The problem with Socialism

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2010 Sep 23, 11:39am   53,778 views  392 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Margaret Thatcher said it best: "The problem with socialism is that you always run out of someone else's money." Socialist Europe is collapsing under its own weight after years of attempting to provide something for just about everyone. Socialized retirement systems (like our own SS) are nothing other than glorified Ponzi schemes, with more and more new payers needed to fund the ever growing number of retirees. Our own SS is bankrupt. Every administration since LBJ has removed the annual surplus, applied it to general fund spending (on average, $300 Billion annually), and replaced those funds with worthless, IOUs ... special T-bonds that cannot be sold on the open market.

Is the following a preview of what is coming to the USA?


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301   marcus   2010 Oct 31, 10:10am  

I think a better name for you would have been:


or perhaps


302   elliemae   2010 Oct 31, 10:56am  

marcus says

I think a better name for you would have been:
or perhaps

No shit. ;)

303   Vicente   2010 Oct 31, 12:42pm  


Total triumph of FREEDOM is at hand.

I am down with your vision, I even bring my own outfit to the party:

304   elliemae   2010 Oct 31, 1:08pm  

Stop! You're making me hot!

305   Honest Abe   2010 Oct 31, 1:25pm  

Government is best that governs the least. No one says NO government and NO taxes is the answer. LIMITED, CONSTITUTIONAL government is the answer.

Limited, constitutional government cures personal, fiscal, monetary and moral irresponsibility. Things manipulative, needy, jealous, greedy, busy-body, control freaks can't stand and will never accept.

Limited, constitutional government is a concept that's too hard for weaked minded, easily controlled individuals to comprehend. Those people need an authority figure, a surrogate mommy, to tell them what to do, hence the term "Nanny State".

306   Vicente   2010 Oct 31, 1:49pm  

Why do conservatives have such enormous parental issues?

I hear they are always bringing up Mommy. Was it the bed wetting? Was it because so many nursed until they were 5 years old? I'm just asking questions here.

Why are they unable to admit any of their flaws or mistakes, and always deflect and evade when cornered? It's like riding Cerberus, as soon as you have one head pinned another one rares back and you only have 2 hands after all.

307   Vicente   2010 Oct 31, 2:01pm  

elliemae says

Stop! You’re making me hot!

Remember your Civil Defense training in a real emergency:

308   Honest Abe   2010 Oct 31, 3:44pm  

Vincente, no intelligent response - again (8:49 pm). Are you a politician? Take whatever a politician says, turn it around 180 degrees, and you'll be closer to the truth. The same for your 8:49 pm comment.

309   Vicente   2010 Oct 31, 3:59pm  

Dear Abe,

Unlike certain other posters, I don't see my life purpose as a ....

MISSION to terminate Sarah Connor.

I had a fun 3-day Halloween weekend and was chilling out, and made some posts that amused me and perhaps other. Alcohol may have been a factor. Apologies if this interrupted your 608th reposting of "those darn Libtards make me ANGRY".

310   nope   2010 Oct 31, 4:56pm  

Honest Abe says

Government is best that governs the least. No one says NO government and NO taxes is the answer.

You do realize that those two statements are contradictory, right?

If the government that governs least is best, then the best government is no government.

...which is clearly false.

But I think that's not what you're saying, and you really believe the second statement. Great.

Why is it that you can't seem to even acknowledge that the majority of the country, the majority of the world, and pretty much all sane people DO NOT WANT the government to control everything?

Seriously, stop it. Constantly claiming that anyone who ever supports a progressive policy measure is just a supporter of facism isn't helpful. You're just being loud and annoying.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again:

The examples held up of horrible, oppressive governments didn't happen gradually, didn't "slip into" anything. They came about from fast, often violent overthrowing of what already existed.

There is a profound difference between Norway and the former Soviet Union. If you can't see that, then you're an idiot.

311   Â¥   2010 Oct 31, 5:35pm  

It's painfully clear that Honest Abe's worldview is predicated on there being a black/white dichotomy between economic freedom and totalitarian communism.

It's my general impression, as Upton Sinclair observed in 1951, "The American People will take Socialism, but they won't take the label." The "Inner Party" of the conservative movement requires fooling the rubes about socialism. That's what Beck's recent attacks on Teddy Roosevelt and the early 20th century Progressive Movement are about.

Never mind that Norway is, for its size, the wealthiest and happiest country in the world, and has a cradle-to-grave socialism established in the postwar era. Socialism is anathema, the forbidden fruit, move along.

It's getting to the point that in its opposition to teh socialism the right is eating its own. Romney's health care plan mandates was very similar to the 1993 Chafee plan, but since the conservative Senate Dems like Baucus ripped off their playbook with the mandate approach, mandates are the second coming of Lenin and/or Pol Pot.

It makes no sense. I think the bullshit coming from them is entirely intentional. They just lie as needed; they lied about the original Bush tax cuts, they lied about needing to take out Saddam, they lied about social security, they lie about the founding fathers (even so far as to make Jefferson a non-person), they lie about the efficacy of eg. abstinence education, they lie about global warming, they lie about "intelligent design". It's hard to identify a conservative position that isn't formed from outright lies. They know they've got the 40% fundie contingent as their base, they just need to scare up 1/6th of the remaining 60% of the population to get that magic 50% that puts them into power.

Sad, but what can you do, being a nation of morons and all.

312   Bap33   2010 Nov 1, 2:07am  

ahhh ... Grasshopper .... you miss point ... the best government is SELF government ....

For FREEDOM to work we must first have citizens with proper personal conduct, who accept responsibility for their actions and choices in life. Without a moral code that citizens use to self-gorvern, no form of FREEDOM under government "works".

It all begins at the individual and then to the family and then to the clan and then the village and then the county and then the state and then the nation and then the world. Trying to have a national entity have an effect on the home or individual is not a good idea.

Somebody give Kevin and Troy a hug.

313   justme   2010 Nov 1, 2:19am  


One could think of minimum wage as the default "union" for those who have nothing.

PS: I'm impressed by several things you have said on this thread. Good for you. And I am not being sarcastic, I really mean it.

314   bob2356   2010 Nov 1, 2:41am  

Honest Abe says

Limited, constitutional government cures personal, fiscal, monetary and moral irresponsibility.

and the clap

315   EightBall   2010 Nov 1, 6:26am  

Troy says

they lie about global warming

I didn't know the scientists at the East Anglia Climate Research Unit were republicans - I thought they were British?

316   Â¥   2010 Nov 1, 7:15am  

You don't know much of anything, actually.

317   EightBall   2010 Nov 1, 7:37am  

Troy says

You don’t know much of anything, actually.

Nice response ... now go get your big boy pants on and say something meaningful.

318   RayAmerica   2010 Nov 15, 7:27am  

An update on what's happening in Socialist Europe. Everywhere you look, they're running out of money and the EU is in danger of splitting apart. Thatcher had it right: "The problem with Socialism is that you always run out of other people's money."


319   Â¥   2010 Nov 15, 8:17am  

RayAmerica says

An update on what’s happening in Socialist Europe. Everywhere you look, they’re running out of money and the EU is in danger of splitting apart

Suck on it, Ray.

320   kentm   2010 Nov 15, 9:17am  

I dedicate this article to Giggles:


Hold your nose and read it. Don't report back until you have. You'll be tested. I'd prefer if you would give a summary.

321   kentm   2010 Nov 15, 9:18am  

Bap33 says

For FREEDOM to work we must first have citizens with proper personal conduct, who accept responsibility for their actions and choices in life. Without a moral code that citizens use to self-gorvern, no form of FREEDOM under government “works”.

It all begins at the individual and then to the family and then to the clan and then the village and then the county and then the state and then the nation and then the world. Trying to have a national entity have an effect on the home or individual is not a good idea.

I don't even know what all of this means. None of us live in a vaccuum.

First off, what exactly do you even mean by "FREEDOM" in that statement?

(and I fully expect Giggles or Abe to come in at this point and say "FREEDOM means FREEDOM, you fool". ...So please just don't.)

322   Bap33   2010 Nov 15, 9:58am  

I think it reads pretty easy to understand. And for me, that is pretty rare!! lol

For our republic to work, each person needs to make choices that are best for the health, safety, soul of all citizens (of which #1 is you) - but that choice needs to be made without force from a government. Free of force, a moral body of citizens should operate correctly as a republic. I guess in this case I see freedom as "no gov forces" dicatating choice. (?)

323   kentm   2010 Nov 15, 10:06am  

Bap33 says

For our republic to work, each person needs to make choices that are best for the health, safety, soul of all citizens

Sure, I'll go with that, but again, defining "best for ... all citizens" is where it starts to get tricky, especially when you put the caveat "(of which #1 is you)" because sometimies whats best for the larger number means individual sacrifices. The reason I don't know what it means when you say something like that is that I think its too broad and has internal inconsistencies.

To the rest if it, again I'll say that we don't live in a vacuum.

Here's another article for Abe & giggles:


324   Â¥   2010 Nov 15, 10:28am  

Bap33 says

I guess in this case I see freedom as “no gov forces” dicatating choice.

And yet this freedom has not existed without economic domination of hereditary wealth over the poor.

In the conservative utopia of no government. the only recourse the oppressed poor have is to leave, to a country taking them as immigrants (eg the US ~1650 through ~1900, or internally migrate to an open frontier (1820 - 1920), or if that's not available to establish new powers of government where one's economic rights -- justice, education, health care, social insurance -- are not privileges secured by wealth but rights rather by fair and impartial government responsive via democratic processes to the people it serves (the Populist & Progressive movements of the late 19th century and early 20th century, which eventually morphed into social programs we have today).

Where is the government "dictating choice" today, anyway? Every choice it does dictate -- wear your seatbelt (or helmet on a motorcycle), don't drive too fast on the highway, pay into social retirement and disability insurance and old-age health care (OASDI / Medicare) and soon the requirement to obtain health insurance on the private market comes with much greater social payoffs than the cost it incurs on individual liberty.

The Baltic States of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Germany are the most highly socialized and most successful nations on this planet. This very success illustrates all this BS about economic freedom and American exceptionalism is just worn-out nostalgia for the olden days which weren't really that great for most Americans anyway.

The libertarian utopia is just a race to the bottom. It is a pipe dream foisted on stupid people who don't have any grasp on history or economics by rich people who do.

326   marcus   2010 Nov 15, 11:27am  

The truth.

It does make one wonder, what the hell is going on ? Troy has explained it pretty well, but I still find it so hard to comprehend. At the rate things are going, the typical middle class person isn't going to want to put their hand on their heart and say the pledge of allegiance any more.

The truth.


327   RayAmerica   2010 Dec 1, 2:21am  

Margaret Thatcher on Socialism:


328   Clarence 13X   2010 Dec 2, 8:09am  

The problem with socialism is that it’s mostly socialism for the very rich.
Why do we keep taxing the common people to bail out failed bankers?
Why do the very rich pay only 15% income tax on the interest and dividends they skim off the work of others, while the actual workers pay 28% on honest labor?

Because there is a two party system here in the USA: Rich vs. Poor

YES, socialist programs need reforming however to go away from caring for the mentally ill, elderly, deaf, dumb and bling would be un-godly.

329   Clarence 13X   2010 Dec 2, 8:11am  

RayAmerica says

As Liberals continue in their quest to build a Social Welfare state here in America, Europe continues to collapse under a sea of red ink ….

Can you at least try to find middle ground, do you want to put the elderly, mentally ill out on the streets? Or are you willing to reform what we have with stricter requirements?

330   RayAmerica   2010 Dec 2, 8:16am  

Clarence 13X says

Can you at least try to find middle ground, do you want to put the elderly, mentally ill out on the streets? Or are you willing to reform what we have with stricter requirements?

I am 100% in favor of the government helping those that cannot help themselves. For everyone else, if they want something from the government, they should perform some type of public service. Few things, IMO, are more damaging than the lesson that a person can get something for nothing in this world. Unfortunately, that's exactly the lesson the government has taught to literally millions of people ... to their own destruction.

331   Vicente   2010 Dec 2, 9:05am  


Let's take a quadraplegic. Should they have mandatory government-provided healthcare? You can't exactly get them out picking up trash you know or digging ditches.

332   RayAmerica   2010 Dec 2, 10:58am  

Vicente says

Let’s take a quadraplegic. Should they have mandatory government-provided healthcare?

Yes. People that are beyond helping themselves should be taken care of. It that case, I think all their needs should be provided for, including housing, care, etc.

333   Clarence 13X   2010 Dec 2, 1:16pm  

RayAmerica says

Clarence 13X says

Can you at least try to find middle ground, do you want to put the elderly, mentally ill out on the streets? Or are you willing to reform what we have with stricter requirements?

I am 100% in favor of the government helping those that cannot help themselves. For everyone else, if they want something from the government, they should perform some type of public service. Few things, IMO, are more damaging than the lesson that a person can get something for nothing in this world. Unfortunately, that’s exactly the lesson the government has taught to literally millions of people … to their own destruction.

Exactly, the requirements for these programs need to be increased. Plus the length of term should be shortened for repeat usage within a 1 year, 5 year and 10 year period. No one should be on welfare more than 1 or 2 years out of a 10 year period. If they are, then I suspect that they are either lazy or mentally ill. I am for supporting a mentally ill person for life as we know the damage to their mind is most like un-repairable.

334   Clarence 13X   2010 Dec 2, 1:17pm  

RayAmerica says

Vicente says

Let’s take a quadraplegic. Should they have mandatory government-provided healthcare?

Yes. People that are beyond helping themselves should be taken care of. It that case, I think all their needs should be provided for, including housing, care, etc.

I think your right on with your points on social welfare.

335   kentm   2010 Dec 5, 4:18pm  

Clarence 13X says

No one should be on welfare more than 1 or 2 years out of a 10 year period. If they are, then I suspect that they are either lazy or mentally ill

This statement is of course based on a sound study of actual economics and employment patterns. Its not just a figure you've, say, pulled out of your ass, right?...

Clarence 13X says

I am for supporting a mentally ill person

I'd be curious how you define what constitutes 'mentally ill', whats the cutoff? Because when you put it the way you have been it sure seems to me like an arbitrary jerk off definition. Jus sayin'...

I think anyone who can't support themselves should be shipped over to your guy's places so you can just serve them up for dinner as you please. You could keep them all in a big pen in your back yard and select the meatiest ones... and every once in a while you could have a big ol' barbecue and invite the neighborhood... and the great thing is that you'd never run out! If things get lean you could just stiffen up the ol' 'mentally ill' definition and new ones would come pouring back into the pen...

336   FortWayne   2010 Dec 6, 12:30am  

The problem with socialism is that it’s mostly socialism for the very rich.
Why do we keep taxing the common people to bail out failed bankers?
Why do the very rich pay only 15% income tax on the interest and dividends they skim off the work of others, while the actual workers pay 28% on honest labor?

Thats how too often socialism works. Soviet Union wasn't wildly different. Perhaps word "rich" isn't the right one though.

A better word might be, "well connected" and runs the government. Soviet Union had the same thing. There money didn't matter, since paper currency was meaningless anyway... it was all in who you are connected with at government level.

337   FortWayne   2010 Dec 6, 12:33am  

Nomograph says

Why do we keep taxing the common people to bail out failed bankers?

Unfortunately, it’s because people need banks. If the banking system failed, it’s unlikely your website would even be here.

Most small banks were closed off and sold at firesale prices to the banks that were bailed out. So we essentially gave large institutions money to survive and gobble up smaller failing banks.
Bailouts were not necessary, in fact our lives would have been fine without Goldman Sachs being there. If you note, bail outs were very selective.
They didn't bail out GS competitors such as LB or BS...

338   RayAmerica   2010 Dec 6, 12:40am  

kentm says

I’d be curious how you define what constitutes ‘mentally ill’

An illustration of "mentallly ill," posted by an obviously very disturbed person:

kentm says

I think anyone who can’t support themselves should be shipped over to your guy’s places so you can just serve them up for dinner as you please. You could keep them all in a big pen in your back yard and select the meatiest ones… and every once in a while you could have a big ol’ barbecue and invite the neighborhood… and the great thing is that you’d never run out! If things get lean you could just stiffen up the ol’ ‘mentally ill’ definition and new ones would come pouring back into the pen…

339   RayAmerica   2010 Dec 15, 12:00am  

Greek leftists take to the streets and riot in response to the Government's plan to cut spending ...


340   FortWayne   2010 Dec 15, 1:31am  

The problem with socialism is that it’s mostly socialism for the very rich.
Why do we keep taxing the common people to bail out failed bankers?
Why do the very rich pay only 15% income tax on the interest and dividends they skim off the work of others, while the actual workers pay 28% on honest labor?

I'm quoting Patrick because a lot of it is very agreeable.

Human society has been evolving, but we are still very primitive. Most people know how to live in Feudalism, a plutocratic aligarchy. But Democracy or socialism? Frankly thats too advanced for most people, most are still primitive baboons stuck in 17th century.

Socialism is something to strive for, but it won't be very successful for a while since lets face it, as long as we have leadership that is not transparent we invite a dictatorship ran for the benefit of those in charge.

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