Fauci Created The Virus To Sell The Murderous "Vaccine", Then Blocked Cheap Lifesaving Drugs

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2021 May 23, 12:00pm   120,204 views  834 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

How come this fact is not at the top of "alternative" press? The corporate press is of course part of Fauci's murderous corruption.

This is perhaps the greatest crime against humanity ever committed by a small group of people: Fauci, Daszak, and the Bat-lady in Wuhan.


There should be nothing else in the headlines, only this.

Fauci has a long history of funding gain-of-function research to facilitate the creation of viruses which can be used to sell vaccines for large profits.

Anyone who has read a decent mystery novel will see the means, motive, and opportunity were all there. It's obvious in retrospect.

Until Fauci is in jail, we are all in danger of his doing it again, and again, and again, or having some minion like Daszak do it. Why is there no official investigation going on?

As RFK Jr. put it: "A $200 billion enterprise would’ve collapsed if Fauci had admitted that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were effective against covid." https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly/status/1685830247139168256

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812   Patrick   2024 Jun 18, 4:40pm  


Fauci doesn’t know anything really about anything and I’d say it to his face. He doesn’t understand medicine. He should not be in the position he is in.

Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.

You can’t expect the sheep to really respect the best and brightest. They don’t know the difference really. I like humans, don’t get me wrong, but basically, the vast majority of them do not posses the ability to judge who is and who isn’t a really good scientist. That’s the main problem actually with science in this century.

There are no old wise men up on the top making sure that we don’t do something really dumb.

The Academy of Science is just a bunch of idiots just like everybody else.
813   Patrick   2024 Jun 20, 8:57am  


🪳🪳 On Tuesday, PBS’s credulous editors ran this unintentionally hilarious headline: “‘I had that DNA of caring for people': Fauci discusses new book and life in public health.”

Corporate media’s rehabilitation tour for the world’s most hated human cockroach continues chugging along, full steam ahead. As if they knew they didn’t want to get into pesky, inconvenient details like whether Fauci was telling the truth or not, PBS’s story just published Fauci’s words as-is, without criticism or cavil, letting the bad doctor speak for himself.

The ‘interview story’ revealed that, in Fauci’s mind, he is not a grasping, self-aggrandizing buffoon. No, he is a paragon of humanitarianism.

Fauci claimed his humanitarian credentials not because of anything he’s done, but because his father was a popular neighborhood pharmacist in Brooklyn. In Fauci’s logic, he inherited his father’s DNA of caring. At the same time, of course, he was also simultaneously hawking his book, because his caring DNA has been genetically modified by experimental mRNA injections of cash-grabbing shots and multiple boosters of greed...

In a long series of grotesque, scripted softball questions that were probably pre-written by Fauci, the butt-kissing PBS reporter asked Fauci what he’d learned from his experience tangling with AIDS activists back in the 1980’s. “I didn't realize,” the PBS reporter fawningly and unbelievably explained, “until you wrote about it so extensively here, about the ways in which you were heavily criticized.”

Poor Dr. Fauci! There’s simply no justice for hardworking, caring, lifetime bureaucrats compensated by taxpayers more richly than any other government employee including the President of the United States.

Despite the reporter’s feigned surprise at the well-deserved criticism — who dare criticize the top covid doc? — unmentioned in the interview were any reasons the activists hated Fauci (and still do). ...

Pravda wants its reputation back. Corporate media’s disgusting defense of the world’s biggest serial killer will never work, and they know it, too. Exhibit A: the article’s comment section was turned off.

Fauci must be hanged for his crimes against humanity.
815   Patrick   2024 Jun 23, 7:25pm  


In a 1996 press release, Horowitz, a Harvard-trained public health expert and medical educator, revealed that the AIDS virus (HIV-1) “did not likely originate naturally from African green monkeys,” as Dr. Gallo had promoted, nor from “Patient Zero” – a gay flight attendant named Gaetan Dugas. Instead, Horowitz’s three-year study concluded that the virus, and the associated pandemic, more likely evolved from early cancer virus vaccine experiments in which top military–pharmaceutical scientists infected monkeys and chimpanzees with viral genes from other animals to produce an array of “novel” illnesses. The primary focus of massive money and drug company investments was on the never-before-seen leukemia-lymphoma-sarcoma immune-suppression cancer complex now called AIDS.

Could be.
820   Patrick   2024 Jul 3, 1:43pm  


Pandemic Preparedness: Arsonists Run the Fire Department
By Clayton J. Baker, MD, Brian Hooker July 1, 2024

Imagine if you will, an exceptionally ambitious city Fire Department, located in a city with very few naturally occurring fires.

These ambitious firemen don’t have nearly enough work, prestige, or pay for their liking. Uninterested in simply polishing their trucks, lifting weights, and cooking chili, these firemen want more. A lot more.

They construct a plan. They will start a research program, funded by taxpayers, whereby they will develop an arsenal of the biggest, scariest, most flammable products on earth. They will justify this program under the pretense that these destructive creations are absolutely necessary for the development of bigger and better fire extinguishers. Incidentally, they will also develop, market, and sell these fire extinguishers themselves.

These proprietary fire extinguishers will net the ambitious firemen an incredible fortune – if they can just get every man, woman, and child in the city to buy one.

The Fire Department, working with the corporations that would manufacture their miracle extinguishers, actively publicizes the supposedly tremendous, ever-increasing risk of fires that they claim threaten the population. According to the ambitious firemen, risk factors for worsened fires are everywhere and are ever-increasing – global warming, population growth, take your pick – and the next “big one” is just around the corner.

Credulous, fearful citizens and heavily lobbied politicians fall for their story, pumping ever more tax dollars into the Fire Department’s research and development program.

The Fire Department develops and grows its stockpile of manufactured fire super-hazards, until one day…


Somehow, one of the flammable products is released, and a raging conflagration ensues. No one knows exactly how it started – in fact, the chief firemen gather together and publicly deny that any of their products could be responsible.

But by terrifying the public and confusing the politicians, the firemen coerce the population to shelter in place and follow their strict instructions, lest they perish in the holocaust. After all, the firemen are the experts.

They heavily promote their special fire extinguishers as the only solution, even managing to get water outlawed for firefighting purposes! (Water wouldn’t work on this kind of fire, they insist. Only the Fire Department’s special extinguishers will suffice.)

Using a huge injection of taxpayer funds, the Fire Department gets their fire extinguishers built in record time, and they hard-sell them to everyone they possibly can. In the meantime, large swaths of the city burn to the ground. And due to the fire extinguishers’ poor design and hasty construction, these devices turn out to be every bit as deadly as the fire, if not worse, for their damaging effects linger long after the fire has burned itself out.

But the firemen and their corporate cronies have secured their fortunes.

The bewildered, traumatized population can’t figure out what happened, any more than the feckless politicians. The Fire Department emerges as the most powerful entity in the city. They resume their “research,” fortified by their growing wealth and power.

After all, the next big conflagration is just around the corner.

Sound implausible? Think again. Because in the realm of “pandemic preparedness,” the arsonists are running the Fire Department. ...
821   Patrick   2024 Aug 11, 1:03pm  


Edward: The drug that later became Sputnik V was granted emergency use authorization in Russia after a two-month trial involving 76 individuals.

Susan: How can a vaccine “pass all the necessary tests” in two months?

Edward: Good question, Susan. It can’t. It would be physically impossible for a vaccine to do that, actually.

Phase I trials typically last for two years. Then there’s another 5-10 years of testing before a vaccine can even be considered for public use. ...

The warp-speed development of Sputnik V was so unprecedented that the head of the Russian Health Ministry’s ethics board, Alexander Chuchalin, resigned his post a day before the vaccine was approved.

“It is impossible to guarantee sustainable safety by reducing the testing period to 4-6 weeks,” Chuchalin told the media shortly before stepping down.

Later in a November 2020 interview, Chuchalin described Sputnik V’s “deep ethical issues” as a matter of “understanding where is good and where is evil”. ...

Susan: Yeah, that’s pretty bad. I guess the silver lining is that Russia wasn’t subjected to the West’s Big Pharma clot-shots?

Edward: According to Gintsburg, Sputnik V is “very similar” to the genetic goo developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca.

This might not be a coincidence. Moscow partnered with AstraZeneca to produce COVID vaccines and create vaccine “cocktails”—a relationship that lasted until autumn 2022, when Russian pharma firm R-Pharm, citing lack of demand, suspended domestic production of AstraZeneca’s clot-shot for export.
823   Ceffer   2024 Aug 11, 5:29pm  

Patrick says

Fauci means Scythe. He is from a dynastic family of assassins, and is doing his job for the New World Order i.e. generating new plagues, force feeding toxic medicines and synthesized laboratory diseases into the populace and medical system as protocol, endorsing vaccine bullets, using grants and monetary incentives to warp science, etc. etc. Why do you think this little creep popped up on the scene during AIDS? AIDS was a dress rehearsal for methodology to destroy the immune system and inflict death protocols (unsympathetic gay population). Fake Covid was Act One. That 95 percent of the population wasn't going to kill itself.
824   Patrick   2024 Aug 13, 1:32pm  


Dr. Anthony Fauci has revealed that he has caught COVID-19 for the third time, despite being fully “vaccinated” and “boosted” for the virus.

Fauci admitted catching the virus again during an interview with Dr. Jeremy Faust filmed on July 30 which went viral this week.

In the clip, Fauci admits that he’s “vaccinated and boosted” with Covid mRNA shots “a total of six times.”

However, rather than question the efficiency of the injections, Fauci suggested that unmasked Americans are causing Covid to spread. ...

Elsewhere in the interview, Fauci revealed that he still wears masks, despite being fully “boosted” with mRNA shots.

This comes after multiple studies have proved that masks do little, if anything at all, to prevent the spread of viruses.

In fact, some studies have shown that masking does more harm than good, as Slay News reported.

I had assumed that Pfauci was not injected with the poison mRNA shots, but his three infections with Wuhan Virus imply his immune system is damaged, so maybe did actually get injected.

I hope he lasts long enough to get hanged for his crimes against humanity.
825   Ceffer   2024 Aug 13, 1:34pm  

Anything 'Fauci' claims is nothing but Pharma screed to continue the fakery of the Covid and toxxines on whatever gullible victim populations might remain and succumb. If Fauci 'dies' from fake Covid, it is because they want to usher him out, but he is obviously in the stellar regions of 'protected' class.

It seems everybody forgets the 'test' is also a fake. Fake test, fake disease, fake pandemic, real injected poisons.

The creep would never even let a placebo into his body. Newsom fell for that one and apparently got a hot shot snuck in on him.
827   Ceffer   2024 Aug 14, 6:59pm  

Globalist Sicario Assassin. Always was.

829   Patrick   2024 Sep 11, 7:28pm  


In the decade after 9/11, as biodefense enjoyed an increasing portion of national security attention and spending, the field attracted many more scientists, academic institutions and nonprofits into the study of pathogens and countermeasures. Naturally, many of these non-military entities came from fields including virology, immunology and epidemiology, whose work is used – among other purposes – for pandemic preparedness. The civilian side of the research was mostly funded by public health agencies and mega-nonprofits interested primarily in vaccine development.

It was not long before the two fields merged into one “dual use” entity – conveniently defined as a crucial aspect of national security – called simply “biodefense” or “health security.” In 2006, a new sub-agency was even created to cement the merger: ASPR – a military/intelligence-run entity within HHS – the umbrella civilian public health body. This symbiotic military/civilian enterprise could then attract a great deal more funding, and exert influence over a much vaster array of research institutions, nonprofits and NGOs than either biodefense or pandemic preparedness could have done separately.

Another impetus for the merger of the two fields was their shared private partners: pharmaceutical companies, whose job it was to help design, research and ultimately produce whatever countermeasures were deemed necessary for protection, either from bioweapons or naturally occurring pathogens. Ideally, the countermeasures for one type of disease outbreak would also work for the other.

This is why, in the decades after 2001, the biodefense field became obsessed with finding a “platform technology” that could provide protection from any conceivable bioweapon, while the public health/pandemic preparedness field pushed for a “universal flu vaccine” that could provide protection from any naturally occurring, respiratory-disease-causing virus. And, by 2019, both arms of the biodefense complex had invested a huge amount of funding and hype into a specific technology called “mRNA vaccine platforms” – thought to be the sought-after miracle countermeasure to all engineered viral bioweapons and all flu-causing viruses. ...

Along with the backing of the international banks and the support of the censorship and propaganda industrial complex (shortened in this article to “psy-op complex”) and multinational consulting firms, all of the components of the biodefense GPPP represent hundreds of billions of dollars in funding and financing, thousands of national and international companies, agencies, academic institutions and NGOs in dozens of countries, and hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of jobs all over the world. Its sheer size and control over people and resources make this an entity that is “too big to fail.”

Yet without a viable threat of a bioweapons attack or a catastrophic pandemic, this behemoth cannot continue to sustain and grow itself.

For that reason, as it ballooned in the two decades before Covid, the biodefense GPPP had to keep the threat of a catastrophic bioterror attack or global pandemic front and center. And it had to prepare all of its components to respond to the threat when it predictably, if not inevitably, occurred. ...

But the traditional business model for private pharmaceutical companies does not lend itself to such a project. No private company can survive, let alone thrive, by devoting significant resources to building and maintaining manufacturing capacity for countermeasures against a hypothetical threat that might never happen. Furthermore, the oversight and regulation of medical products will almost inevitably delay the availability of novel countermeasures until after an attack or outbreak is over. And, finally, even if the countermeasures can be manufactured and approved quickly enough, what if they cause unexpected outcomes (e.g., injury or death) for which the companies could be held liable?

All of these obstacles were overcome by the biodefense GPPP through under-the-radar legislative and legal maneuverings and regulatory capture in the decades leading up to Covid:

Regulatory barriers lowered to zero or near-zero

Over several decades, important loopholes in countermeasure regulation were introduced into the legal code, most notably Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Internationally, defense treaties and biodefense agreements can lower regulatory barriers such that emergency authorization in one country could be applied to others. The WHO Emergency Use Listing (EUL) accomplishes this globally. EUL was first used for the Covid vaccines.

Liability removed from anyone working on, distributing, or administering countermeasures

The PREP Act was a necessary additional legal measure to ensure that anyone who did anything with EUA products would not be liable in case the unregulated countermeasures went awry. The liability shield is extended by governments and regulatory bodies internationally along with EUA.

The Novel Coronavirus Trigger

By 2019 all of these preparations for a catastrophic global pandemic were in place, but the civilization-ending pathogen/bioterror attack had not yet materialized.

Then, in late 2019 a propitious public health emergency in Wuhan, China ended the very long dry spell in biodefense disasters: Clusters of patients exhibited severe symptoms of a respiratory disease that could not be attributed to any known pathogen. Analysis of the body fluids of the patients was performed, and a novel coronavirus was identified.

And just in time to kill Trump's excellent economy and justify mail-in ballot fraud! Whew.
830   Ceffer   2024 Sep 11, 10:25pm  

The virtue signaling titles belie that the self proclaimed and exempted bioheroes were the bioterrorists all along. Nice Satanic Inversion there. It was a massive economic multi disciplinary quasi government/military system that was never designed to protect, but to frighten, murder and enslave.
832   Ceffer   2024 Sep 29, 1:24am  

"RFK Jr: Fauci Must Be Prosecuted for 330K Murders, As Mass Graves Found Outside NYC" It's clear the Globalists not only captured the federal agencies, they placed people a long time ago who would expedite the depopulation agenda through those agencies for the lab fabricated (or just plain fabricated) contagions with the malice aforethought maiming and killing vaccines.

original link
834   Ceffer   2024 Sep 29, 3:01am  

"A.I.D.S. is Man-Made "
A.I.D.S. is Man-Made pdf

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