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Anthony Fauci has finally agreed to testify in Congress on his involvement in the public cover-up of Covid's origins.
The onetime White House doctor will be grilled on his former department's funding of dangerous experiments in Wuhan and the stark difference between his public and private comments about the possibility Covid escaped from the lab he was funding.
He is due to speak in front of the House in January, which will be the first time he has testified under oath since his infamous showdown in front of the Senate in July 2021.
Since then, leaked emails show Fauci was aware virus manipulation research was being done on coronaviruses in Wuhan in the lead up to the pandemic. ...
The notorious proximal origin paper was partly commissioned by Dr Anthony Fauci, the then-head of the US's national research agency that had been funding risky virus research on Covid's relatives at the lab in Wuhan, partly at the expense of the US taxpayer.
But emails dated February 1, 2020 showed Fauci acknowledged that 'scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working on gain-of-function experiments to determine that molecular mechanisms associated with bat viruses adapting to human infection, and the outbreak originated in Wuhan.'
On July 13, 2023 the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released the emails sent by Dr Fauci about a conference call regarding the origins of Covid attended by Dr Fauci, Dr Francis Collins, former director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, and other researchers. ...
In one email, Dr Fauci admitted the scientists had concerns that Covid might have been genetically engineered and that these were worsened by the fact that gain-of-function research was taking place in Wuhan before the pandemic.
Gain-of-function research is medical research that genetically alters a virus to make it more deadly or infectious to try and get ahead of natural mutations that might occur. ...
At the hearing in July, Fauci 'stated that the NIH has never and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology,' Paul said in the committee chamber.
'And yet, gain-of-function research was done entirely in the Wuhan Institute by Doctor Shi [Zhengli] and was funded by the NIH,' he said.
Paul then cited the paper by WIV scientists titled 'Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus'.
The paper specifically talks about ongoing efforts to produce a 'chimeric' coronavirus, which means it has been altered by man – otherwise known as 'gain of function.'
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Robert Kennedy Jr. Unmasks the ‘Principal Villains’ Behind the COVID Cover-Up
Fauci belongs in jail “without question,” says Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. But who else deserves to be held accountable?
Under chairman Dr. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), the Select SubcommIttee on the Coronavirus Pandemic documented its case on how Drs. Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins and others fraudulently sought to “disprove” the “lab-leak theory” of the virus by publishing a March 2020 paper based on “fatally flawed science.” Titled The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 the report proposed to establish “that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”
Yet McCullough highlighted how two papers by Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina (UNC) in 2015 and 2016, published in Nature Medicine, announced that his university, the EcoHealth Alliance and the Chinese government together created SARS-CoV-2.
“It’s memorialized in the 2015 and 2016 literature that they created a chimeric virus merging bat and human coronaviruses and clearly showing it could infect and invade humanized respiratory epithelial cells in a mouse model,” he said. The fact that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab is “cited in the reports!”
It’s even obvious given one of the paper’s titles, SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence, he said. “They had created it and it was ready to emerge into human populations as soon as it was released or got out of the lab. The papers are clear.”
Therefore, it’s more than evident that “Anthony Fauci, a key player in this… orchestrated a cover up that the virus, SARS-CoV-2, was engineered by U.S. and Chinese researchers in the lab in Wuhan, China,” McCullough explained. “Fauci organized a cadre of scientists and other regulatory officials to lie to the United States and the world for three years and say that it came out of nature. He conspired to conceal a worldwide global health threat.”
Furthermore, as part of the virus’ creation in a lab, “the genetic code for the spike protein was intentionally manipulated to make this spike protein invasive and lethal to the human body.” McCullough revealed.
And the records show that gene-based “vaccine” manufacturer Moderna “had the code to the spike protein years before the pandemic,” including a “material transfer agreement” with Baric and UNC. And before becoming the CEO of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel was CEO of BioMérieux, which also built the Wuhan lab’s biosecurity annex for the Chinese.
Therefore, “the lab that created the virus, and the man and the company that created the first vaccine with the U.S., are all working together,” McCullough emphasized. “This is a biopharmaceutical complex. This actually is a crime.”
“And people are numb to this mind-blowing reality that a virus could be engineered, then ultimately infect the entire world and get people sick. And that a vaccine is coded for the lethal part of the virus, the spike protein,” he said. And further, “that we would actually create the genetic code for the lethal part of the virus and then inject that genetic code into the human body [to produce the spike protein]. Everybody should be alarmed with that notion.”
This is way more damning than I realized.
We now have drafts of DEFUSE in which Daszak conspires to mislead DARPA about who is doing chimera work.
NIAID later funds DEFUSE collaborators. When NIAID pins Daszak, he claims this is all just a “clerical error”
The nerve!!! https://t.co/q7WJiF2DJa
— Alex Washburne (@WashburneAlex) December 19, 2023
... In the meantime, EcoHealth is still receiving millions of dollars in taxpayer funds.
Say hello to Nathan Wolfe.
American virologist and founder of METABIOTA!
The Biden-funded biolab company via Rosemont Seneca, studying bat coronaviruses in Ukraine circa 2014, via project PREDICT with CIA proxy, USAID.
He is the epicenter of the Deep State bio network.
Not only is he the founder of Biden’s Metabiota, he is a WEF member, DoD employee, sat on the board of Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance involved in Wuhan, funded by DARPA, Gates Foundation, funded Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar project with the Clintons, member of The Edge Foundation collecting microbes and housing animal viruses all over the world, AND Russia have accused him directly of being the key player in creating SARS-CoV-2 from a bat coronavirus he discovered in Ukraine. ...
But that’s not all. He thanked 16 people for their assistance with all the information in his book, and one of the people he thanked was none other than Jeffrey Epstein himself.
Late stage capitalism
Anthony Fauci was the highest paid federal employee and he saw his job as creating gain-of-function viruses to infect the citizenry and thus create new markets for the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry.
Mandy Cohen is a high-ranking government official whose job is to sell a drug with no observable benefits that stops the hearts of otherwise healthy children in order to enrich the biggest political donors.
In case you were wondering how late stage capitalism is going.
In case you were wondering how late stage capitalism is going.
Fauci flip flops during Congress grilling: Ex-White House doctor ducks more than 100 questions about Covid and admits he approved risky Wuhan coronavirus research proposal without reading it
House GOP said Fauci's pandemic policies full of drastic and systemic failures
He 'backtracked' on past claims his agency never funded gain of function abroad
The solution is definitely the hanging of everyone involved with creating the virus or mandating the death jab, ASAP.
Fauxskeptic Statusquoists are still trying to assert Masks worked.
The first and most important step towards hanging is for everyone to constantly talk about hanging them.
Without that, nothing else can happen. And with that, we are safer just because we're all talking about it.
Unlike toxic cardiac events which have a close temporal relationship between the injections and the adverse events, genetic damage will only reveal itself over the longer term. If immediate action is not taken now to fully investigate the claimed DNA contamination and take any and all remedial action necessary, the potential for enormous harm exists. ...
As reported in The Defender on 9th January, Dr. Anthony Fauci claimed more than 100 times that he did not remember details about the pandemic response and origins of the COVID virus during a US Congressional House interview on 8th of January. ...
“Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., professor of international law at the University of Illinois and a bioweapons expert who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, told The Defender Fauci should be prosecuted.
“Fauci knew exactly what was going on at the Wuhan BSL4 [biosafety level 4] and the University of North Carolina BSL3 — he was paying for it,” Boyle said. “He has repeatedly perjured himself in testimony before Congress. This is just more of the same.”
Boyle said Wenstrup should follow Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) example and refer Fauci to the U.S. Department of Justice for prosecution for perjury. “Maybe we will get some action there now that the Wuhan cover-up is unfolding, as detailed in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, ‘The Wuhan Cover-Up,’” he added.”
Scientists took a bat coronavirus, added the human ACE-2 receptor so it could be rapidly transmitted to humans, and made vaccines for it just in case it happened naturally.
But then the pathogen THEY made “leaked”, and the “vaccines” they made for the virus didn’t even work.
Which begs the question, what exactly is the benefit of gain of function research?
Not only is gain of function research failing at preventing pandemics… it is CREATING the pandemics. They failed their mission AND killed 7+ million people around the globe in the process, and then covered it up and lied about it.
Ecohealth, the people who were accused of making the Wuhan virus, were found to have ordered a very specific splicing enzyme that was identified in a publication in 2022 that showed that whoever had used this enzyme to splice viruses likely created the COVID (SARS-CoV-2) virus. ...
Well on twitter there is a war raging to distract everybody who could possibly highlight, expose, share, understand and talk about this story. These events are designed to waste everybody’s time and divide and conquer dissident groups. They are age old techniques used by tyrannical regimes to stop the people talking to each other, because we can’t have that can we?
Chinese Researcher Who Mapped COVID Virus Two Weeks Before China Released Sequence Was on Anthony Fauci’s Payroll
NIH officials refuse to explain how much salary they provided to Chinese researcher Lili Ren, a co-investigator with Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance.
A Chinese researcher who first submitted the genetic sequence for the SARS-CoV-2 virus in late December 2019, around two weeks before China disclosed the deadly virus to outside scientists, was on the payroll of Anthony Fauci’s institute at the time, according to a grant awarded to EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit operated by Peter Daszak. The disclosures call into further question what officials at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) knew about research they were funding in China where the pandemic began. ...
Anthony Fauci’s NIH institute awarded the grant in 2015 to Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, who partnered with Ren as a co-investigator on a multi-year project titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” The grant shows that taxpayers paid Ren a salary, although NIH redacted the amounts for salary and benefits.
Because vaccine research always has vast implications for biological warfare, vaccine research contributes to a nation’s capacity to initiate this kind of attack. Anthony Fauci’s former institute, NIAID, has also funded treasonous bioweapons research collaborations between U.S. and CCP-dominated universities and bio labs and has directly supported the Wuhan Institute, which is also controlled by the CCP.
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This is perhaps the greatest crime against humanity ever committed by a small group of people: Fauci, Daszak, and the Bat-lady in Wuhan.
There should be nothing else in the headlines, only this.
Fauci has a long history of funding gain-of-function research to facilitate the creation of viruses which can be used to sell vaccines for large profits.
Anyone who has read a decent mystery novel will see the means, motive, and opportunity were all there. It's obvious in retrospect.
Until Fauci is in jail, we are all in danger of his doing it again, and again, and again, or having some minion like Daszak do it. Why is there no official investigation going on?
As RFK Jr. put it: "A $200 billion enterprise would’ve collapsed if Fauci had admitted that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were effective against covid." https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly/status/1685830247139168256