Freedom of the Press deteriorating.

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2011 Apr 16, 11:04am   3,340 views  22 comments

by American in Japan   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


People need to be vigilant on this. It does seem that fear has grown in the US from the days I lived there.

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1   FortWayne   2011 Apr 16, 1:58pm  

Guantanamo is a lot more frightening for me. It's unconstitutional that if somebody in a high place can decide that they don't like me and have me put away outside of the law indefinitely.

2   terriDeaner   2011 Apr 16, 3:14pm  

Fear was 'voted' in long ago. When did you leave?

3   MarkInSF   2011 Apr 16, 5:01pm  

I watched that video for 3 minutes and all they did was make vague references to media being arrested.

I already had little respect for RT, and this didn't help. They definitely have an anti-American agenda (and oddly have absolutely nothing to say about Russia)

4   American in Japan   2011 Apr 16, 5:10pm  

Over 18 years ago... (about the same as Troy).

5   MarkInSF   2011 Apr 16, 5:27pm  

Amazing how they show the arrest, and completely fail to show any footage leading up the arrest, even though they had at least two cameramen on site.

6   Done!   2011 Apr 16, 11:36pm  

Like the Lies and Deceit of THIS media is worth Protecting.

It's every man for him self Baby! WE need to pitch a Wang Dang Doodle to get our damn basic and fundamental rights back. Then from the ashes we can select a new media to replace those Corporate Political Lap Dogs.

But DON'T for one minute expect me to gripe about the "Freedom of Press" if you can even call those Sons of Bitches the fucking Press!

But do call me to Bust heads over my own rights.

7   American in Japan   2011 Apr 17, 9:57am  

One anecdote:

A friend of mine had lived in Hawaii years ago. Then he moved to Japan and lived here for 3 or 4 years. When he went back to Honolulu, he said there was just a greater sense of fear in general. The police were much more aggressive to regular people overall (more checking up, etc.) I'd like to hear other stories...

8   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 30, 3:37am  

It's nice to know that President Obama favors "Freedom of the Press."


9   FortWayne   2011 May 11, 9:50am  


This was linked from twitter.com/wikileaks/
Our administration is still worried about some secrets that might leak out, a lot of very wealthy people have pretty important secrets they prefer to stay secret.


10   American in Japan   2011 May 11, 9:12pm  


Thanks for the link. These are traps to catch leakers.

It has been getting worse under either of the two big parties.

11   American in Japan   2011 Jul 17, 1:00pm  

Any other personal stories?

12   elliemae   2011 Jul 17, 1:15pm  

Tenouncetrout says

Like the Lies and Deceit of THIS media is worth Protecting.
It's every man for him self Baby! WE need to pitch a Wang Dang Doodle to get our damn basic and fundamental rights back. Then from the ashes we can select a new media to replace those Corporate Political Lap Dogs.
But DON'T for one minute expect me to gripe about the "Freedom of Press" if you can even call those Sons of Bitches the fucking Press!

Freedom of the press means freedom of all press - not just the stuff with which you agree.

Faux News has admitted the obvious - that much of its programming is entertainment and not news. But they still have the right to say whatever shit they want. I respect that, even though it means that the likes of Glenn Beck & Rush Lambast (tee hee) have a forum for spewing their hatred.

Tenouncetrout says

But do call me to Bust heads over my own rights.

You exercise your right to spew drivel here (and Patrick exercises his right to print it) whenever you feel like it. You also have the right to remain silent, if you so choose.

13   marcus   2011 Jul 17, 1:58pm  

I don't know if I agree with the title, but it is amazing.

"The Most Incredible Thing Fox News Has Ever Done"


14   American in Japan   2011 Jul 17, 2:03pm  

I am actually glad Fox News is out there, as long as people watch other sources and know that it has its bias as well. One of the biggest biases of Fox News has been their unfailing support of the Iraq War-- one of the biggest disasters for the US in the last 30 years.

15   Done!   2011 Jul 22, 5:00am  

American in Japan says

I am actually glad Fox News is out there, as long as people watch other sources and know that it has its bias as well. One of the biggest biases of Fox News has been their unfailing support of the Iraq War-- one of the biggest disasters for the US in the last 30 years.


CNN invented their uber huge big touch screens and on location holograms especially for the War coverage. They even called it the WAR Room.

Selective grippers!

lest you forget

16   American in Japan   2011 Aug 8, 11:44pm  

No problems with anyone who watch a variety of sources of news...

The fact is that only a few (or a single) conglomorate owning most of the news agencies/ tv stations, etc. is not a good sign.

17   Done!   2011 Aug 9, 12:07am  

I think we need more press protection.
Our government should go after all of the journalist impostors, and persecute them to the fullest extent of Guantanamo.

I think that would put everyone in jail that reputes to report the "NEWS"(and I use that term loosely).

I think Walter Contrite was our last honest journalist.

18   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Aug 9, 1:25am  

My favorite fake broadcast of all time - Charles Jaco in pretending he's in Saudi Arabia in the path of Scud missiles in Gulf War 1.

There was another one where somebody gives him a Checkers burger right after he "signs off" saying he's got to go off air because of incomings.

This is pretty common actually, I remember going to NBC as a kid and they told us that "New York" was the left side of the stage, and "Washington, DC" was a desk on the right side of the stage. So when they said "Let's go to soandso in DC", it was the other side of the same studio in NYC.

20   American in Japan   2011 Aug 22, 2:32pm  

Not a good trend...

This chart shows the trend of the number of compnies owning most of the media of since the 1983.

21   wtfcapinv   2011 Aug 22, 9:25pm  

They definitely have an anti-American agenda (and oddly have absolutely nothing to say about Russia)

That's because Russia Today is funded by the Russian government.

22   American in Japan   2011 Aug 24, 2:44pm  

>Ann Coulter was advised that she might be prosecuted for what she might say in front of some college students at the U of Toronto, for example.

As much as I dont like her, I would respect her right to free speech.

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