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6449   Done!   2011 Apr 20, 9:12am  

RayAmerica says

I’m not a “birther,”

I like how some pussy factions of the GOP are pandering to the liberals, as they redefine who and what they are.
What is a Birther? Being a Natural born citizen is what I and countless generations for over 200 years, have learned in Civics class. Some jack ass has to show a Birth Certificate, I don't see Liberals all bent out of shape when the DMV asks to see their birth Certificate. It's a piece of Identification, it's meant to be shown for proof of identity, through out anyone's life. Why should running for the most important position in the free world be any different?

I suspect there are going to be a lot of GOPers this election season that are going to be left behind, as their party evolves into a something with a little piss in vinegar for a change.

6450   burritos   2011 Apr 20, 10:35am  

So you're going to sell AND short? Isn't it enough to just sell and maybe repurchase?

6451   HousingWatcher   2011 Apr 20, 10:38am  

"I’ve read several of Dr. Corsi’s books and find him to be a very reasonable man that backs his findings with facts and verifiable data."

And yet in his last anti Obama book, Corsi could not even get a simple fact like Obama's wedding date correct.


6452   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 20, 10:39am  

HousingWatcher says

And yet in his last anti Obama book, Corsi could not even get a simple fact like Obama’s wedding date correct.

Give him some slack. Afterall, your idol stated the USA was made up of "57 states."

6453   HousingWatcher   2011 Apr 20, 10:42am  

When you write a book, it is supposed to go through several stages of editing to ensure than all the facts are correct. It's not exactly the same thing as making a comment off the top of your head.

6454   HousingWatcher   2011 Apr 20, 10:43am  

Corsi is also a 9/11 truther. Are you a truther Ray?

6455   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 20, 10:46am  

Reluctantly, I have to admit, Obama is a miserable failure. I knew he would be, but it was one of those situations where I hoped I would be wrong. Even I underestimated the damage Obama would do, which proves I'm actually a very optimistic fuzz ball with a "yes we can" attitude. Not once, I repeat, not once, have I ever desired for Obama to fail (except of course when it came to almost all of his policies). I just hope the Donald can undo all this damage.

6456   HousingWatcher   2011 Apr 20, 10:52am  

Ray, you do know that Trump's presidential campaign is fake and is just meant to boost his show's ratings, right?

6457   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 20, 10:53am  

Obama said the USA was made up of 57 states. Do you believe there are 57 states HousingWatcher?

6458   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 20, 10:55am  

HousingWatcher says

Ray, you do know that Trump’s presidential campaign is fake and is just meant to boost his show’s ratings, right?

It sounds so conspiratorial, but you sound so logical. What a sneak the Donald is.

6459   HousingWatcher   2011 Apr 20, 11:03am  

Every politician makes gaffes. But that is different than writing a book.

6460   HousingWatcher   2011 Apr 20, 11:04am  

Trump originally planned to aunnoce his decision on the season finale of The Apprentice (if that is not evidence that his campaign is fake, I don't know what is) but NBC said absolutely not.

6461   MarkInSF   2011 Apr 20, 11:51am  

HousingWatcher says

Corsi is also a 9/11 truther. Are you a truther Ray?

He also believes that oil is "abiotic" in origin.


Corsi is a certified nut case, and he has no qualms about lying, err... I mean making "factual errors".

6462   MarkInSF   2011 Apr 20, 11:53am  

RayAmerica says

Give him some slack. Afterall, your idol stated the USA was made up of “57 states.”

You don't seem to understand the difference between a slip when speaking live, and a book filled with factual errors with months of time to fact check.

6463   HousingWatcher   2011 Apr 20, 12:04pm  

If I was standing in front of a podium speaking to thousands of people, you can bet your butt I would make tons of mistakes. I would beome so nervous, I would probably forget my own name. One thing I never do is criticize politicans for making gaffes since I know very well I would do the same. However, a book is different since you can hit the delete key when you make a mistake. There is no delete key when you are making a live speech.

And let's not forget Bush made gaffes too so let's not just concentrate on Obama. My favorite: "I do not believe we've put a guilty... I mean innocent person to death in the state of Texas."


"Anyone engaging in illegal financial transactions will be caught and persecuted."

6464   leo707   2011 Apr 20, 12:31pm  

HousingWatcher says

And let’s not forget Bush made gaffes too so let’s not just concentrate on Obama. My favorite: “I do not believe we’ve put a guilty… I mean innocent person to death in the state of Texas.”
“Anyone engaging in illegal financial transactions will be caught and persecuted.”

Yeah, Bush was the king of the speach gaff. Entire books have been written on the subject.

6465   leo707   2011 Apr 20, 12:34pm  

MarkInSF says

HousingWatcher says

Corsi is also a 9/11 truther. Are you a truther Ray?

He also believes that oil is “abiotic” in origin.
Corsi is a certified nut case, and he has no qualms about lying, err… I mean making “factual errors”.

You beat me too it, just one thing to add.

Like many of the neo-con personalities I don't think he is an actual nut case. He just makes a very good living peddling material to nut cases. It really is quite deplorable to exploit mental illness like that.

6466   leo707   2011 Apr 20, 12:58pm  

shrekgrinch says

Yes, I want Obambi to go down..mostly because it will hurt the ‘progressive cause’

Yes, we know, truth and facts be dammed. You have made this abundantly clear in you posting history. Do you think that you have any kind of legitimacy in this forum?

Funny thing is that I am just the type of person that the GOP is trying to keep from voting for Obama. I am very moderate, left leaning, but lots of traditionally conservative opinions. Prompted by 9/11 I have actually worked, in my way, in “the war on terror”. McCain historically has been one of my favorite politicians, and I totally would have voted for him if he had a competent running mate. I have voted Republican many times in the past, but not in a long time. Why? Because the Republicans have become the party of “No”, and extreme bullshit.

Have I been disappointed in Obama? You bet, but have you or Ray ever posted anything that would make me think the GOP is better than Obama… No…

I want a country that works. Where we use the best ideas based on merit. When the day comes where Repubs stop shooting down ideas from Dems just so the Dems fail… and… it was an idea supported by the same Repubs in the past, I will start to vote Repub again (on issus and merit).

I am not going to hold my breath though.

Until then feel free to stay willfully ignorant, and keep up the sad sack propaganda.

6467   American in Japan   2011 Apr 20, 12:59pm  

I just sold most of my silver ETF shares a day ago... Hmmm... nice profit though.

6468   FortWayne   2011 Apr 20, 1:02pm  

EightBall says

My cousin works at a prison - 8 weeks doesn’t seem like enough for what he endures on a daily basis. But hey, teachers get the summer off why can’t everyone get 8 weeks

they sell real estate in the summer.

6469   Vicente   2011 Apr 20, 4:17pm  

Nomograph says

Time to get back to what really matters: Guns, Gays, and God.

6470   Cook County resident   2011 Apr 20, 5:58pm  

shrekgrinch says

You seem to present a case where those choices are exclusive. He can easily choose both. As to why I think he really believes what he said, read this little gig: http://gonzalolira.blogspot.com/2011/04/break-in-our-regularly-scheduled.html

Seriously, enough moronic Reps think this way and most Dems DO think this way that I believe JJJr. thinks this way. Sure I do.

My suspicions were raised by Jesse Jackson Jr's language. It was an attack only on the iPad, not the iPad and the Kindle and the Nook and other such devices.

The specific attack has a resemblance to the beginning of an Operation Push boycott. I know it's not fair to directly compare the tactics of Jesse Jackson Sr those of Jesse Jackson Jr, they are different people, but the comparison did spring to my mind.

I have no expectation that any politician is telling what he really believes. They pander to their constituencies much as advertisers pander to the customers.

6471   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 20, 11:51pm  

MarkInSF says

a book filled with factual errors with months of time to fact check.

Being that the book is "filled with factual errors," it won't be difficult for you to list the top ten:


6472   leo707   2011 Apr 21, 2:13am  

RayAmerica says

Being that the book is “filled with factual errors,” it won’t be difficult for you to list the top ten:

Why would you even ask this? You don't care.

Even if you were given a list of 1000 factual errors, and a video clip of the author saying, "Yeah my books are full of shit, I just write them to milk money from right wing nut bags." You would still be posting tomorrow about how cool the author is, and how sound and reasonable his books are.

6473   marcus   2011 Apr 21, 2:22am  

The whole bircher movement is actually great tribute of respect to Obama. Ray, Shirk and all the other logic deficient extreme right wing sheep at least have this perception correct:

They can not and will not be able to come up with a candidate or policies for that matter that can beat Obama in 2012. Hence this desperate attempt to prove he is ineligible.

Then again, the PTB in the GOP don't even want to win in 2012. This is obvious from Ryans plan to lower taxes ( HAHA) on high incomes, and cut back medicare.

6474   ch_tah   2011 Apr 21, 2:31am  

True about the time value. I didn't think the peak was that far off (June) but we'll see.

Where do you get the put/call ratio data from?

6475   ch_tah   2011 Apr 21, 3:21am  


6476   zzyzzx   2011 Apr 21, 3:41am  

HousingWatcher says

Ray, you do know that Trump’s presidential campaign is fake and is just meant to boost his show’s ratings, right?

I also think it's a publicity stunt.

6477   marcus   2011 Apr 21, 3:50am  

Great comprehension Shirk.

I'll admit that this snippet is pretty silly (or even stupid), especially the part about china and first amendment rights.

But obviously his point (the context) is about job creation, not just because unemployment is high, but because technological advances are going to be a continued force of productivity and efficiency. Just because these are good things that we all like, doesn't mean that one can't observe their short to medium term impact on unemployment. He should have done a better job though, avoiding giving the dim bulbs anything to latch on to.

Funny that shirk, the guy who is more likely than anyone to attribute low comprehension to others, misunderstands what is being said here. Luddite ? He starts by saying he has an ipad.

6478   Truthplease   2011 Apr 21, 4:48am  

"Neither party has the intelligence to withdraw from the Windmill-Chasing enterprise that is Afghanistan. That country hasn’t had an effective central government since Genghis Khan."

Completely correct. It is like a bad business plan that just keeps going without re-analysis.

6479   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 21, 6:30am  

zzyzzx says

I also think it’s a publicity stunt.

When it comes to politics, everything is a publicity stunt.

6480   HousingWatcher   2011 Apr 21, 7:02am  

Don't worry Conservatives, you now have a strong candidate who will beat Obama: Gary Johnson. And when President Gary Johnson takes office, no more school. Your lazy 10 year old kids will have to get off the couch, stop playing Wii, and get an IT job!

JOHNSON: Back to unconstitutional. I think there are a lot of kids today, let’s say 13 year-olds, 10 year-olds, that have better knowledge of computers than a 70 year-old. And because of our child labor laws, you can’t pay one of those 10 year-olds, 13 year-olds for a few dollars an hour to help out the 70 year-old with their computer, their computer problems, which might exist if we didn’t have child labor laws.

KEYES: So it might be better to rein in some of those child labor laws, if I’m hearing you correctly?

JOHNSON: Well, by rein in, the unintended consequence of child labor laws is that we don’t have the entrepreneurial sense with our kids that perhaps existed when I was a 13 year-old, pitching papers and mowing lawns. If there weren’t any child labor laws and you could pay, I use the example of the kid fixing your computer for a couple dollars an hour, is that taking advantage of a child or is that giving a child a real motivation and an understanding of earning money and providing a good or a service? And then on the other side of that, besides child labor laws, there’s the whole notion of you retire and you can’t go back to work for the 75 year-old or the 80 year-old who still has contributions to make.


6481   leo707   2011 Apr 21, 8:12am  

shrekgrinch says

More than you do..I am upfront and honest about what I believe and what my intentions are…so much so that many others on here have felt forced to mischaracterize me in other ways because I don’t really align with their demons how they need me to be. Others like you.

Oh, shrek...

You really don't understand do you...

...sigh, poor, poor shrek...

Whether or not you are being honest about your beliefs is totally and completely irrelevant. While you may actually believe the drivel you spout, you also may be a shill knowingly disseminating false information.

In either case your motivation and "true belief" is irrelevant. Here it is shrek, shield your eyes lest the truth bind you: The simple fact is that people oppose you because you are full of shit.

I know this might be hard for you to believe. It is possible for two people to look at the exact same data, and have a civil sane discussion yet still disagree on their interpretations.

The problem is that your "beliefs" often are based entirely from false and misleading sources, and you seem to have no interest in perusing truth.

I am a believer in free speech so you go ahead keep trying to tear America apart sowing division and lies, while I and others pursue solutions to make us safer and prosperous again.

6482   tatupu70   2011 Apr 21, 8:15am  

shrekgrinch says

BTW, Liberals actually believe that high unemployment works in their favor most of the time. It has to do with their non-fact based ideology.

Mr. Strawman is back! Well done Shrek.

6483   marcus   2011 Apr 21, 12:37pm  

shrekgrinch says

That’s Luddite economic thinking right there. If we put more emphasis on the status quo at the detriment to the future, then most of us would still be working on a farm and you could get a job making bubby whips too. No, that is not an exaggeration.

Please don't pretend to be that clueless. Jackson did not say that he wishes ipads don't exist. He didn't say that with a choice between having the technology and not, that he would choose not. I do find it amazing that you are always bringing up other peoples comprehension.

6484   Cook County resident   2011 Apr 21, 1:15pm  

shrekgrinch says

When they are not purposely lying, they actually do say what they believe. And many of them do believe this stuff.

Not necessarily. They may be tossing out ideas to see what gains traction, just as a good lawyer might when he's developing a prosecution or a defense.

I think a strong sense of cognitive dissonance is a detriment to a politician.

shrekgrinch says

Just think of the many managers and executives at work you’ve come across….you shouldn’t have top think real hard on that, either. :)

Actually, nearly all of the managers I've worked with have been at least OK. It's possible that's because I work in manufacturing, and the system keeps a sharp watch on more objective measures as safety incidents, production and waste.

6485   Cook County resident   2011 Apr 21, 1:38pm  

shrekgrinch says

Which is kinda weird since Apple is the liberal’s ‘nice’ corporation’, too. (all those donations to Dem candidates by Apple employees have a lot to do with that, I am sure)

Apple is currently in a strong financial position. They've been sharing, but have they been sharing enough?

6486   joshuatrio   2011 Apr 21, 2:30pm  

Looks like we're going to break through $47 tomorrow. It's becoming a circus.

Kitco forums are pretty active right now. lol.

6487   Patrick McHugh   2011 Apr 21, 3:06pm  

How is this relevant to the housing market?
6488   MarkInSF   2011 Apr 21, 3:22pm  

I'd have to agree that iPads (and similar technologies) will put publishers, libraries and some others out of business. That seems pretty uncontroversial to me.

It looked like his next point was that the new jobs created by the destruction of those industries are largely outside the US. That I'm not sure I totally agree with, since a most of the high end jobs in design, marketing, and support are here, not to mention they're doing a lot more than replacing book & news printers.

Still, it's possible that he's right that the jobs being lost are not being replaced with equal or better US jobs on a net basis.

I'll have to give JJ Jr. a "meh", on this one. Never been a huge fan of him or his dad.

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