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Twelver Shi'a all believe the Mahdi will come out of a well in the Holy City of Qom once enough war and chaos exists on Earth.
THEY ARE GOING TO KILL EACH OTHER FOREVER! And they'll still exist and fight over the same territory.
BTW, the Star of David is actually a fairly recent Jewish symbol, starting to be used by Jews in the 1600's in Prague.
I don't support violence against any civilians, under any circumstances ever.
Are you saying that the violence of October 7 was perpetrated by Israel?
NuttBoxer says
I don't support violence against any civilians, under any circumstances ever.
Are you saying that the violence of October 7 was perpetrated by Israel?
When non-belligerents are caught in they middle
Did you just start following these events recently? It seems like there's a lot you aren't aware of.
The renaming of Iudea didn't come until Hadrian the Homosexual renamed the province after a revolt in 135AD - about a century after Jesus.
It seems to me like the Arabs in Gaza have chosen sides. Not only do they not collaborate with the Jews to apprehend or destroy Hamas members, but I have also heard reports that some hostages escaped and the "civilians" who found them returned them to their kidnappers.
That's all I need to know. You are ok with killing civilians...
In that respect you are perfectly matched with this countries government.
eople like you, who justify murdering children, will be their targets for some upcoming false flag where they attempt to paint patriots as terrorists, and you will side with them bombing my family.
They have launched many, MANY false flags against us.
Yes, kids DO get killed in war, that's why I'm against war, pretty much all of them, everywhere
Yep, and the Gaza operation is a stunning 1:2 Combatant:Non-Combatant ratio
“And still, how did you say, children from the age of zero to four? They are uninvolved – maybe when they grow up they will be [involved]. In the meantime, you cannot starve them – they are children, there’s nothing to do.”
Again, notice how relatively standoffish the Arabs are.
Yup. Especially in this situation. Gaza made a choice. Isreal did too. How in the flying fuck does it affect you? It doesn't.
None of your kids have been bombed. This is a load of shit. Hyperbole.
During his time as an FBI informant, Salem recorded hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers, and reports submitted in court. In tapes made after the bombings, Salem alleged that an unnamed FBI supervisor declined to move forward on a plan that would have used a "phony powder" to fool the conspirators into believing that they were working with genuine explosives. Federal authorities denied Salem's view of events and the New York Times concluded that the tapes do not make clear the extent to which Federal authorities knew that there was a plan to bomb the World Trade Center, merely that they knew that a bombing of some sort was being discussed.
But for the recordings, Emad would have been charged as a co-conspirator. It was recordings that were never provided to the New York Times that prevented the FBI from charging Emad.
Yet they've managed to murder more women and children than pretty much all other modern conflicts combined. Sounds like your number is way off, or Israel is intentionally targeting civilians(probably both).
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I've seen the Zeitgeist stuff and read the people who blame everything on Jews(especially in relation to banking). I don't find it to hold true, but when I see the obvious racism and bigotry on this site, especially in the last few days when it comes to Arabs, I have to re-think how much of a hold Zionist propaganda has on this country. I first became aware of it after 9/11, even before I knew it was a false flag event it bothered me the way people treat Middle Easterner's in this country. I've worked with Iranian's, Iraqi's, Pakistani's, and I've always found them to be some of the most polite, well mannered people. A lot of you here could stand some lessons from them.
From the same keyboards that denounced Ukraine and the violence in South Africa, I now read despicable language used against Arabs. No one wants to touch the stuff I bring up about Israeli government and kids, but you all want to call for actions that will murder more children.
Try re-writing some of your sentences, but insert Jew instead of Muslim, or white. Then read them again. I bet I could translate much of the South Africa talk with that same word change, and get most of you clamoring for more bloodshed to agree with it.
Look at the children in these photos, read the stories of how they died. Some are Israeli, do you find that odd? I don't, the military and governments involved in this are sociopaths, and pedophiles, and don't give a shit about your ethnicity, nationality, loyalty, or age.