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If you have income derived in California, California will tax you.
Deferring the tax might not avoid it.
The_Deplorable says
Rain water does not go into sewers. And if she is talking storm drains, only paved property has runoff. One's grassy one acre lot has no runoff any more than someone else's 1/2 acre lot. If one has a bigger lot, then one is using more gravity and sunshine as well. In that case, I want a carbon credit for all the CO2 my lawn took out of the air.
"Rain water does not go into sewers."
HeadSet says
"Rain water does not go into sewers."
Yes it does. That is the problem with most water treatment plants in Toronto and the US.
"Not legally. There are separate storm sewers."
WookieMan says
"Not legally. There are separate storm sewers."
No, we do not have separate storm sewers. That is why the entire East Coast of the
United States (for the most part) has Flesh-Eating Bacteria that can kill in less than
24 hours. Stay away.
"Yes, you do have separate storm sewers."
WookieMan says
"Yes, you do have separate storm sewers."
You are dreaming. "Over Half of U.S. Beaches Had 'Potentially Unsafe' Levels of Poop
Contamination Last Year." In other words, if you step in the water you might be dead
in less than 24 hours from Flesh Eating bacteria. In other words the USA lacks very
basic infrastructure like Water Treatment Plants - very cheap and very efficient! The elites
are very busy sending billion$ to Ukraine and not a dime for We The People."
Pay a little higher taxes and get the right people in office and positions to fix it. It's easier than you think.
WookieMan says
Pay a little higher taxes and get the right people in office and positions to fix it. It's easier than you think.
Around here a few years back, we had high bacteria in the beach water in an old waterfront neighborhoods where the houses were on septic systems. The solution was to extend the county sewer into those neighborhoods and require the residents to pay tap fees.
File my taxes again with no facial recognition, and received a paper check, because I don't link my account.
Surprised if you're near a beach, on the East coast I believe where you're at that it's septic.
"You don't understand the systems."
What is there to understand given that most beaches in the USA are contaminated with raw sewage?
You are arguing from ignorance, give it a rest.
No, we do not have separate storm sewers. That is why the entire East Coast of the
United States (for the most part) has Flesh-Eating Bacteria that can kill in less than
24 hours. Stay away.
I don't know how the leech field effects water ways with septic.
It is not the people. It is by design because in the U.S.A. we do not have the infrastructure.
So sick of the hyper focus on federal government. It has its place,
WookieMan says
So sick of the hyper focus on federal government. It has its place,
It's the most expensive government, that does the least, and creates money at will. That's the problem.
The key is how much debt payment or service is as a percentage of total expenditures as well examine further as far as percentage of total tax receipts
AD says
The key is how much debt payment or service is as a percentage of total expenditures as well examine further as far as percentage of total tax receipts
The national debt goes up a trillion dollars in less than 100 days.
This is the national debt graphed on a logarithmic scale, since 1971 - when the US abandoned the gold standard:
That's our debt on a log scale. The country is fucked. People just ignore it and think it's no big deal. The next generation will be a generation of slaves.
I was talking to a deluded liberal MD friend of mine who resides in San Diego; he thinks he's gonna owe $100,000 in taxes for 2023.
He doesn't mind, maybe he likes the reverse bragging rights?
A person that gets a return on $60k income with a family of 2 kids, likely paid $0 in federal taxes.
Yet they think they paid taxes because they filed. Yes, you did your taxes, it doesn't mean you paid a dime at the end of the day.
That's our debt on a log scale. The country is fucked. People just ignore it and think it's no big deal. The next generation will be a generation of slaves.
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Until the 16th ammendment was passed in the early 1900's, we got by without fedetal income taxes. Tariffs did the trick. Of course, we were not yet the superpower we became, huge millitary and all, and there were not nearly the federally funded social programs we have today.
Frankly, I don't think your average American realizes how heavily they are taxed. Federal. State (with some excaptions) Property. School. Gas. Sales. Etc.
For most in the middle and upper middle class, federal income tax is the biggest share of taxes paid on a percentage basis.
In a modern captalist economy, it makes more sense to me to tax consumption rather than income.
So why not abolish the federal income tax, and instead have a federal tax on goods and services rendered. Better yet, couple it with a balanced budget amment so that the government can't spend money they don't have.
Taxing goods should be straightforward to implement. Buy a bag of rice, clothes, a house, a car, stock, etc. tax it at a nominal rate to raise sufficent revenue to keep the government running. Tax should apply to individuals and corporations alike. I have no idea what the rate would need to be to replace the lost income income revenue, but there must be a way for the been counters to figure that out.
Same holds for services. From your lawyer to your plumber to your accountant.. services rendered should also be taxed... possibly at a different rate than physical goods, since we are a "service based economy".
Just thinking out loud here.. In the 21st century there MUST be a better way to raise revenue than income tax and the various loopholes used to reduce or even avoid ones tax burden.