Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   457,684 views  4,476 comments

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3584   Patrick   2024 Mar 4, 2:03pm  


The war in Ukraine. We started it in 2014 to mess with Russia and Russia is going to finish it. Who knows what our real motives were. A resource grab? A desperate ploy to erase our national debt by creating a global fiasco? Sheer psychopathic hatred of this Putin fellow? We can’t bring ourselves to acknowledge the failure of this ill-conceived venture. Instead, our feckless allies in Europe are foolishly rattling their sabers, apparently forgetting that you don’t bring a sword to a nuclear missile fight.

Mr. Macron in France affects to offer up his army for slaughter on the blood-soaked plains of Ukraine, just as the Ukrainians offered up a half a million of their young men so that Victoria Nuland could feel good about herself.

Or maybe Victoria wanted all those Ukrainians to die just because she hates them and the Russians too.
3585   HeadSet   2024 Mar 4, 2:26pm  

Patrick says

Or maybe Victoria wanted all those Ukrainians to die just because she hates them and the Russians too.

More likely to keep a corrupt Ukraine around as a grift laundromat.
3586   socal2   2024 Mar 4, 5:25pm  

Even Tucker Carlson calls out the retards pushing the "Nazi" bullshit claims made by Putin and his morons.


Fridman specifically asked Carlson for his opinion on Putin's justification for continuing the war in Ukraine, which in part is to achieve the "denazification" of the country. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish, has repeatedly dismissed the Kremlin's claims that Kyiv's government is openly "pro-Nazi."

"I thought it was one of the dumbest things I'd ever heard," Carlson told Fridman. "I didn't understand what it meant."

"I hate that whole conversation because it's not real," he continued. "It's just ad hominem. It's a way of associating someone with an evil regime that doesn't exist anymore."

"I'm very anti-Nazi," he told Fridman. "I'm merely saying there isn't a Nazi movement in 2024. It's a way of calling people evil."
3587   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 4, 6:01pm  

socal2 says

Even Tucker Carlson calls out the retards pushing the "Nazi" bullshit claims made by Putin and his morons.

So? How does it change the fact that Ukraine Is Still Fucked?
3588   socal2   2024 Mar 4, 6:49pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

socal2 says

Even Tucker Carlson calls out the retards pushing the "Nazi" bullshit claims made by Putin and his morons.

So? How does it change the fact that Ukraine Is Still Fucked?

Just interesting to see who pushes the retarded Nazi Ukraine stuff. Are they true believers? Putin loving hacks? Or just retarded?
3589   mell   2024 Mar 4, 7:02pm  

socal2 says

UkraineIsFucked says

socal2 says

Even Tucker Carlson calls out the retards pushing the "Nazi" bullshit claims made by Putin and his morons.

So? How does it change the fact that Ukraine Is Still Fucked?

Just interesting to see who pushes the retarded Nazi Ukraine stuff. Are they true believers? Putin loving hacks? Or just retarded?

The azov brigades exist and it's not for outside parties to decide whether it's a reasonable request to reign in nazis or not, this is done during diplomatic talks seeking a peaceful resolution. It may be a mere tactic by Putin to justify his efforts or it may be a sincere concern.
3590   richwicks   2024 Mar 4, 7:12pm  

socal2 says

Just interesting to see who pushes the retarded Nazi Ukraine stuff. Are they true believers? Putin loving hacks? Or just retarded?


Hmm, who voted against it?


HUNH. Russia (and just about everybody really) voted in the affirmative (or abstained) and the United States and Ukraine voted against it. I wonder why? Well Canada too, and Palau. Maybe I should look up Palau...

And Canada had that embarrassing incident where they praised a Nazi that fought against the Soviets in WWII.
3591   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 4, 7:26pm  

socal2 says

Just interesting to see who pushes the retarded Nazi Ukraine stuff. Are they true believers? Putin loving hacks? Or just retarded?

Apparently you missed all the pre-war coverage from the NY Times, WashPo, etc. that had extensive reporting on the 'retarded Nazi Ukraine stuff'.

Reporting that has since been expunged, even from Lexus Nexus.
3593   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 5, 10:25am  

UkraineIsFucked says

She's cashing out? I mean why leave now?

Ukraine is fucked. She was one of the principle architects of this disaster.

But all she's done in her entire career is create disasters..
3594   socal2   2024 Mar 5, 10:44am  

UkraineIsFucked says

Apparently you missed all the pre-war coverage from the NY Times, WashPo, etc. that had extensive reporting on the 'retarded Nazi Ukraine stuff'.

The same Liberal garbage that claims Israel is "genociding" Hamas in Gaza or that everyone to the Right of Bernie Sanders is a "White Supremacist"? I didn't believe their trash reporting then, and don't believe them now.

As Tucker said - the whole Nazi stuff is the "dumbest thing he has ever heard!".

BTW - Russia lost another multi-million dollar naval ship to cheap drones this week that was patrolling around the Kerch Bridge.

3595   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 6, 7:32am  

socal2 says

As Tucker said - the whole Nazi stuff is the "dumbest thing he has ever heard!".

Look.eveeyone! @socal2 is suddenly a Tucker fan!
3596   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 6, 7:33am  

socal2 says

BTW - Russia lost another multi-million dollar naval ship to cheap drones this week that was patrolling around the Kerch Bridge.

Even if this is true, WTF does a naval ship have to do with Ukraine losing a LAND war?
3597   Onvacation   2024 Mar 6, 7:40am  

socal2 says

BTW - Russia lost another multi-million dollar naval ship to cheap drones this week that was patrolling around the Kerch Bridge.

RINO's lost a Nikki.
3598   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 6, 8:13am  

WTF is happening here. @socal2!

You have repeatedly shilled the Globalist Ukie Nazi Fluffer BS that Ukraine has a kick-ass military, that Russia is losing!

First Adviivka falls, then less than a month later Victoria Nuland the Hutt gets shitcanned..and now the Rag of Record by the Globalist Ukie Nazi Fluffer Elite is singalling that they are going to Afghanistan the Ukiies right up the ass.

Ukraine Is Fucked
3599   WookieMan   2024 Mar 6, 9:49am  

UkraineIsFucked says

socal2 says

BTW - Russia lost another multi-million dollar naval ship to cheap drones this week that was patrolling around the Kerch Bridge.

Even if this is true, WTF does a naval ship have to do with Ukraine losing a LAND war?

The entire point of Russia is to get a land bridge to Crimea/Black Sea and resources. Yet they're losing vessels quite a bit for a LAND war. Again, Ukraine will lose, but Russia looks like the dip shit internationally. You don't lose your Black Sea Navy in a land war. They're losing piles of military equipment in a war against Ukraine. And sure it's a proxy war, but they decided to invade. I don't understand why you feel like they aren't eating shit in this situation??

Sure there were Western influences in Ukraine. It wasn't in NATO, and was highly unlikely to be. Finland was added to NATO since this shit started. That's a win? And by default once Putin gets what he wants he's CLOSER to NATO nations, again one with the longest land borders recently being added. This isn't a Russia/Ukraine war at all. Russia is losing it. Ukrainians are just dying more.

I don't care about Ukraine either way. No one war gaming this would think Ukraine would drag this out 2+ years. Russia is a paper tiger. They moved NATO closer to their boarder in a big way. The people of Finland are not idiots. They felt the threat was there enough to join NATO. They know their borders better than any US citizen. This is going massively wrong for Russia. That's not opinion. It's fact. March towards the nations with the combined military power that could wipe out your military in days without nukes.

This has been an unmitigated disaster for Russia from any angle you look at it. We fought decade long "wars" across a planet and Russia is still dicking around for 2+ years. #notwinning. We lost less in Iraq and Afghanistan during the same time versus Chicago. So it really wasn't war, more of an occupation and unfortunately some of our troops died. Not remotely the same that's happening in Ukraine and Russia.
3600   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 6, 10:09am  

WookieMan says

The entire point of Russia is to get a land bridge to Crimea/Black Sea and resources.

No it isn't. They did not invade Ukraine for that reason at all. They already had Crimea and still do.

WookieMan says

Yet they're losing vessels quite a bit for a LAND war

Soooo what? They can build new ones. Esp after the war.

Ukraine can not 'build' a new Donbas. Or a new Crimea. Or new 300,000 or so new humans within months to fill their military soldier losses.

Finally AGAIN. This isn't about Russia. Russia is doing just fine compared to what this is about: Ukraine.

Ukraine Is TOTALLY Fucked. Russia is not.
3601   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 6, 10:14am  

WookieMan says

I don't care about Ukraine either way

Riight. You just blast multiple paragraphs with conflicting rants that clearly proves otherwise.
3604   WookieMan   2024 Mar 7, 5:52am  

The_Deplorable says


This guy is an idiot. Russia won 2 years ago... You can't be as wrong. This conflict goes on a decade from initial invasion. Dude has no clue what he's talking about. No one, and I mean no one has "won" a war since WWII. Even then it wasn't a win, just stopping the genocide of a certain religious sect.

The guy is smart in that he jumped on every podcast he can and then sell himself to give a 15 minute speech somewhere. No different than Jocko. These guys are slime bags that extract money from morons like they're some experts. I mean, do people really not realize this??
3605   The_Deplorable   2024 Mar 7, 10:51am  

WookieMan says
"No one, and I mean no one has "won" a war since WWII."

Actually Russia defeated NATO in Ukraine and right now the entire Ukranian front is collapsing -
that is why Ukranian troops are surrendering and Victoria Nuland is resigning.
Bottom line: This is no longer a Unipolar world - that fantasy, is now dead and buried.
3606   WookieMan   2024 Mar 7, 12:38pm  

The_Deplorable says

WookieMan says

"No one, and I mean no one has "won" a war since WWII."

Actually Russia defeated NATO in Ukraine and right now the entire Ukranian front is collapsing -
that is why Ukranian troops are surrendering and Victoria Nuland is resigning.
Bottom line: This is no longer a Unipolar world - that fantasy, is now dead and buried.

The problem is the definition of war. This is going to go on for a long time. Isreal and Gaza have been at war for decades. It just ramped up recently. This is the type of conflict. Live somewhat peacefully, assault and pull back. It has already been that way in this part of Ukraine for almost a decade now. It only became news because Russia announced "military operations" in Ukraine.

Our media labeled it a war 2 years ago. So that's what everyone thinks. It has been going on far longer. And will go on far longer moving forward. It's not about Ukraine winning. It's about how long can the west use them as a proxy. Likely another 10 years. They were fighting when Obama and then Trump was in office in the region. This isn't a new conflict by any mean. And Rich, I don't care who started it. Russia was fighting with Ukraine before 2014. This territory has been a problem for a century. That will continue. Hence why we should decouple from the entire hemisphere. Which I think you agree with.
3607   The_Deplorable   2024 Mar 7, 1:19pm  

WookieMan says
"The problem is the definition of war."

No. Russia is gaining land and NATO is losing land. The Russian army is advancing
while the NATO army is falling apart and collapsing along the entire front. Denying the
obvious does not change the fact.
3609   richwicks   2024 Mar 7, 6:42pm  

socal2 says

UkraineIsFucked says

Apparently you missed all the pre-war coverage from the NY Times, WashPo, etc. that had extensive reporting on the 'retarded Nazi Ukraine stuff'.

The same Liberal garbage that claims Israel is "genociding" Hamas in Gaza

In the NY Times?? Show it. None of the propaganda "news" outlets are in any way objecting to Israel. Show one

This is how you know your in the wrong side of this issue. The propaganda rags are on YOUR side. It's pretty fucking simple now.
3611   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 7, 7:22pm  

Great, time for Sweden to take over. They beat Russia before, by themselves.
3612   WookieMan   2024 Mar 7, 8:57pm  

The_Deplorable says

WookieMan says
"The problem is the definition of war."

No. Russia is gaining land and NATO is losing land. The Russian army is advancing
while the NATO army is falling apart and collapsing along the entire front. Denying the
obvious does not change the fact.

Jesus Christ, does anyone fucking read? Every Ukrainian will be dead. In the process many Russians will lose their lives. Their demographics were already shit. They're worse now. That's the point of this. And will be over probably the next 5-8 years as this continues to drag on. This isn't going away.

The goal is to wipe out 1-2 generations of Russians and no one gives a fuck about the Ukrainians. We just send them used equipment. MIC fires up the manufacturing and is building new fresh stuff for the US. That's all this is. I swear no one on this site understands what the strategy is. NATO and the US know this is a war of attrition. The goal is to kill as many Russians as they can with their left over war machines. So in the future Russia cannot fight an all out war with NATO countries.

Even if Russia gains all of Ukraine it will be seen as a loss. This isn't about land. This is about decimating a populations demographics. It's working so far. Whether one wants to agree with that synopsis or not, that's reality.
3613   The_Deplorable   2024 Mar 7, 9:16pm  

WookieMan says

"Even if Russia gains all of Ukraine it will be seen as a loss. This isn't about land."

No. Russia defeated NATO in Ukraine proving decisively that this is not a unipolar world. And the
entire planet is aware of the fact.
3614   richwicks   2024 Mar 7, 9:24pm  

WookieMan says

The goal is to wipe out 1-2 generations of Russians and no one gives a fuck about the Ukrainians. We just send them used equipment. MIC fires up the manufacturing and is building new fresh stuff for the US. That's all this is. I swear no one on this site understands what the strategy is. NATO and the US know this is a war of attrition. The goal is to kill as many Russians as they can with their left over war machines. So in the future Russia cannot fight an all out war with NATO countries.

You don't need to fight an all out war with NATO countries.

First Europe is being over-run by immigrants. It's going to fall apart as a result. The US is as well.

There's no real military in Europe, NATO is a paper tiger. The US can't meet recruitment goals so they're taking in fat people, lesbians, transgendered, nuts, you name it. Russia isn't doing this.

WE are dead. Russia is going to be the last European nation standing. All Russia has to do is reform more, and not suck so much. That's ALL they have to do, and there will be an explosion in birth rates. Currently, their fertility rate is 1.826 per woman:


The United States is 1.786


And we're a fat, poisoned, fucked up society with growing inequality which is 30 trillion dollars in debt, with a senile pedophile as president who is a figurehead with a bunch of self serving sociopaths being the real power.

We've been on this decline for 20 years. We could have EASILY come out on top, but no, we had to waste it on purposeless war.

We look very similar to the USSR did, in their waning days. If you can't see this, you're blind. Our "leadership" is arrogant, not responsive to the public, aggressive, belligerent, OLD, fanatical, and dumb. I remember when we used to make fun of the USSR's ancient leadership. Do you remember Konstantin Chernenko who was the leader for 1 year and 25 days before he dropped dead? Or Yuri Andropov, who lasted 1 year and 89 days. They died at 69, and 73 respectively. Joe Biden was elected at age 77. He's the oldest president EVER, and the oldest elected president ever - IF he was elected, and I highly doubt that.

What's the fucking point of knowing this shit, when people refuse to learn from the mistake of OTHERS? Why are you so fucking blind?
3615   WookieMan   2024 Mar 7, 9:27pm  

The_Deplorable says

WookieMan says

"Even if Russia gains all of Ukraine it will be seen as a loss. This isn't about land."

No. Russia defeated NATO in Ukraine proving decisively that this is not a unipolar world. And the
entire planet is aware of the fact.

You're still not getting it. It's not even about NATO. The US wants dead Russians and they're getting that done at the expense of Ukrainians. Some NATO countries tagged along. We're literally at war with Russia without a true service member on the ground. The goal isn't to win. It's to destroy Russia for a generation or two and not start a nuclear war.

This is so obvious. Russia is losing the long game. They're killing the Ukrainian men that could help them rebuild all while losing their own men. My 13 year old son could call this strategy out... This isn't hard. Ukraine was a loser a decade ago. Russia is losing this in the areas that matter. Not land. Humans. If a woman doesn't have a guy to fuck if they're dead, maimed or deployed they go elsewhere. Watch the Russian birthrate plummet and able bodied men can't work or are dead. Is that a win? Hells no.
3616   PeopleUnited   2024 Mar 7, 9:32pm  

WookieMan says

Watch the Russian birthrate plummet and able bodied men can't work or are dead. Is that a win? Hells no.

In the new world order humans are liabilities, not assets.

It’s really hard to say who wins in this war besides the globalists.
3617   richwicks   2024 Mar 7, 9:33pm  

WookieMan says

You're still not getting it. It's not even about NATO. The US wants dead Russians

For WHAT reason does the United States want dead Russians?

THIS won't serve any purpose beneficial to the United States. You are incapable of seeing that. Your thinking stops and ends with "our dumb fucking incompetent assholes that run the nation WANT THIS!!! - YAAY! SUCCESS!!!"

Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the fucking world of any country. More than the US or China. If you cut their population down to 70 million, they will survive.

Russia isn't our problem. Our problem is with the dumb fucking incompetent assholes that run this nation.

You treat this with all the respect and gravity as a football game that you have a bet on. What if your team is throwing the game, and betting on themselves losing? STILL SUPPORT "YOUR" TEAM?
3618   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Mar 8, 6:00am  

Patrick says

hurts because feels true
3619   Onvacation   2024 Mar 8, 7:20am  

richwicks says

We've been on this decline for 20 years.


They killed Kennedy.
3620   PeopleUnited   2024 Mar 8, 7:41pm  


The events leading up to America’s involvement in WWII were essentially orchestrated by the intelligence community sanctioned by the globalist president. FDR was a globalist just like Woodrow Wilson. The ridiculous League of Nations guaranteed WWII would happen. America wanted to remain out of the fighting when Europe fell into another war. But the powers that be devised a plan to justify and garner support from the average citizen to avenge Pearl Harbor (never mind our intelligence people knew in advance it was going to happen). It was essentially the beginning of the deep state, and the fact that few recognize this just proves how successful they have been with their propaganda.
3621   Ceffer   2024 Mar 8, 11:46pm  

LOL! Doesn't even look like after the partition Kiev will ever be able to afford primo coke for the leaders again.


3622   socal2   2024 Mar 9, 9:39am  

Ceffer says

LOL! Doesn't even look like after the partition Kiev will ever be able to afford primo coke for the leaders again.

Going to take ALOT more Russian meat waves to achieve even a fraction of that absurd map projection by Medvedev.

Any day now - right?


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