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Buttegg: Stop using drones, because... uh... safety for the near total lack of airborne relief efforts we're not doing.
Alexa Calmly Tells Stunned Americans Hurricane Helene Was Artificially Created, By Cloud Seeding
"It Was Also The First Manmade Hurricane In History." —ALEXA
I hate to sound callous but you shouldn't expect the government to save you or even help you. We know that as a matter of fact from recent history. The government exists to keep you in line until they're ready to harvest whatever resources they desire. Nothing more, nothing less.
I hate to sound callous but you shouldn't expect the government to save you or even help you.
Meanwhile, after making his great tour of the storm zones yesterday, the hamster in Joe Biden’s brain fell off it’s tiny wheel and the Former Vice President forgot what storm he was talking about:
Here’s the actual conversation:
REPORTER: “What do the states in the storm zone need — after what you saw today?”
BIDEN: “Oh, in the storm zone? I didn’t know which storm you’re talking about. They uh, they’re getting everything they need. They are happy, across the board.”
Happy? Across the board? Really? Who is he talking about? Is something happening in space? Headline from NBC, this morning:
Hurricane Helene live updates: At least 215 dead as
some communities struggle to get basic supplies
People are still searching for loved ones, and many
residents remain isolated because of widespread damage.
Honestly, I don’t think Biden has any clue what’s going on. He just says stuff now. He has a running list of stock vague answers, meaningless throwaways, which are the intellectually caloric equivalent of a gas-station donut.
Honestly, I don’t think Biden has any clue what’s going on.
Does anyone know someone in the area that can give a first hand account?
Fact is none of them prepared
WookieMan says
Fact is none of them prepared
Sorry that's bullshit.
No. If everyone upstream pumps it out and lets gravity work for them, it works. If you're on the low ground get the fuck out. Your house is toast unless you sandbag it. People died because they were idiots.
It was a point in my book, The Long Emergency, that our national government would become increasingly impotent, ineffectual, and incompetent as conditions worsened — and now here it is. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), could not bestir itself to aid stricken citizens around the flood-ravaged region in North Carolina and Tennessee. Sec’y Mayorkas of Homeland Security said that FEMA was out of money which, in this season of political weirdness, is especially weird, seeing as how the nation’s fiscal year began Oct 1, and Congress’s continuing resolution for funding US agencies should assure that FEMA’s checkbook is full. What was up with that?
Well, everybody and his uncle has heard by now that FEMA (and many other agencies under Mayorkas’s DHS) commits tons of money to pamper the millions of mutts from foreign lands sneaking over the US border, with lots of assistance from NGO cut-outs funded by your tax dollars, who marshal groups of aliens south-of-the-border for the crossing, and then fly or bus them around our country for the special purpose of distributing them in swing voting districts to then coordinate with other NGOs devoted to registering non-citizens to vote in order to “harvest” their ballots. Quite an operation. Completely lawless and corrupt. And official!
So, no aid for you, baskets of deplorables, shivering in the dark in your hills and hollows of Appalachia, your houses splintered, scant chattels lost, and your beloved hound-dogs carried away in the roaring torrents. The money that might have helped you begin to recover from the complete devastation of your lives is paying for Guatemalans to bunk in the Roosevelt Hotel and order-in quesadillas and churros, and refill their government-issued debit cards so they can afford a few nice things as they wait for mysterious others to cast ballots in their names.
This is the work of your Democratic Party, the party of chaos, party of the Woke mentally ill, party of wrecking the country, of America’s end times. And you’re going to vote for more of it? Of course not. And despite the attempts to knock him out of the arena with scores of utter bullshit lawfare cases, and efforts to shoot him dead, Mr. Trump keeps coming at them, an implacable, relentless force, the true Golden Golem conjured up by their catamite news media. Their inability to destroy him has wrecked their minds.
There are multiple reports of bodies stuck up in trees (link has video). There don’t seem to be any pictures confirming this yet, but one can understand why people would be reluctant to take such pictures, or to share them. ...
... There are estimates that it might take months to restore power to some areas. This is apparently in part because a large fraction of America’s stock of spare transformers were sent to the Ukraine.
... Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security who threw the borders open to invite in millions – possibly tens of millions – of invaders, has announced that FEMA is all tapped out. They spent their whole budget on social programs for people who should never have been in the country in the first place: $640 million in the current fiscal year, and $1.6 billion since 2022. There’s been a lot of outrage over the paltry $750 being offered to the flood victims, but to be fair this appears to be the legally mandated maximum for short-term emergency assistance, with long-term assistance for e.g. housing capped at more generous $42,500. None of which changes the fact that FEMA blew its wad on illegals. This is no doubt an essential element in FEMA’s strategic plan, the number 1 goal of which is not disaster relief, but the promotion of equity.
Some of the invaders Mayorkas allowed in were arrested for looting:
... Don’t worry, though: left-wing NGOs are on the ground, providing such essential services as abortions and free PrEP.
... One particularly dark take is that the Federal government’s apparent slow-rolling of the disaster response is a form of voter suppression. North Carolina is a swing state, and with the exception of Asheville the western part of the state is deep red MAGA territory. Voters who can’t reach a polling booth because there are no roads, no power, and no communications, and who aren’t even thinking about voting because they’re more focused on food, potable water, and shelter from the elements, are much less likely to vote. Keep those people from voting, and Kamala might just take North Carolina ... and the country.
... The mood is dark, now. There is no trust left. Nor should there be, after everything that’s happened so far this century: the pointless forever wars; the great robbery of the 2008 financial crash; the COVID lockdowns; the vaxx mandates; the stolen election of 2020; the censorship and soft HR tyranny of the Great Awokening; the visible mental decay of the ruling class, many of whom can barely string together a coherent sentence anymore; the population replacement of mass immigration; the open borders; the filth and crime and drugs flooding the streets; food price inflation, the real estate bubble, and the steady collapse in living standards.
The default assumption many people hold now is that the regime is composed of criminals, of enemies. It is difficult not to feel this way. It is, indeed, almost foolish not to.
So when the regime fumble’s the response to a disaster, many will assume that it did so deliberately. ...
There’s a third theme, though, which is in the long run the most significant.
While the state dithered, schemed, bumped into itself, and got in the way, the self-organizing networks of civil society responded immediately, seamlessly, and nimbly. Civilian helicopters were the first to take to the air; relief supplies were collected and distributed by spontaneously organized rescue missions that got to work right away, without waiting for permission, authorization, or orders.
This is a story we’ve seen before many times, for example with the completely disproportionate effectiveness of autonomous networks versus established academic structures when it came to parsing reality during COVID.
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Complete devastation has been unfolding in western North Carolina as the remnants of Hurricane Helene unleashed days of flooding rains across the region.
Images from Chimney Rock, located just southeast of Asheville, was one of the many cities destroyed by the historic flooding.
Historic North Carolina village under water after devastating damage from Helene
Fast-moving water surged above front-door steps, inundating buildings and small businesses as Asheville appeared nearly flattened by Helene.
ASHEVILLE, N.C. —A historic village in western North Carolina is under water after bearing the brunt of devastating flooding damage from Hurricane Helene.
Tree branches, logs and a dumpster floated across Asheville’s Biltmore Village, renowned for being built and owned by a single individual.
Catastrophic flooding from Helene in Black Mountain, NC seen in drone footage
Catastrophic flooding from Helene showed the impact on Black Mountain, NC ahead of critical dam breeches that wiped out Chimney Rock.