The Nobel Mediocre under achiever, "Oh well you tried" prize.

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2009 Oct 9, 12:25am   10,969 views  102 comments

by Done!   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Did Obama get a prize for "Pushing" or for Crying that he can't get any thing done in a Democrat Washington? Or just maybe he got it for the strides he's made in pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq. He didn't run off and do something crazy like narrate a Climate documentary did he? What in the hell did that man do to deserve a Nobel peace prize, somebody please please tell me. This nomination makes the Al Gore nod seem sensible and we remember how well I received that one don't we?

That's it, I'm starting a novelty bum paper company and my number one product will be Nobel Peace Prize toilet paper.  Actually toilet paper has more substantial purpose.

From this day forward Nobel Peace prize winners are a yawn news item.  I guess the people dolling them out are the same pimple faced brats that make up the Bender top 100 of all time lists. Or the Mensa giant that changed the format of Rolling Stone mag.

Love the man or hate him, but this is an out rage that he get a prize for peace and has not accomplished dickall as of yet!


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28   Bap33   2009 Oct 13, 12:36am  

I plan on writing a witty comeback on here that makes the liberals very unhappy. Can I get credit for that now as long as I promise to do it using hope and change?

If I had two watchdogs that never stopped a crime, but always wanted to, I'd name them Hope and Change.

29   Done!   2009 Oct 13, 1:25am  

Just-in-time Revisionism?

Ha! even better...

is that an interpreted language?

Or how about "Java Historians" for short.

Lets see in just a few short years...

David Bowie was a coward...
Mary Magdalene was Jesus wife...
Pluto is not a Planet...
The Mayans saw the demise of the world in 2012, but they didn't for see their own demise over four centuries ago...
Columbus was an evil tyrant that was discredited and fell from grace... I have a hard time that History would have said other wise for over 400 years...
Lincoln was Gay...

just to name a few recent history revisions that claim other wise what we were taught in school.

all of which are 21'st century revelations.

30   Peter P   2009 Oct 13, 4:18am  

He who controls the present, controls the past.

-- George Orwell

31   Peter P   2009 Oct 13, 4:26am  

“The same people who are up in arms at the Peace Prize thing thought that Bush’s “team” did a heckuva job when New Orleans was nearly wiped off the map. With so many real problems to complain about, they chose this?”

NOLA was a disaster, but what is the wisdom of having one's home below sea level?

32   Done!   2009 Oct 13, 4:42am  

Where was Nola's freakin Ark! HUh?

They couldn't even use the damn bridge.

33   Done!   2009 Oct 13, 6:40am  

"Well, on the bright side, he does speak well. What a joke."

That same logic did afford Regan to run his Cocaine for Guns scam on America while he and his wife told every one to just say no. They assumed that if the good lil wholesome white kids all said no, then only the blacks and Spanish hoodlums would buy the drugs they were unleashing on Burbdale America. So in retrospect Nancies' "Just say no" mantra was really an "IN COMMING" warning.

But as bad as my Dad hated and moaned about Reaganomics(I was to young to really first had evaluate the ramifications at the time). Obamanomics will not be as beneficial to as many people "DOWN THE ROAD" as Regan's economic strategies did.

When Obama's economic policies (Which in truth, is just a continuation of Bush's policies Let's be fair) fail, and they will. There will be many people that will clean up in the carnage, at the expense of all of these brainless nit witts thinking a $1800 a month (mandated) premiums, in tandem with $3,500 a month mortgages(being the median), is change and hope.

To that I say good luck with that you broken Turkeys.

34   Peter P   2009 Oct 13, 7:26am  

But Reaganomics actually worked...

Many attacks on Ron's policies are really attacks on the Natural Law, under which the survival of the fittest ensures the evolution of the universe.

Funny that a lot of people worship Evolution nowadays.

Progressivism is so full of contradictions.

35   CBOEtrader   2009 Oct 13, 7:39am  

Peter P says

But Reaganomics actually worked…

If you want to call increasing the GDP and enriching only those at the top of the food chain...at the direct expense of a cripling national debt, an enormous trade deficit, and all US factory jobs sent overseas, then sure, it worked great!

The problem with Reaganomics wasn't the theory behind it, it was that he didn't actually follow through with what he was preaching. Also, going from a state controlled economy to a free market is kind of like defusing a bomb. If you cut the wrong wire first (in this case the tariffs)...then BOOOM!!! Bye, bye US factory jobs.

36   CBOEtrader   2009 Oct 13, 7:47am  

Ron Paul on Ronald Reagan:

"Tax revenues are up 59 percent since 1980. Because of our economic growth? No. During Carter's four years, we had growth of 37.2 percent; Reagan's five years have given us 30.7 percent. The new revenues are due to four giant Republican tax increases since 1981. All republicans rightly chastised Carter for his $38 billion deficit. But they ignore or even defend deficits of $220 billion, as government spending has grown 10.4 percent per year since Reagan took office, while the federal payroll has zoomed by a quarter of a million bureaucrats... big government has been legitimized in a way the Democrats never could have accomplished. It was tragic to listen to Ronald Reagan on the 1986 campaign trail bragging about his high spending on farm subsidies, welfare, warfare, etc... the IRS has grown bigger, richer, more powerful, and more arrogant. In the words of the founders of our country, our government has "sent hither swarms" of tax gatherers "to harass our people and eat out their substance." His officers jailed the innocent George Hansen, with the President refusing to pardon a great American whose only crime was to defend the Constitution. Reagan's new tax "reform" gives even more power to the IRS. Far from making taxes fairer or simpler, it deceitfully raises more revenue for the government to waste... I want to totally disassociate myself from the policies that have given us unprecedented deficits, massive monetary inflation, indiscriminate military spending, an irrational and unconstitutional foreign policy, zooming foreign aid, the exaltation of international banking, and the attack on our personal liberties and privacy. "
-- Letter to chairman of the RNC Frank Fahrenkopf, March 1987 [60]

As long as the republicans kept preaching free market capitalism as their mantra, their brainwashed supporters kept voting for them, despite the fact that they were doing the exact opposite. This has gone on since 1981!!!!...and still people believe that the republican party actually stands for the free market. It's all HOGWASH, my friends. This is the gift the neo-cons have given the world. Why anyone who calls themselves a free market capitalist would support the republicans is beyond me. Of course if you criticised the Republicans you were accused of being a communist or anti-american or a bleading heart pinko LIBERAL.

Take note Democrats, as you now sound just like the 1983 to 2003 Republitards when you accuse any Obama criticism of being from a racist, an AM radio quack, or a religious zealot. The brainwashing follows a simple pattern of BS, that unfortunately 2/3 of the population seem incapable of successfully wading through.

This time around Democrats, its up to you to be better. Which, unfortunately, means we're screwed.

37   Bap33   2009 Oct 13, 9:37am  

In lib world:
R supporters = brainwashed
D supporters = intelligent

In conservo world:
R and D dont mean shit, it's conservative vs liberal. And conservative D's will get my vote before a liberal R. Liberals will not do any such thing, they will vote party line evry time and that is the only reason they ever win anything. Conservative votes get split off very easy because each THINKS FOR THEMSELF. Libs, on the other hand, only have in common their lack of moral standards. The End.

In Waynes World:

38   CBOEtrader   2009 Oct 13, 11:40am  

Frankly, I'm not sure anyone even knows what conservative or liberal mean anymore. I know that most republicans aren't conservative by my definition. As I complain about whoever is in power at the time, I generally get accused of being a liberal when the republicans are in power and a conservative when the democrats are in power.

The ONLY difference between the dems and repubs is that the dems are early in their power cycle. The Republicans have had 28 years to figure out that their own party was selling them down the river. Thus any republican with half a brain is finally angry at their leadership. This is by no means insinuates that repubs are smarter, as it should have taken them 8 years tops to figure this out.

"In lib world:
R supporters = brainwashed
D supporters = intelligent"

I do agree with this statement. Though this is ONLY due to the fact the dems have watched republicans steal and cheat for the last 28 years, and somehow think their own party has a higher set of morals. Of course they are wrong, but it will take them 20 years, a mountain of legislation mortgaging our future into the hands of the greedy power clique, and multiple major scandals to figure that out. As they are inevitably proven to be wrong (AGAIN), the roles will reverse, as they always do. The republicans will have a faithful following and the dems will be the skeptics, just as they were in the late 70's and early 80's.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

It is quite unfortunate that neither group of supporters seems to be able think critically when it matters. Anyone that supports either major political party is part of the problem, IMHO.

39   Peter P   2009 Oct 13, 12:32pm  

Frankly, I’m not sure anyone even knows what conservative or liberal mean anymore.

Progressives believe changes ought to be forced upon the people. Conservatives allow progresses to emerge naturally.

40   Done!   2009 Oct 13, 2:01pm  

It seems to me Republicans want to pass laws forbidding things that I like, While Democrats want mandate things I don't.

41   elliemae   2009 Oct 13, 2:28pm  

A gift for tot:

Obama Named Country Music Entertainer of the Year
Surprise Selection Shocks Nashville

NASHVILLE (The Borowitz Report) - President Barack Obama stunned the country music world today by picking up its highest honor, Country Music Entertainer of the Year.

Mr. Obama was chosen unanimously, according to the Country Music Association, beating out such favorite as Carrie Underwood and Toby Keith.

In Nashville, country music insiders were shocked by Mr. Obama's selection, given that he has only been in office for eight months and during that time has yet to record a single country song.

But Mr. Obama was gracious in receiving the honor, saying that he was "honored and humbled" by the award before excusing himself to accept this year's Heisman Trophy.

42   Bap33   2009 Oct 13, 3:42pm  


43   Peter P   2009 Oct 14, 3:49am  

It seems to me Republicans want to pass laws forbidding things that I like, While Democrats want mandate things I don’t.

Because both parties are progressive in the sense that personal responsibility has been outlawed.

44   tatupu70   2009 Oct 14, 6:39am  


Geez. I'm not a blinded liberal, but I think you are being overly harsh on our commander in chief. We're grading him on his accomplishments after less than a 1 year in office? I think it's premature, but let's go over your list anyway.

Closing Guantanamo--He has ordered it to be closed, but unfortunately Congress is standing in his way. He is the President, but in the US we have this nasty little separation of powers thing outlined in the Constitution.

Iraq-He is steadily drawing down our troops there. Obviously you can't just pack up and leave a country that you have destroyed. I think it was Colin Powell said something like--you break it, you own it. And that came to pass.

Afghanistan--That is where I think he is making the least progress. Sounds like it is being discussed at the highest levels right now. Personally, I'd rather they take their time and get it right...

Middle East--Clearly he is focusing a lot of time and effort on this dilemma. Leaning on Israel to stop their settlements, developing a new framework for talks to being, etc. Not sure how one can think nothing is happening there.

Budget-- Again, there is that nasty Congress. Spending is determined by our reps and senators, not our President. They have a habit of putting their pet projects in the budget even when the President doesn't want them. ie see the military budget...

I just think it's ridiculous to criticize Obama for not cleaning up the mess that it took Bush 8 years to create in 6 months. If he was a dictator or King it might be easier, but the way our government is set up now, it's next to impossible. Special interests and lobbyists run the show and not even the President can change that.

45   Peter P   2009 Oct 14, 6:52am  

They have a habit of putting their pet projects in the budget even when the President doesn’t want them.

Answer: Line-item vetoing. The CSA thought of this over a hundred years ago.

It may take a constitutional amendment though.

46   CBOEtrader   2009 Oct 14, 8:38am  

tatupu70 says

Geez. I’m not a blinded liberal, but I think you are being overly harsh on our commander in chief.

I was trying to emphasize that the proper attitude to have towards Obama is VERY cautious optimism, not outright anger. However, a politician should never receive ecstatic, blind support, which is where most democrats seem to be with this guy. In general I am angry at our politicians though, so that probably came through a bit too much. I was also expressing my frustration with partisan politicos, as they are always brainwashed in the same way, whether they fall into the right, left, conservative, liberal, or some other completely meaningless description.

Mostly, I am confused that this guy can get an award for world peace before he has done anything except give fantastic speeches.

47   Done!   2009 Oct 14, 11:18am  

tatupu70 says

Geez. I’m not a blinded liberal, but I think you are being overly harsh on our commander in chief. We’re grading him on his accomplishments after less than a 1 year in office? I think it’s premature, but let’s go over your list anyway.
Closing Guantanamo–He has ordered it to be closed, but unfortunately Congress is standing in his way. He is the President, but in the US we have this nasty little separation of powers thing outlined in the Constitution.
Iraq-He is steadily drawing down our troops there. Obviously you can’t just pack up and leave a country that you have destroyed. I think it was Colin Powell said something like–you break it, you own it. And that came to pass.
Afghanistan–That is where I think he is making the least progress. Sounds like it is being discussed at the highest levels right now. Personally, I’d rather they take their time and get it right…
Middle East–Clearly he is focusing a lot of time and effort on this dilemma. Leaning on Israel to stop their settlements, developing a new framework for talks to being, etc. Not sure how one can think nothing is happening there.
Budget– Again, there is that nasty Congress. Spending is determined by our reps and senators, not our President. They have a habit of putting their pet projects in the budget even when the President doesn’t want them. ie see the military budget…
I just think it’s ridiculous to criticize Obama for not cleaning up the mess that it took Bush 8 years to create in 6 months. If he was a dictator or King it might be easier, but the way our government is set up now, it’s next to impossible. Special interests and lobbyists run the show and not even the President can change that.

Cough Cough Bull Crap cough cough(I say politely in your general direction)

I think it's unfair to expect Obama to fix any problem previous presidents didn't at least show interest in having a desire to fix. But

Obama is the man that said he'll shine our shoes, and do the dishes too, if we elect him. It's the obsequious gestures he made as a candidate, that has him on the hook now.

And if his obscene candidat goals weren't lofty enough the went on a world tour making more the first three months. I bet his advisers were giving him the ole nix-a hand under the throat.

48   tatupu70   2009 Oct 14, 11:46am  


I'm laughing--so what you're saying is that Obama hasn't achieved all of his promises in his first six months?? My word!! I agree--he must be a total failure. I mean, how hard is it to broker peace in the Middle East. It's not like they have been fighting for hundreds of years or anything. Or balance the budget during the worst recession since the Great Depression. That should be child's play. Or rebuild Iraq and establish a strong, free market government in the Middle East. All of these should problems should have been solved already... You're completely correct.

Of course he said he made promises during the campaign. And he is working towards making the promises a reality. But, these are huge, complex problems. And they can't be solved in 6 months...

49   Done!   2009 Oct 14, 12:02pm  

"Obama hasn’t achieved all of his promises in his first six months?? "

No just one, actually not even that, just showing more than interest in doing just one thing.

and this is more than 6 months btw.

50   elliemae   2009 Oct 14, 1:21pm  

We don't want the bluebird of happiness, we want the bluebird of immediate gratification.

Hey, if that chunky kardashian tart can meet a guy and marry him in a month for our viewing pleasure (no, I didn't watch), why can't President Obama solve all the problems in the world in a day? What the hell is taking him so long?

He could be solving our national debt problem like Bush: National Debt as of Jan. 15, 2009: $10.6 trillion Debt when Mr. Bush took office: $5.7 trillion (Source: U.S. Treasury Dept.)

Obama also is a failure when it comes to vacations:
487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

51   Done!   2009 Oct 14, 1:28pm  

pfft! so he takes less time off from lying, than other notable liars, big deal.
One day you guys will admit he's a politician. Only then we can all have constructive conversation, about survival compounds in Wyoming where the women folk make corn mash from recycled piss, to power generators that powers the radio, the men folk coalesce around taking turns in shifts bending the rabbit ears, to get better reception of our daily rations of Obama's follies.

52   Peter P   2009 Oct 15, 7:27am  

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

Vacation must be good.

Reagan and Bush Sr., two of the best presidents in the 20th century, took a lot of vacations. Clinton was pretty good, so he took quite some days off.

Carter, the worst president since LBJ, took only 79 days.

Working hard is useless if you are on the wrong path.

53   elliemae   2009 Oct 16, 2:31am  

Tenouncetrout says

pfft! so he takes less time off from lying, than other notable liars, big deal.
One day you guys will admit he’s a politician. Only then we can all have constructive conversation, about survival compounds in Wyoming where the women folk make corn mash from recycled piss, to power generators that powers the radio, the men folk coalesce around taking turns in shifts bending the rabbit ears, to get better reception of our daily rations of Obama’s follies.

I think that we all agree that he's a politician. He's not the devil, he's not the worst president in the history of the US, he's just a guy who's been elected to try to get us out of this mess. His detractors don't want to give him a chance, his enemies choose to use misinformation and inuendo to ruin him... It's all political bullshit.

He's not my savior. He's a man trying to fix a mess that's years in the making. He's blamed for many things that he inherited. Our country if fucked up and it'll take years to fix, just like it took years to make. But in this time of immediate gratification and 24 hours news cycles, he was doomed from the start.

Why anyone would want to become president is beyond me. Of course, why anyone would think that Sarah Palin has a brain is beyond me too.

54   Done!   2009 Oct 16, 2:56am  

"His detractors don’t want to give him a chance, his enemies choose to use misinformation and inuendo to ruin him… It’s all political bullshit."
Oh brother I listened to the Dade County School board on NPR the other night driving home. And lemme tell ya, it's no wonder our youth are girl smackdown posted on youtube. The Adults in charge to manage the school system that teaches them are a freakin' Jerry Springer show.

Every one that got a chance to get up to the mic to voice their oppinion about budget cuts, got up there and were bitcching about being fired and were pointing fingers at vendictive co workers. And conspiracies of co-workers ganging up on them reflecting the out come of them being laid off in this tax revenue strapped time.

Now I'm thinking at first what petty sour grapes. But I'll be damned if some custodian lady or cafateria worker, I'm not sure exactly who or what these peoples roles or duties in our school system was, but I got the idea that they weren't teachers, as Chaniquia, went to accuse the Elderly gentlemen heading the meeting, as being her babies daddy, and as the reason for her being terminated. Of course the Board director or who ever this gentlemen was(I really have no interest in this stuff, but this stuff was really Jerry Springer, before it jumped the shark) didn't even respond only told her that if she's going to name names, he was going to cut her microphone off.

This meeting had everyone Pissed off custodians, cafeteria workers and a security guard who was fired for having a gun school grounds, where he played "Cops and Robbers" begging for his job back, which he apparently was doing as a volunteer anyway. He just wasn't supposed to be packing heat.

But every one made their failures out to be someone else was out to get them. A janitor who was saying a cousin got his cousin hired on and the two of them set out to get him. Altering their duties exempting them from scraping gum and cleaning toilets, and would taunt him when he had to do those menial tasks.

Ladies and gentlemen our next batch Grassroots change simmering to a boil right here in South Florida school board meetings.
I lost hope for our country getting anywhere. As I realized some where in that lot was destined to be connected to the 2010 and 2012 elections somehow somewhere.
I guess what I'm saying...

Great men don't have "Detractors"

55   tatupu70   2009 Oct 16, 5:27am  

trout--Tenouncetrout says

Great men don’t have “Detractors”

Really--Abe Lincoln had many, many detractors. George Washington had detractors. Everyone, no matter how great, has detractors.

You're beginning to sound like a crotchety old man. I'm expecting to hear how you had to walk to school in the bitter cold, with 2 ft. snow, uphill (both ways).

We're in a recession now. Things are bad. It's happened before, it will happen again. The world is not ending.... Relax and take a vacation somewhere warm and sunny with drinks that come with umbrellas. It won't seem so bad then.

56   Done!   2009 Oct 16, 5:38am  

They have them they just aren't important enough to let them prevent what ever great thing it is they are trying to do.

So let the pisants moan, you're supposed to sally forth.
This guy is always getting ready to go.

Trying to mandate I pay 1200 to 1800 a month is not a "GREAT" thing by the way. So history isn't being denied some great event.

57   elliemae   2009 Oct 16, 6:19pm  

But, as you've stated, you make a shitload of money so you can afford it - right? I will have to pay a proportionate amount of my income, or my employer will (so I'll receive less compensation). Many people pay more than the amount that you say for minimal care.

I'm too poor to go to a beach with umbrellas... so I've got umbrellas and pretty glasses and a porch. I take daily vacations. I highly recommend it - it'd do you a world of good.

58   Done!   2009 Oct 17, 3:23am  

Ellie it's hard for me to dictate the rest of my life based on what I make now.
I make what I make "NOW" but I'm smart enough to know that wont always be the case.
Of course it doesn't help that the current administration of Corporate Dew Boyz, isn't exactly securing my financial future. Not as a middle class individual anyway.

I have no problem with a legitimate Government sponsored health care "SYSTEM" that I either may or may not cost me more in the taxes I pay. I suspect a system where Wall street influences have no effect on, wouldn't cost me any more than most already pay in to Medicare and the Medicaid.

Do you know what it's called when the Government makes you buy from the Company store or face the wrath of the state is called?

That is capitalism at work turned fascism and frankly I'm appalled at this time in History where the smartest people "supposedly" in the world hasn't figured that out yet. A system like that is one of speculation of lowered cost with "0" regulations to dictate such is open to exploitation by corporations and bet your favorite Goat that it will be.

Where as Federal systems are guaranteed to eventually hold people to accountability. Even if America has to wait for an Administration change to actually get justice.

Much like how Obama can and is in some cases going after the blatant cronyism and other gross liabilities that took place in Bush's administration.

Obama's plan is a health care system for the Insurance industry so the Dow can party on in the 20K's and even 40K, That'll show those show off Chinese and their Styrofoam stock market.

59   elliemae   2009 Oct 17, 4:18am  

If the amount charged is based on income, and your income is decreased, your share of cost will be decreased. I'm not thrilled about having to pay for something else, seeing as how I don't make a whole helluva lot and hope that someday I'll have enough money to retire. A layoff a few years ago wiped out my savings and I'm a paycheck to paycheck woman now. I don't know how this whole thing will play out, but healthcare shouldn't be an option. For anyone. Ever.

60   CBOEtrader   2009 Oct 17, 4:25am  

I have a much bigger issue with Obama's supporters, and this current theme in American politics in general, than I do with Obama. The Republican and Democrat masses have been brainwashed into thinking that any criticism of their party leadership is un warranted. Remember back in 2002, when every anti-war pundit was "anti-american", or how any critic of America's policy of helping our corporations privatize profits from resources in developing countries without ANY regulation or moral code whatsoever were called communists, or how anyone that cautioned the emerging influence of the christian fundamentalists was accused of eroding our family values? Remember how the republican base ate that shit up? Now the Democrats are now doing THE EXACT SAME THING.

"His detractors don’t want to give him a chance, his enemies choose to use misinformation and inuendo to ruin him… It’s all political bullshit." Correction: SOME of his enemies and detractors use misinformation. (Though I would counter that his supporters use misinformation far more than his detractors.) SOME of his critics are very valid. Debate should be encouraged, not pooh poohed as unfounded. Misinformation should be pointed out, and the individuals and organizations using misinformation should be ignored and minimzed.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Loud, open, critical discourse used to be an American virtue. The journalists and politicians used to encourage criticisms of government. Now we have been bombarded by partisan brainwashing convincing the vast majority of us that the other side consist ONLY OF MISINFORMATION AND INUENDO, or whatever.

This is what bothers me about the way the world swoons when Obama opens his mouth.

"The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes." Thomas Paine.

61   elliemae   2009 Oct 17, 5:11am  

I guess what I'd like to see is honest criticism. Not the blown out of proportion shit that's levvied at conservatives, or libs. Not the "death panel" shit or the birther's shit or the like... we shouldn't blindly follow anyone. Debate should be welcomed.

I don't blindly follow anyone. But I do have a problem when people assert that there's no healthcare problem in America. There is a huge problem. I don't have the answers, and I don't blame any politico in particular. The insurance system has a stranglehold on us, as do drug companies. They pay huge amounts to lobbyists, contribute to campaigns in huge amounts, and their interests are more important than are the interests of people who don't have access to healthcare. I keep saying that I don't have the answers, but I know many of the problems and see people suffer as a result of the current system.

I don't think our problems will be solved any time soon.

62   tatupu70   2009 Oct 17, 5:14am  


I agree with much of your post. It's unfortunate that the country has become so divided and closed minded that it's nearly impossible to have a civil discussion about the issues.

Why does it bother you when the world swoons though? I would much rather the world swoon at our President than throw shoes at him. Was it bad for the US when Kennedy was President?

And fyi--I think what Paine meant was more along the lines of the Patriot Act...

63   KurtS   2009 Oct 17, 5:34am  

elliemae says

Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

Well...I'm not going to judge a guy's need for a little vacation, but I just might scrutinize the direction the nation took under his term. I can only guess America was on the up and up during this time? Why of course--even though most CEOs I know cannot take 4.5 months of vacation/year without losing their grip on the business. Obviously Bush Sr's grip on reality was unusually tight.

64   elliemae   2009 Oct 17, 5:41am  

When you consider the costs of presidential vacations - the extra security for towns, buildings for the secret service, the meals, cost of moving key personnel to wherever the prez hangs, etc I'd say presidential vacations are huge expenses I'd rather not pay for.

65   KurtS   2009 Oct 17, 7:24am  

Physical costs aside, what I find interesting is how a US president would dismiss the strategic costs of such extended vacations? If it wasn't obvious in my last post--I consider that highly self-indulgent for any president (politics be damned) to spend every third day+ away from DC. Then again, maybe he was simply assuring us that America was doing so well we didn't need a "hands-on" president? I'm not too surprised, because the apathy of that time was palpable: keep telling ourselves "America is great," despite that big gorilla in the room. Like the president, most Americans were indulging themselves in a lifestyle that kept their mind off real problems. Connect those dots, and here we stand today.

66   Done!   2009 Oct 17, 8:22am  

elliemae says

If the amount charged is based on income, and your income is decreased, your share of cost will be decreased.

Ellie it's not the "Amount" it's who and what is dictating the "Amount" and the corporations will benefit plenty from any legislation that passes, or it wont pass. Just watch the news(is any one paying attention???).

This will be the Government once again interjecting it's influence in an out sourced industry. The only effect the government could possibly have on price, is what it holds the industry over the barrel to. We all know the possibility of a not for profit system we will be paying into will not exist. And on the Dow's whims our premiums will ebb and flow. My god the educated elite can not see the flaws in the legislation like an immature young turk having an orgasm before the touching even commences. You guys just want a Democrat victory on any goddamn thing. What, Who, How and where as the track record for every thing done in the last 9 years will be an after thought.

I can already compile a list of "I told you So's" just from what the debate started out as and how it has morphed and the sloppy lose edges that will now be left to be exploited.

I could but the proof of my claims has been deleted on this board and of course going back even earlier like my take on his campaign rehtoric in the old forums.
This has been playing just as predicted, and I suspect the final out come will be no different.

A hefty opressive premium the middle class is on the hook to take the tab for. I suspect there will be just as many disenfranchised middle class that wont be able to afford lofty premiums as well as mortgage, car payments, house insurance, house taxes, car insurance, soaring energy costs, these people will probably opt for the fee imposed on them at tax time. But no mistake they will be the new class of "UNINSURED".

and will be punished for being so. Either that or they will be forced into a more modest life style so they can get all of the federal well fare and freebies like housing subsidies, stimulus, and subsidized health care. Which is the Rights gripe, it's not the full picture but that is the part of the picture they don't like. Why work hard to win, when the Government pays big to be a loser?

This is a fair and great system you short sighted lemmings are pulling us up hill to.

67   tatupu70   2009 Oct 17, 8:44am  


I love when someone posts that the "could" do this, or "could" post the proof, but they choose not to. In my experience, if you have the goods then you'll put them out there for everyone to see. Of course you knew all along because you're much smarter than everyone else...

I agree that the current health care bill is not what I wanted. But, the reason why is that the entrenched insurance execs, pharma execs, and the congressmen that they have on their payroll have so throroughly distorted the health care debate that we're left with a damaged bill. Sarah Palin's death panels, the commercials saying that you'll lose your Medicare, etc. have scared seniors enough to crash the town hall meetings.

It's really unfortunate because we had an opportunity to join the rest of the civilized world...

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