Double dip...here it comes !!!

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2010 Jun 4, 8:53am   10,387 views  55 comments

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Yeah Baby !! ..Laws of economics are unavoidable...Cannot print your way out of it.

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1   permanent_marker   2010 Jun 4, 9:05am  

DOW below 10,000 - a very important psychological mark.

Wondering if this is a sputter, or DOW is finally coming down to earth towards the rest of the economy

2   Â¥   2010 Jun 4, 9:34am  

Cannot print your way out of it.

Thing is, we're not "printing" to any great degree

The main stimulus measure this past year was the Fed taking over a trillion of MBSs of of everyone's hands. This was minimally necessary, given the $5T debt overhang we collectively ran up 2002-2007.

Our gummint, at local, state, and Federal levels, is spending over $6T this year. People who do not know anything -- or, worse (?), want the current system to crater -- call for this spending to be reduced.

The economy of real estate flipper economy of 2004-2006 was a Potemkin Village economy. It is not coming back, and neither is the employment we had then.

We need a weak dollar against the yuan and euro to rebalance things and get some more modern productive capacity built here.

Other than that, I do not have much advice. Anybody who says they know what needs to be done with any certainty is speaking from ideology and not empiricism and therefore does not really know what needs to be done.

3   knewbetter   2010 Jun 4, 9:53am  

Print all they want. The real money is with the banks, and there's no one who can borrow and spend to keep things going any more.

4   dude111   2010 Jun 4, 10:09am  

DOW below 10,000 - a very important psychological mark.

isn't this what we said on 25th too? i'm not convinced yet that DOW 10k is the magic mark.

5   junkmail   2010 Jun 4, 10:13am  

Sounds to me like the second shoe. Commercial defaults starting to roll in. Hungary stalling. € went below 1.20. Sorry... where's the good news again?

6   Â¥   2010 Jun 4, 10:26am  

junkmail says

Sorry… where’s the good news again?

Interest rates fall on disappointing jobs report
(AP) – 3 hours ago

NEW YORK — Interest rates fell sharply in the bond market Friday as a disappointing government report on hiring led investors to buy safe investments.

Heavy demand for Treasurys drove rates lower. The yield on the 10-year note, which is tied to rates on mortgages and other consumer loans, fell to 3.21 percent from 3.37 percent late Thursday.

7   Leigh   2010 Jun 4, 12:58pm  

Troy, falling interest rates is not good news for us savers:P

8   thomas.wong1986   2010 Jun 4, 3:20pm  

Leigh says

Troy, falling interest rates is not good news for us savers:P

Deflation is !

9   gameisrigged   2010 Jun 4, 3:39pm  

Troy says

Our gummint, at local, state, and Federal levels, is spending over $6T this year. People who do not know anything — or, worse (?), want the current system to crater — call for this spending to be reduced.

Unfalsifyable Keynesian nonsense. Is the country doing well? No. But the government keeps the money hose on full blast, pointed right at Wall Street. The stock market goes up - "See? it worked." The stock market goes down - "Ooh, better not stop or it'll be even worse". Home prices go up - "See? It's a recovery". Home prices start to go down again - "Gee, we better throw more money at the market". No matter what happens, the claim that throwing money at the markets is good is always assumed and never proven. Anyone who disagrees "doesn't know anything"? On what basis do you make that claim?

10   Â¥   2010 Jun 4, 4:16pm  

gameisrigged says

Anyone who disagrees “doesn’t know anything”? On what basis do you make that claim?

I detest nearly all of the six trillion we are spending. It's no doubt a colossal morass of waste, fraud, and abuse.

I literally do not understand where all this alleged spending is going -- $6T to me means 120M jobs @ $50K apiece, but that is more than the number of households in the US.

So I agree with you that something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

BUT . . . I don't want to reduce government spending just for the sake of reducing it, I want to make it more effective.

Once you identify the exact government programs you want to cut, you will see the immense economic pain you will cause.

Eg. I think we should cut defense spending to $450B as soon as possible. This will eliminate HALF of the 2011 $900B defense-related budget. At $100K per job, that is FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION people newly unemployed, essentially doubling our already historically high unemployment level.

Realistic? F--- no.

the government keeps the money hose on full blast, pointed right at Wall Street

The present government isn't really doing anything of that sort AFAICT. The bulk of the intervention occurred during the crisis days of 2H08-1H09, now the Treasury and the Fed are playing cleanup, or trying to at least. The banks are still sitting on a trillion of surplus cash reserves, earning interest for them, that is the primary support mechanism now AFAICT.

11   burritos   2010 Jun 5, 1:26am  

I thought the magic number is when the dow hits the same price as gold per ounce?

12   theoakman   2010 Jun 5, 2:10am  

Troy says

gameisrigged says

Anyone who disagrees “doesn’t know anything”? On what basis do you make that claim?

I detest nearly all of the six trillion we are spending. It’s no doubt a colossal morass of waste, fraud, and abuse.
I literally do not understand where all this alleged spending is going — $6T to me means 120M jobs @ $50K apiece, but that is more than the number of households in the US.
So I agree with you that something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
BUT . . . I don’t want to reduce government spending just for the sake of reducing it, I want to make it more effective.
Once you identify the exact government programs you want to cut, you will see the immense economic pain you will cause.
Eg. I think we should cut defense spending to $450B as soon as possible. This will eliminate HALF of the 2011 $900B defense-related budget. At $100K per job, that is FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION people newly unemployed, essentially doubling our already historically high unemployment level.
Realistic? F— no.
the government keeps the money hose on full blast, pointed right at Wall Street
The present government isn’t really doing anything of that sort AFAICT. The bulk of the intervention occurred during the crisis days of 2H08-1H09, now the Treasury and the Fed are playing cleanup, or trying to at least. The banks are still sitting on a trillion of surplus cash reserves, earning interest for them, that is the primary support mechanism now AFAICT.

Well, rather than keeping all these government workers employed, you could fire them all, cut them a lump sum unemployment check, and then tell them to go get a productive job.

I know a girl who works as a clerk for the military. Her father is a pretty high ranking officer. She's 23. Her job involves getting 2 pieces of paper signed and passing it on to another clerk that gets it signed by someone else. She makes 65k right now. She's applying for a new military secretary job to get 85k. Realistically, we need to fire these people and it would be cheaper to fire them and cut them a lump sum unemployment check of 20k.

13   Done!   2010 Jun 5, 3:10am  

"Sounds to me like the second shoe. Commercial defaults starting to roll in. Hungary stalling. € went below 1.20. Sorry… where’s the good news again?"

The good news is in the millions of Peons that "WORK" for a living, and don't fancy them selves investor moguls.

Unlike the greedy few that would like to see the dollar worth .30 cents against the Yaun and Oil based on the price of Gold and Gold 4000 an OZ.

Yeah even for Savers like me, this is one hell of a "Sweet" victory.

And the Oil spill couldn't have come at a better time.
The speculators will no doubt want to sally forth on that Oil Gravy train cashing in cash strapped motorists in the most opportune time. What with Doo Wop Oil soaked Egrets laying about the Gulf that wont be politically feasible for at least another 5 years to come.

If this were a "Natural" disaster Oil would be 90 dollars or more a barrel by now, and gas would be 3.00 a gallon.

As a result it would then in turn drag the dollar down to 1.57, and the world would be bitching again to disconnect the Oil prices from the Dollar.

Just last week Saudi swapped their Euro positions back to the Dollar.

So this is VERY VERY VERY good news, just not for greedy investors, but it's great news for us working stiffs.

14   Ptipking222   2010 Jun 5, 5:29am  

I think people focus too much on the stock market as an indicator of economic health. While it matters, the main reason the market is overall still significantly higher than March 2009 is because PE ratios expanded and firms were able to cut costs (i.e. fire workers). So, the economy isn't so much better, stock prices are just better.
The government is borrowing 10% a year to fund an at best 3% economic growth. That rate isn't sustainable and we'll have a currency crisis within a decade due to bloated government debt. So the government is going to have to cut services (which it should) which will cause some shrot term pain but long-term health or raise taxes, which is bad for both short-term/long-term.
We're going to start seeing a combo soon. We're at the height of government borrowing...the so-called 2005 of government debt expansion, and we're adding 42k private sector jobs a month? 3% economic growth? Good chance of less int he second half of the year. We basically, as a country, took on a shitload of debt in the past year so we could:
1. Give people $8k to buy a house or $4500 buy a car, thereby continuing the housing bubble or have people buy cars they dont' want.
2. Allow the state public sector unions to remain bloated. Have 2 workers hired for the amount of work 1 can do. Allow retired union members to get their free viagra.
3. Continue unemployment benefits until death. Encourage people to retire while they are still capable of producing towards society.
4. Continue a bloated educational/health care system where the costs are several multiples above their long-term average. Encourage kids with grants to take on $100k+ of debt to get degrees in sociology so they can get a $11/hour job instead of a $10.75/hour job.
That's what we, as a country, borrowed well over a trillion for. Wonderful.

15   gameisrigged   2010 Jun 5, 5:36am  

Troy says

Once you identify the exact government programs you want to cut, you will see the immense economic pain you will cause.
Eg. I think we should cut defense spending to $450B as soon as possible. This will eliminate HALF of the 2011 $900B defense-related budget. At $100K per job, that is FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION people newly unemployed, essentially doubling our already historically high unemployment level.
Realistic? F— no.
the government keeps the money hose on full blast, pointed right at Wall Street
The present government isn’t really doing anything of that sort AFAICT. The bulk of the intervention occurred during the crisis days of 2H08-1H09, now the Treasury and the Fed are playing cleanup, or trying to at least. The banks are still sitting on a trillion of surplus cash reserves, earning interest for them, that is the primary support mechanism now AFAICT.

Oh, I see what you're driving at. You're talking about spending that is not related to the financial sector. Well, we could certainly withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan. I mean, what exactly are we accomplishing there? But the most obvious way to reduce spending is to stop using the U.S. treasury to enrich already obscenely wealthy bankers. Think of the illogic here - MY government is using taxes collected from ME, to inflate home prices so that I have to pay more to buy a house. You couldn't make that stuff up. I suppose you're right that they stopped buying MBS (has that really stopped? I don't really know), but as far as I know, they're still giving banks free loans which the banks are using to gamble in the stock market. Then if they lose that, they know the government will not hesitate to bail them out again. All the while, they're refusing to loan money - credit is harder to get than it ever was.

16   Michinaga   2010 Jun 5, 6:07am  

€ went below 1.20. Sorry… where’s the good news again?

The good news is that American companies can now hire away more of Europe's smartest and most talented people and pay them in dollars, and, if the dollar stays strong and the nation doesn't collapse, turn them into Americans. Such highly-skilled people -- who are net payers of taxes, mind you -- are just what America needs. And, Arizona flap aside, the US is still one of the world's most accepting nations of skilled, non-welfare-scrounging immigrants.

Go, US dollar, go!

17   Â¥   2010 Jun 5, 7:54am  

gameisrigged says

Then if they lose that, they know the government will not hesitate to bail them out again. All the while, they’re refusing to loan money - credit is harder to get than it ever was.

Plan B or C or whatever would be Uncle Ben directly lending to businesses, like the Treasury is now cutting the middlemen out of the lucrative student loan biz.

This is another page from the Japan playbook. My salary in Tokyo from 1996-99 was entirely paid for by gov't stimulus investment of high tech stuff, gov't money managed by the National Science thingy and/or major, plugged-in entities like Honda and Hitachi.

Liquidity traps are a bitch. There are no known exits. Once you blow up an economy, it stays that way until something larger happens, like 1917 or 1939.

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." -- attributed to Albert Einstein

18   gameisrigged   2010 Jun 5, 5:45pm  

Troy says

Plan B or C or whatever would be Uncle Ben directly lending to businesses, like the Treasury is now cutting the middlemen out of the lucrative student loan biz.

I don't see any evidence of that happening.

Liquidity traps are a bitch. There are no known exits. Once you blow up an economy, it stays that way until something larger happens, like 1917 or 1939.
“The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.” — attributed to Albert Einstein

I don't speak your Keynesian code language, but googling "liquidity trap" gives me the impression that it refers to a situation where consumers want to keep their money in savings, not that anyone seems to agree on the definition. What we have is a situation where people WANT to borrow money, but banks are refusing to LEND it to them. That doesn't seem to fit the definition of "liquidity trap". I found this blog entry, which seems to make a lot of sense to me:

Charles Rowley says

So the monetary problem confronting the Fed is not demand-based. It is not a liquidity trap problem at all. It is a money supply problem. It is an inability to move high-powered money through the money multiplier into the supply side of the equation. The major error, both of the Bush and the Obama administrations, was a failure to allow market process to work, to allow the big banks to go under, to use FDIC insurance to move depositors into new good banks, unencumbered by toxic assets, yearning to make money by issuing good loans to would-be entrepreneurs. The problem lies with government, with the Fed and with the FDIC who conspire to prop up failure and to impede success. Is that not always the socialist way, Mr. Krugman? Is that not exactly why the collapse of the Evil Empire exposed the failure of socialism, and the success of laissez-faire capitalism?


19   thomas.wong1986   2010 Jun 5, 6:46pm  

Michinaga says

€ went below 1.20. Sorry… where’s the good news again?
The good news is that American companies can now hire away more of Europe’s smartest and most talented people and pay them in dollars, and, if the dollar stays strong and the nation doesn’t collapse, turn them into Americans. Such highly-skilled people — who are net payers of taxes, mind you — are just what America needs. And, Arizona flap aside, the US is still one of the world’s most accepting nations of skilled, non-welfare-scrounging immigrants.
Go, US dollar, go!

You will find that talented European and Asian people are hired by US companies in their own local nations as stand alone entities (subsidiaries), paid in local currency, doing business in local regions, and taxes are paid by US corporations to foreign governments for the benefit of foreign workers. I have yet to see any decision by managment be based solely on FX currency fluctuations. It is impossible to forecast future FX rates. You can gamble/hedge on FX Rates, but you cannot make business decisions in the long run.

20   thomas.wong1986   2010 Jun 5, 6:52pm  

Tenouncetrout says

Just last week Saudi swapped their Euro positions back to the Dollar.

Actually it was the Irans that sold their Euros for USD. Oddly they stated two years ago, the Euro were going to be used as principle currency for oil markets. How wrong they were.

Iran Selling 45 Billion Euros of Reserves for Dollars
BLOOMBERG (Posted by: Free Iran)

Iran’s central bank began the first phase of the 45 billion-euro ($55 billion) sale of some of its reserves for dollars, the state-run Jaam-e-Jam newspaper reported, citing people it didn’t identify.

The bank is selling 15 billion euros in the first of three stages, which will be completed by Sept. 22, the newspaper reported on its website on May 31.

Iran will “substantially” decrease its oil sales in euros, the paper said. It informed Japan and other crude-oil customers of the change, Jaam-e-Jam said. The Persian Gulf country’s euro reserves are 55 percent of the total, and would be reduced to 20 to 25 percent after the sale is complete and after oil sales in euros have been reduced, the paper said.

Iran’s shift out of euros has been prompted by the single currency’s decline, said Jaam-e-Jam, which is owned by the state broadcaster. Other central banks, including those of the Persian Gulf states, also are selling their euro reserves, it said.

Experts in Iran’s central bank have suggested the country buy gold because they forecast the precious metal’s price will increase, the newspaper said.

21   SFace   2010 Jun 5, 7:04pm  

permanent_marker says

DOW below 10,000 - a very important psychological mark.
Wondering if this is a sputter, or DOW is finally coming down to earth towards the rest of the economy

Dow 9830 is the major support level, not 10K, beyond that, support looks to be around 8800. However, the Euro broke through support... so if there is week to monitor the market on an hourly basis, it will be next week.

22   Â¥   2010 Jun 5, 7:08pm  

gameisrigged says

What we have is a situation where people WANT to borrow money, but banks are refusing to LEND it to them

Sure we all want money. The liquidity trap is nobody can service this extra debt they want to take on (because they have no money) so they don't get the money.

I am not a Keynesian in the abstract, he was wrong about paying people to dig holes, and the more I think about it the more I think California's highspeed rail is going to prove a very big waste of money and engineering effort.

The core problem the economy faces is there's not enough capitalists here. Plenty of rentiers, tho. We need to liquidate the latter (via taxes) to support the true capitalists. We also need to declare economic war on OPEC, Japan, and China, LOL. Plus the Eurozone with their weakening Euro.

This is a fantastically productive country, we've just let the distribution of wealth get all f----ed up.

23   Michinaga   2010 Jun 6, 3:27am  

thomas.wong1986 says

You will find that talented European and Asian people are hired by US companies in their own local nations as stand alone entities (subsidiaries), paid in local currency, doing business in local regions, and taxes are paid by US corporations to foreign governments for the benefit of foreign workers. I have yet to see any decision by managment be based solely on FX currency fluctuations. It is impossible to forecast future FX rates. You can gamble/hedge on FX Rates, but you cannot make business decisions in the long run.

I wasn't thinking of it from the companies' side so much as the job-hunters' side. An American who might have taken a job in Europe when it was $1.60:€1.00 might want to move himself and his skills back to the US. A European who would have never thought about working in the US and being paid in cheap dollars might be rethinking that now.

People have always gone where the money is, and migrated *away* from where the money isn't. I'd much rather see the best and brightest moving into the US than out of it.

24   bob2356   2010 Jun 6, 5:19am  

Michinaga says

People have always gone where the money is, and migrated *away* from where the money isn’t. I’d much rather see the best and brightest moving into the US than out of it.

A laudable goal but not really achievable under US immigration policy. Although America accepts more immigrants than the entire rest of the world put together immigration policies are not oriented toward attracting the best and brightest at all. That combined that with the pretty much fraudulent H1B program makes attracting these kinds of people pretty hit or miss.

25   gameisrigged   2010 Jun 6, 6:45am  

Troy says

Sure we all want money. The liquidity trap is nobody can service this extra debt they want to take on (because they have no money) so they don’t get the money

I don't know that I agree. The banks seem to be getting all the money they want, courtesy of Uncle Sam (or should I say Uncle Ben). The problem is not that they don't have money to lend; it is that they want to hoard it. I think Mr. Rowley's point was that we have created zombie banks that have no interest in lending and only want to shore up their balance sheet at taxpayer expense.

26   Â¥   2010 Jun 6, 7:10am  

gameisrigged says

The problem is not that they don’t have money to lend

in a deflationary spiral return OF capital is more important than return ON capital.

They get a free 1% from the Fed. If this nation is going into 10 years of pain, why lend into an economic collapse?

What cost $1 in 1930 cost 85c in 1940. Bankers NOT lending in the 1930s made 15% for zero risk.

27   gameisrigged   2010 Jun 6, 8:49am  

Troy says

They get a free 1% from the Fed. If this nation is going into 10 years of pain, why lend into an economic collapse?

Ding! ding! ding! Correct! The banks don't want to lend because Uncle Sam is giving them free money. Is that not what I said? I feel like you're just re-posting everything I say after running it though the Keynesian decoder ring.

28   Â¥   2010 Jun 6, 10:16am  

No, banks don't want to lend because they get a better risk-adjusted return letting the money sit.


The free money part has nothing to do with it. Capacity utilization:


is still about what it was at the depths of the early 80s recession. The winners of the present economy: Microsoft, Apple, Google, Intel don't need to borrow money.

People who DO need to borrow money -- the losers -- don't have any productive enterprise to put it in (worth the risk).

29   gameisrigged   2010 Jun 6, 10:24am  

Troy says

No, banks don’t want to lend because they get a better risk-adjusted return letting the money sit.

Where did they GET that money that they are "letting sit"?

The free money part has nothing to do with it.

No, it has EVERYTHING to do with it.

Capacity utilization:

More jargon.

30   Â¥   2010 Jun 6, 11:23am  

gameisrigged says

Troy says

No, banks don’t want to lend because they get a better risk-adjusted return letting the money sit.

Where did they GET that money that they are “letting sit”?

The free money part has nothing to do with it.

No, it has EVERYTHING to do with it.

Capacity utilization:

More jargon.

1) The easy answer is they sold $1T in dubious AAA MBS to the Fed. Whether that's entirely true is unknown (coulda come from anywhere) but last year $1T of MBS went to the Fed and $1T of excess reserves appeared in the system.

2) The fact that the banks are getting free money is interesting, but it is just symptomatic of larger issues in the system . . .


People are willing to give money to the US Treasury at a 3.5% yield.


You have to go back to when the pre-LBJ US was astride the world to find such a low level of inflation expectations.

3) One person's jargon is another person's explanation. The low capacity utilization right now is indicative that domestic producers do not need to borrow money to expand their produced means of production (factories, tooling, fixed capital, etc). In less jargony terms, everyone is standing around with their thumbs up their butt waiting for work to do and the last thing anybody needs to do is expand their production capacity (a common use of commercial credit)

31   simchaland   2010 Jun 7, 6:35am  

Well, we ended -115.48 for the DOW today. Asian markets before trading in New York took major hits. The dip seems to be spreading around the globe as European markets fell too.

See, you can't have a true recovery without stable and well-paying jobs. More and more people, if they are hired, are being hired as contractors so that corporations can get around the mandate to provide health insurance. Also they can avoid paying for any other benefits for these "independent contractors" who are really integral to their company's success. The Owner Class really has found a new way to stick it to the Middle and Lower Classes who must work to make a living. Now they can avoid all responsibility for workers if they hire them as independent contractors. That's very clever.

When will people wake up in this country to realize that we are still being raped by our own Aristocracy?

32   seaside   2010 Jun 7, 6:35am  

SF ace says

permanent_marker says

DOW below 10,000 - a very important psychological mark.

Wondering if this is a sputter, or DOW is finally coming down to earth towards the rest of the economy

Dow 9830 is the major support level, not 10K, beyond that, support looks to be around 8800. However, the Euro broke through support… so if there is week to monitor the market on an hourly basis, it will be next week.

SF ace, can you tell us why 9830 is the major support level?

Today the dow went down to 9816 pts, and what do you think is the possible outcome by this breaking of major support level?

Just asking for your opinion. Thanks.

33   thomas.wong1986   2010 Jun 7, 6:50am  

simchaland says

See, you can’t have a true recovery without stable and well-paying jobs. More and more people, if they are hired, are being hired as contractors so that corporations can get around the mandate to provide health insurance. Also they can avoid paying for any other benefits for these “independent contractors” who are really integral to their company’s success. The Owner Class really has found a new way to stick it to the Middle and Lower Classes who must work to make a living. Now they can avoid all responsibility for workers if they hire them as independent contractors

Contractors can cost 2 x regular employee costs. Many who are contractors DO NOT want a perm position, an often carry their own health insurance or covered by spouse employers plan. Have you ever worked in the real world?

34   thomas.wong1986   2010 Jun 7, 6:59am  

seaside says

SF ace says
permanent_marker says
DOW below 10,000 - a very important psychological mark.
Wondering if this is a sputter, or DOW is finally coming down to earth towards the rest of the economy
Dow 9830 is the major support level, not 10K, beyond that, support looks to be around 8800. However, the Euro broke through support… so if there is week to monitor the market on an hourly basis, it will be next week.
SF ace, can you tell us why 9830 is the major support level?

I would skip the DOW and use the S&P. We are close to the support levels today at 1050 or so, based on Feb 2010 lows. We will see if what happens in Hungary stays in Hungary.

35   SFace   2010 Jun 7, 7:44am  

seaside says

SF ace says

permanent_marker says

DOW below 10,000 - a very important psychological mark.
Wondering if this is a sputter, or DOW is finally coming down to earth towards the rest of the economy

Dow 9830 is the major support level, not 10K, beyond that, support looks to be around 8800. However, the Euro broke through support… so if there is week to monitor the market on an hourly basis, it will be next week.

SF ace, can you tell us why 9830 is the major support level?
Today the dow went down to 9816 pts, and what do you think is the possible outcome by this breaking of major support level?
Just asking for your opinion. Thanks.

9,830 is universally thought of as support as the DOW has bounced up from this mark several times. I only used DOW as an example that DOW 10K is not the key, but Thomas is correct as S&P 1050 is the support level as well. We are sitting right on support level.

There is only two outcomes, violent up or down movement from here. Either we bounce off support or it would break though it until we reach the lower support level, or some breakthough news come along the way to change the game. The upward trend was broken about a month ago and I started to switch to bonds agressively.

Judging by how weak the last bounce was (shrinking flag) and all the Euro trouble, I suspect we may break support and the DOW/S&P may be headed down, perhaps reach 8800 or so. On the other hand, some news about Euro support may come out of nowhere and then all the fears are calmed and 400 up day is not out-of the question. It is just a game. Buy bonds to protect your money, the uptrend is broken and there is little value to being long at the moment.

36   simchaland   2010 Jun 7, 12:38pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

Contractors can cost 2 x regular employee costs. Many who are contractors DO NOT want a perm position, an often carry their own health insurance or covered by spouse employers plan. Have you ever worked in the real world?

Yes, I have and I was a contractor when I was a corporate whore. I had to carry my own very expensive health insurance which ate up any extra money I was making beyond my fellow workers who were on the payroll for the corporation. We cost less. That's why they hire us. And no, most of us didn't want to remain contractors. Only the Aristocracy/Owner class wants labor to remain on contract so they don't have to pay any benefits or unemployment insurance.

37   Bap33   2010 Jun 7, 1:19pm  

Owner's view, contractor plus: no state or fed compliance bullcrap for the owner to worry about. no unemployment issues. no discrimination issues. no budget issues. no equipment maintenance issues. just a need and a bid for cost for service.

Owner's view, contractor negative: no control.

Worker's view, contractor plus: control.

Workers's view, contractor negative: no state or fed compliance support system. no unemployment. all benies self paid. no overtime or COLA. all equipment maintained by self. only have work when there is a need for your service and you must bid lowest to get the job.

I got away from the contractor world when i started a family, just for the steady work in a steady location. Took a pay cut, stopped having to travel as much, but did have to ask permission to take a dump. It's a trade off.

38   yanhiggins   2010 Jun 7, 1:53pm  

It's scary that gov. is creating most of the new jobs coming out onto the market right now. We don't need bigger gov. who abuse tax dollars. Gov. does not run things effeciently! Instead, we need to shrink gov., entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medical, etc. so that we have a lighter overhead to move on.

39   B.A.C.A.H.   2010 Jun 7, 3:18pm  


The FDR stimulus plans of the 1930's were not successful because they were not big enough.

What jolted the USA out of the depression was WWII.

WWII was the Mother of All Stimulus plans, it was FDR's follow-on deficit-funded government spending on government projects and government employees stimulus, all of it was government spending, much of it was borrowed, all the new jobs that were created were for government programs like taking North Africa, D-Day, Allied Bombing in Europe, island hopping in the Pacific and the Manhattan project.

What is scary now is that the government is like in the 1930's, not doing enough.

40   B.A.C.A.H.   2010 Jun 7, 3:28pm  


I am sorry that you have to ask permission from your boss to go potty. It is reasonable to expect us to do that off the clock, because (except for some unionized "civil" servants -(are they civil? -do they serve?), we are not paid to do that.

Nonetheless, if we can time our bowel movements to occur when we are there, - off the clock like on our breaks or before/after our shifts- then we can save on toilet tissue and water at home. Here in the Bay Area there's always talk about water rationing and a major portion of the water household water consumption goes down it. Many industrial sites have nonpotable water plumbed to the toilets, so we're not wasting there, whereas such kind of hookups are rare in SFH.

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