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Correction: another Asian nation that stupid Americans can visit on a visa. Because the chances of getting scooped up on BS charges and spend 3-5 years in Gulag waiting to be exchanged for some KGB fuck are extremely non-trivial.
In the understated words of one war watcher, Ukraine’s precarious position is “becoming increasingly untenable.” Frankly, it is a disaster. It is a disaster we all knew was coming from the first moment U.S. State Department maven Viktoria Nuland waddled into the fray. It would not even be unreasonable to call the situation ‘apocalyptic,’ since there are (at least) four horsemen of disaster facing Ukraine, all fatal, none resolvable, and every one galloping at full speed towards some kind of grim final conclusion.
The Red Horse—Ukraine is Losing. In what looks like a coalescing global offensive, Russia is attacking all along the contested line, and none of the news anywhere is good news for Ukraine. I don’t monitor the day-to-day village-level news like the warbloggers, but there is a solid consensus that Ukraine is losing everywhere. ...
Ukraine is not winning, anywhere on the battlefield. Which brings us to the next horse.
Unlike Ukraine, Russia has successfully transformed its economy into a growing war economy with strong military manufacturing capability. Russia is now building more artillery shells than the rest of the world combined. But, because it lazily relies on foreign aid for military materiel, Ukraine has not built out much of any military manufacturing infrastructure.
Ukraine took the easy way, and in doing so made itself vulnerable to the vicissitudes of unreliable foreign partners, all of whom have different reasons and politics than Ukraine for being involved. ...
The Times’ non-paywalled article cited above described Zelensky’s latest political trial balloon, which looks like nothing less than a threat of a good-old Soviet-era purge. In other words, Zelensky is facing a large, well-equipped internal enemy, an enemy the media has nominated to be represented by the leader of Ukraine’s armed forces, General Valeriy Zaluzhny.
Now, for Zelensky to survive, like the Trotsky-ites of old, the Zaluzhny-ites must go.
But Zelensky isn’t Stalin, and things aren’t shaping up well for the little proto-dictator. Two weeks ago, Zelensky publicly asked Zaluzhny to resign, and Zaluzhny refused. Zelensky then offered the General money and prestige in the form of his pick of plum assignments, such as the country’s Ambassadorship to Great Britain, if he would step down, and again, Zaluzhny refused.
After back-and-forth headlines for two weeks, on Friday compliant corporate media dutifully reported that President Zelensky had “officially informed” the Biden Administration of Zelensky’s “decision” to give Zaluzhny his walking papers, fired, pink slipped, terminated effective immediately without severance, buh bye.
Well, it’s now Wednesday, and General Zaluzhny remains at the helm of Ukraine’s military, tweeting up a storm from his official offices. Apparently he’s now also refused to be fired, which is nothing less than a soft coup. It may be Zelensky hasn’t yet followed through with termination all the way, or some other politics may be in play, or he simply has no viable replacement for Zaluzhny and didn’t think about that before, but no matter how thinly you slice the situation, it looks terrible for the former comedian.
It has become painfully obvious to the meanest intelligence that General Zaluzhny must be well-protected, enjoying support from a large and politically-powerful cohort within Ukraine’s government, and that Zelensky’s power and ability to form a government has waned to an embarrassingly low point and is more or less in a ditch. Which is probably why Zelensky has now retreated to babbling about a broad “reorganization,” which provides a smokescreen and coward’s cover for why General Zaluzhny is still taking up space in his office.
“A reset, a new beginning is necessary,” Mr. Zelensky ironically told Italian media outlet Rai News on Sunday night. “I have something serious in mind, which is not about a single person but about the direction of the country’s leadership.”
The direction of the country’s leadership. Zelensky seemed oblivious to the fact his quote could be directed right back at him. After all, who represents the country’s leadership more than he does? Maybe Ukraine’s reset and its new beginning need to start where the buck stops — at the penis pianist.
It need hardly be said that the middle of a war — especially a war that’s not going well — is the worst possible time to replace your top general and purge your government of all his supporters. Even mentioning the move smacks of desperation and futility and sinking ships.
The days when it was treason to question the Proxy War have long passed. The United States is also now distracted by its own problems, problems that are right on its own borders, not to mention a newer, younger, more attractive proxy war shaping up in the Middle East. To the neocons, the Middle East is a 22-year-old hot yoga instructor, and Ukraine is a middle-aged divorcee with a psychotic ex-husband, thirteen cats, and three drug-addled grown children who all live at home.
You could even argue the Biden Administration would secretly be happy to dump the Ukraine problem on Republicans, to avoid being tarred with a shameful, inevitable defeat on the battlefield during an election year. In that sense, Team Biden cares not that the S.S. Ukraine is already sinking into the abyss, so long as a late-fired, ‘Republican obstruction’-torpedo catches the blame.
The bottom line is Ukraine is on the ventilator. Russia isn’t waiting around to see whether the Americans will get back to propping the luckless Eastern European country up like a real-life Weekend at Zelensky’s.
"Russia’s strategy of avoiding costly breakthrough offensives while building up its combat potential, all while destroying Ukrainian manpower and equipment faster than it can be replaced, has an accumulative effect. This effect will result in the eventual collapse of Ukraine’s fighting capacity, all while Russian fighting capacity continues to expand. What is written off as a “stalemate” by Western analysts because of a current lack of “forward motion” by Russian forces, is actually a deliberate choice by Russian commanders to increase the tactical and strategic advantages Russian forces have on the battlefield ahead of any potential future offensive. Each day this “stalemate” persists, Russia’s prospects, relative to Ukraine, improve.
Nothing about Ukraine’s “successes” in the Black Sea address this fundamental problem and the inevitable outcome it leads to. Ukrainian “successes” simply distract attention away from this inevitability, but cannot prevent it. Russia’s “inaction” in response to these Ukrainian “successes” interpreted as “weakness,” may instead be interpreted as indifference, recognizing that time is on Russia’s side and winning public relations battles is far less important than winning the actual war."
I think Zelensky is making a big mistake.
The CIA will now stage a military coup. Zelensky will be retired to a nice, safe place in the US on our dime. He'll get to keep all the money he stole, too.
I think Zelensky is making a big mistake.
I think Zelensky is making a big mistake.
AD says
I think Zelensky is making a big mistake.
Yes, he needs to replace that guy with a woke general.
Ukraine is a laundromat.
I think Zelensky is making a big mistake.
That and it's showing Russia is a paper tiger. Putin is pissed he hasn't won. He knows what this is. Biden ain't running the show. This is the Pentagon and DOD slapping Russia. We're winning.
WTF happened?
Ukey Nazi Fluffers said Russia was going to collapse.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Who Really Profits From The Ukraine War?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Who Really Profits From The Ukraine War?
John Kirby to the media: Don't Cover This Leak.
Meaning, the blueprints for starting the Ukraine war.
In part one of this series, we heard from a Syrian medical student who said that he had personally harvested organs from Ukrainian soldiers and from civilians who did not always give their permission and were not always suffering from life-threatening injuries. We also heard from a former officer of the Security Services of Ukraine (SBU) who was assigned to guard the “black transplantologists” as they traveled from one war-torn town to another, harvesting organs. ...
The three videos featured in part one were all in Russian, and Russian media was quoted throughout the article. It’s your choice to believe what you see or dismiss it as propaganda. But you may also want to consider the following.
Sonja Van den Ende, a Dutch journalist who reports regularly from the war-torn Donbass region, has also written extensively about organ harvesting in Ukraine. Her most recent article appeared on Devend Online on January 9th of this year, just three days after mine. It was titled, “Ukrainian Front-line Soldiers or Guinea Pigs for the West?” ...
It was then reported in Russian media that at least a third of Ukrainian soldiers were “missing in action” (MIA) because the Ukrainian military was unable or unwilling to properly collect the dead and register them as having died in combat. Additionally, it was reported that Ukrainians were actively cremating bodies in the field. This means that the actual numbers of casualties can be kept hidden and compensation to next of kin can be delayed or avoided completely and, instead, shared among officers and senior military officials.
The thousands of dying or freshly dead Ukrainian soldiers not properly accounted must have been a feast which the so-called “black transplantologists” could not refuse, and so they allegedly flocked in from all over Europe to reap the harvest of illegal organs and other body parts. After all, a patient who is in desperate need of a heart, or a kidney, or another vital organ is unlikely to ask about its origins. ...
When he was asked what Ukraine does with the bodies, Ovchinsky replied, “They burn them. Nobody cancelled the experience of Auschwitz or, say, Dachau. And the Banderites are direct heirs of Hitler. There is information about mobile crematoriums to destroy the remains of people whose organs are removed.” ...
It also seems apparent that the rank-and-file Ukrainian military is not directly involved in the organ harvests, which are performed without permission and often in secret, according to the testimonies we read. Those doing the harvesting appear to swoop in from foreign countries like vultures whenever there is a conflict.
It makes sense. War, after all, is more about money than it is about “freedom” or “democracy,” no matter how patriotic the pundits may sound when they raise their battle cry. Weapons manufacturers and military contractors make untold billions from wars, so why shouldn’t the healthcare industry, or at least its dark underbelly, also make a profit?
Looks like Ukrainian's aren't down with dying in someone else's war. Sources are WAPO, and NY Times, and Twitter:
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