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6514   Â¥   2011 Apr 23, 7:35pm  

terriDeaner says

He fell to a vote of no confidence this year, courtesy of the liberal party:

He's not out of the picture yet. No confidence just means they have to have an election, and if anything Harper will come back stronger this time around.

6515   Â¥   2011 Apr 23, 7:37pm  

terriDeaner says

So don’t take it so personally, eh!

I take the green-voting morons who gave Bush Florida and NH "personally".

People who don't understand how things work are really really annoying.

6516   American in Japan   2011 Apr 24, 1:42am  

I piss everyone off since I have voted Republican, Democrat, Independent and Green Party (US elections, I have no voting rights in Japan). Things which have turned me off to the Republican Party is their getting the US involved in costly and unjustifid wars, their unquestioning support of a overburdening military budget and general hypocrisy of wanting to cut the budget (among a number of other things).

6517   marcus   2011 Apr 24, 1:53am  

In fairness to Chris, he said he "often finds it reasonable." Nomo, the examples you cited are unreasonable, but for someone like Chris (who is dishonest with himself), these are like emotional candy, extremely enjoyable stuff, in fact the best part for him of listening to those guys. That is, even though he knows it isn't true, and that they are unreasonable, it's just fun for him and his ilk. Good times.

Meanwhile it helps to set up the intellectual palate for more subtle lies, which seem relatively reasonable in comparison. Examples would be the bs about evil unions, or about nationalized health (being nazi fascist communist) etc. I saw Franklin Graham (the evengelist) on "This Week" this morning, when asked about the birth certificate controversey, he said, "Obama has problems,...........he could put this all to rest if he would just show the birth certificate." So even their clergy are basically dishonest (in fairness maybe just REALLY stupid).

6518   FortWayne   2011 Apr 24, 2:01am  

marcus says

In fairness to Chris, he said he “often finds it reasonable.” Nomo, the examples you cited are unreasonable, but for someone like Chris (who is dishonest with himself), these are like emotional candy, extremely enjoyable stuff, in fact the best part for him of listening to those guys. That is, even though he knows it isn’t true, and that they are unreasonable, it’s just fun for him and his ilk. Good times.

Marcus, come on man, whats with the passive aggressive.

6519   marcus   2011 Apr 24, 2:56am  

ChrisLA says

whats with the passive aggressive

Maybe inappropriately personal, but not passive aggressive. It's what I believe.

There was a lot of talk on the Sunday morning talk shows about inclusion and reducing devisiveness. I think that ending the lies is the only way it can happen. But then since ignorance and pathological dishonesty aren't going to go away any time soon, I think that we should bring the fairness doctrine back.

6520   marcus   2011 Apr 24, 12:52pm  

The fact that raising taxes on the rich wouldn't sufficiently close the deficit is not a good reason not to do it. Higher taxes on the decision makers, and those with clout over the decision makers will press the issue. Otherwise we continue with a military we can't afford and a health care system we can't afford and so on.

6521   clambo   2011 Apr 24, 1:01pm  

I glanced at a few answers above, but firstly, there are many things that should have been done concerning our economy that were obvious to many and Obama did the opposite.
He has been a terrible president, although probably no one would have been able to solve our economic crisis, he threw gasoline on the fire.
Also as an American, I was deeply offended to see my president bowing, kowtowing, and apologizing for America as he took his worldwide asskissing of dictators tours.
My personal belief is Obama is the product of a bizarre and dysfunctional childhood, who has so many issues it's pointless to begin.
I would like proof of his intelligence, not his birth.
When the whole Rev. Wright stuff hit the fan, he told us with a straight face that after hanging around the church for 20 years he had just no idea what Wright's beliefs really were. It reminded me of someone telling us "I did not inhale".
I saw a US president tell us how much he admired China and that high speed rail, high speed internet, and facebook, solar roof tiles were going to make the USA great. I know that the vast majority of Americans have never been to and never will see China. I have, and that place is not a place where you would like to live. In fact, the 1000 million almost starving Chinese would not like to either, but they have no choice in the matter.
Obama has also surrounded himself with inept incompetents who have no credibility. Choosing Tim Geithner for example was a joke. Janet Napolitano is a clown. Salazar is a nut.
Obama in Libya was led around by the nose into war by Hillary, Powers and they over-ruled the real professionals like Gates who advised against it.
Obama's only shtick was railing about the evil rich, or evil corporations. He said we all need to "spread the wealth." His total complete lack of experience making any kind of decisions shows and he is worse than a weak leader, he is not a leader at all. He is a follower, complainer and fiddler-while-Rome-burns-in-chief.

6522   Done!   2011 Apr 24, 1:28pm  

I wouldn't be apposed to not considering alternatives
that is to say not knowing all of the facts withstanding.

6523   Vicente   2011 Apr 24, 1:30pm  

Shirk, why you hatin on your BUDS? After all he hates the iPad just like you do.

6524   FortWayne   2011 Apr 24, 1:34pm  

shrekgrinch says

Yes, a necessary qualification of being a politician is being a professional hypocrite, too.

I think they are all like that. Jerry Brown runs around promoting a lie that he is a Democrat, yet he sure likes to make sure that the only "Democratic" choices are the once he and his close friends approve for us.

I usually wouldn't post something like this on Easter Sunday, as it's traditionally a day for tradition not politics, but politicians do get under my skin when it's so close to home.

6525   marcus   2011 Apr 24, 2:01pm  

shrekgrinch says

Do you even know what a Luddite is?

You proved that you don't. Maybe you should call other people an idiot more, which as far as I can see is the closest you will get to seeming like you have a clue.

I would say it for you again slowly but I don't see how that's going to make a difference for you. Jackson is not protesting the existence of the technology, or even that it will displace publishing. You really are even far more of a fool than I ever realized.

6526   marcus   2011 Apr 24, 3:21pm  

Bring back the fairness doctrine. Really it's about ongoing education. We should all be life long learners, and we deserve to hear both sides of issues (regardless of whether our emotional biases prevent us from being open minded about the truth.)

6527   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 25, 2:05am  

clambo .... excellent post. Now get ready for the all the attacks from the Kool-Aid drinking radical left in here.

6528   theoakman   2011 Apr 25, 3:17am  

almost opened at $50 today

6529   leo707   2011 Apr 25, 7:12am  

shrekgrinch says

marcus says

I consider myself a conservative, but I am a liberal too.

Then you are nothing but a walking contradiction

Ah, shrek buddy… I know that this may be hard for you to believe, but there are many “liberal” and “conservative” views that are not mutually exclusive.

Bear with me here, but if you could just metaphorically take a look to your left...

See that massive group of people? … now take a look to your right…

See that tiny group of people? All those people are your hardcore conservative/teabaggers…

Now, if you take a look to your left again… yep the big group…

Almost all of those people are called “moderates”. They have some combination of conservative and liberal views.

Now, don’t strain your eyes too much, but look way in the distance…

Yeah, that little clump of people all the way at the end…

Those are the liberal hippies you are so afraid are going to run the country.

6530   American in Japan   2011 Apr 25, 11:05am  


>"Bear with me here, but if you could just metaphorically take a look to your left…
See that massive group of people? … now take a look to your right…
See that tiny group of people? All those people are your hardcore conservative/teabaggers…
Now, if you take a look to your left again… yep the big group…"

I love this explanation...can I use it?

6531   American in Japan   2011 Apr 25, 11:13am  


Would you consider those advocating massive military spending (the US currently has) to have a conservative or liberal view?

6532   leo707   2011 Apr 25, 12:21pm  

American in Japan says

>”Bear with me here, but if you could just metaphorically take a look to your left…

See that massive group of people? … now take a look to your right…

See that tiny group of people? All those people are your hardcore conservative/teabaggers…

Now, if you take a look to your left again… yep the big group…”
I love this explanation…can I use it?

Of course, but just for good not evil!

6533   marcus   2011 Apr 25, 12:29pm  

clambo says

His total complete lack of experience making any kind of decisions shows and he is worse than a weak leader, he is not a leader at all. He is a follower, complainer and fiddler-while-Rome-burns-in-chief.

You aren't by any chance one of them thar Teabaggers are'ye ?

clambo says

I would like proof of his intelligence, not his birth.

That's a good one.

Here from another thread, about how out to lunch the teabaggers are:

clambo says

The Tea Party are people who are concerned with too much government intervention into our lives, which would include meddling in the housing market. Whether or not you wish to pay higher taxes, no one who wants to keep their own money in their pocket is “full of crap.” Stick to talking about houses being a bubble.

6534   marcus   2011 Apr 25, 12:37pm  

Then again, maybe I'm wrong, and Clambo is a guy who usually votes for moderates, often democrats but just really has some legitimate criticisms of Obama to share. COmpared to other mainstream moderates that Clambo has voted for, he is just really unhappy about Obama.

6535   Cook County resident   2011 Apr 25, 11:16pm  

marcus says

Bring back the fairness doctrine. Really it’s about ongoing education. We should all be life long learners, and we deserve to hear both sides of issues (regardless of whether our emotional biases prevent us from being open minded about the truth.)

A reinstated fairness doctrine would be irrelevant. The doctrine applies only to broadcast media and a large percentage of electronic media is now wired through cable or the Internet. The fairness doctrine was never applied to print media.

Eliminating the fairness doctrine gave a boost to issue oriented broadcast media, particularly radio. Most people tune in what they want to hear and mixing opposing views would be like mixing heavy metal and country music.

Issue oriented broadcast media is well past it's peak, anyway. Most of it's audience is over 35 and advertisers are less interested in an audience which bases it's buying decisions on experience.

6536   elliemae   2011 Apr 26, 12:14am  

The question was, "How do you like Obama now?"

I still like him - he super cool, and I can't wait to watch him in reruns.

6537   burritos   2011 Apr 26, 3:09am  

How about just hiring a good property manager?

6538   Done!   2011 Apr 26, 4:20am  

I suspect that after all of the Oil is gone, we'll discover the Earth was using it, for Tectonic lubricant.

6539   CL   2011 Apr 26, 4:58am  

Simple: reduce military spending (which is really vote-buying by scattering jobs and plants through congressional districts), reduce medical costs through single-payer, and leave Social Security alone.

and end the wars of occupation. (As opposed to stopping all military endeavors that are short by design).

Return the taxes at least to pre-Reagan rates, and compromise to Clinton rates.

6540   zzyzzx   2011 Apr 26, 5:38am  

CL says

leave Social Security alone

The ages for when one is elidgeable for benefits needs to be raised by at least 5 years and benefits frozen (not adjusted for underreported inflation figures).

6541   tatupu70   2011 Apr 26, 6:04am  

shrekgrinch says

Not on this thread, but plenty of others you have maintained that we can tax out way out of the deficit or at least make a severe dent in it via some belief that we’d actually get revenues from increases in income tax rates that would do just that.

I can't believe you continue to spew this nonsense.

6542   nope   2011 Apr 26, 6:07am  

Fixing the problem is pretty simple, mathematically. Even without raising taxes.

- Fix social security by raising the retirement age to 75 (phased in over 20 years, 6 months at a time), and, if necessary, raise contribution limits from the current $106k / year maximum (lots of other variations on this, but social security is not the hard problem)

- Fix defense spending by ending the wars, ceasing purchase of new tanks, planes, and ships that won't ever be used, and ending no-bid contracts to defense contractors.

- Fix medicare / medicaid by copying the health care system of just about any other country that has a decent one.

Now, it's mathematically sound, but as soon as you suggest such simple changes, the reactions are predictable:

- Reducing spending on unnecessary military spending means weakening american defenses
- Spending less on medicare means cutting benefits
- Raising the retirement age means raping your grandmother with a hot poker

My prediction for what will actually happen:

- The actual deficit will shrink thanks to the wars winding down and the economy picking up
- Obama will win in 2012, and will be more willing to fight for things, so he'll prevent a renewal of the 250k+ tax break
- Inflation will kick into high gear starting around 2013, eeking up into the 7-8% range. After 10 years the deficit and debt to GDP ratios will seem a lot more like they did in 1995.

Buy commodities.

6543   Â¥   2011 Apr 26, 8:35am  

Kevin says

Fix social security by raising the retirement age to 75 (phased in over 20 years, 6 months at a time), and, if necessary, raise contribution limits from the current $106k / year maximum (lots of other variations on this, but social security is not the hard problem)

Social security isn't broken and doesn't need fixing, not until it runs through at least half of the $2.5T t-bonds it holds. The FICA cap might need to be raised since rich bastards are living longer, but if we need to make social security actuarially balanced, RAISING FICA is a million times better than expecting people to work as great grand parents.

6544   bg   2011 Apr 26, 9:11am  

Seattle home prices continue to fall http://www.komonews.com/news/local/120700279.html
6545   terriDeaner   2011 Apr 26, 9:12am  

Troy says

terriDeaner says

He fell to a vote of no confidence this year, courtesy of the liberal party:

He’s not out of the picture yet. No confidence just means they have to have an election, and if anything Harper will come back stronger this time around.

We'll see... but don't be too sure. Check it out:

NDP winning support on the right and left, poll suggests

6546   corntrollio   2011 Apr 26, 10:45am  

"Treat landlording as a business. Develop a system and a set of written procedures for all steps in your rental process. "

The one thing he never mentions is making sure that renting is actually economical. You need to calculate your capitalization rate to make sure you're getting adequate return. Otherwise, why take so much risk for so little reward? This should be #1 and is the most important part of treating landlording as a business.

6547   corntrollio   2011 Apr 26, 10:47am  

"How about just hiring a good property manager?"

That can work, but you need some oversight of your property manager even if they are "good." That said, it's hard to find a good property manager who isn't trying to screw you when you're not paying attention.

Another mistake that people make is having a rental property nowhere near where they live. You need to keep an eye on your property and what's going on with it.

6548   American in Japan   2011 Apr 26, 8:08pm  


You may be right. Do you also see wage inflation picking up in 2012 or 2013?

I wouldn't mind seeing inheritence tax rates go up for over $5,000,000 (40% marginally) and $15,000,000 (50% marginally). At the same time I would like to see no inheritance tax on the first $500,000 and only 10% on the next $700,000.

6549   zzyzzx   2011 Apr 27, 2:16am  

Kevin says

Fix social security by raising the retirement age to 75 (phased in over 20 years, 6 months at a time)

The age needs to be raised 6 months every year until the minimum age for any benefits is 75. Not any of thie nonse about people born after a certain year like last time.

6550   zzyzzx   2011 Apr 27, 2:23am  

Kevin says

- Fix medicare / medicaid by copying the health care system of just about any other country that has a decent one.

Actually the fee for service needs to be replaced with something more along the lines of a HMO type of thing where they get a monthly fee instead.

6551   MAGA   2011 Apr 27, 4:06am  

Note the race of the Father. African. Wasn't it Negro back in the early 60's? That's strange.

6552   EBGuy   2011 Apr 27, 4:09am  

Was this a mistake? I've said before that they should have saved this silver bullet for after the RNC selects a presidential candidate. With this action, Pres. Obama has declared he doesn't want to run against The Combover, but instead relishes competition from a real Republican candidate. Will be interesting to see if a Bill Bradley emerges to run against Obama in the primaries, as he is now effectively running a ship slightly to the right of center. Perhaps he can drop Biden from the VP slot and pick up Romney on the 2012 ticket -- I joke...

6553   EightBall   2011 Apr 27, 4:58am  

About time - now the kooks can move on to "Bill Ayers wrote Obama's first book" conspiracy or some such drivel.

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