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2021 Jun 17, 9:04am   1,233 views  19 comments

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From what I've been reading it looks like some DA in New York is going to charge members of the Trump organization (and maybe Trump himself) with violating some law that all real estate folks in New York violate. Selective prosecution.

We've stayed away from that sort of stuff here in the States (charging presidents and former presidents with crimes). Seems like the political establishment might do away with that as to curtail other businessmen from encroaching on their turf.

I say the Deplorables fight back.

Texas already threw down a gauntlet by arresting illegals for child endangerment. The Texas AG could say that he's looking into criminal charges for conspiracy to commit child endangerment. It's pretty apparent that Biden's policies are driving unaccompanied minors to cross the border so bring charges versus Biden and those making those policies. It would certainly send a chill down DC's spine.

I am interested to hear what other charges members of Patrick.net can think of to bring against Biden & co.

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1   Shaman   2021 Jun 17, 12:35pm  

Trump should have had this AG investigated, and used dirt on her to ruin her life. No attempt at getting her to drop charges. No warning. Just get dirt on her, take her down with it, and never be seen doing it.
The next AG will pause quite a while before charging ahead with Lawfare against the Trumps.
2   Patrick   2021 Jun 30, 9:43am  

Lol, all they have come up with against Trump is something about misclassifying fringe benefits. Looks like they actually have nothing on him, and this really is just pure political persecution.


Having politically motivated prosecutors, people who actually got elected because they will “get Donald Trump,” is a very dangerous thing for our Country. In the end, people will not stand for it. Remember, if they can do this to me, they can do it to anyone! Why would anyone bring their company to New York, or even stay in New York, knowing these Radical Left Democrats would willingly target their company if viewed as a political opponent? It is devastating for New York!
3   Shaman   2021 Jun 30, 9:45am  

Fuck New York. I don’t know anyone who lives there and I don’t care to.
4   HeadSet   2021 Jun 30, 12:02pm  

Patrick says
Lol, all they have come up with against Trump is something about misclassifying fringe benefits.

The goal is not to prosecute Trump, but to let any outsiders who are thinking about running for office know what will happen to them.
5   AmericanKulak   2021 Jun 30, 12:28pm  

So right now, Trump's CFO is being charged with a crime for not collecting taxes on some fringe benefits where the law isn't very precise.

This is something that any other company would, if it was even investigated, pay a wristslap fine at most for - the company, not the CFO, who would never be charged.
6   Patrick   2021 Jun 30, 12:31pm  

Putin is right - America has become the old Soviet Union under leftist rule.
7   Patrick   2024 Feb 9, 7:31pm  


Lawfare Accelerates

toward a one-line presidential ballot

As Democrats try to force Donald Trump off the ballot, and Democratic prosecutors charge him with crimes, they’ve also just opened an effort to keep Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. off the ballot with a complaint that could lead to civil penalties, an injunction against signature-gathering activity for ballot access, and criminal charges. You see where this is going.

The Democratic National Committee has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Kennedy., alleging violations of federal campaign finance law. The complaint also names the Kennedy campaign and a PAC, American Values 2024, alleging that the PAC and the campaign are illegally coordinating campaign activities. You can read that complaint by clicking here, or by opening the PDF file below...

Lol, the Democrats are so comically corrupt that they are using lawfare against RFK Jr as well now.
9   SunnyvaleCA   2024 Feb 10, 12:01am  

I've been enjoying a podcast series called "Law Talk" with Epstein, Yoo, and Senik. Wow! They don't mince words about Biden, his AG, and all the legal attacks on Trump.

I have it on my iPhone Podcasts app for listening in the car, but here's their homepage: https://www.hoover.org/publications/lawtalk
10   WookieMan   2024 Feb 10, 12:16am  

Patrick says

Putin is right - America has become the old Soviet Union under leftist rule.

I'm sorry Patrick that you're taking the bait. Putin is a piece of shit and played Tucker. I think Tucker knows it too. Putin is acting like the "nice guy" while invading a neighbor and justifying it by 1,000 year old history? He knows more money is coming to Ukraine. He's playing the nice guy role. He's not. He's going to keep throwing bodies and ammo at it. They'll empty their prisons by the end of the year.

Literally no country can be an can ally with Russia. Him having a mini pillow fight with Tucker is nothing. The deep state or Biden or whoever is actually doing a decent job with this proxy war. I hate the expense. Russian can't even defend its warm water ports at this point. Russia is a beaten mule at this point and when Putin dies the country will go to shit. More so than it already has. I don't think anyone here knows how bad Russia is currently.
11   AD   2024 Feb 10, 12:35am  

Patrick says

Putin is right - America has become the old Soviet Union under leftist rule.

there are a lot of similarities

- FBI is a political enforcer of the Democrats and acts like the KGB to political targets of the Democrats

- the court system is controlled by the left wing and puts on trials that are like Soviet show trials

- the statistics from the federal bureaucracy like inflation and unemployment are likely Orwellian-style baked or cooked

- economic "growth" is due primarily from government spending (and consequently debt accumulation)

- those who control government (i.e., admin state) are left wing and mostly atheist

-there is a Marxist victim mentality that effects everything from DEI hiring to immigration to government spending decisions

12   Patrick   2024 Feb 23, 9:57am  


The poison killing our country is pervasive untruth. Every institution we have relied on to run the public interest has become a factory churning out lies, evasions, and misdirection — not unlike the way mRNA “vaccines” turned the cells in your bodies into tiny generators of spike proteins destroying your organs. Likewise, half the population, apparently, thinks this is a good thing, that we need more lawfare — the perversion of law by attorney perverts — and that we need ever more lies, evasions, and misdirection (just as the degenerates who run Harvard declare their student body needs more mRNA boosters to remain in school).

Since the doctors have all failed — miserably and dishonorably — America needs an exorcism. The poisons in our system are actual persons carrying out their programmed assignments, just as the spike proteins in the bodies of millions act as individual agents of destruction in your body. What possible invocation can drive out the likes of Mayorkas, Christopher Wray, Avril Haynes, William Burns, Merrick Garland, Lisa Monaco, Marc Elias, Norm Eisen, Jack Smith, Jake Sullivan, Marc Zuckerberg, Mandy Cohen, Rachel Maddow, Daniel Sachs Goldman, Jamie Raskin, Mitch McConnell, Charles “Chuck” Schumer, “Joe Biden” (the remnant of a person, after all), and a thousand others in high places behaving in a way indistinguishable from demons?

What explains their devotion to untruth? What motivates them? Can it possibly be the mere perqs and comforts of their positions? Are they answering a call? And who is issuing that call? Or are they just trapped by their many years of lying continually, fearful of getting cast into prison? Are you asking yourselves: what will satisfy these maniacs? Anything short of the ruin of our country? What will their coveted power be worth in a ruined country? ...

The lawfare claque around “Joe Biden” — Mary McCord, Lisa Monaco, Marc Elias, Norm Eisen — tutored the likes of Letitia James, Fani Willis, and Alvin Bragg to bring these cases in jurisdictions ruled by the votaries of Abraxas, the gnostic demon-God that drives the Party of Chaos. New York Attorney General Letitia James won the first round with an utterly truthless case, decided despotically by Judge Engoron without a trial, that, for now, has created awful tactical problems for Mr. Trump. He may adroitly overcome the $355-million judgment to bring his appeal, and at some point up the ladder of review, Ms. James will be subject to the disgrace and punishment she deserves. Ms. Willis already has been wrung through her tribulation and revealed herself to be an experienced and dedicated liar unfit to bring the case that was gifted to her by the lawfare orcs. Mr. Bragg’s idiotic case based on a tortured chimera of state and federal law, will be served up soon with a pre-determined outcome.
13   Patrick   2024 Jun 14, 3:38pm  


The trouble started when, right after the shooting, InfoWars initially expressed skepticism and aired contradictions and inconsistencies in the media reporting about the shooting. Some of Jones’ criticisms unfortunately turned out to be unfounded hot takes, even though some details remain unexplained. The relatives testified they were traumatized by Jones’ theories, and their feelings were hurt by peoples’ online speculations that the shooting was a false flag operation.

If not entirely novel, the legal theories used to sue Jones in multiple lawsuits were at minimum very creative. The infernal strategy of filing multiple cases in multiple jurisdictions multiplies the chance of getting a friendly judge and jury, multiplies the defendant’s costs, wrecks his ability to afford a good defense, and multiplies the collective case’s complexity, making it infinitely harder to defend, all while undermining the defendant’s right to a fair venue.

In 2022, juries awarded the plaintiffs a majestic $1.4 billion judgment in Connecticut and a littler $49 million judgment in Texas. The judgments are against both InfoWars and Jones personally. These jury verdicts instantly made history, although you’ll be forgiven for not knowing that fact.

No one in history has ever been awarded so much for harmful speech.

Jones filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, and tried to propose a plan for reorganization that would have paid the plaintiffs off over time. But the plaintiffs successfully objected to that plan, and now, according to AP, Jones wants to switch to Chapter 7 liquidation, and just give them InfoWars to try to run without him. Meanwhile, the plaintiffs have sued him again in separate, new cases, arguing he’s shifted or hidden money.

It’s tempting to conclude the lawsuits against Jones are more about shutting him up for political reasons than actually compensating the victims’ relatives for their damaged feelings over Jones repeating some widely spread conspiracy theories.

Like President Trump, Jones is a fighter. It’s not over yet.

WTF was Jones actually sued for? Do we still have the First Amendment?
14   Patrick   2024 Sep 28, 7:52am  


In the best story of the week, the New York Times ran an article headlined, “Trump’s Huge Civil Fraud Penalty Draws Skepticism From Appeals Court.”

The headline referred to Trump’s Inflated Real Estate case, where New York Judge Arthur Engoran soaked Trump for a $500 million dollar fine, for “overestimating” the value of his priceless real estate holdings. You’ll recall that wispy-haired Judge Engoran, who probably couldn’t estimate the value of a double-wide mobile home, substituted his own judgment of what Trump’s totally unique properties like Mar-A-Lago were worth.

Was it Trump Derangement Syndrome that caused Judge Engoran to value Trump’s irreplaceable real estate holdings at pennies on the dollar? Who knows. Whichever, Judge Engoran found Trump liable for civil fraud despite there being no fraud victims, despite that all Trump’s loans were paid back in full, and despite that the involved banks all testified they didn’t rely on Trump’s financials anyway.

According to the story, during the oral arguments the five-member panel of appellate judges asked lawyers questions seeming highly skeptical about Judge Engoran’s judicial misadventures. Justice Moulton, who seemed generally unsympathetic to Trump’s lawyers, still observed at one point that “the immense penalty in this case is troubling.”

Justice Friedman asked the attorney general’s lawyer to name any other case where the attorney general had ever sued “to upset a private business transaction that was between equally sophisticated partners.” Even before the lawyer could answer, Justice Renwick queried, “And with little to no impact on the public marketplace?”

At a different point, Justice Higgitt interjected,

“Sorry, but what’s being described sounds an awful lot like a potential commercial dispute by private actors.”

Toward the end of the hearing, Justice Moulton asked how the attorney general’s office could “tether the amount that was assessed” by Judge Engoron “to the harm that was caused here, where parties left these transactions happy about how things went down?”

It wouldn’t take all five justices to vacate the judgment. Engoran’s excessive award could be reversed with a decision by only three of the five justices. Questions appellate judges ask at oral argument aren’t always reliable signals but in many cases, they are decent barometers of the way things might be trending.

I predict they will send the case back for a drastically reduced award. While there is a chance they could reverse the judgment altogether —which is what should happen— given the politics involved, a full reversal seems unlikely.
17   Patrick   2024 Oct 11, 9:20am  

Sixth Amdendment:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
18   Patrick   2024 Oct 11, 2:26pm  


Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal ran a provocative story headlined, “Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Antitrust Officials Weigh Splitting Google, Others.” And right before the election, too. How about that?

Both Google and Meta are in the Justice Department’s antitrust division crosshairs, each subject to multiple investigations. It’s odd timing, since it has been over 40 years since the DOJ successfully prosecuted a major antitrust case. In 2000, the Justice Department sued to break up Microsoft, but failed after an appellate court found it unconstitutional.

In the same year as the DOJ lawsuit, 2000, then-Microsoft CEO Bill Gates first funded his ‘philanthropic’ Foundation, which began his slow transition out of the software business and into climate change, vaccines, third-world development, and vacations on Jeffrey Epstein’s private island.

Just a few months later in 2001, right after Gates funded his multibillion-dollar slush fund, the court of appeals made the Microsoft antitrust case go away. ...

Don’t get me wrong. I’m only noticing the very curious timing between the DOJ’s Microsoft antitrust suit, Gates’ transition out of consumer electronics into world politics, and the happy resolution of the litigation, all in short succession.

Who knows? This election season, one wonders whether, if Google and Meta help the government quash election-related misinformation, and maybe help fund some third-world conflict on the side, whether all these pesky DOJ investigations might just go away all on their own.

It’s a profitable platform you have there, it would be a shame if anything happened to it.

We have a serious government problem in this country.

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