A true liberal

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2009 Nov 28, 5:19pm   8,152 views  39 comments

by PeopleUnited   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


Not like the collectivists who call themselves liberals or progressives but are really just big government statists whose entire political and economic understanding is that ultimately government must solve all problems but never creates them. The ultimate question is, do you condone the use of violence to achieve your political, social and economic goals? (My view: Violence ought to be reserved for self defense or defense of private property, rather than for forced taxation, enforcement of values (eg. drug war) and conscription) This thread is about taxing and imprisoning and even killing people both here and abroad for not complying with social, economic or political views/values. Hope you and I never find ourselves on the wrong side of the social, economic or political viewpoint if we continue to allow the use of violence to suppress it.

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1   Honest Abe   2009 Nov 28, 11:26pm  

AdHo - God bless you! Another adult with common sense. But don't expect any type of factual, intelligent response from the liberal, freedom haters on this site. They have the ability to justify ANYTHING in their attempt to destroy peoples rights and liberty. They prefer force over freedom, death over life and control over liberty.

You are a logical person living in an unlogical world. A world of people who want to "level the playing field", enact socialistic "feel good policies" and destroy everything that made America great.

I can't wait to see what garbage you'll get in response to your post. Good luck, and all the best, Abe.

2   Done!   2009 Nov 29, 1:48am  

They've been known to be a taxacious lot, but now they are all about Taxploition and extortaxation.

When a party starts taxing in Spite of the other party, getting an extortionists results through taxing or the threat of.
2012 is going to be a political bloodbath, dead donkeys every where.

3   Done!   2009 Nov 29, 2:41am  

I've always been an "Independent" but the "Liberals" have managed to choose my party for me, in the past decade.

It started with Sourgrapes Gore, and has gone down hill fast. It's like the Democrats have turned into everything they claimed GW Bush & Co. was and the means he was using to "Get elected". The only difference is, they are doing it out in the open, nothing to speculate here. A spade is a spade, and the Dems are Crooked as the day is long.

I wonder how many indictments there would be by now, if Acorn was a Conservative movement?

4   nope   2009 Nov 29, 5:51am  

Was there a black friday sale on tinfoil hats that I missed?

5   PeopleUnited   2009 Dec 1, 2:08am  

I guess Martin Niemöller was right. Not enough people care about abuse of power and use of violence by the "state" until it is too late.

6   4X   2009 Dec 1, 2:23am  

Tenouncetrout says

When they start hiding what you are paying and who is paying, by targeting groups based social profiling. Like taxing beer and wine, but not premium fine liquors. And conveniently taxing America’s equivalent of Purina People Chow, to tax the poor and the cretins that don’t shop at Wholefoods. Then it starts getting to Orwellian for my taste.

Do you have examples of how they have hidden tax agendas? Links?

7   4X   2009 Dec 1, 2:27am  

Tenouncetrout says

I for one missed the hell out of his posts, and wish you’d save your juvenile attacks for others like 4X, someguy and myself.

I have retired from partisanship, refutism, and behaving like a scalliwag...I am now a gentlemen and would like to refrain from any/all involvement in name calling. Stupidity is no longer my favorite color. I prefer Red, White or Blue, yes, blue is now one of my favorite colors.

AD - I like you was once quick to jump to name calling, I feel your pain brother.

8   4X   2009 Dec 1, 2:27am  


You scalliwag, carpetbagger!!!!

9   4X   2009 Dec 1, 2:34am  

The ultimate question is, do you condone the use of violence to achieve your political, social and economic goals?

No, never, we must maintain our civility and dignity throughout political and economic debates...name calling included. The people (or as the carpetbagger trout would call them, Sheeple) will need to awaken and stop voting based on a game of shirts vs. skins.

1. The government is controlled by multinational interests whose objective is to make more money through the sell of goods.

2. We live in a global economy which lowers the value of American Workers and has the potential to lower our living standards.

3. Healthcare companies, doctors do not actually want to lower costs because that would tap into their profits.

4. Our GDP is funded by the equity in our homes, we need to bring jobs back to America.

Once everyone comes to these above noted realizations then they will begin to realize that voting independent is the only way. Giving your support to any party is enabling their dirty work.

Awaken, sheeple...err, I meant people!!!!!!

10   Done!   2009 Dec 1, 3:50am  

"1. The government is controlled by multinational interests whose objective is to make more money through the sell of goods. "

Not so that model is in it's death throws. Just look at the sale of AIG. Look at the companies performance this year it is dismal...

Amer Intl Group Industry Group
3 Months -37.4% 8.4%
6 Months -14.5% 61.0%
12 Months -29.4% 67.7%

Yet here it is today an announcement they are being selling off 32bln in assets.
These transactions of passing the Dutchie from the left hand side, just skirts the risk, but in the short term they generate huge profits for the companies on paper.

"2. We live in a global economy which lowers the value of American Workers and has the potential to lower our living standards."

Global economy is a myth, a beer costs a beer, no matter where you go in the world.
I mean one could buy a 3 or 4K plot of land and throw on a trailer and live dirt cheap as well. But make no mistake just as in America, there people in these other countries that have the same standard of living we do. But the Global economy media always points out the lowest common denominator in the other countries to compare to our Middle class.

"3. Healthcare companies, doctors do not actually want to lower costs because that would tap into their profits."


"4. Our GDP is funded by the equity in our homes, we need to bring jobs back to America."

Ha! there hasn't been equity in America's real estate in over 10years. If equity was actually driving the banks decision, then there wouldn't be a real estate crisis right now. The banks would have all loans still covered by the value of the properties they now hold.

Our GDP has been funded by Debt slaves. Even that was a bubble in the short term, they were loaning out money at a faster pace than interest or principal payments were coming in.
That Pyramid was bound to collapse even if the bubble didn't pop when it did. I mean just last year the bank wrote a check for 200K on a house the next year they are writing another million dollar check for the same property. Any banker with half a brain, knew something was wrong with that picture. They were more speculative of the ability of the repayment of the loan, than they were concerned with the fiscal assessed value of the assets.

11   4X   2009 Dec 1, 7:39am  

Nomograph says

Honest Abe says

But don’t expect any type of factual, intelligent response from the liberal, freedom haters on this site. They have the ability to justify ANYTHING in their attempt to destroy peoples rights and liberty. They prefer force over freedom, death over life and control over liberty.

This goes both ways, stop claiming the conservative movement to be the end all, fix all because it is not. Society needs a mix of both liberal and conservative views in order for us to progress. Too much conservative behavior leads to slavery, too much liberal behavior leads to abortions/homosexuality. Both sides have extremes that need balancing.

If you think I am wrong, read up on Teddy Roosevelt then you will understand my view.

12   Â¥   2009 Dec 1, 7:53am  

That the truth is, these people can’t afford anything other than .49 cent hamburgers, and sugar water drinks in lieu of fresh fruits and fruit drinks.

The could if rents were 50% lower.

What minarchists like AH fail to appreciate -- or actively desire, depending on how intelligent they are-- is that a world without "flaming collectivism" of government cheese will quickly become controlled by an overclass of private wealth.

The comparison between Scandinavia and Somalia should be instructive. A people get the government they deserve.

I heartily support men with guns supporting, at the end of the day, the enforcement of democratic law. If I thought Libertopia wasn't a pipe dream I wouldn't, but it is, so I go with what works best now.

13   Bap33   2009 Dec 1, 10:08am  

AdHominem says

But in my view violence should be reserved for self defense and defense of private property. I was pretty clear about that

so, you stand and watch your fellow man get beat to death? Your wife raped? Your neighbor raped and burned alive? Your brother ripped apart by drawn horses?

maybe you missed a few example?

14   Bap33   2009 Dec 1, 10:09am  

4X says

Society needs a mix of both liberal and conservative views in order for us to progress.

says who?
prove it?
site examples where liberalism works -- at all.

15   Â¥   2009 Dec 1, 10:26am  

>site examples where liberalism works — at all.

Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Japan.

No place is perfect. Liberalism is about seeing what works, and doing that. Conservatism is fighting this in favor of the status quo ante that was not a better place to live or be.

Liberalism is the rejection of the Market -- and private Wealth -- as the final arbiter of rights, instead instituting and empowering our government to mitigate the race-to-the-bottom nature of capitalism.

Government shares the greek root of "cyber", to steer (as a boat). A light hand works with this, a heavy hand doesn't. What the US has now isn't what I would design, but more taxes funding good schools, good hospitals, good local transit, and good parks is my idea of liberalism done right, since the free market, rife with rentiers of all stripes, will not provide these things.

16   Â¥   2009 Dec 1, 10:28am  

>But in my view violence should be reserved for self defense and defense of private property.

Funny thing is if, in your world, I could go where I wanted and farm or camp without being thrown off the land I'd be much more aligned with pure libertarianism.


17   4X   2009 Dec 1, 12:37pm  

Bap33 says

4X says

Society needs a mix of both liberal and conservative views in order for us to progress.

says who?
prove it?
site examples where liberalism works — at all.

Civil rights act of 1964, Womens Rights, Equal employment act, Americans with Disabilities act.....conservatives sat by furiously while others were given rights. Ohh wait, you dont have compassion for humanity and those were "just" social issues that I know you dont care about.....here are a few more for your scalliwag, carpetbagging antics:

Fair Minimum Wage Act of 1997
USA Patriot Act
Gun Control Act of 1968
Right to Privacy, opposed the NSA warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens
Opposed to torture

In a general sense, the modern Democratic Party is more closely aligned with the international relations theories of liberalism, neoliberalism, and functionalism than realism and neorealism, though realism has some influence on the party.

Here is a loaded question, what have conservatives did for society in terms of legislation?

18   nope   2009 Dec 1, 2:50pm  

I just came to this thread to tell everyone how much I hate freedom.

19   PeopleUnited   2009 Dec 1, 3:00pm  

Bap33 says

AdHominem says

But in my view violence should be reserved for self defense and defense of private property. I was pretty clear about that

so, you stand and watch your fellow man get beat to death? Your wife raped? Your neighbor raped and burned alive? Your brother ripped apart by drawn horses?
maybe you missed a few example?

I am my neighbor. If I let him die, I let myself die.

20   Bap33   2009 Dec 1, 3:12pm  

excellant .... Love thy neighbor, and thy brother. excellant.

21   tatupu70   2009 Dec 1, 9:15pm  

I'm with Kevin. Freedom sucks.

22   elliemae   2009 Dec 1, 10:56pm  

Nomograph says

I not only hate freedom, but I’m also trying to destroy America with my super double secret Marxist/Socialist agenda.

You might want to get your ass off that bench, then. And stop trying to talk to everyone about chocolates, 'cause you might spill your secrets. Unless you're hiding behind that whole Gump thing in a ploy to deflect attention to yoursuper double secret Marxist/Socialist agenda...


23   4X   2009 Dec 2, 8:34am  

AdHominem says

Bap33 says

AdHominem says

But in my view violence should be reserved for self defense and defense of private property. I was pretty clear about that

so, you stand and watch your fellow man get beat to death? Your wife raped? Your neighbor raped and burned alive? Your brother ripped apart by drawn horses?
maybe you missed a few example?

I am my neighbor. If I let him die, I let myself die.

4X says

Bap33 says

4X says

Society needs a mix of both liberal and conservative views in order for us to progress.

says who?
prove it?
site examples where liberalism works — at all.

Civil rights act of 1964, Womens Rights, Equal employment act, Americans with Disabilities act…..conservatives sat by furiously while others were given rights. Ohh wait, you dont have compassion for humanity and those were “just” social issues that I know you dont care about…..here are a few more for your scalliwag, carpetbagging antics:
Fair Minimum Wage Act of 1997
USA Patriot Act
Gun Control Act of 1968
Right to Privacy, opposed the NSA warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens
Opposed to torture
In a general sense, the modern Democratic Party is more closely aligned with the international relations theories of liberalism, neoliberalism, and functionalism than realism and neorealism, though realism has some influence on the party.
Here is a loaded question, what have conservatives did for society in terms of legislation?

Still cant bring yourself to acknowledge the facts, heh, BAP?....I see your quick to respond to others silly comments.

24   Bap33   2009 Dec 2, 10:16am  

lol .. you were serious when you put up the minimum wage as a good idea?? lol. I guess we should begin there. lol. And you call yourself a conservative? HAR HAR.

25   4X   2009 Dec 2, 11:30am  

Bap33 says

lol .. you were serious when you put up the minimum wage as a good idea?? lol. I guess we should begin there. lol. And you call yourself a conservative? HAR HAR.

You display similar views of arch-conservatives...against anyone that does not identify themselves as anti poor, gay or abortion....they too, are not able to dialogue without name calling.

Here are the facts:

"The last increase on July 24, 2009 was the last of three steps of the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007. It was signed into law on May 25, 2007 as a rider to the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007. The bill also contains almost $5 billion in tax cuts for small businesses. What more conservative than tax cuts to small businesses? According to a paper by Fuller and Geide-Stevenson, 45.6% of American economists in the year 2000 agree that a minimum wage increases unemployment among unskilled and young workers, while 27.9% agree with this statement but with provisos. As a policy question in 2006, the minimum wage has to some extent split the economics profession with just under half believing it should be eliminated and a slightly smaller percentage believing it should be increased, leaving rather few in the middle. Some idea of the empirical problems of this debate can be seen by looking at how the minimum wage fell about 29% in real terms between 1979 and 2003. For the median worker, real hourly earnings have increased since 1979, however for the lowest deciles, there have been significant falls in the real wage without much fall in the rate of unemployment. Some argue that a declining minimum wage might reduce youth unemployment (since these workers are likely to have fewer skills than older workers)."

You see, the debate on minimum wage is silly and does nothing to discount my conservative views....why would I want a lower wage job that I cannot provide for my family with? Shouldnt minimum wages rise with inflation just as home prices do, or do the poor NOT count?

26   4X   2009 Dec 2, 11:34am  

If you CAN bring yourself to articulate a point without name calling, my question still stands. What have conservatives did for society in terms of legislation?

27   Honest Abe   2009 Dec 2, 12:20pm  

To really get down to basics, what part our our Constitution authorizes the minimum wage?

This is a really important question because a vary large part of all the problems America is experiencing is due to our governments failure and refusal to abide by its own written law.

In pimping and pandering for votes, politicians have ignored the constitution and promised to spend the country into oblivion, by handing out money and gifts to tens of millions of people. In doing so they have created an entire population of bitter and angry government dependents who are constantly demanding more. Since the demands are limitless, and the government can't take enough money from enough people to satisfy the demands, the soultion would be to fall back on the law of the land and abide by the Constitution.

I know, I know, thats too difficult a concept for many to accept...and thats exactly why America is in trouble. It's the ugly truth.

28   Bap33   2009 Dec 2, 2:55pm  

lol Abe .... ask the next lib you see why the minimum wage is not $20 or $50 an hour. They will then destroy their arguement for you. Silly libs. I only hope there are fewer 4X's than there are Honest Abes at the polls next Nov.

29   4X   2009 Dec 2, 3:10pm  

Bap33 says

lol Abe …. ask the next lib you see why the minimum wage is not $20 or $50 an hour. They will then destroy their arguement for you. Silly libs. I only hope there are fewer 4X’s than there are Honest Abes at the polls next Nov.

I am still waiting for a complete sentence, still not able to articulate a complete sentence with statements on the issues, heh? That is the only HOPE you have, is that the Republican party grows its base? That is not a likely scenario seeing that minority voters are the fastest growing constituency in this nation ...and since the Republican party believes in their leader, Rush Limbaugh, it wont matter. When referring to blacks: "They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares? " But when you combine minorities as a single group they compose 1/3 the nation...don't forget women are minorities also. You have made similar statements in your previous posts so I can understand why arch-conservatism is your preferred choice over progressive-conservatives ideas like mine.

Your stupidity and outright hate are not complimenting your hair color much, so might I suggest you try using compassion, values, decency instead?

30   nope   2009 Dec 2, 3:37pm  

Honest Abe says

To really get down to basics, what part our our Constitution authorizes the minimum wage?
This is a really important question because a vary large part of all the problems America is experiencing is due to our governments failure and refusal to abide by its own written law.
In pimping and pandering for votes, politicians have ignored the constitution and promised to spend the country into oblivion, by handing out money and gifts to tens of millions of people. In doing so they have created an entire population of bitter and angry government dependents who are constantly demanding more. Since the demands are limitless, and the government can’t take enough money from enough people to satisfy the demands, the soultion would be to fall back on the law of the land and abide by the Constitution.
I know, I know, thats too difficult a concept for many to accept…and thats exactly why America is in trouble. It’s the ugly truth.

A complete fabrication. You know nothing of the constitution or how it's supposed to work.

You really want to be a constitutional literalist? Awesome. Please let me know when our standing military is disbanded so that I can move out of the country while it gets invaded.

31   PeopleUnited   2009 Dec 2, 4:32pm  

4X says

If you CAN bring yourself to articulate a point without name calling, my question still stands. What have conservatives did for society in terms of legislation?

Your question presumes that legislation is a good thing. For the most part the opposite is true. So much of conservatives time is wasted on fighting harmful legislation. Therefore their greatest gift is opposing wasteful spending and usurpation of power by the vampire bureaucracy.

32   4X   2009 Dec 3, 4:25am  

AdHominem says

4X says

If you CAN bring yourself to articulate a point without name calling, my question still stands. What have conservatives did for society in terms of legislation?

Your question presumes that legislation is a good thing. For the most part the opposite is true. So much of conservatives time is wasted on fighting harmful legislation. Therefore their greatest gift is opposing wasteful spending and usurpation of power by the vampire bureaucracy.

Yet, without legislation women, blacks wouldnt be able to vote. Non-white males would only be entitled to lower wage paying jobs. Blacks would be slaves and Mexicans would be deported thereby creating the great white utopian society that arch-conservatives seek. Without legislation progress is stifled.......and YES, some legislation does more harm than good.

Does anyone have any examples of Conservatives and progressive social legislation?

33   4X   2009 Dec 3, 7:35am  

staynumz says

I know quite a few women. I am not convinced that giving them the right to vote was such a great idea. Show me one that is in office that is worth a damn. And blacks voted 99% for owebama. Now there are some free thinkers. How do you get 99% of any group to agree on ANYTHING!?
Gun control? You site that as a great day in liberalism? How has that worked out for you?
I will take the constitution any day over what recent politicians have put on the table.
We need LESS legislation, not more.

Good thing we have moved past the white utopian society that you and many other arch-conservatives on this thread desire. I want for my daughter to have the same rights and opportunities as my son. Plus, I am ok with the same rights being given to everyone in this country.

Wipe that stupidity off the side of your cheek, it is covering up the swastika underneath.

34   4X   2009 Dec 3, 7:43am  

In September 1991, Roy Innis, National Chairman for the Congress of Racial Equality, noted a connection between anti-gun laws and high crime. Innis found that places that had the most restrictive gun control laws also had:
The most crime
The highest murder rate
The largest number of illegal guns in criminal hands
And criminals were “bolder” because the environment is “safer for criminals but less safe for unarmed citizens.

Thank you Elvis....finally, someone willing to fight with facts and not just name calling. I am ok with you citing facts to refute my posts, it is the arch-conservative supremists that I am having trouble communicating with.I would assume this is in the inner cities, where having the strictest controls would seem to be logical. Inner cities have much higher crime versus rural areas, where there really is not a need for gun control

Gun control cannot stop the influx of illegal weapons that the criminals use, gun control can only prevent access to the legal weapons through regulation.

35   Bap33   2009 Dec 3, 10:55am  

4X says

I want for my daughter to have the same rights and opportunities as my son.

your son can not abort an unplanned baby.
your daughter can.
aint liberalism neat?

36   PeopleUnited   2009 Dec 3, 12:06pm  

4X says

AdHominem says

4X says

If you CAN bring yourself to articulate a point without name calling, my question still stands. What have conservatives did for society in terms of legislation?

Your question presumes that legislation is a good thing. For the most part the opposite is true. So much of conservatives time is wasted on fighting harmful legislation. Therefore their greatest gift is opposing wasteful spending and usurpation of power by the vampire bureaucracy.

Yet, without legislation women, blacks wouldnt be able to vote. Non-white males would only be entitled to lower wage paying jobs. Blacks would be slaves and Mexicans would be deported thereby creating the great white utopian society that arch-conservatives seek. Without legislation progress is stifled…….and YES, some legislation does more harm than good.
Does anyone have any examples of Conservatives and progressive social legislation?

here's a couple

1. Ron Paul worked to bring about coinage of gold and silver by the us mint and legalization of purchase/ownership by citizens.

2. Partial birth abortion ban.

37   PeopleUnited   2009 Dec 3, 12:07pm  

4X says

Gun control cannot stop the influx of illegal weapons that the criminals use, gun control can only prevent access to the legal weapons through regulation.

well said

38   4X   2009 Dec 3, 12:40pm  

AdHominem says

4X says

AdHominem says

4X says

If you CAN bring yourself to articulate a point without name calling, my question still stands. What have conservatives did for society in terms of legislation?

Your question presumes that legislation is a good thing. For the most part the opposite is true. So much of conservatives time is wasted on fighting harmful legislation. Therefore their greatest gift is opposing wasteful spending and usurpation of power by the vampire bureaucracy.

Yet, without legislation women, blacks wouldnt be able to vote. Non-white males would only be entitled to lower wage paying jobs. Blacks would be slaves and Mexicans would be deported thereby creating the great white utopian society that arch-conservatives seek. Without legislation progress is stifled…….and YES, some legislation does more harm than good.
Does anyone have any examples of Conservatives and progressive social legislation?

here’s a couple
1. Ron Paul worked to bring about coinage of gold and silver by the us mint and legalization of purchase/ownership by citizens.
2. Partial birth abortion ban.

...and I am a supporter of both pieces or legislation.

39   PeopleUnited   2009 Dec 6, 3:11am  

Glad to hear it!

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