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Yesterday, NPR ran another intensely encouraging story headlined, “Georgia's Republican-led election board OKs controversial rule to hand-count ballots.” Finally!
Yesterday —pushing through opposition from the state’s own Republican Secretary of State and Attorney General— the state’s conservative election board approved a rule requiring hand counts of voter ballots in November’s election.
They’re to count the numbers of ballots, not the individual races.
In other words, they’ll be double-checking the electronic machines. Technically, each voting precinct’s local supervisor is required to hand-count the cast ballots, and cross-check those results against how many ballots the electronic machines claim to have tabulated.
NPR whined that, according to experts, hand-counting is slower and less reliable than electronic tabulation. Thanks, Captain Obvious, for pointing out hand counting is slower. But whether it is less reliable — well, that one seems debatable.
Why not count them? Counting cast ballots at the precinct level hardly seems impossible. One suspects all the hysteria must be for a different reason.
On top of that great news, the board passed six other rule changes yesterday. The new rules included: allowing poll watchers to access more places during vote tabulation, daily posting of the numbers of people in each county who cast ballots, and publicly posting reconciliation reports to the county website.
Here’s an example of what we learned today, from an alert VoteAlert user who sent in this picture 👇 from travels in Vienna, Austria, where Democrat-backed groups like ‘Vote from Abroad’ are actively registering voters. Screenshots from their website affirm that you needn’t ever have lived in the U.S., nor are any identifying documents necessary to register or to vote.
THE CHEAT IS ON! Democrats Reveal Their Plan to Use Overseas Ballots to Win in 2024 — Here’s How Easy It Is to Cheat — Are Republicans Really Going to Let This Happen?
The next President of the United States and the next Congress may be decided by 3.5 million mail-in ballots from ineligible or preposterous addresses.
Because voter rolls are constantly out of date, many mail-in ballots are unwittingly sent to imaginary people at ineligible or preposterous addresses like a Walmart, UPS box, empty strip mall, park bench, laundromat or vacant lot, where organizations determined to hijack our elections harvest them.
Who benefits from this broken mail-in ballot process?
Many mail-in ballots come from NGO (Non-Government Organization) ballot mills, who fill out ballots and submit them without that person knowing it.
The “voter” may be dead or moved out of state yet remains on the voter roll. The time is now for citizens to take a stand and demand our politicians and courts put a stop to what a growing number of Americans call the rigging of our democratic republic.
The Good News
A group of patriots is harnessing cutting-edge technologies capable of pinpointing long hidden voter roll anomalies, with provable, actionable data that can be used in court and the court of public opinion to safeguard our elections by creating legislative change in America.
so what about the 24% of "undecided" black voters ? all of them will vote for Harris ?
Video Shows Hacker Overriding Voting Machine, Changing Votes in Seconds
A disturbing video has emerged that shows a hacker using a USB stick to override an election voting machine and change the system’s recorded votes in a matter of seconds.
The process was so fast that the hacker needed to slow down his software to demonstrate what he was doing.
After gaining control of the system, the hacker noted that he could “do anything you want” with the machine and the votes.
The hacker, whose identity wasn’t revealed, provided a live demonstration on Patrick Bet-David‘s PBD Podcast.
During the demonstration, he explains that he is using a simple “USB computer” device that can be easily bought online for around $120.
“If this had been an election, I could have gone to the database and, for example, change the votes,” the hacker states.
“How much of it could you have changed?” Bet-David asked.
“Anything,” the hacker replied.
“[I could] add a new candidate who was not even on a ballot.
“It doesn’t matter because if you have total control over the system.
“You can do anything you want.”
Illegals in Arizona admit they are registered to vote, support Kamala.
California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill into law to ban voter ID requirements for elections in the state.
The legislation was introduced by Democrat State Sen. Dave Min (D-Orange County).
Under the new law, local governments are prohibited from requiring residents to present identification to vote in elections.
The Biden-Harris administration’s Attorney General Merrick Garland has come under fire from dozens of lawmakers in the U.S. House and Senate.
Congressional lawmakers are demanding answers from the Department of Justice (DOJ) after thousands of non-citizens were found registered to vote on America’s voter rolls.
Members of Congress are calling on AG Garland to explain what will be done to stop non-citizen voting in federal elections.
Lawmakers are raising the alarm about the issue which is being referred to as a “serious threat” to election integrity.
Officials in multiple states have now identified non-citizens on their voter rolls.
A letter signed by 73 lawmakers, led by Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) and Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) was sent to Garland.
The letter says they are “deeply concerned” by reports of non-citizens registering to vote and voting in federal elections.
However, they note that lawmakers had not received a response from an inquiry in July on the matter.
He won't do shit.
I love what Don Jr. did when reporters tried to corner him about the rigged and stolen 2020 election
He immediately brought up the fact that Biden LOST 18/19 bellwether counties & bellwether states, LOST house seats, and had ZERO enthusiasm behind his campaign
The fake news fraudsters had no reply. They don't know how to deal with people who choose to DOUBLE DOWN instead of cowering in fear.
I received notice late Sunday from an informant in commercial aviation, with connections to military aviation, that a massive deployment of aircraft is preparing logistics for a major operation set to go down in about a week, probably in the Middle East. I can’t guarantee you that it is for real, but it was a real warning message, at least, from a serious person, and you know that something could be up. . . some humdinger of an October Surprise, like a big fat world war. What else have they got now? Jack Smith’s lame-ass attempt to beef-up an “insurrection” charge against Mr. Trump in Judge Chutkan’s abject facsimile of a federal court? Everything else has been fail, fail, fail all year long . . . the head-cases with rifles. . . all the other court cases contrived by Merrick Garland, Andrew Weissmann, Norm Eisen, and Mary McCord. . . the ineffectual bleatings of The New York Times’s editorial board? They’re plumb out of tricks and they know it. So, yes, Hillary. You lose total control. Totally. For now and forever, amen.
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Trump continues to insist there was mass fraud, but all media simply dismisses his claim as "false" without any reasoning or evidence.
I'm pretty damn sure Biden's election was fraudulent.
Update: after 2000 Mules presented the evidence, I'm 100% sure that Biden's election was fraudulent. See https://2000mules.com/