Sarah Palin: Let them eat cookies....lots of cookies!

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2010 Dec 2, 8:26am   3,486 views  15 comments

by Clarence 13X   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Why are all the far left and far right such idiots. She is obviously willing to sell her left n*t to score political votes. How can anyone with s sound mind correlate removing cookies from public school counters to government intervention?


In early November, 2010, Sarah Palin brought 200 cookies to a Christian school in Pennsylvania where she also brought another speech targeted in part at Michelle Obama's fight against childhood obesity. Sarah Palin: “I heard there’s a debate going on in Pennsylvania over whether public schools were going to ban sweets. I wanted these kids to bring home the idea to their parents for discussion: Who should be deciding what I eat? Should it be government or should it be parents? It should be the parents.”

The fight against childhood obesity, much like Laura Bush's campaign against illiteracy and Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign against drug use, is a serious, worthwhile fight for this country. It is a non-political issue, it is simply a fact of life today. All of us need to send Palin that message because she just doesn't get it. Private citizens, young and old; thousands of schools across the country; and all the states are and have been promoting campaigns to fight obesity, in particular childhood obesity, for years. In developed countries like the U.S., it's the poor who suffer from obesity. A dollar can buy more calories in junk food than in healthy alternatives is one thought behind this data.

A quick look at some who fight obesity:

•Linda Fondren, honored this year as a CNN Hero for her efforts in challenging the people of Vicksburg, Mississippi, ranked as the most obese state in the nation for the last six years, to lose umpteen thousand pounds over a 17 week period...and they're still going strong.
•Michelle Obama calls childhood obesity a plague. A nationwide campaign called "Let's Move" aims to eliminate this problem in a generation. "We want our kids to face a different and more optimistic future in terms of their lifespan," says the First Lady. It's not about drastic changes, it's about balance.
•Alaska has its own mission. 2009 stats show 65% of Alaskans were overweight. For information (ahem, Sarah??) on Alaska's program go to: obesity@alaska.gov
•Surgeon General David Satcher’s 2001 "Call to Action" on obesity: "Overweight and obesity have reached...epidemic proportions."
•In my house, we're on our own mission, too. We eat better, choose healthier snacks, we exercise more.
In an era where it's the norm for both parents to work outside the home; where latch-key-kids still exist; where Chester the Molester is the monster rumored to live down the street; and where video games are considered an activity, there's no shortage of explanations why children are not out-and-about. They are getting fat, fatter, obese. With obesity comes dangerous health consequences. Most sane, thinking people know this. That this woman, Sarah Palin, prefers to ignore this problem and serve cookies at a speech in a school does not just show her own ignorance, it shows her utter lack of respect for her audience, for children. Sarah Palin, in her never-ending effort to mock this President and the First Lady, thinks because she says something, the American public will buy it.

The only thing Palin sells is bunkum and now she's serving it with cookies....to children.

Sarah Palin is said to run at least 5 miles daily; she has an exercise regimen. But to your children, Palin's message is, "Let them eat all the cookies they want."

Sarah Palin is a phony.


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1   Vicente   2010 Dec 2, 8:54am  

She's a MAVERICK! Don't be hatin!

2   elliemae   2010 Dec 2, 10:14am  

Sarah Palin obviously doesn't have a problem with overweight people:


I know that the camera adds 20# but this child needs a diet.

3   Done!   2010 Dec 2, 10:27am  

200 cookies to a Christian school, what did it work out to, 1 or 1/2 a cookie for each student?
Did the faculty get any? I bet they were wonderful cookies, who made them?

Liberal media, because it just isn't news, it's just not news.

4   elliemae   2010 Dec 2, 10:31am  

Tenouncetrout says

Liberal media, because it just isn’t news, it’s just not news.

So, the political whore does something to attack the president, it's reported (she probably invited the media) and you blame the media? You need to take a trip to the garage.....quick.

5   Done!   2010 Dec 2, 10:41am  

Well at least Methlab moms can afford cookies, who in the hell can afford arugula, kippers and brie?
Mrs Obama was way out of line chastising the only people in the food chain less responsible for what goes in their body. And at an age where they held the most emotionally accountable for their physical condition. If she really gave a rats ass about the gobs and gobs of fat and sugar lil Jhonny spons down every day, then she should do something about big Food, and promote more local farming and pass legislation that allows alternative suburban agriculture projects. Federal laws that can supersede local Zoning and HOA laws that prohibit gardens and Chickens. Stock local fresh water fish from hatcheries. Decomoditize the food supply, something other than attacking Tommy for being fat... "Here Tommy have a cookie, Mrs Obama didn't mean to make you cry, go sit down and play the Xbox and eat your Cookie..." Where was I?

6   Clarence 13X   2010 Dec 2, 1:20pm  

So you think we should continue feeding our children BURRITOS, PIZZA, HAMBURGERS and COOKIES?

What is wrong with changing the menu to a more healthy option?

7   elliemae   2010 Dec 2, 1:46pm  

Clarence 13X says

So you think we should continue feeding our children BURRITOS, PIZZA, HAMBURGERS and COOKIES?
What is wrong with changing the menu to a more healthy option?

When I was in high school in Utah they served homemade, healthy lunches. Then I moved to Nevada for awhile, where they had fast food in the cafeteria. It was crazy. I do think that if they had salad bars, it would go over quite well in most schools.

8   marcus   2010 Dec 2, 11:00pm  

Sometimes this forum is sort of the written/verbal equivalent of a FOOD FIGHT.

Tenouncetrout says

If she really gave a rats ass about the gobs and gobs of fat and sugar lil Jhonny spons down every day, then she should do something about big Food..................other than attacking Tommy

Yes that would be an easy way for her to use her first lady position. Maybe then republicans would finally embrace her like they did Hillary when she got so deeply involved in healthcare policy back in the early 90s.

You have proven here that you can make up silly arguments with the best of them.

I say the impact she was by definition trying to have was on the demand side. Just a tiny little push in the direction of higher awareness about the connection between what we eat and our health. Besides, the only way all of the things you mentioned could happen is if peoples beliefs about food were to change first.

9   Liz Pendens   2010 Dec 3, 12:25am  

elliemae says

I know that the camera adds 20# but this child needs a diet.

She also needs some birth control.

You know what would the Palin/Beck crowd have said if one of the Obama daughters were 17, pregnant, and both child-parents were struggling to get a GED after dropping out of HS.

I'll also bet a paternity test was done very quietly, and wouldn't surprise me if Bristol had applied for some kind of public assistance.

10   Vicente   2010 Dec 3, 5:40am  

marcus says

Sometimes this forum is sort of the written/verbal equivalent of a FOOD FIGHT.


Bluto sez let's get it on!

11   Done!   2010 Dec 3, 5:42am  

marcus says

Yes that would be an easy way for her to use her first lady position. Maybe then republicans would finally embrace her like they did Hillary when she got so deeply involved in healthcare policy back in the early 90s.

Yeah! Good Point, an average health plan for a young man with no health issues went from $300 a year to $300 a biweekly. Thanks for pointing out that First wives should stay seen and not heard.

12   EightBall   2010 Dec 3, 6:10am  

Liz Pendens says

You know what would the Palin/Beck crowd have said if one of the Obama daughters were 17, pregnant, and both child-parents were struggling to get a GED after dropping out of HS.

The same BS that you are saying, perhaps? She's fat, she's stupid, she's on government assistance...Just because you are rude doesn't mean everyone is rude. Chelsea Clinton was off limits but there is no end to the diatribe about Palin's daughter - oh the hypocrisy...

Liz Pendens says

She also needs some birth control.

You would have made the same comment about Obama's mother because she was unwed and pregnant - yet she gave birth to a president...

13   Clarence 13X   2010 Dec 3, 7:54am  

elliemae says

Clarence 13X says

So you think we should continue feeding our children BURRITOS, PIZZA, HAMBURGERS and COOKIES?
What is wrong with changing the menu to a more healthy option?

When I was in high school in Utah they served homemade, healthy lunches. Then I moved to Nevada for awhile, where they had fast food in the cafeteria. It was crazy. I do think that if they had salad bars, it would go over quite well in most schools.

A ha.......I knew it. Your related to the lady from big love are you? I could tell from the puppy dog face and brown eyes.

14   Clarence 13X   2010 Dec 3, 7:57am  

EightBall says

Liz Pendens says

You know what would the Palin/Beck crowd have said if one of the Obama daughters were 17, pregnant, and both child-parents were struggling to get a GED after dropping out of HS.

The same BS that you are saying, perhaps? She’s fat, she’s stupid, she’s on government assistance…Just because you are rude doesn’t mean everyone is rude. Chelsea Clinton was off limits but there is no end to the diatribe about Palin’s daughter - oh the hypocrisy…
Liz Pendens says

She also needs some birth control.

You would have made the same comment about Obama’s mother because she was unwed and pregnant - yet she gave birth to a president…

I took her point to be that Obama's children would have brimstone rainded down upon them if they got pregnant at 17 where as we are looking at Bristol and her sister an innocent as virgin mary.

I want to stay far aware from the birth control comment because I dont think 17 years should be having sex.

15   Liz Pendens   2010 Dec 3, 9:10am  

EightBall says

She’s fat, she’s stupid, she’s on government assistance…

Glad you agree about Palin's daughter.

EightBall says

Just because you are rude doesn’t mean everyone is rude.

How are clear facts rude?

EightBall says

Chelsea Clinton was off limits

Eh? What's your beef with CC? Not a HS drop out teen mother... Stanford grad... never ran down and killed a boyfriend under questionable circumstances like Mrs. Welch-Bush...

EightBall says

You would have made the same comment about Obama’s mother because she was unwed and pregnant

You assume I'm blindly supporting President Obama. Wrong again.

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