Zionist Terrorism

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2023 Oct 11, 12:13pm   77,713 views  1,148 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I've seen the Zeitgeist stuff and read the people who blame everything on Jews(especially in relation to banking). I don't find it to hold true, but when I see the obvious racism and bigotry on this site, especially in the last few days when it comes to Arabs, I have to re-think how much of a hold Zionist propaganda has on this country. I first became aware of it after 9/11, even before I knew it was a false flag event it bothered me the way people treat Middle Easterner's in this country. I've worked with Iranian's, Iraqi's, Pakistani's, and I've always found them to be some of the most polite, well mannered people. A lot of you here could stand some lessons from them.

From the same keyboards that denounced Ukraine and the violence in South Africa, I now read despicable language used against Arabs. No one wants to touch the stuff I bring up about Israeli government and kids, but you all want to call for actions that will murder more children.

Try re-writing some of your sentences, but insert Jew instead of Muslim, or white. Then read them again. I bet I could translate much of the South Africa talk with that same word change, and get most of you clamoring for more bloodshed to agree with it.

Look at the children in these photos, read the stories of how they died. Some are Israeli, do you find that odd? I don't, the military and governments involved in this are sociopaths, and pedophiles, and don't give a shit about your ethnicity, nationality, loyalty, or age.


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281   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 14, 3:39pm  

Turkish MP is struck down moments after cursing Israel in the Turkish Legislature.

282   Ceffer   2023 Dec 14, 3:58pm  

AmericanKulak says

Turkish MP is struck down moments after cursing Israel in the Turkish Legislature.

Guess they have to check for EMP weapons in the podiums.
283   RWSGFY   2023 Dec 14, 5:32pm  

AmericanKulak says

Turkish MP is struck down moments after cursing Israel in the Turkish Legislature.


284   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 14, 6:22pm  

Ceffer says

Guess they have to check for EMP weapons in the podiums.

That's a funny way of saying The Lord Stuck his ass down.
285   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 14, 6:24pm  

What's funny about Iranian propaganda is that they speak endlessly of "Zionists and their Christian American allies desire for the Third Temple and Armageddon" but never talk about how they're all Twelver Shi'a as is their creation Hezbollah (funded to smack down Lebanese Marionites and other Christians).

Twelver Shi'a all believe the Mahdi will come out of a well in the Holy City of Qom once enough war and chaos exists on Earth.
286   Ceffer   2023 Dec 14, 6:26pm  

Smiting is so Old Testament.
287   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 14, 6:43pm  

Ceffer says

Smiting is so Old Testament.

Check out Revelation, it gets worse.
288   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 14, 6:44pm  

AmericanKulak says

Twelver Shi'a all believe the Mahdi will come out of a well in the Holy City of Qom once enough war and chaos exists on Earth.

Sounds like an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Is Qom a hellmouth?
289   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Dec 15, 6:29am  

Don't support extremists:

292   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 24, 9:32pm  

The real terrorism in the US doesn't come from Zionists. Or Hamas.

Her previous record includes:

293   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 24, 9:34pm  

The renaming of Iudea didn't come until Hadrian the Homosexual renamed the province after a revolt in 135AD - about a century after Jesus.

294   Patrick   2023 Dec 24, 9:40pm  

WookieMan says

THEY ARE GOING TO KILL EACH OTHER FOREVER! And they'll still exist and fight over the same territory.

I think that's correct.
295   Patrick   2023 Dec 24, 9:42pm  

BTW, the Star of David is actually a fairly recent Jewish symbol, starting to be used by Jews in the 1600's in Prague.
296   RC2006   2023 Dec 25, 7:59am  

Patrick says

BTW, the Star of David is actually a fairly recent Jewish symbol, starting to be used by Jews in the 1600's in Prague.

I thought it was much older.
297   yawaraf   2024 Feb 10, 2:33am  

NuttBoxer, do you find Hamas's October 7 attack to be justified as a result of Zionist terrorism?
298   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 11, 8:50am  

I'm aware of a false flag instigated by the Israeli government against their own people, with Israeli helicopters and tanks targeting and killing citizens.

Do you think US invasion of Iraq was justified based on Saddam having weapons of mass destruction?

Even my 9th grade daughter has read stories about Israeli kids being nearly killed and losing their whole family due to Israeli tanks at this point. And the private school she goes to is very pro-American.

I don't support violence against any civilians, under any circumstances ever.
299   yawaraf   2024 Feb 11, 9:15pm  

Are you saying that the violence of October 7 was perpetrated by Israel?

I don't recall any compelling reason for us to attack Iraq in 2003. Even if they had been in possession of "weapons of mass destruction", I wouldn't want war with such a country until they would attempt to use them against us.
300   WookieMan   2024 Feb 12, 4:49am  

NuttBoxer says

I don't support violence against any civilians, under any circumstances ever.

Disagree. Isreal wasn't actively attacking them. I have no issue with a nation killing civilians if they killed what? 1,500? That's insane. If you kill one of my kids your whole family is dead, including extended family. You don't fuck around with life and death and not expect retaliation. Gaza could be just fine in one of the greatest parts of the world. They fuck it up. I have no affiliation with Jews either. If they actually did something wrong, kill them.

It's a fucking real estate issue. It will never be resolved. Ever. Not in our life times at least. Factor in fictional books and it makes the situation worse. Hamas made their decision to attack. I'd kill all their civilians. Isreal did nothing to them. I'm not even an Isreal fan boy. They've fucked up in the past. Hamas is shit though.
301   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 12, 7:54am  

yawaraf says

Are you saying that the violence of October 7 was perpetrated by Israel?

Israeli government has said that, as well as Israeli newspapers and civilians. There's a lot of info in the links provided here. Investigate for yourself, don't take my word for it.
302   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 12, 7:57am  

WookieMan says

NuttBoxer says

I don't support violence against any civilians, under any circumstances ever.


That's all I need to know. You are ok with killing civilians...

In that respect you are perfectly matched with this countries government.
303   yawaraf   2024 Feb 15, 12:04pm  

In war one kills his opponents or threatens them with death until they capitulate. When non-belligerents are caught in they middle, they cannot remain neutral, at the very least they might get caught in the crossfire.

It seems to me like the Arabs in Gaza have chosen sides. Not only do they not collaborate with the Jews to apprehend or destroy Hamas members, but I have also heard reports that some hostages escaped and the "civilians" who found them returned them to their kidnappers.

Of course civilians will be killed in war.

The important question is not who dies, but if any of the sides are justified in fighting the war.
304   richwicks   2024 Feb 15, 1:49pm  

yawaraf says

Are you saying that the violence of October 7 was perpetrated by Israel?

Israel killed over 200 Palestinians in 2023 before October 7th. After October 7th, Israel constantly lied about the number of causalities, they also used murdered their own civilians and blamed it on Hamas, bombing homes and blowing up cars. They lied about 40 babies being beheaded, and one being cooked alive in an oven. One of the hostages was released and said in an interview she was treated well during her captivity, US media purposely mistranslated her account, and the Israeli government suppressed it. They lied about rapes multiple times, and our president and multiple talking head liars repeated the lies.

If you're in the moral right, you don't have to lie, you just tell the truth. Israel lies worse than the US does.
305   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 15, 3:37pm  

yawaraf says

When non-belligerents are caught in they middle

You mean trapped, and human beings, mostly women and children. Or has Israel removed their blockade of the Mediterranean, and the fences and exist they control along nearly the entire breadth of Gaza?

Did you just start following these events recently? It seems like there's a lot you aren't aware of. Opinions that are uniformed have led to most of the tragedy in our world.
306   richwicks   2024 Feb 15, 5:42pm  

NuttBoxer says

Did you just start following these events recently? It seems like there's a lot you aren't aware of.

Well that IS the job of the US media, to keep people uninformed.
307   richwicks   2024 Feb 15, 5:44pm  

AmericanKulak says

The renaming of Iudea didn't come until Hadrian the Homosexual renamed the province after a revolt in 135AD - about a century after Jesus.

There's no mention of Israel as a nation by either the Roman, Greek, or Egyptian empire. If I'm wrong about this, demonstrate that I am. I've been looking for this information for ages.
308   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 16, 6:40am  

The title of this article was never explicitly said, but I can see the logical interpretation from this quote:

And still, how did you say, children from the age of zero to four? They are uninvolved – maybe when they grow up they will be [involved]. In the meantime, you cannot starve them – they are children, there’s nothing to do.

309   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 20, 2:58am  

Mondo Weiss is left wing Turd World Fannonism.

yawaraf says

It seems to me like the Arabs in Gaza have chosen sides. Not only do they not collaborate with the Jews to apprehend or destroy Hamas members, but I have also heard reports that some hostages escaped and the "civilians" who found them returned them to their kidnappers.

Reports now of a Palestinian Clan attacking Hamas because they shot a kid trying to get food from an Aid Truck.

The Palestinian impatience with Hamas was bubbling in the past few weeks, I think it's about to boil over.

Notice how relatively quiet the Arab world is. No big moves, and the time for that is about done.

Poor Aspies and Fag Fascist Spazes and College Educated Single Women. Their humbug people will not only survive, but I think there's a solution to the Gaza problem being found.

Again, notice how relatively standoffish the Arabs are.
310   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 20, 3:08am  

BTW, thanks to Hungary for standing up against the EU Socialists trying to condemn the terrorist extermination operation
311   WookieMan   2024 Feb 20, 3:42am  

NuttBoxer says

That's all I need to know. You are ok with killing civilians...

In that respect you are perfectly matched with this countries government.

Yup. Especially in this situation. Gaza made a choice. Isreal did too. How in the flying fuck does it affect you? It doesn't. Let them do their thing on the other side of the planet. This is such a stupid conversation. This will go on until we're dead. All of us on this forum. No one's opinions matter. This is dumb ass religious stuff. How has that worked out in your lifetime? It hasn't.
312   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 20, 6:29am  

This is how it impacts us here. The government of our country is the most corrupt it's ever been. They have launched many, MANY false flags against us. People like you, who justify murdering children, will be their targets for some upcoming false flag where they attempt to paint patriots as terrorists, and you will side with them bombing my family.

The morality you choose to live by, regardless of where the situation occurs, affects your life, and the lives of those around you. But I'm guessing you don't think that far ahead. The war is for our minds, and our morals. More than Gaza, Ukraine, or any other physical location. The day we all say enough, and take action is the day our country stops being corrupt, and stops engaging in worldwide terrorism.

So yeah, it matters...
313   WookieMan   2024 Feb 20, 7:11am  

NuttBoxer says

eople like you, who justify murdering children, will be their targets for some upcoming false flag where they attempt to paint patriots as terrorists, and you will side with them bombing my family.

None of your kids have been bombed. This is a load of shit. Hyperbole. No one gets where you are going. You clearly have a Palestinian affiliation. Fine.

This is going to go on for decades if not a century. I'm not sure your solution. Kids get killed in war. Don't fucking kill 1,200 people and expect no retaliation. This isn't difficult.

Move to Cuba or something. Your life will be trash elsewhere. Enjoy. Or move to the Gaza? Lol. No Isreal children were killed. I mean this has to be a joke comment?
314   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 20, 7:46am  

I understand you don't want to think through the ramifications of you agreeing with murdering kids, because if it was happening in front of you, of course you wouldn't agree with it. But if you don't think about where your choices lead you, you will end up in a very fucked world. Actually this conversation is proof we're already there. Lots of Cambodians thought like you did before Pol Pot took over. Lots of Chinese agreed with you before Mao came into power.

Yes, kids DO get killed in war, that's why I'm against war, pretty much all of them, everywhere. Israel killed most of the 1,200 people you referenced, directly, and indirectly. But that would require you researching, instead of just opining, and that's never been why you are here. But it matter to me, because I value truth, so I have done the research, and I'm able to back my opinions with facts. Many examples here if you cared to verify, but you don't.

No one said Israeli children weren't killed.. Well, you did. See, that's what you call hyperbole, and what I said is what you call falling your thoughts to their logical conclusion. Just because I want to look a few years down the road and you don't, doesn't change reality. Just means you won't deal with it. I have to, because I have young children I'm responsible for. And that's probably the biggest reason why we disagree. You've forgotten what it means to be a parent.
315   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 20, 12:29pm  

NuttBoxer says

They have launched many, MANY false flags against us.

Yes, RFK was assassinated by Palestinians.

In Roger Stone's book, he talks about a dark haired woman that ran out from the Kitchen jumping with joy "WE killed him! We killed him" and was seen and heard by separate witnesses inside the facility and outside the street. That's your "Leila Khalid" assistant from the PFLP or PLO.

So yeah, this woman was seen and heard by people coming out of the kitchen, then different people outside on the street.

Leon Klinghofer a US WW2 Vet was shot in his wheelchair on an Italian Cruiseship on a retirement vacation by Pali Terrorists.
316   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 20, 12:33pm  

NuttBoxer says

Yes, kids DO get killed in war, that's why I'm against war, pretty much all of them, everywhere

Yep, and the Gaza operation is a stunning 1:2 Combatant:Non-Combatant ratio, almost unheard of, incredibly excellent. The 20th Century Average is 1:9.

And in a built up urban area of malls, apartment buildings, etc.

I would also add all the IDF claims of tunnels and bunkers under Hospitals, UNRWA Buildings, Schools has been confirmed multiple times over. Just like the Reuters Gaza Contractors were working in the same office as Hamas and knew about it but never reported on it. Now we have confirmation that the double-member Hamas and Euro Socialists in UNRWA and Red Cross personnel in Gaza knew in advance and assisted the October 7th attacks.

Evidence so overwhelming, that the UN Bureaucrats, famous for feet dragging and hemming and hawing, had no choice but to fire the UNRWA personnel:
317   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 20, 12:36pm  

The ICRC not only has the authority, but the Geneva Convention assigns the Red Cross the duty, if no other observer party is designated, to visit and provide medical treatment to hostages and civilian prisoners. They've refused only in this case.

The ICRC's own policy is to do so. AND, the ICRC declares they will investigate and provide care to hostages if only one side calls them in. The ICRC also condemns any and all civilian hostage taking by any actor.


Funny, the Red Cross had no problem visiting suspect IRA members in British Custody. But refuses to do the same office, inviolation of Geneva and it's own policy, for Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad captives.
318   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 20, 12:45pm  

Israel says it has uncovered a Hamas tunnel network under the headquarters of the embattled UN Palestinian refugee agency in Gaza City — and that the secret system siphoned electricity directly from the site.

Footage uploaded to X on Saturday shows a sprawling tunnel system under the HQs for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees that ran nearly 60 feet deep and a half-mile long, with one of 10 entrances found near a UNRWA school, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

Electrical equipment at the scene suggests that the militants siphoned energy from the relief organization to power its terror infrastructure, the IDF said.

The IDF said it found similar power systems installed in tunnel networks that ran beneath hospitals in Gaza and stole electricity from the buildings.


And there was no way the UN Bureaucrats didn't know.
319   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 20, 7:17pm  

AmericanKulak says

Yep, and the Gaza operation is a stunning 1:2 Combatant:Non-Combatant ratio

Yet they've managed to murder more women and children than pretty much all other modern conflicts combined. Sounds like your number is way off, or Israel is intentionally targeting civilians(probably both).

Interesting that instead of you agreeing with a statement that doesn't take sides, and puts people first, you've instead attempted to justify the continued murder of civilians. You see through most of our governments false flags and lies, but you have been so easily snared by this one. Goes to show there's propaganda out there for everyone...
320   richwicks   2024 Feb 20, 7:32pm  

NuttBoxer says

“And still, how did you say, children from the age of zero to four? They are uninvolved – maybe when they grow up they will be [involved]. In the meantime, you cannot starve them – they are children, there’s nothing to do.”

They do, and they will, and they will continue, and the US will fund them, and they will produce stupid insipid propaganda that will assuage the public to be complicit in their crime.

"Never again" just means "never again, but only for Jews. Everybody else is fair game".

I have said multiple times Zionists are just Jewish supremacists, and people will scream "anti-Semite" for pointing out the obvious because either they are brainwashed, stupid, or it's an easier to get along to go along. If the US media was controlled by a different power structure, and they claimed that Jewish people, or any subset, was a danger to society, and they had to be isolated for "societies protection", full 70% would have gone along with it without complaint. They did it with the "pandemic". I hope they all WERE poisoned.

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