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In case you were wondering how late stage capitalism is going.
Fauci flip flops during Congress grilling: Ex-White House doctor ducks more than 100 questions about Covid and admits he approved risky Wuhan coronavirus research proposal without reading it
House GOP said Fauci's pandemic policies full of drastic and systemic failures
He 'backtracked' on past claims his agency never funded gain of function abroad
The solution is definitely the hanging of everyone involved with creating the virus or mandating the death jab, ASAP.
Fauxskeptic Statusquoists are still trying to assert Masks worked.
The first and most important step towards hanging is for everyone to constantly talk about hanging them.
Without that, nothing else can happen. And with that, we are safer just because we're all talking about it.
Unlike toxic cardiac events which have a close temporal relationship between the injections and the adverse events, genetic damage will only reveal itself over the longer term. If immediate action is not taken now to fully investigate the claimed DNA contamination and take any and all remedial action necessary, the potential for enormous harm exists. ...
As reported in The Defender on 9th January, Dr. Anthony Fauci claimed more than 100 times that he did not remember details about the pandemic response and origins of the COVID virus during a US Congressional House interview on 8th of January. ...
“Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., professor of international law at the University of Illinois and a bioweapons expert who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, told The Defender Fauci should be prosecuted.
“Fauci knew exactly what was going on at the Wuhan BSL4 [biosafety level 4] and the University of North Carolina BSL3 — he was paying for it,” Boyle said. “He has repeatedly perjured himself in testimony before Congress. This is just more of the same.”
Boyle said Wenstrup should follow Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) example and refer Fauci to the U.S. Department of Justice for prosecution for perjury. “Maybe we will get some action there now that the Wuhan cover-up is unfolding, as detailed in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, ‘The Wuhan Cover-Up,’” he added.”
Scientists took a bat coronavirus, added the human ACE-2 receptor so it could be rapidly transmitted to humans, and made vaccines for it just in case it happened naturally.
But then the pathogen THEY made “leaked”, and the “vaccines” they made for the virus didn’t even work.
Which begs the question, what exactly is the benefit of gain of function research?
Not only is gain of function research failing at preventing pandemics… it is CREATING the pandemics. They failed their mission AND killed 7+ million people around the globe in the process, and then covered it up and lied about it.
Ecohealth, the people who were accused of making the Wuhan virus, were found to have ordered a very specific splicing enzyme that was identified in a publication in 2022 that showed that whoever had used this enzyme to splice viruses likely created the COVID (SARS-CoV-2) virus. ...
Well on twitter there is a war raging to distract everybody who could possibly highlight, expose, share, understand and talk about this story. These events are designed to waste everybody’s time and divide and conquer dissident groups. They are age old techniques used by tyrannical regimes to stop the people talking to each other, because we can’t have that can we?
Chinese Researcher Who Mapped COVID Virus Two Weeks Before China Released Sequence Was on Anthony Fauci’s Payroll
NIH officials refuse to explain how much salary they provided to Chinese researcher Lili Ren, a co-investigator with Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance.
A Chinese researcher who first submitted the genetic sequence for the SARS-CoV-2 virus in late December 2019, around two weeks before China disclosed the deadly virus to outside scientists, was on the payroll of Anthony Fauci’s institute at the time, according to a grant awarded to EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit operated by Peter Daszak. The disclosures call into further question what officials at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) knew about research they were funding in China where the pandemic began. ...
Anthony Fauci’s NIH institute awarded the grant in 2015 to Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, who partnered with Ren as a co-investigator on a multi-year project titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” The grant shows that taxpayers paid Ren a salary, although NIH redacted the amounts for salary and benefits.
Because vaccine research always has vast implications for biological warfare, vaccine research contributes to a nation’s capacity to initiate this kind of attack. Anthony Fauci’s former institute, NIAID, has also funded treasonous bioweapons research collaborations between U.S. and CCP-dominated universities and bio labs and has directly supported the Wuhan Institute, which is also controlled by the CCP.
As you are most likely aware, there has been new, all but irrefutable, evidence uncovered of the laboratory origin of SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon virus. Just in case you didn’t bother this time around to check it out, as I didn’t until today, you may still be impressed by how solid this new evidence is, as I now have been. So, here’s the recap of the latest reveal. “The Story of the Decade: New documents strengthen—perhaps conclusively—the lab-leak hypothesis of Covid-19’s origins” (City Journal, 2024.01.24):
The documents unearthed by U.S. Right to Know, and analyzed by its reporter Emily Kopp, include drafts and planning materials for the already-known DEFUSE proposal, an application to DARPA, a Pentagon research agency, for a $14 million grant to enhance SARS-like bat viruses.
The new recipe is in striking accord with a theoretical paper published in 2022 that predicted the SARS2 virus had been generated in exactly this way. Three researchers—Valentin Bruttel, Alex Washburne, and Antonius VanDongen—noted that the virus could be cut into six sections if treated with a pair of agents known as restriction enzymes and so had probably been synthesized and assembled in this way
Bruttel and his colleagues guessed that a commonly used pair of restriction enzymes, known as BsaI and BsmBI, might have been used to assemble the SARS2 virus’s genome. When they examined the structure of SARS2, they found that the recognition sites used by these enzymes were indeed evenly spaced across the genome, marking it into six sections. “Our findings strongly suggest a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV2,” they wrote.
... The remedy to this situation, in the minds of the perpetrators, is to quickly introduce the complete global clampdown on any information that will contradict their narrative, and go after those that would dare to speak the truth with persecution and house arrests as one preventive measure, other measures will be brought to bear as required once any dissenting voices are reigned in. Take Canada, for example:
Preemptive justice, so to say. For the greater good! And don’t get lulled by the law being limited to “hate crimes”. Surely, anyone that opposes the official line hates, first, the science and, next, the society at large.
Where have we seen that before? Ah, yes! The “Minority Report” movie predicted all of this to the dot, back in 2002...
Where Did Covid Come From? New documents bolster the theory that it not only escaped from a laboratory but was developed in one. The new documents, which are background planning papers and drafts for the DEFUSE proposal, call for assembling SARS-like viruses from six sections of DNA, and include a cost estimate for purchase of the BsmBI restriction enzyme—exactly as the three authors had inferred. This clearly strengthens, perhaps conclusively, their contention that the virus is synthetic.
Covid pandemic may have been started by scientists, says UN professor. Dr Filippa Lentzos, an associate professor of science and international security at King’s College London, said it was important to acknowledge the pandemic may have been started by scientists. The comments were made at the launch of a report by the Independent Task Force on Research with Pandemic Risks, which is calling for better regulations on science that puts large numbers of people in danger.
Where Did Covid Come From?
New documents bolster the theory that it not only escaped from a laboratory but was developed in one.
It is possible to bypass paywall, here:
Russia Releases 2,000 Page Report Proving Deep State & Big Pharma Manufactured Covid Pandemic
Russia has openly alleged that major pharmaceutical companies, along with influential figures within the US political landscape, orchestrated the Covid-19 pandemic as part of a global domination strategy.
Among those named as participants in this scheme are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and George Soros, suggesting their involvement in a conspiracy against humanity.
"The Russian Embassy in the United States declared on Thursday, “Russia wants justice for the creation and release of SARS-CoV-2, while the West covered up the origins and censored scientists and journalists.” Russian authorities assert that the bio-research initiatives undertaken by the US Defense Department in Ukraine necessitate a thorough legal review, including scrutiny by pertinent international organizations.
The embassy highlighted concerns over the Pentagon's operations in Ukraine, stating, “Of particular concern is the activity deployed by the Pentagon in Ukraine. The United States has involved dozens of state institutions and private companies of the country in its projects.”
The statement further elaborated, “Civilians and military personnel of the republic became donors of biomaterial and simply experimental subjects. There is no doubt that such actions require an appropriate legal assessment, including from relevant international structures.”
Concerns persist within the international arena regarding the unchecked dual-purpose research conducted under the US Defense Department's guidance, with Russia consistently citing “gross violations” by the United States of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention commitments.
The diplomats remarked, “Washington ignores the claims, justifying itself with a certain humanitarian component of its programs.” They added, “We emphasize that there is no question about any good goals of the projects of the US Defense Department. Evidence of US work with potential agents of biological weapons is available and they are far from isolated as well as evidence of attempts to deliberately enhance the properties of pathogens of economically significant infections.”
Today, President Donald J. Trump awarded Presidential Commendations to the below individuals in recognition of their exceptional efforts on Operation Warp Speed:
Dr. Anthony Fauci
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This is perhaps the greatest crime against humanity ever committed by a small group of people: Fauci, Daszak, and the Bat-lady in Wuhan.
There should be nothing else in the headlines, only this.
Fauci has a long history of funding gain-of-function research to facilitate the creation of viruses which can be used to sell vaccines for large profits.
Anyone who has read a decent mystery novel will see the means, motive, and opportunity were all there. It's obvious in retrospect.
Until Fauci is in jail, we are all in danger of his doing it again, and again, and again, or having some minion like Daszak do it. Why is there no official investigation going on?
As RFK Jr. put it: "A $200 billion enterprise would’ve collapsed if Fauci had admitted that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were effective against covid." https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly/status/1685830247139168256