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5820   ch_tah   2011 Mar 18, 7:14am  

klarek says

Ever notice they’re all the same?

“Yeah I used to be bitter and angry like you are, then I realized it was the right time to buy a house and I wake up every day so much happier than the one before. So now after I made the thoughtless decision, I seek everybody’s unanimous approval and support. If I don’t get it, then that’s because they are angry renters and I am now more knowledgeable than they are.”

You are such a liar. Show me person on here who came back and sought approval and support for their purchase?

5821   anonymous   2011 Mar 18, 7:22am  

tatupu70 says

warblah says

reading on SubOink’s “Now go and buy a house!” post always give me a WTF moment.
Seriously, the most annoying person on this board for me used to be tatupu, guess what, u now officially just replaced him.

I’m crushed

Tatupu, you better step up your game if you want the top slot of "most annoying person" back. I will defend my top position though, so it won't be easy.

Hey Guys, could I get a trophy? I could put it in my new house. I would like it to say "Most annoying ex-renter, euphoric new home owner with massive buyers remorse and severe need to justify a terrible decision on patrick.net while getting sunburned in Pool"

Now go and buy a house...


5822   Katy Perry   2011 Mar 18, 8:09am  

No one should really be saying it's better to rent or buy IMHO. For me I'll just make the comparison using some newly learned logic. may be the biggest gamble I'll ever make. so the numbers need to pan out or I'll have a F'n stroke. really I will. :-(

I happen to use comparable rent for help. You may use the ego meter. or what the Jone's's's are doing meter. Or is my wife happy meter or the F everyone I'm doing what I really F'n want meter. fine by me.

But please folks try to stop with the BS generalizations. I'll really try also (except on full Moons) I bet there is an easy 100-300k separation in income from poster to poster. I mean really that has to be the biggest issue with choice aside from state/city. someone needs to say uncle. you all sound like kids on a school yard sometimes.

5823   anonymous   2011 Mar 18, 9:30am  

Katy Perry says

No one should really be saying it’s better to rent or buy IMHO. For me I’ll just make the comparison using some newly learned logic. may be the biggest gamble I’ll ever make. so the numbers need to pan out or I’ll have a F’n stroke. really I will.

You're right. There are so many variables in all this that its wrong to generalize.

Good luck with your numbers!

5824   moonowdermeal   2011 Mar 18, 6:52pm  

Nice people on the forum!! Any of you guys live close to Las Vegas and have though about getting carpet cleaning then look me up. Thanks!

5825   Vicente   2011 Mar 19, 2:14am  

Another Mish article says more clearly:

Shrinking Labor Pool Means Shrinking Demand For Housing

5826   American in Japan   2011 Mar 19, 9:16pm  


"In theory, you never own a house in full, anyway. Gov’t will tax you on property until you die. Kinda means they will take your house if you don’t pay–which rhymes with renting and paying a mortgage. We still plan to buy shortly–but just sayin’."

From what I've heard of Argentina, you have sales tax but you can't lose your house if you don't pay..However, if you sell or pass the house on then taxes are due. (I like this system).

5827   American in Japan   2011 Mar 19, 9:16pm  

'nuff said.

5828   FortWayne   2011 Mar 20, 4:30am  

They aren't wrong.

All media is ran by large corporate interest. So depending on which channel you watch you'll get very one sided opinions.

Both sides usually have good points, but end up losing my interest when they start going to extremes. And both often do. I think most common format now a days for this propaganda by both left and right is to show an argument and discussion where points for whatever they try to lead to are much stronger than points for the other side. I see that all over tv and radio.

Which is why I can't stand extreme left liberalism or extreme rightism.

5829   toothfairy   2011 Mar 20, 6:51am  

if you expect to compete with returns from housing as an investment
you need to buy stocks on margin which is highly risky. You can lose everything.

I like houses because no matter how much the value drops at least you're left with the house.
Doesn't require constant monitoring of your portfolio because It will never go to zero.

5830   theoakman   2011 Mar 20, 7:16am  

Those are some sweeping generalizations on stocks vs housing. Stock don't always rise with inflation. They performed pretty poorly during the inflation of the 1970s. Stocks can be an inflation hedge. As far as dividends go, the dividend yields in the U.S. are pathetic when you look at the corporate profits over the years. There's a time to own each and every asset class and at any given time, one can be more favorable than another. I personally, would agree that "some" stocks will perform well during inflation.

5831   kentm   2011 Mar 20, 9:26am  

ChrisLA says

can’t stand extreme left liberalism or extreme rightism

? You judge them based on the supposed delivery methods, over the ideas represented?...

5832   marcus   2011 Mar 20, 10:19am  

What's extreme ?

The trend is toward corruption and away from democracy.

Many people think single payer is extreme, I think it's conservative, and inevitable (in some form).

5833   Clarence 13X   2011 Mar 21, 3:07pm  


I dont see anything wrong with Obama stepping in to stop a genocidal dictator...lets compare this to the missteps by Clinton and his failures to prevent the genocides of Rwanda.

How can anyone compare this to Iraq? Afghanistan?

5834   American in Japan   2011 Mar 21, 5:01pm  

This is going to be a long thread. Who likes Fox News or believes them (of those around this site)? Even RayAmerica doesn't watch them much.

5835   kentm   2011 Mar 21, 7:11pm  

Clarence 13X says

Federal laws protect workers today, not unions.

You know, its interesting that you say that. Coming up soon is the anniversary of the usually well known "Triangle ShirtWaist Fire", look it up, its getting a lot of press lately, where ... about 150 people died in a garment factory fire because company bosses had locked exit doors. There were no regulations then about safety and working conditions then, as there are today.

The incident is well known as leading to "legislation requiring improved factory safety standards", but not until a union had re-formed - the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union - which fought tenaciously for better working conditions for sweatshop workers. A lot of strikes and demonstrations forced the hand of the government legislators, to the legislation that forced companies to adhere to safer working practices didn't just appear magically out of thin air, dispensed magically by the loving hand of the business interests.

Your problem is that you've clearly grown up in an atmosphere where you take the advances and rights that have been forced into existence by difficult and dangerous collective action - by workers and women - as a given thing. You have no idea of the history of your own country.

Is this because of the continuous piles of shit delivered daily by Faux News?

5836   kentm   2011 Mar 21, 7:33pm  

Clarence 13X says

I dont see anything wrong with Obama stepping in to stop a genocidal dictator

Um, "laws"... "process"...? Remember those things? Just because you happen to, at the moment, not like someone does not give you reason to support this kind of action against them. You're kind of really a mess, logically, aren't you?

I understand though, you've been fed this diet of 'personal self-sufficiency' - which sounds great and strong - and of 'left-wing-freeloaders' etc, haven't you?

5837   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2011 Mar 21, 11:11pm  

This action is completely legal and appropriate. We did the exact same thing under NATO during the Kosovo War.

I fail to understand all of the hand-wringing about this action from the far left. Are we going to sit idly by in our warships while Qaddaffi slaughters peaceful protesters?

Congress pre-approved this action with its ratification of the UN Security Council treaties. Obama's actions are completely appropriate and legal.

5838   zzyzzx   2011 Mar 22, 1:14am  

How do these compare to all the lies told by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, and almost all major city newspapers, all of which are extremely liberal in their bias?

5839   sfbubblebuyer   2011 Mar 22, 2:06am  

Dan Rather got canned for that blunder.

5840   sfbubblebuyer   2011 Mar 22, 2:14am  

SoCal : Yes, we should. Because then those peaceful protesters won't want our precious oil!

5841   Vicente   2011 Mar 22, 2:55am  

It's such a reflex for Fox News to lie without even bothering to check the facts.

One of the writers of the story, Fox's Jennifer Griffin, clarified her story Monday evening. Griffin said she had been unaware that a member of the Fox team, a security guard, was given a camera and went on the trip to Gadhafi's compound.

"I have since learned that Fox did indeed go. I did not know about that earlier today. That is my mistake and I apologize for the error," Griffin said on Greta Van Susteren's show.

The Times of London -- which like Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation -- backed the Fox version of events in a front-page story Monday.

"The Times and other foreign media effectively became temporary human shields on Sunday night when we agreed to be bussed in by officials to Colonel Gadhafi's main compound in Tripoli to visit the site of an allied missile attack," Deborah Haynes wrote in a story datelined Tripoli.

Iit's such an ATTRACTIVE lie isn't it? Although I suppose you could claim one lazy liar has just copied another lazy liar without bothering to look for updates or corrections. No pattern there eh?


5842   RayAmerica   2011 Mar 22, 3:45am  

kentm says

Anne Coulter… she doesn’t even believe her own BS, has often admitted as much,

Being that she has "often admitted " that, I'm sure you'll be able to provide us all with specific examples.

5843   leo707   2011 Mar 22, 6:24am  

zzyzzx says

Do you even watch Fox News?

Well, I watch Fox “news” from time to time. I also watch CNN, PBS, ABC, The Onion News Network, CBS, MSNBC and CSpan from time to time.

Fox is by far and away the most biased media outlet in the US. It rivals the propaganda output of the Chinese national news.

If you are unaware that the “liberal media” is a myth, then you have been watching too much Fox.

However, like any rational thinking person I would agree that MSNBC has a liberal bias, but that said they lie and distort the truth at levels FAR less than Fox.

5844   American in Japan   2011 Mar 22, 2:39pm  


Clumsy me. I tried to vote this as a "good post" but I missed and hit the red one (so one of them is mine). But being curious, I voted it as a good story (so one of those is mine too!) That means we can vote on each once... The real count should be 3-1 up to now.

5845   Clarence 13X   2011 Mar 23, 3:15pm  

kentm says

Clarence 13X says

I dont see anything wrong with Obama stepping in to stop a genocidal dictator

Um, “laws”… “process”…? Remember those things? Just because you happen to, at the moment, not like someone does not give you reason to support this kind of action against them. You’re kind of really a mess, logically, aren’t you?
I understand though, you’ve been fed this diet of ‘personal self-sufficiency’ - which sounds great and strong - and of ‘left-wing-freeloaders’ etc, haven’t you?

Let me share my story with you again, so that you can stop with the LEFT vs RIGHT antics.

I was raised in extreme poverty, have been homeless 3 times in my life. Lived in Compton and Watts during my highschool years. While in High School we barely had enough food after the 15th of the month so I waited until the end of the line to bring home the scraps. I was not gifted but driven, so my teachers put me in the AP classes and so called GATE programs. I also took up my first job in Highschool to help supplement my fathers menial pay, which, was a direct result of the Jim Crow era that prevented blacks from seeking better employment during the 40s, 50s, 60s. I went to college, unlike many others who sat along side me in High School twiddling their thumbs to the sound of NWA (NIGGAS WIT' ATTITUDES). I went off the college while my peers stayed home following Dre, Eazy-E, Ice Cube and Snoop's thug nation of stupidity. I have spent the last 15 years building up my skillsets so that I can never again be homeless and be at the mercy of Jim Crow or any of the impoverished thoughts, enslaved mentalities that prevail in Compton and Watts.

I applaud the Democratic party for its passage of Civil, Womens rights....however, I do not bend over backwards for every Democratic protest nor do I stand against every Republican piece of legislation. I am not obligated to support the Unions, Gays, Teachers, or any other group affiliated with Liberalism simply because my parents were poor.

If my peers in Compton want to move forward in life, then they should go back to school, educate themselves and build up their skillsets. Their is not a Union or a President in the world that will ever save them from laziness, mental illness or drug addiction.

Your pathetic, simple minded support of Unions is why we cant reform Government, Educational, wastes. This can also be said of the Healthcare wastes which are a result of blind support of Republicans.

You want my Union Support:

1. Fire all the Lemon Teachers who waste millions of tax payers dollars simply because they have tenure (After 2 Years) and cannot be let go. New York alone has 100 million in tenure salaries for teachers who deserve to be fired (See Waiting for Superman).

2. Fire all the Lemon assistants who wast millions of tax payer dollars griping about how underpaid they are, when in reality their bosses should be typing their own memos.

3. Stop holding companies, governments, school districts hostage simply because the reforms present threaten your entire existence.

No one cares about Unions but union employees because Federal laws protect the workers not the unions. Unions simply keep undeserving, bad workers from being removed fired....that is all they do and ever will be able to do now that they have achieved the greatest 99% progress with the passage of workers rights.

Your pathetic. Find someone with a lower IQ to debate with because I dont debate with FOOLS, I teach them!

5846   Clarence 13X   2011 Mar 23, 3:17pm  

shrekgrinch says

Clarence 13X says
How can anyone compare this to Iraq? Afghanistan?
Not the general wars and occupations, but the incidents of photos/videos of ‘atrocities’ (most of what you saw at Abu Graib goes on freely in SF, for example) that get everyone all jazzed up…except if Obama is President, it seems.

I agree, he knows how to deliver a better message than any president before which is why he could say to all of us "Kiss My ***" and a million people would line up the next day.

5847   surfingerman   2011 Mar 24, 9:29am  

seriously wounded casualties majority form 2008 and after ( Afghanistan ) http://img860.imageshack.us/img860/8519/1111ua.jpg

deaths afghanistan

5848   mikey   2011 Mar 24, 11:14am  

I stopped by for a gander cause I was feeling down and I must say that this topic is really daffy and it takes too many cheep shots. What the flock? I find it hard to swallow. Are folks really this gull-able?
Is this forum going to seed?
Buoy oh buoy what a beak I'm having. Sorry if I sound a little soar. I should sparrow the drama.
I hope this post fits the bill. I did it on a lark. Maybe I should tweet about it but for now I'm going back to puffin before I go coo-coo. Why? Just be-caws.
Egrets? I have a few but then again too few to mention.

5849   Done!   2011 Mar 24, 12:29pm  

Comedy is Tragedy + Time.

Sometimes it is better to ask, is it too soon.
Maybe Gilbert should go on a crack binge and post Youtube diatribes against Aflac.
He might get a multi city tour out of it, and even his old job back, if he throws enough hookers and blow at his problems.

5850   Jeremy   2011 Mar 24, 3:01pm  

Bubble Bobble says

Then again, my house beats affordability ratings for the past 40 years…. and we could pay it off in under 3 years if we really focused.

Then who cares??

5851   KP   2011 Mar 24, 3:03pm  

I was thinking of buying in the Fall 2011 in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. I can't see prices coming down another 30-35% after a 50% drop already. Maybe another 10-15%. South Florida would be in a depression if housing dropped a total of 85%. No?

5852   rob918   2011 Mar 24, 3:22pm  

This is very common, it doesn't change the terms of the loan, is no big deal and it means nothing.....They made a couple of bucks on it and freed up some of their capital. In fact, it will be sold a number of times over the years.

5853   Ms2222   2011 Mar 24, 3:39pm  


My mother who is 75 yrs old has been approved for a HUD 56,000 home which is 10 years old in a nice newer nieghborhood and in very good shape, she had planned putting 12,000 down. She has spoken to someone about getting a reverse mortgage they said she would have no payments and could live basically payment free but still has the option to make payments if she wants to on the balance. (she is on a very fixed income) The broker is telling her about the reverse mortgage and that she would need to put down at total of 40 percent or $23,000 rather than $12,000 to do this and he would give her a 5.6% rate. Is this a good idea? Is 5.6 a good interest rate for a reverse mortgage? He said she would be able to make payments on the balance if she wanted and at any amount that she wanted then in the event of her passing away her heir would have the option to pay the balance off and buy the house at that time. Is this a rip off in any way? I would hate for her to find out that she sunk her money into something that would be a bad deal. It sounded ok to me at first but then wondering if there is anything that she should be aware of before closing the deal?

Thank You,


5854   dunnross   2011 Mar 24, 4:11pm  

Ms2222 says


My mother who is 75 yrs old has been approved for a HUD 56,000 home which is 10 years

What does this have to do with the title of the thread. If you can't keep to the subject, please create your own thread, but don't hijack somebody else's.

5855   kentm   2011 Mar 24, 4:51pm  

Whats median from 1975 adjusted for real levels, factoring inflation?

5856   gameisrigged   2011 Mar 24, 5:54pm  

You act surprised, OP. Banks aren't in the loan business anymore; they are in the business of sucking off the government's teat, getting handouts, fucking their customers with fees and commissions, and paying themselves big fat bonuses. The government is still backing over 90% of all loans. The only thing that's surprising is that you would have expected otherwise.

5857   marcus   2011 Mar 24, 6:04pm  

$155,000 or so.

I think his median price was of NEW homes. Now the medium price is a around 220K, but new homes are bigger than they used to be, what with Mcmansions and all. Still, dropping another 15 - 20% could easily happen, but it sure would hurt considering how invested everyone is in propping prices up. But then that's also the reason why it can happen.

5858   maxweber   2011 Mar 24, 11:25pm  

Yes. I think that's common with homebuilders also (our case). Funny part is it was told to Fannie (IIRC) but is serviced by BofA. Figure that one out.

5859   zzyzzx   2011 Mar 25, 12:46am  

kentm says

Whats median from 1975 adjusted for real levels, factoring inflation?

Accoriding to government statistics:

$102,059.98, but it only goes back to 1980. But I would consider any appilcable wages after taxes and other increased costs comparison from 1975 to be the more appropriate calculation to use. I.E. - affordability for housing comes in after you figure in how much more (proportionately) people are paying for property taxes, insurance, etc.

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