Oh, so that's why they call it 'depression'.

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2009 Oct 20, 6:56pm   15,844 views  70 comments

by nope   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Of all the frustrating things in the housing market, "uncertainty" is probably the worst.

My wife and I have been discussing buying a place since she became pregnant with our second child in late 2006. I saw the coming crash as inevitable, so we agreed to wait.

You see, we really want to own a home. We don't want to own a home because we think it's a great investment. We want to own a home because we like the idea of staying in one place for 20+ years. We want a place that our kids will think of as "home". We like that if we want to knock down a wall or replace the flooring, we can. We're also not stupid people and don't want to stretch ourselves to buy a house that's just going to be cheaper later.

So we saved, and now we've got a little over $100k in the bank. I'm making good money (around $150k base), but I still can't see how home prices are reasonable. We moved up to Seattle from the bay area, and while things are much more rational here, I still see 2000 square feet houses that haven't been updated in 30+ years listing for over $600k.

While those prices still strike me as outrageous, it is tempting. By my reckoning I could get something along those lines for under $3000 a month, sitting comfortably at about 25% of my gross monthly earnings even if the stock market tanks again and my bonus sucks next year.

Unfortunately, the $100k is really all I have to spend without touching my retirement, so putting it all into a down payment isn't really a smart choice. That means that if I want to put 20% down on a place, I'd have to look in the sub-$400k range, and quite frankly I haven't seen anything in that market that I'd be willing to buy yet.

The obvious answer here is "wait". Unfortunately, I don't really have that option either. My daughter is two and I've also got a third kid who's nearly one. My oldest is six and in first grade. We're crowded into a small 3 bedroom apartment, and we're really sick of moving between rental properties. If we wait until next summer we should be able to get to around $150k, but my wife may murder me before then.

If house prices were definitively falling -- with banks actually listing the foreclosures that they're racking up, there wold be no doubt that the right thing to do would be to horde cash and stay in the cheap apartment for another year.

If house prices were definitively rising (say, due to massive inflation), there would be no doubt that buying would be the right thing to do and I'd be out signing some paper work right now.

Hell, even if prices were definitively not going anywhere I could at least stop worrying about it.

Is anyone else in a similar situation? Do you have good reason to believe things are going to go one way or another (and I mean actual data, not rants about government or human stupidity)? Does anyone have experience with the Seattle market?


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14   d3   2009 Oct 21, 4:49am  

elliemae says

You want a house - find one that fits your needs and that you feel comfortable with on price. Rent until you find the house you want. $600k for a house is a lot of money, so make sure that you find one you really like or you’ll hate yourself for many, many years.

I agree 100%.

15   pkennedy   2009 Oct 21, 4:50am  

As for the Canadian reference to housing, the markets are completely different.

Including mortgages aren't tax deductible, thus interest rates are far lower. The lower rates hold housing prices up.
Banks won't lend with 0% down, and aren't able to make crazy mortgages like were allowed down here.

The whole system is setup to be far more restrictive in it's lending practices. Thus the market has done relatively well in this global crisis. Housing prices might be inflated, but the market isn't under any stress to unload homes. Here the combination of resetting mortgages, a huge market down turn, and huge number of poorly made unsecured loans caused a massive flood of homes to enter the market and homes that needed to be sold (eg foreclosures), and for many, they wanted to lock in their gains. All put pressure on the housing market to push it down. In Canada those same conditions don't exist.

Homes might be unaffordable, but there isn't a reason for them to crash either.

16   10caipirinhas   2009 Oct 21, 5:26am  


Totally untrue.......no offence........bare with me......

Mortgage interest can be made deductible thru a simple tax strategy you employ with the help of an accountant.

Our central banks rate is 0.25%..........yours is also 0.25%..........the mortgage rates are also very close in that regard. Virtually all of our mortgages are what you call "Option Arms".......in that every 1-2-3-4-5 years you renew the outstanding balance at the prevailing rate in the marketplace. Much riskier than your 30 year fixed loan, which does not exist here. I wish they did. We also have variable rate mortgages, as well as the occasional lender who does 7 and 10 year fixed terms, but at much higher rates.

We had zero down, no doc, mortgages for years, and you still can get them unfortunately.......they are now called "Cash Back" mortgages. All of the US subprime practices existed here, and to many extents, they still do, but with officially sanctioned, government backing lending, thru CMHC (our version of the FHA). The government has told CMHC to approve everything, so if you have their fees, and a pulse, the bank gives you the mortgage, CMHC insures it (well, actually the taxpayer is on the hook by virtue of CMHC being a government corp) and then securitizes it and "poof" the bank is off the hook.......heard that before ? Big question is though, who is buying all of these mortgage securitizations ? Kinda hard to find that out as their website is deliberately very ambigous........we think it is the government quietly doing it with printed money........heard that before ? In 2007 their securitization market cap was $350 BILLION......the government just raised it to $600 BILLION last week.......so the government has juiced our housing market by $250 BILLION, which is basically a hidden bank bailout at my expense.

Currently the overwhelmingly vast majority of new mortgage originations are for 35 year amortizations, with 5 year interest terms and 5% down, at record low rates with house prices that are at historical bubble pricing, and CMHC insurance. The only people left buying are also the stupidist of all, the first time home buyer, encouraged by a deliberately targetted media and REIC marketing campaign.

Foreclosures are up by 400% here in Canada since 2007. Defaults are just starting......we are always 2-3 years behind the US. As for the market stress, well, last year we had 15,000 listings in my city, a 300% record, it is down to about 9,000 now, but rental listings have spiked from roughly 500 in 2007 to over 5,000 today, which is where all those houses for sale ended up, since they were, well, unsellable.

We're screwed worse than you guys are...........which is why I don't want to buy, when I can rent the exact same place for 1/3 the monthly cost and save the difference, plus I do not put a 6 figure deposit at certain risk of loss.

Call me a "Negative Nellie".......I don't care as my brain is still working and I will survive this one.

17   michaelsch   2009 Oct 21, 5:59am  

Kevin, you may consider several things:

1. If you have your retirement savings in 401K/403K you may be able to withdraw $10k penalty free when you buy a home. Same with your wife. So you get extra $20k. Also they will most likely expand that $8K tax credit (It's like narcotic dependency, after having it for several months you can't withdraw.) So here you get total $28k to spend on your house purchase.

2. Many 401k programs allow for borrowing against your savings. A typical is you may borrow up to 50% and no more than $50K with initiation fee of $100. Usually you must repay it in full if you change your job. The interest is added to your 401K account. So this way you may get up to additional $50K (twice so if your wife has one as well).

3. Judging by your estimate of $600K I suspect you guys are "top school district" addicts. Hard to tell how it is in Seattle, but in California good school districts make less and less sense. Middle schools are disaster even in the best school districts and elementary education also is often much better at home. Since you have small children, your wife may consider staying home with them and doing some "home-schooling". In many places there are excelent programs available for free. They mail you all necessary materials and actual lessons are available on line. Check K12.com for example. (AKA CAVA in California). They may be available for free in Seattle area. This way you may be able to buy for a $100K less.

18   burritos   2009 Oct 21, 10:20am  

I have a 3 bed 2 bath 1700 sq ft home in puyallup or a 3 bed 2 bath 1500 sq ft townhouse in Fife if you're willing to commute. 1200 rent indefinitely. The pierce county school system is decent. You rent there for 10 years and the money you'd save you could by a mcmansion in cash afterwards. Just saying, that's all.

19   Austinhousingbubble   2009 Oct 21, 12:48pm  


It may sate your wife if you take some time at some point during your current lease to purchase some of the more select/pricier furnishings with which you'll want to outfit your future domicile. High quality furniture (shit you either don't ever have to replace, or shit that is worth repairing/reupholstering) can be expensive. Better to get it out of the way beforehand, as there are likely going to be various expenses both large and small associated with your first house -- and I'm not referring to closing costs and junk fees.

I understand why both you and your wife are stir crazy, and sick of the travails and vacillations of renting. You'd also be forgiven for thinking it's somewhat crazy to have 150K+ coming in, 100K in liquid assets, and yet still opting to compromise your comfort level, but I really think you're doing the savvy thing. One idea might be to diligently save for another 10 or 12 months, and then move to a nicer/larger rental. Promise your wife it will be your last move before you find a permanent residence, and start assembling some furnishings. It might help ease the strain if you are actively working on something related to your future place instead of just sitting on your hands.

Just a thought.

20   thomas.wong87   2009 Oct 21, 1:39pm  

Kentam... trying checking DQnews.com each month for the latest... per latest results prices in NorthWest are dropping.


21   Leigh   2009 Oct 21, 2:32pm  

My family of four lives comfortably in 1,000 square foot 2/2...why? we suffered significantly during the 2001-02 tech bust, a few relatives got severely burned by the RE bust and now I have so many friends and relatives out of work from this recession I seem to have no problem being a lowly renter and watching this all from the sidelines. Heck, I don't even window shop (www.rmls.com) much anymore as I know prices are still out of whack with incomes and our high unemployment rate in Portland. We got a long way to fall here as we drank a lot of Alt-A kool-aid!

My list of unemployed friends and relatives (ages are approx):

45y.o. civil engineer in PDX
45y.o. home inspector, losing home to foreclosure in PDX
60y.o. uncle in Phoenix flipping houses and got could holding a big one
58y.o. uncle in Dallas, after 30+ years laid off from 84 Lumber, he and wife both unemployed for over 9 months
2 30ish teachers in PDX can barely find sub work
60y.o. uncle in Phoenix in telecommunications, unemployed 9+ months
2 new grad RN's leaving PDX to find work

This is why I have no problem waiting and saving.

No, not everyone is going to get burned but why not wait and improve your chances for success.

22   nope   2009 Oct 21, 4:41pm  

kentm says

The things to consider: are you really loosing anything by renting,


1. Nice rentals are still pretty pricey (not that much cheaper than buying, to be honest), and cheap rentals are, well, cheap.
2. I want a place for my kids to grow up in. We've lived in 4 places in 4 years. That's not exactly good for their well-being.
3. It makes it much more difficult to plan out anything else in life.

For instance, I'd really like to pay off my car. We owe about $18k on it, and are paying around 8% interest. Paying it off would give us an extra $500 a month, but we'd also be taking a $18k hit on our down payment money and it would take three years to make up the difference.

We also want to start contributing to our children's college savings, but it's hard to budget for that when you're trying to save as much as possible towards the house.

Even simple things like buying a new TV or sofa are tough decisions. If we spend $1500 on that sectional are we going to be another month away from our objectives?

Lastly, there's a very good chance that I'm going to get hit with AMT next year, so the mortgage tax deduction does start to look very attractive.

StillLooking says

You mean for $2500-3000 per month you can’t find a great place to rent where you want?

Oh, I certainly can find a place for $3000, but that's about what it would cost to buy. If I'm going to waste $3000 a month that I'll never see again, I might as well buy a place and at least get the tax deduction.

Tude says

Are you another one of these people that thinks it’s beneath you to live in anything but the most exclusive neighborhood?

No -- but I need:

- 4 bedrooms (I have 3 kids, and there's a 6 year gap between the boys so sharing a room isn't practical)
- A decent sized yard (we have a fairly large dog, plus, well, the kids)
- A good school district
- A short commute
- A place that I would WANT to live in for 20+ years (and probably forever)

So, yeah, places like that are running from the upper $500k to lower $600k range, and those are for the ones that need considerable amounts of work.

pkennedy says

Can’t you move part of your retirement fund over to a house without paying any penalties?

Yes, and it's something that we're considering, but it's hard to justify doing that now with the market insanity firmly entrenched. If it comes down to no other choice, I'll probably tap the 401k, although at most that's only about $40k (the actual limit is $50k or half of your total, and I've only got about $80k in mine -- and yes, I'm maxing out my contributions and I have a 50% match). My wife doesn't work and has no 401k.

michaelsch says

Also they will most likely expand that $8K tax credit (It’s like narcotic dependency, after having it for several months you can’t withdraw.) So here you get total $28k to spend on your house purchase.

Unfortunately I'm already over $200k this year because of some good luck with my company stock plan, so it's unlikely that I'll qualify for the tax credit. If they keep the limit at $170k I might be under next year.

michaelsch says

Judging by your estimate of $600K I suspect you guys are “top school district” addicts. Hard to tell how it is in Seattle, but in California good school districts make less and less sense.

No way. The top school districts here start in the $800k range for what we're looking for. Seattle area schools are infinitely better than bay area schools though, so we're not terribly concerned. In CA my biggest concern was ensuring that my kids weren't exposed to gangs and drugs, I took that the education was crap as a given.

Austinhousingbubble says

High quality furniture (shit you either don’t ever have to replace, or shit that is worth repairing/reupholstering) can be expensive.

You must not have young children! :) I'm not touching anything resembling "high quality" furniture until my youngest is old enough to understand that crayons are for paper.

My wife doesn't really care about that stuff though. We like "high quality" (as in "good value") in everything that we buy, and we avoid the wal-marts and ikeas of the world on pricipal, but we're mostly thrift-store / craiglist buyers, not luxury goods consumers.

What my wife wants is "roots", not status. We both grew up in lower-class families and didn't really have a place to call home, and we want better for our children. Neighborhoods where families with kids that ours can play with, where the police aren't coming by every night on domestic violence cases, and where the parents actually care who their children play with are what I care about.

23   Austinhousingbubble   2009 Oct 21, 5:10pm  

My wife doesn’t really care about that stuff though. We like “high quality” (as in “good value”) in everything that we buy, and we avoid the wal-marts and ikeas of the world on pricipal, but we’re mostly thrift-store / craiglist buyers, not luxury goods consumers.

I agree -- plush for the sake of plush is not my thing -- but the way to go is high quality, meaning stuff made to high standards that will hold up and continue to look good as it ages and even retain some value. I buy old stuff and restore it most of the time. Never mind status, I like the idea of buying the good article once, rather than replacing it a bunch of times throughout the years with equally sub par stuff. Kinda dovetails with the idea of living in one house forever.

Granted, kids and Crayons puts the lid on the whole thing.

24   Patrick   2009 Oct 22, 1:56am  

I still see 2000 square feet houses that haven’t been updated in 30+ years listing for over $600k.

While those prices still strike me as outrageous, it is tempting. By my reckoning I could get something along those lines for under $3000 a month, sitting comfortably at about 25% of my gross monthly earnings even if the stock market tanks again and my bonus sucks next year.

By my basic rule of annual rent / interest rate = fair house price, ($3000 * 12) / 0.06 = $600K. So I'd say you're a borderline case and it's not completely obvious what to do. Personally, I think house prices will keep falling, and joblessness will increase some more, but I could be wrong. Maybe the critical factor should be how secure you feel about your job.

25   cara   2009 Oct 22, 4:00am  

the difference between owning and renting at $3k/month each is that while renting the owner is taking the full risk of further declines.

I think of my downpayment right now this way: How much am I willing to "spend" on a house right now. How much money am I willing to lose, for that particular house? You've been saving all that money up for a reason. To "buy" a house. The cash you put in upfront is how much you pay, the rest is just renting the money.

Now, I wouldn't say this if the numbers you posted weren't so close to rental parity. Or if your job sounded shaky.

Given today's crazy-low interest rate environment, money is cheap, I recommend looking at what you could reasonably buy if you only had 5% to put down, and then deciding whether to contribute more DP to lower your monthly costs. Going all the way to your last dime is just as stressful if not more than waiting it out 6 more months.

Keep an eagle eye out this winter for something that's priced right or that you can get a deal on, that's the perfect place for you, or that you can turn into the perfect place for you.

You've saved all that money, you've earned the right to spend it on roots if you choose to.

26   elliemae   2009 Oct 22, 4:24am  

The cool thing about home ownership is that you can paint over the crayon marks. A cooler thing is the door that you mark the kid's height on - the one that you paint once (when you move in) and becomes part of your family lore.

I moved ten times before I graduated high school - roots are good (that's why I bought, and that's why I stayed even tho I could've scored $200k if I'd sold in 2006). I say, if you find the place you like, go for it. But take your time and make sure it's the place you want to be. Alot of people bought homes and can't sell without taking a loss or short-sale; hopefully you'll never be in that position.

27   pkennedy   2009 Oct 22, 4:49am  

10caipirinhas: I will up your tax account with my father: retired Canadian tax prosecutor.

I've discussed this with him and the "strategies" that were used to create tax deductible loans on homes. His reply, as is the same with almost all my Canadian tax questions are what are the intentions? The intention is to purchase a house and deduct the loan. The accounts came up with games that appeared to circumvent this, and essentially they're just waiting to be caught for tax fraud. I remember reading a bit before about some reforms, I'm not sure if they are in place. But as of the last time I saw, it came down to fraud. Most of the tax advice given out essentially comes down to "It worked for all these people! It must be true" which is Michael Moore logic. What it really means is that they haven't been caught as of yet. Don't forget, Canadian taxes are due for life. If you declare bankruptcy everything but the taxes goes away, if you go into hiding for 30 years and they find you, they're still able to collect. Be very careful.

My brother locked in a loan for about 4.x% for 30 years about 2 years ago? while loans here where in the 6% range. From the family and friends who obtained loans, they've been a few % points lower than what was available here. A few % points adds up to a huge amount of extra lending ability.

Most of the Canadian loans are a lot more restrictive still than what was done down here. What you consider risky, was fairly conservative.

28   Misstrial   2009 Oct 22, 4:52am  

Regarding a previous post by elliemae -

We almost always customize our rental - Millionaire Mommy Next Door does this too.

Here's a link. Scroll down to the middle of the article where she posts pics of her home with custom painting:


Painting is no big deal. When we move out we simply repaint walls to their original color. Usually, the LL has extra paint out in the garage.

As far as marking kids' height on a wall, we simply have chosen to make memories using other things such as keeping records of their schoolwork showing their evolving handwriting, etc. Their height can always be recorded on something portable such as on an 8-ft metal Stanley retractable tape measure.


29   elliemae   2009 Oct 22, 5:06am  

Misstrial says

Regarding a previous post by elliemae -
We almost always customize our rental - Millionaire Mommy Next Door does this too.

Many rentals won't allow for this. It depends upon where you live. I have a bunch of animals, which makes it harder to find a rental. However, renting works for alot of people.

I live in an area that's wayyyyy different than Calif. My house payment is $800 per month for a 3/2 1700sq ft on an acre. Buying my home was a good choice for me (so far), but it's not for everyone.

30   pkennedy   2009 Oct 22, 5:15am  


It sounds like you're in a spot like I'm in. Your income, ability to save and repayment times could be higher than the average. Low interest rates don't really favor you. Of course you've got children and there is a certain point in time where it isn't worth just "waiting' any longer. At some point it is worth spending and living the way you want to vs saving at an astronomical rate.

Having the full 20-25% down payment and not paying the penalties is probably worth it for you. You can obviously live below your means, which means re-paying a 401K plan won't be difficult. Repaying a car shouldn't be that hard either, and saving for the kids college shouldn't be that difficult either.

The other alternative is to get a shorter term loan, with a lower interest rate that may reset and pay down the house quicker. That way when the mortgage does reset, hopefully you'll have made a decent sized dent in that mortgage. At least the lower interest rates would be able to help you in this case. For those neigh sayers, this is different from lowering your mortgage payment so you can afford a house. The key here is to pay the same amount of mortgage payments as the higher priced loan would require, and reduce the principal as quickly as possible as opposed to gambling and "hoping" that in the future the house goes up for a quick sale. Rates would have to go up quite substantially for him to fall into a position where he couldn't service his debt when it was refinanced.

Why have you moved 4 times in such a short period? Was it to better position yourself for work? Better rent? Job changes? And the big question: Are these reasons likely to exist after you make a 20 yr commitment???

31   Storm   2009 Oct 22, 5:20am  

10caipirinhas says

I told my wife that “if she wants to buy now it means divorce”. Plain and simple, the look on her face was priceless.

Told her that “I can get laid for $100 whenever I want, and if I work at it, for free, so that I was not going to spend $100K+ down and $3-4K a month”…….”just to keep her nesting hormones happy” (my exact words), given the state of our economy and house prices (here in Canada we are at 7.3 times income and you guys were at 5.4 or something similar when your bubble burst, and ours has not burst yet). We are currently saving $2,700 a month as renters……and have been for years. Said if she wants to ruin herself financially she is perfectly entitled to do so on her own, and she can if she wants to, from a financial perspective, as she also has her own money, as do I. Been married since 2001, and I think we’ll be married for the rest of our lives.
There is no reason to ruin oneself financially whatsoever just because your wife’s brain isn’t working properly. If buying a house is cheaper than getting a divorce, in your situation, you may have to reevaluate your scenario, but in my case it is not by a long shot.

You must be a real hit with the ladies... lol... If I told my wife those things I probably would have to pay for sex.

32   michaelsch   2009 Oct 22, 5:27am  

Kevin says

Yes, and it’s something that we’re considering, but it’s hard to justify doing that now with the market insanity firmly entrenched. If it comes down to no other choice, I’ll probably tap the 401k, although at most that’s only about $40k (the actual limit is $50k or half of your total, and I’ve only got about $80k in mine — and yes, I’m maxing out my contributions and I have a 50% match). My wife doesn’t work and has no 401k.
Unfortunately I’m already over $200k this year because of some good luck with my company stock plan, so it’s unlikely that I’ll qualify for the tax credit. If they keep the limit at $170k I might be under next year.

In this case I would say: wait till you have at least $110k in your 401k. This would allow you using extra $60k for down payment, closing etc. But make sure you take a loan from your 401k, try to not withdraw from it. If your job is secure you can repay $50k loan quite easily in 2 years. If it's not - no reason to buy.

33   allinthistogether   2009 Oct 22, 6:34am  

Have you been up here to physically look at properties? The real estate world via "internets" is a place of dreams with very little reality attached, at least in my experience. Maybe like Cali FOR nia. I've looked around quite a bit there too.
Seattle area listings are usually never as they seem. I'm on my 3rd year looking for a decent place at a value based price without that "fatal flaw". Yes, I'll admit I'm picky. I'm not into old meth labs, houses in slide zones, mold infested fixers, properties right next to gas stations or neighbors who have a bad case of OCD. If it's a decent house in decent condition for a decent price its gone in days, even in this so called slow market. If you want it you'd better run to look at anything you think you'll like and looks legit in terms of marketing.
If that property on Vashon you refer to in your post is really as it appears on Redfin you better bust a move 'cause it will likely be STI very soon.
Vashon properties, especially waterfront tend to be very expensive. 425k doesn't add up. I guess it's remotely possible prices are correcting very steeply over there.
My wild guess is that's one of those Vashon places that doesn't have vehicle access to the house. The Redfin listing states 'no parking' if you look closely. Yes, you might have to walk all your stuff back and forth down a pedestrian trail or boardwalk. Charming, I'm sure. Great for a weekend/summer place, but otherwise in November when its cold and pouring down rain even as a retiree you'll be enjoying yourself slogging along that walk with your armload of soggy groceries luxuriating in those 'panoramic Sound views'....
Maybe California really IS THAT BAD but for someone who has lived in the Puget Sound area since the mid 90's, it just seems foolish to participate in this ongoing mania. The housing hasn't changed but for the worse and the heady delusional days when that common refrain "I'm going to be a multi-millionaire' HAS. You could even buy an "affordable" house during THOSE times. You at least had the option of buying something out of the city and commute in for your work. Has anyone noticed the prices lately of those places out in the backwaters that used to just generate Seattlelites' snickers and sneers?
I'm beginning to come to the conclusion that the west coast property market is permanently hosed.
And that makes me very sad.

34   pkennedy   2009 Oct 22, 7:59am  

Well at least in California, the estimate is to double the population by 2020 or something insane (I believe that was a quote about 5 years old?).

Those back water places might be unrealistically expensive now, but if your options in a few years are to commute 1 hour or 4 hours into work, those back water places might start to look pretty good. The sheer number of people moving into California should help revive the market, even if it requires 10 years, it won't be permanent.

35   allinthistogether   2009 Oct 22, 10:04am  

Some of those backwaters I referred to sometimes ARE the 4 hour commutes today especially if you are on the "wrong" side of the water. If the price of gasoline ever goes beyond what it was in the summer of '08 it will make even less sense.
Will you be able to afford not only the time but the fuel for such a horrendous commute? I doubt it will look much better as a deal than today, maybe worse....
To clarify, Vashon Island is not IMO a backwater, it's a nice place within a short ferry ride to downtown Seattle.

The statement that California is going to double in population by 2020 seems like an argument related to the old "buy now or be priced out forever" . Anyway, I thought California was losing population not working on doubling it. In this economy? Guess that's good for all those in the Golden State. IMO at some point more is not better it just causes scarcity and crowding. We have that here already. I guess it can get much worse.
If all the Californians do decide to move to Washington State to find "cheap" housing, I guess they'll get it. Seems at least a good number have the perception that housing should cost more than most working people could ever hope to be able to pay! Then there is that pesky problem called local markets that kicks in based on those local job wages. Once you move here and find a job here its all relative anyway.
But like I said before, I'm afeared the whole west coast property market is hosed for some of us.

36   AltonS   2009 Oct 22, 11:39am  

lyoungblood says

10caipirinhas says

I told my wife that “if she wants to buy now it means divorce”. Plain and simple, the look on her face was priceless.
Told her that “I can get laid for $100 whenever I want, and if I work at it, for free, so that I was not going to spend $100K+ down and $3-4K a month”…….”just to keep her nesting hormones happy” (my exact words), given the state of our economy and house prices (here in Canada we are at 7.3 times income and you guys were at 5.4 or something similar when your bubble burst, and ours has not burst yet). We are currently saving $2,700 a month as renters……and have been for years. Said if she wants to ruin herself financially she is perfectly entitled to do so on her own, and she can if she wants to, from a financial perspective, as she also has her own money, as do I. Been married since 2001, and I think we’ll be married for the rest of our lives.

There is no reason to ruin oneself financially whatsoever just because your wife’s brain isn’t working properly. If buying a house is cheaper than getting a divorce, in your situation, you may have to reevaluate your scenario, but in my case it is not by a long shot.

You must be a real hit with the ladies… lol… If I told my wife those things I probably would have to pay for sex.

You probably already do in any number of ways. We all "pay" for sex in various ways, not just cash. Of course, these days some believe and seek to leglislate "budgets"/money control as emotional abuse in relationships. One of the biggest reasons for divorce... financial issues. Who do you think would/will take the heat after the ARM reset of the couple in the "Suzanne researched this" century21 ad? I doubt it will be suzanne or the wife.

37   Tude   2009 Oct 22, 12:42pm  

Maybe that one place on Vashon on the water has "fatal flaws" but there are several properties on Vashon on acreage for less than 500k I have been watching for a while that don't seem to be selling
is right next to the equestrian park, and has been on the market for a year.
How about this? An acre, has parking, near the water, a little more but trouble selling?
Personally, with your $$ and income I would be looking at the upper end of you budget but making lowball offers until one sticks.
What zipcode are you looking in anyway?

38   nope   2009 Oct 22, 5:11pm  

pkennedy says

Why have you moved 4 times in such a short period? Was it to better position yourself for work? Better rent? Job changes? And the big question: Are these reasons likely to exist after you make a 20 yr commitment???

AZ -> CA for work, moved twice in CA because we had two kids in 2 years, and moved to WA about a month ago to escape the insanity of the bay area.

michaelsch says

In this case I would say: wait till you have at least $110k in your 401k.

That would require another 18 months (unless the market does really well), which would be pretty painful (Maximum contribution = $16.5k + 8k for the match). I could do something crazy to pad the beginning of the 2011 calendar year early, but that's still going to take at least 12-13 months.

AltonS says

You probably already do in any number of ways. We all “pay” for sex in various ways, not just cash. Of course, these days some believe and seek to leglislate “budgets”/money control as emotional abuse in relationships. One of the biggest reasons for divorce… financial issues. Who do you think would/will take the heat after the ARM reset of the couple in the “Suzanne researched this” century21 ad? I doubt it will be suzanne or the wife.

Some of you people have very bizarre relationships with your spouses. That's not healthy.

Vashon is nice, but it's also an hour+ commute from my office (in Southern Kirkland), and I like getting home before my kids go to bed.

39   Tude   2009 Oct 23, 12:19am  

Still saw well over 100 homes in the Kirkland area that are 4+ bedrooms for less than 500k. All look like really nice homes too. I can only conclude that you are another person complaining that they cannot find a home in a specific 5 block area for what they want to pay, therefore it's impossible to find a home in their special area.

I hear it about the "Bay Area" too. Nothing less than 800k people say, then you find out they too good to live anywhere but Piedmont... Whatever.

40   HeadSet   2009 Oct 23, 2:37am  

Kevin says

For instance, I’d really like to pay off my car. We owe about $18k on it, and are paying around 8% interest. Paying it off would give us an extra $500 a month, but we’d also be taking a $18k hit on our down payment money and it would take three years to make up the difference.

I'm sure you realize that "option" will cost over $2,300 in non-deductable interest. If you are pretty sure you will not buy for at least a year, you are paying $2,300 to have an extra $12,000 in down payment money.

41   10caipirinhas   2009 Oct 23, 2:49am  

Kevin says

"Some of you people have very bizarre relationships with your spouses. That’s not healthy"

Uuuhhhhh wrong........not being able to take a stand when you are correct is unhealthy in a relationship. Especially when the stakes are this high. Financial ruin is not to be messed with for the sake of a cuddle.

Sex is the one tool that women hold over us, take it away from them and they are completely disarmed. She had to fight the battle with logic, facts and reason at that point, and guess what.

Basic psychology 101.........Alton has it right. If you believe that being a plaid plant wearing sensitive metrosexual is the path to harmony, you deserve to get steam rollered. So go ahead, buy now, despite all the evidence to the contrary, and I guarantee that you'll probably be moving again in the future.........back into another rental and with no money in the bank.

I've got 2 friends getting divorced this year......both who bought last year........one of them told me he was wrong not to take my advice, all he wanted to do was "make his wife happy". Well now he is out divorce costs, divorce settlement costs and $100K of cash he put down. The other one won't talk about it. I've got better things to do than make this crap up. I'm not trying to be rude Kevin, it's the internet, you can't see my face or read my body language.

Good luck.

42   pkennedy   2009 Oct 23, 3:14am  


Give it another year or so. If you've only lived in seattle for a couple of months, you may end up changing your mind.... Many people won't like this next bit, but I grew up in Vancouver and finally left when the weather got out of control. 10 months of rain, every day. Not drizzle, but wiper blades on full every time I would get in the car. 10 months. That was from el nino, and a bad year, but 200 days a year is the norm for rain in Vancouver, which is similar to Seattle in weather patterns.

I came to California and the weather is just amazing. As most people know :) I went half way backup to Portland and it was the same thing, all over again. Lots of rain and cloudy days. Funny story, I almost had to pull over on the highway once because I couldn't get the rain off windshield fast enough. Then I thought about it for a few seconds and realized I had never done that before, and this couldn't be the worst rain I had ever experienced. The problem was I had moved my wiper setting from min intermittent to max setting. I forgot I could even turn them on all the time, because I hadn't used them in years. In fact I didnt know how to turn them on in that car, I had to look around because I had never used them.

It might not seem bad right now, it might be a novelty for you. But make sure it's what you really really want. Grey clouds for 200 days of the year can get to you. Blue is a calming color, and when the entire sky happens to be blue, having sunny days can really effect your life and emotions beyond "it's sunny!".

As you've moved to escape things, believing you are in greener pastures, I would recommend waiting the year.

43   cranker   2009 Oct 23, 4:14am  

Kevin says

kentm says

The things to consider: are you really loosing anything by renting,

1. Nice rentals are still pretty pricey (not that much cheaper than buying, to be honest), and cheap rentals are, well, cheap.

The kids wont care, nor remember whether it was cheap or not. The parents will?

2. I want a place for my kids to grow up in. We’ve lived in 4 places in 4 years. That’s not exactly good for their well-being.

Again, this is the adults thinking.

3. It makes it much more difficult to plan out anything else in life.
For instance, I’d really like to pay off my car. We owe about $18k on it, and are paying around 8% interest. Paying it off would give us an extra $500 a month, but we’d also be taking a $18k hit on our down payment money and it would take three years to make up the difference.

This is bad. You should really pay it off, or refi at a credit union. Where else will you get a 8% return?

We also want to start contributing to our children’s college savings, but it’s hard to budget for that when you’re trying to save as much as possible towards the house.

Why? If saving for a house is interfering with saving for your child's college fund (or retirement), then you are not ready to buy a house, IMO.

Even simple things like buying a new TV or sofa are tough decisions. If we spend $1500 on that sectional are we going to be another month away from our objectives?

Don't buy those things, then.

Lastly, there’s a very good chance that I’m going to get hit with AMT next year, so the mortgage tax deduction does start to look very attractive.

Really? Why is MI ded. so attractive because of AMT? Do the math, and see how much of a difference AMT vs regular tax is. Getting hit with AMT is just not a sufficient reason to buy a house. MI is deductible in AMT world, but property taxes are not.

StillLooking says

You mean for $2500-3000 per month you can’t find a great place to rent where you want?

Oh, I certainly can find a place for $3000, but that’s about what it would cost to buy. If I’m going to waste $3000 a month that I’ll never see again, I might as well buy a place and at least get the tax deduction.

There is however a case where it still makes sense. Suppose the choices are
(1) You pay 3000 rent
(2)You pay 2000 (net, after tax deduction) as house payment, but house prices (in your range) drops 50K in a year.

Renting for one year, and buying after that saves you 38K, and saves you more over the life of the mortgage, because of the lower mortgage amount.

About me. I rent. 3 bedroom condo, for last 4 years. Best school district.3 kids. 2,5,8 yrs. All my friends family own. Immense pressure to buy, but now, now after 4 years, all think I was smarter.

My priorities are different. I think I need a (1) reasonable place to live (2) kids get educated now (3) kids get to go to college (4) save something for retirement. (5)enjoy life a bit (6) save what is left. I realized long ago that buying a house would conflict with those things, and I was forced to chose what I wanted in life. I chose not to buy a house, and still have a full life.

My family has more fun and freedom than all my house-locked friends. We will buy a house when we can have the same life in spite of owning a house. We are much closer to that now, ironically because we decided to postpone buying a house.

You can have a life without owning a house. But don't rent and squeeze you life dry with scrounging to buy a house. In the long run, you will have a better chance of buying a home.

You have a certain expectation of life as it will be, when you own a house. Say you bought a house now. What if owing the house prevents you from having that life? Is it worth buying?

44   pkennedy   2009 Oct 23, 4:40am  

I'm just tossing a thought up here, but if a person fits into the general population where they live more or less pay check to pay check, regardless of income plus or minus a few % for savings or going into debt, a house is going to cost the same no matter when you buy. It will cost you roughly 30 years of your pay check. It will be the maximum you can afford more or less.

The reasoning for this thought is that people will take advantage of whatever options are available at the time and use them to purchase their house. If interest rates are low, then they'll pay more for the house and max out their mortgage ability. If they are high, they will pay less but still max out how much they pay for the mortgage. If there is an 8K credit, they will add that on top of their mortgage and they'll end up with a 30 year mortgage +- 5 years or so? If they save up, they will buy more or cut down a few years on their mortgage.

For most people, it probably doesn't matter when they buy in terms of cost, because the clock will start counting down WHEN they buy. It will take the 30 years or so to pay off in any economy. Of course this doesn't include the massive "bubble" where people got into positions they simply couldn't deal with, but anyone who could afford their house in 2000's will keep paying off their expensive house for the next 30 years. Anyone buying now with lower prices, will be doing the same thing.

Really, it seems to only matter if you don't fit in with the general population. Eg you can live below your means and actually do it. Then pricing, rates, down payments and other items actually effect the decision making process.

Those people are most likely the people on this board. While we has a dislike for NAR in general, their constant matra of it's the right time to buy is probably true for most people, because the sooner you start the 30 year clock, the sooner you'll be done with it.

45   Vicente   2009 Oct 23, 4:46am  

pkennedy says

their constant matra of it’s the right time to buy is probably true for most people, because the sooner you start the 30 year clock, the sooner you’ll be done with it.

One significant problem with your view, is that Americans RARELY live in the same house for 30 years. They get to year 7 on average. Perhaps have to sell an underwater house due to jobs, divorces, medical issues, etc. The view that everyone remains frozen in place for 30 years from the moment they buy a house is simply not the America we have right now, and switching to that model would be significant change. It impedes the flow of labor to where the jobs and skills are needed at that time.

46   pkennedy   2009 Oct 23, 5:02am  


To some degree yes. But not "everyone" was flipping homes. There were a good number, yes. But there are a huge number of home owners out there, and a huge number who don't move around much. It would be nice to have some information on the average time a person spends in a home, removing the flipped and speculative buyer from those statistics.

Job loss can be bad, but a lot of people simply won't move when their job moves, they'll just accept their new commute. Like renters, people don't like moving. LL's count on that when raising rents. I'm assuming here that many people will just eat the new commute on their new job.

While we do have a 10% unemployment figure, the flipside is 90% are employed. My comment was more about the average person. The average person has a job, as the 90% figure states. Average people who move into a home to nest aren't looking to filp and will try and avoid it. If they do flip every 7+ years, then they're probably moving into larger homes and starting over, but with a large home when they finish the whole 30ish year pay off.

47   AltonS   2009 Oct 23, 5:06am  

Cranker makes a good case.

“Some of you people have very bizarre relationships with your spouses. That’s not healthy”

Not married, not in a relationship. 32 years old, somewhat happily single for the moment. Seen and heard too many horror stories not to take these issues very seriously. As an aside I found it rather amusing when I was looking seriously 2 years ago that most of the female RE agents/dev. salesgals thought I was odd for wanting a bigger house. "Thats a lot of space for a single guy!" I'm sure some thought I was possibly an investor type but many seemed surprised that I might be thinking of the future (family, mother retiring and needing to live with me) and that locally most of the best deals were for the 1800+ sq ft homes.

48   Austinhousingbubble   2009 Oct 23, 4:51pm  

To some degree yes. But not “everyone” was flipping homes. There were a good number, yes. But there are a huge number of home owners out there, and a huge number who don’t move around much.

The numbers say otherwise. You will see the pendulum swing increasinlgy more toward mobility in the coming years.

49   justme   2009 Oct 24, 12:57am  


Definitely pay off the 8% car loan immediately, before you do ANYTHING else.

You surprised me a bit today. I see you analyze (and debunk) complex political questions with great ease and elegance, but this car thing is an absolute no-brainer.

I understand that it may be sort of a "dry powder" argument about having the down payment ready, but still ...

Best of luck.

50   Bap33   2009 Oct 24, 1:55am  

I have been in position to pay off my car loan that is at 4% .... but chose to hold my cash due to the very real possibility (in my mind) that things could get really bad and eating would be more important than no car debt, plus having a fat account looks good at DP time should a REwhore feel I deserve to place a bid on a home. It is a tuff choice to make, as the money sitting only gets .75%, so I'm losing a little each month, but I still have the bulk of the cash .... dang it, it is a tuff one. The bright spot is, I pay it off in Jan either way. yaaa me.

51   justme   2009 Oct 24, 4:28am  

Bap33, I see what you mean. But if one had 100k in the bank you'd still have 82k afterwards. One could live on that for a while, I'd say.

52   Bap33   2009 Oct 24, 5:04am  

Justme, you are absolutly correct about that .... I aint THAT guy!! lol

I try to keep 6 months wages on hand for job-loss and emergency, and that is not easy. I can't imagine $100K in the bank.

53   thomas.wong87   2009 Oct 24, 10:03am  

pkennedy says

I came to California and the weather is just amazing. As most people know I went half way backup to Portland and it was the same thing, all over again. Lots of rain and cloudy days.

Do you have as many forest fires as we have... do you have droughts as we have ? Having water which is essential to people and irrigation of crops has evolved as a commodity in California.

Having 'great' weather doesn't give you any kind of edge over other regions highly productive workforce.

Keep a lot of sunblock on hand or suffer the aging spots and skin cancer.

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