Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States

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2010 Mar 10, 3:17pm   6,274 views  12 comments

by 4X   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Per Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_impact_of_illegal_immigrants_in_the_United_States

One survey conducted in the 1980s (before the current wave of illegal immigration) found that 76 percent of economists felt recent illegal immigration had had[2] a positive effect on the economy. Labor is a mobile economic factor of production and Peter Andreas asserts that illegal immigration is spurred on by periods of high demand for labor.

----IRS---The IRS estimates that about 6 million unauthorized immigrants file individual income tax returns each year.[6] Research reviewed by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office indicates that between 50 percent and 75 percent of unauthorized immigrants pay federal, state, and local taxes.[6] Undocumented workers are estimated to pay in about $7 billion per year into Social Security.[7]

---Social Security---The Social Security Administration has stated that it believes unauthorized work by non-citizens is a major cause of wage items being posted as erroneous wage reports instead of on an individual's earnings record.[17] When Social Security numbers are already in use; names do not match the numbers or the numbers are fake, or the person of record is too old, young, dead etc., the earnings reported to the Social Security Agency are put in an Earnings Suspense file [ESF]. The Social Security spends about $100 million a year and corrects all but about 2% of these. From Tax Years (TY) 1937 through 2003 the ESF had accumulated about 255 million mismatched wage reports, representing $520 billion in wages and about $75 billion in employment taxes paid into the over $1.5 trillion in the Social Security Trust funds. As of October 2005, approximately 8.8 million wage reports, representing $57.8 billion in wages remained unresolved in the suspense file for TY 2003.[17]

---Impact on Poverty---Research by George Borjas (Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at Harvard University) found that the influx of immigrants (both legal and illegal) from Mexico and Central American from 1980 to 2000 accounted for a 3.7% wage loss for American workers (4.5% for black Americans and 5% for Hispanic Americans). Borjas found that wage depression was greatest for workers without a high school diploma (a 7.4% reduction) because these workers face the most direct competition with immigrants, legal and illegal.

--- Education ---
State Illegal Alien Students
California $3,220,200,000
Texas $1,645,400,000
New York $1,306,300,000
Illinois $834,000,000
New Jersey $620,200,000

For all 50 states $11,919,900,000

Because of the U.S. Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. § 1395dd), most hospitals may not refuse anyone treatment for an emergency medical condition regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay. Uncompensated care generates a significant financial burden on hospital emergency departments and cost-shifting to insured and paying patients.[22]

The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) continues to bring injured and ill undocumented immigrants to hospital emergency rooms without taking financial responsibility for their medical care.[23] Almost $190 million or about 25 percent of the uncompensated costs southwest border county hospitals incurred resulted from emergency medical treatment provided to undocumented immigrants[23]

In 2006, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority estimated that it would spend about $9.7 million on emergency Medicaid services for unauthorized immigrants and that 80 percent of those costs would be for services associated with childbirth.[24]

Your thoughts on why SHOULD or SHOULD NOTpay for healthcare, education and emergency medical services for illegal immigrants?

Comments 1 - 12 of 12        Search these comments

1   4X   2010 Mar 10, 3:21pm  

What are the ramifications of cutting off 20 million people from healthcare, education, etc....?

2   nope   2010 Mar 10, 3:59pm  

I don't buy the claim that there are 20 million illegal immigrants. That oft-quoted number almost always includes children of illegal immigrants who are themselves citizens.

3   elliemae   2010 Mar 10, 10:12pm  

"The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) continues to bring injured and ill undocumented immigrants to hospital emergency rooms without taking financial responsibility for their medical care.[23] Almost $190 million or about 25 percent of the uncompensated costs southwest border county hospitals incurred resulted from emergency medical treatment provided to undocumented immigrants[23]"

It's a given that illegals are receiving emergency care - but if many are paying taxes as the article states, then part of those monies are being used to fund the non-insured (including illegals). This funding comes from grants, tax write-offs (at billed charges rather than actual costs), etc.

And the question remains, do we allow people to remain untreated for any reason? That's inhumane.
The INS doesn't collect the taxes, the social security amounts, etc that some of these people pay. If the INS had to pay for this medical care we would have to provide them with more funding.

Maybe someone should say that they're holding weapons of mass destruction somewhere, and we can then throw billions of dollars at them like we did Iraq.

4   Bap33   2010 Mar 11, 8:19am  

Kevin says

I don’t buy the claim that there are 20 million illegal immigrants. That oft-quoted number almost always includes children of illegal immigrants who are themselves citizens.

nope .. invaders dropping their spawn in country are not creating citizens. Sorry. This has been shared in another area on here someplace. In short form, that amendment was for a certian sect of the populous that may have been in country without the benifit of personal choice to do so when they gave birth. The only reason this lie keeps getting tossed around is it is vital to the progressive agenda. "Tell a lie over and over until it becomes the truth" and "tell REALLY BIG LIES instead of little bitty lies, because the sheeple will catch a little lie and hate you, but will easily believe a huge lie". ... we all know who said these things, right?

I am from a line of servants (on the paternal side) that started their American dream near Boston. On the maternal side they only were allowed on the boat with papers that showed there was a "sponsor" here in the states that would be RESPONSIBLE for everything in their life (no aide from State). The biggest difference was, they all headed this way to become Americans and carry their own load .... not just come here to milk the system. When you see a voting ballot in Italian or German or Portuguese or Galic or Japanees, let me know.

5   Bap33   2010 Mar 11, 12:40pm  

Nomo, you are smarter than that. You are on the wrong side of this particular issue. At no time, and in no way, has an invader, or the spawn of invaders, been a citizen of America. Now, if there is one parent that is a legal resider, then the kid is too. But, if there is no already-American blood in the kid, it is just invader 2.0, and not a citizen. Please do not pretend you do not know the truth just to argue with me. You are much smarter than that and your energy is better used for something positive, like perpetual motion or something.

6   4X   2010 Mar 11, 2:05pm  


has an invader, or the spawn of invaders,

Why do you always have to speak in code when referring to Mexicans?

7   4X   2010 Mar 11, 2:08pm  

elliemae says

“The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) continues to bring injured and ill undocumented immigrants to hospital emergency rooms without taking financial responsibility for their medical care.[23] Almost $190 million or about 25 percent of the uncompensated costs southwest border county hospitals incurred resulted from emergency medical treatment provided to undocumented immigrants[23]”
It’s a given that illegals are receiving emergency care - but if many are paying taxes as the article states, then part of those monies are being used to fund the non-insured (including illegals). This funding comes from grants, tax write-offs (at billed charges rather than actual costs), etc.
And the question remains, do we allow people to remain untreated for any reason? That’s inhumane.
The INS doesn’t collect the taxes, the social security amounts, etc that some of these people pay. If the INS had to pay for this medical care we would have to provide them with more funding.
Maybe someone should say that they’re holding weapons of mass destruction somewhere, and we can then throw billions of dollars at them like we did Iraq.

I took note of that fact and the taxes paid seem to more than pay for the services provided. Not to mention the billions of dollars injected into the CA economy through purchases and the resulting billions in sales taxes.

Could you imagine how low our economy would sink if each illegal immigrant decided to leave our state?

8   nope   2010 Mar 11, 2:54pm  

Bap33 says

Kevin says

I don’t buy the claim that there are 20 million illegal immigrants. That oft-quoted number almost always includes children of illegal immigrants who are themselves citizens.

nope .. invaders dropping their spawn in country are not creating citizens. Sorry. This has been shared in another area on here someplace. In short form, that amendment was for a certian sect of the populous that may have been in country without the benifit of personal choice to do so when they gave birth. The only reason this lie keeps getting tossed around is it is vital to the progressive agenda. “Tell a lie over and over until it becomes the truth” and “tell REALLY BIG LIES instead of little bitty lies, because the sheeple will catch a little lie and hate you, but will easily believe a huge lie”. … we all know who said these things, right?

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside"

And, of course, http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode08/usc_sec_08_00001401----000-.html

The matter of "under the jurisdiction thereof" has been settled numerous times. It's why we can legally imprison immigrants (though not diplomats, and, of course, diplomats children don't automatically get citizenship either).

Now please drop your xenophobic bullshit.

9   Honest Abe   2010 Mar 16, 6:56am  

Twelc, great post, but you forgot to point out that boiling our culture, language and civilization to death is a way for Democrats to get more votes.

Democrats want to turn our countries "safety net" into a hammock.

10   Bap33   2010 Mar 16, 1:09pm  

Kevin says

Bap33 says

Kevin says

I don’t buy the claim that there are 20 million illegal immigrants. That oft-quoted number almost always includes children of illegal immigrants who are themselves citizens.

nope .. invaders dropping their spawn in country are not creating citizens. Sorry. This has been shared in another area on here someplace. In short form, that amendment was for a certian sect of the populous that may have been in country without the benifit of personal choice to do so when they gave birth. The only reason this lie keeps getting tossed around is it is vital to the progressive agenda. “Tell a lie over and over until it becomes the truth” and “tell REALLY BIG LIES instead of little bitty lies, because the sheeple will catch a little lie and hate you, but will easily believe a huge lie”. … we all know who said these things, right?

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside”
And, of course, http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode08/usc_sec_08_00001401—-000-.html
The matter of “under the jurisdiction thereof” has been settled numerous times. It’s why we can legally imprison immigrants (though not diplomats, and, of course, diplomats children don’t automatically get citizenship either).
Now please drop your xenophobic bullshit.

no, you are wrong. And, I bet you know you are wrong. So, you can stop your bullshit.

11   bob2356   2010 Mar 19, 7:33pm  

If you want to eliminate illegal aliens put employers in jail. The Bush administration certainly didn't cover itself with glory on this issue, Obama isn't doing any better. From the Washington Post (the numbers haven't improved since this article was written):

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three"

THREE COMPANIES IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY FINED IN THE ENTIRE YEAR OF 2004. Employers everywhere are shaking in their boots.

12   Bap33   2010 Mar 20, 1:22am  

If those invaders were wanting to be politicians, bankers, and techies, the fence would already be built.

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