple interest rate cuts are likely in 2024.
The stock market rallied on Wednesday’s news, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 37,000 for the first time in history, at 37,090.
25   stfu   2023 Dec 30, 1:24pm  

In my taxable account I'm moving out of SWVXX and into SCHD. I enjoyed the 4+% interest earned in 2023 but it was taxed as income and messed up my tax planning a little (I underestimated Fed Hikes). With SCHD I'll still get a nice 3.5% dividend but they will be 100% qualified and will be taxed at a lower capital gains rate than my marginal rate. SCHD also gives me the possibility of undistributed capital gains (only 4% turnover last year) whereas SWVXX did not. Of course the SCHD NAV could decrease but I usually put on a trade for no less than a five year period.

In my pretax accounts the only move I've made is to dump 2/3's of my AGNC at $10.05 in extended hours over Thursday night (couldn't get a bid on the last 3rd). I'll miss the big dividends but above $10 it's way over book value - which is how people trade these agency MBS REIT's. I'll continue to sell above 10 and buy below 8. Rinse and Repeat.

Once again I'm disappointed that all the silicon valley coding eggheads here on Patnet have not been able to give me one good stock tip. I keep hoping for an early tip on the next netflix. Welp, maybe in 2024 that will change.
26   WookieMan   2023 Dec 30, 6:59pm  

stfu says

Once again I'm disappointed that all the silicon valley coding eggheads here on Patnet have not been able to give me one good stock tip. I keep hoping for an early tip on the next netflix. Welp, maybe in 2024 that will change.

This is a blanket statement. They generally don't know what they're talking about half the time and maybe most of the time. You need at least a decade of full time trading to have a clue. No one here has that regardless of being in the tech industry and that includes me. You won't know the next big thing unless you know the owner and invest before it's even public. By the time you learn about it, it's too late to make massive life changing amounts.

A statistician or data analyst would be better. Someone that codes isn't going to give you good stock picks. I think most here would admit that and I don't mean it as a dig. I've seen little to almost no evidence of good stock pickers here. You also shouldn't be doing it anyway if it's not a full time occupation or hobby. You also need to know people on the inside of companies to get the big bucks. 99% of users here don't know anyone at the top. Again, not a knock, just fact.
27   stfu   2023 Dec 31, 3:38am  

WookieMan says

I've seen little to almost no evidence of good stock pickers here.

I spent more $$ on learning how to trade stocks than I did on my college degrees. This is what I learned : "I can't pick stocks". I own one stock - AGNC - but everything else is ETF's, bonds and MM. If I look at my trading history from years ago it's like looking at a list of one night stands with 99% of them being coyote mornings.

Uggh, I went all in on BABA when it IPO'd (2014?) because "there's no way Amazon can go higher - they've never even made a profit". I made money, but the same amount in Amazon would be worth millions right now.
28   gabbar   2023 Dec 31, 7:46am  

I wasted a lot of time and energy on the stock market and I haven't made a single dollar. I should give up and move on but I must be addicted because I still follow stocks. I am too old to be doing this shit
29   gabbar   2023 Dec 31, 11:17am  

stfu says

Uggh, I went all in on BABA when it IPO'd (2014?) because "there's no way Amazon can go higher - they've never even made a profit". I made money, but the same amount in Amazon would be worth millions right now.

Many have made similar mistakes.
30   mell   2023 Dec 31, 12:12pm  

stfu says

Once again I'm disappointed that all the silicon valley coding eggheads here on Patnet have not been able to give me one good stock tip. I keep hoping for an early tip on the next netflix. Welp, maybe in 2024 that will change.

Not true, @patrick has benefitted from my biotech stock picks
31   AD   2023 Dec 31, 1:00pm  

gabbar says

I wasted a lot of time and energy on the stock market and I haven't made a single dollar.

Better to put your money away for 5 years at least in Vanguard Total Stock Market Index fund. Or one of Vanguards balanced funds like 70% stocks and 30% investment grade bonds.
32   Patrick   2023 Dec 31, 6:04pm  

mell says

Not true, patrick has benefitted from my biotech stock picks

True, VCEL in particular is up more than 300% from where I bought it on recommendation from @mell in 2018.
33   GreaterNYCDude   2023 Dec 31, 7:30pm  

KgK one says

Berkshire may be good investment

Amazon n microsoft keeps monopolizing so they will do well

If you can't beat 'em... Join 'em.

Also "Sin" investments. Booze, Casinos that sort of thing. Always a good hedge in a downturn.
34   Patrick   2023 Dec 31, 8:52pm  

But I have to say, my own philosophy is to just buy solid stocks with low p/e ratios and hold them long term. It's only now and then that I make a speculative bet for fun, and only with money I can afford to lose.
35   AD   2024 Jan 8, 10:17pm  

Bloomberg TV said today Asia stocks will outperform US stocks in 2024.
36   AD   2024 Jan 10, 12:16am  


The global economy is on course to record its worst half decade of growth in 30 years, according to the World Bank.

Global growth is forecast to slow for the third year in a row in 2024, dipping to 2.4% from 2.6% in 2023, the organization said in its latest “Global Economic Prospects” report released Tuesday.

Growth is then expected to rise marginally to 2.7% in 2025, though acceleration over the five-year period will remain almost three-quarters of a percentage point below the average rate of the 2010s.

Developing economies are now expected to grow by just 3.9% in 2024, more than 1 percentage point below the average of the previous decade. By the end of the year, people in about 1 out of every 4 developing countries and about 40% of low-income countries will still be poorer than they were on the eve of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019, the organization said.
37   RWSGFY   2024 Jan 10, 9:22am  

ad says

Bloomberg TV said today Asia stocks will outperform US stocks in 2024.

And what did they say about 2023? Did it come true?
38   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 10, 9:42am  


"Here's a picture of Michele pregnant, you conspiracy theorists!"
39   gabbar   2024 Jan 10, 9:48am  

ad says

Bloomberg TV said today Asia stocks will outperform US stocks in 2024.

It seems wise me to flip any media report and analyze the converse of the report since presumably all reports are either paid for or founded on someone's self interest.
40   gabbar   2024 Jan 10, 9:49am  

GreaterNYCDude says

Also "Sin" investments. Booze, Casinos that sort of thing. Always a good hedge in a downturn.

Sin or addictive products are a good bet, I agree. Human wisdom cannot beat biological addiction.

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