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6560   Â¥   2011 Apr 27, 7:27am  

Unfortunately, the long-form doesn't show "Frank Marshall Davis" as Obama's father.

Now the next line of attack will have to be trying to figure out if Dr David Sinclair was the actual attending physician . . . he died in 2003 . . .

As for what I was saying about the birth certificate, I guess this is the best summary:


6561   tatupu70   2011 Apr 27, 9:43am  

shrekgrinch says

As for the Dems loving it to be an issue, with inflation and national bankruptcy on their plate…I bet they really would like the ‘distraction’ (as Obama calls it) instead of having to face their real record

Uh, that was my point Shrek. You start off telling me I live in la-la land, and then go on to write 3 paragraphs explaining my point. Perhaps you should actually think before you post.

The Obama team has said as much in unattributed emails--they wanted to keep this birther stuff going as long as possible. The word is that Obama finally decided that it wasn't good for the country to keep focusing on this nonsense....

If you truly think the birther stuff has helped the Republican party then you really do live in a fantasy world.

(And fyi--that last quote you attribute to me was from Troy)

6562   EBGuy   2011 Apr 27, 10:09am  

Why do I fear this interchange from Oprah will become birther fodder. She inadvertently gave him a question that was tough to answer without sounding a bit silly:
"When it first came up, were you thinking, I hope I was born here?" Winfrey asked, according to a transcript provided by her production company.
"Can I just say I was there, so I knew," Obama said. "I knew I had been born. I remembered it."
"Of course you did," Winfrey said.

6563   Done!   2011 Apr 27, 10:15am  

Trump: 'I've done a great service to the American people'

i.e. My Ass

6564   Vicente   2011 Apr 27, 11:46am  

Goalpost moved!

"The word is," Trump told the press, Obama "was a terrible student when he went to Occidental [College]. He then gets to Columbia. He then gets to Harvard."

"I don't know why he doesn't release his records," Trump said. "Why doesn't he release his Occidental records?"

Trump On Obama's Birth Certificate: I'm 'Honored' -- But Where Are His School Records?

6565   marcus   2011 Apr 27, 12:02pm  

jvolstad says

Note the race of the Father. African. Wasn’t it Negro back in the early 60’s? That’s strange.

He was actually African (not just black, ie African Amercian). But you're right, maybe some sophisticated types at the Hawaii Hospital were ahead of their time.

But I think it's cool if the conspiracy theory racist types have something to sink their teeth in to.

6566   marcus   2011 Apr 27, 2:15pm  

As far as I can tell, Donald Trump is an Obama supporter. He wants Obama to be reelected.

Think about it, he wants to turn everyone's attention to Obama's academic history?

OH, wait, I forgot, republicans don't respect "intelligence." So, maybe I'm wrong.

6567   MarkInSF   2011 Apr 27, 2:16pm  

shrekgrinch says

A large majority of the public at large has always believed that Obama is a Muslim

Not a majority, but sizable percentage. And almost all of them are "conservatives".

What does that say about the intelligence of the average "conservative"?

6568   FortWayne   2011 Apr 27, 3:24pm  

marcus says

OH, wait, I forgot, republicans don’t respect “intelligence.” So, maybe I’m wrong.

Marcus I have serious doubts you are qualified to teach. The fact that you are a union man, a teacher and say completely atrocious things like this just proves why public unions are a bad idea. Perhaps your constant one sided tunnel visioned political views should explain why so many students fail to learn, they have marcuses "teaching" them.

6569   elliemae   2011 Apr 27, 4:19pm  

This issue will never die. Conspiracies abound. Actual verifiable proof that you simply can't fix stupid.

6570   elliemae   2011 Apr 27, 4:27pm  

Did you stutter, or are you so excited you had to tell us multiple times? And out of curiosity, why should we give a shit? Is it because you (once again) blame something on the Democrats?

6571   marcus   2011 Apr 27, 11:29pm  

ChrisLA says

Perhaps your constant one sided tunnel visioned political views should explain why so many students fail to learn, they have marcuses “teaching” them.

Yes being the extreme moderate that I am, and being upset that there are too many hyper ignorant people with views such as yours(*), is sure to effect my teaching.

* ChrisLA:
(from other thread)
ChrisLA says

It’s a matter of opinion. AM talk radio is not nonsense to me, as I often find the ideas reasonable.

Sorry if the comment about your disrespect for intelligence hit home just a little too much. MY belief is that emotional bias has no place in political decisions, and fortunately my lack of emotional bias, is also a good attribute for a teacher.

6572   marcus   2011 Apr 27, 11:35pm  

In hyper rethuglican world, this constitutes a "proof:"

ChrisLA says

The fact that you are a union man, a teacher and say completely atrocious things like this just proves why public unions are a bad idea.

Let's just say its a good thing you aren't a Math teacher. If you decide to look in to it, you might want to learn a little about logic and what it means to prove something. (Hint: it has nothing to do with your emotions).

6573   Done!   2011 Apr 28, 12:03am  

I never bought into the Birther stuff either, I just don't believe a Grown ass man should be walking around that can't produce a birth certificate. Especially not the President.

I have to, he has to, that's the beauty of America, spite what you commie freaks might think.

6574   marcus   2011 Apr 28, 12:09am  

By the way, intelligence wasn't always anathema to republicans like it is now (Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, Michelle Bachman, Gorge W Bush, ...the list goes on).

I guess to a certain type of person, there is something comforting in " he (or she) is a little below average intelligence, just like me," or "I would like to have a beer or go fishing with him."

6575   marcus   2011 Apr 28, 12:09am  

Tenouncetrout says

I never bought into the Birther stuff either, I just don’t believe a Grown ass man should be walking around that can’t produce a birth certificate. Especially not the President.
I have to, he has to, that’s the beauty of America, spite what you commie freaks might think.

The sad thing is that the dim bulbs thought he hadn't produced it, LONG after he had, that is long after he had produced what would have been acceptable from you if you were getting a license or a passport, or any other type of proof of your citizenship. If you were willing and capable of understanding it, you would realize that it really was quite stunning.

6576   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2011 Apr 28, 12:31am  

Ok, I'm here in this thread. The truth will get out now.

Shrekgrinch - I thought this issue was layed to rest with you Birther Lite folks. (I'm calling you Birther Lite now because while you claim to not believe any of the Birther origination stories, you still support Birther policy like Birther bills).

So Obama produces a 'magic' long form and ... drum roll ... Birthers are still not satisfied.

Obama just punk'd the Birther movement. He even got to lecture the media about silly wastes of time, and then immediately flew out to tape a show with Oprah.

I think Palin and Beck are in a very tough spot now. They either need to dig themselves deeper in a hole and keep promoting Birtherism or move on.

6577   FortWayne   2011 Apr 28, 12:42am  

marcus says

Sorry if the comment about your disrespect for intelligence hit home just a little too much. MY belief is that emotional bias has no place in political decisions, and fortunately my lack of emotional bias, is also a good attribute for a teacher.

But all you are offering is an emotional bias, bias that unions are great, and corporations are evil. Some sort of naive ultra left bias. Completely disregarding the fact that we are the corporations, and we are the only reason US is actually on the map and all other nations wish they were US.

marcus says

Let’s just say its a good thing you aren’t a Math teacher.

Unlike you buddy, I'm making it well in the private sector, and my mathematics are far beyond your basic high school math. I don't need to lose all my dignity and become a union man like someone utterly incapable of making it on their own.

6578   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 28, 2:09am  

SoCal Renter says

Obama just punk’d the Birther movement. He even got to lecture the media about silly wastes of time, and then immediately flew out to tape a show with Oprah.

What's interesting to this whole controversy is 1) why Obama took so long to produce the certificate and 2) why he spent $2+ million to fight its release. No matter how one looks at it, it amounts to some very strange behavior.

6579   tatupu70   2011 Apr 28, 2:25am  

RayAmerica says

I just checked … you’ll have to trust me on this; Reagan is no longer President. In fact (and I was surprised at this too) he left office way back in 1989

Oh, is that how it works? Can I still blame WWII on Germany? Or is it now Obama's fault too?

6580   Â¥   2011 Apr 28, 2:31am  

Tenouncetrout says

I just don’t believe a Grown ass man should be walking around that can’t produce a birth certificate.

he did back in mid-2008 you fucking moronic ignorer-of-fact.

6581   Done!   2011 Apr 28, 2:54am  

Wop! It says on the bottom "Any alteration invalidates this Certificate"

Sorry but the Certificate ID has been altered. Besides it being the short form and a reproduction at that.
How did a grown ass man in Washington get as far as he did with out a BC?

Rules are rules, and that document has been altered, call the Donald, he'll tell ya.

6582   Â¥   2011 Apr 28, 2:57am  

ack, trolled again. I forgot why I had you on ignore. brb.

6583   MarkInSF   2011 Apr 28, 3:24am  

Tenouncetrout says

Sorry but the Certificate ID has been altered. Besides it being the short form and a reproduction at that.

Unbelievable. Doesn't matter how many times you disprove something, these idiots will keep bringing it up again.

Here is a photo of the same document, not redacted, clearing showing the raised seal:

This "short form" is the ONLY document that Hawaii provides as legal proof of birth status. Read the bottom: "This copy serves a prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding". The "long form" says no such thing. It's just the original record kept by the government. Hardly anybody has copies of that, because there is not much use for it. You can't even use the "long form" to get a drivers license. You have to get the official "short form".

6584   Done!   2011 Apr 28, 5:09am  

Well a Birther (From the best I can tell) is anyone that willingly has open discourse about Obama's Birth Certificate. Then technically everyone in this thread is a "Birther".

6585   bob2356   2011 Apr 28, 5:42am  

shrekgrinch says

I am not ‘birther lite’ either. I supported the bills because through this issue it came to my attention that nobody is really vetting presidential candidates for constitutional muster at all. People just ‘assume’ that they are. I think it is a good thing that the states take that up as a reform in general. I am thus a Constitutionalist.

So Mr. Constitutionalist, where in your copy of the constitution do the words "birth certificate" appear? Where does it specify what is "muster" or "vetting". Mine doesn't have those parts.

6586   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 28, 5:43am  

The Democrats voting against the unions? et tu Brute?

6587   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 28, 5:45am  

bob2356 says

So Mr. Constitutionalist, where in your copy of the constitution do the words “birth certificate” appear?

Let's see how you handle this one "Mr. Constitutionalist." LOL!

6588   FunTime   2011 Apr 28, 5:55am  

PockyClipsNow says

If we only had 20% down payment (NO MATTER WHAT, no HUD/CAL hfa, etc) Then mortgage fraud would be so difficult and rare you wouldnt hear about it (even with loan guarantees by the feds, 20% would cure 95% of fraud IMO)

Some are suggesting that will happen from now on, but that system would have have met the demand brought by CDOs. I'm guessing the people who figured out how to package and sell CDOs will come up with another similar business. Too much money made not to. If I could believe and live happily with the idea that any money I figured out how to make was rightfully mine, I would certainly enjoy making tens of millions a year instead of just many thousands.

6589   anonymous   2011 Apr 28, 6:22am  

Section 8 voucher program for needy individuals

Since when are landlords considered needy individuals?

Anyone else find it hilarious that it took 13 different government agencies to solve the case? Good grief, certainly not worth what we the taxpayer are forced to pay the attorney general of eastern va, the postmaster general, the hud inspector of inspecting inspectables, some FBI worky. How about this for an idea, why don't all those losers go find a real job ie something productive to the economy. Id rather have this realtwhore as my neighbor then any of those worthless jerkoffs

6590   MarkInSF   2011 Apr 28, 6:43am  

shrekgrinch says

I am not ‘birther lite’ either. I supported the bills because through this issue it came to my attention that nobody is really vetting presidential candidates for constitutional muster at all. People just ‘assume’ that they are. I think it is a good thing that the states take that up as a reform in general. I am thus a Constitutionalist.

Sorry, you already revealed yourself as caring only about Obama, and not the constitutional issue over here:

shrekgrinch says

Who the hell cares anymore, folks?
Obama caved into ‘birther’ demands and produced the long form birth certificate, in case you haven’t heard.
This entire post and its resultant threads are now completely moot.
Good riddance, too.

6591   Done!   2011 Apr 28, 8:25am  

shrekgrinch says

Tenouncetrout says

Well a Birther (From the best I can tell) is anyone that willingly has open discourse about Obama’s Birth Certificate. Then technically everyone in this thread is a “Birther”.

A ‘birther’ is someone who believed that Obama was not born in the US or outside the US under conditions what would qualify him as a ‘natural born citizen’ as Congress had established in 1961.
But your point is well taken.

Well both aren't mutually exclusive.
Just because one asks to see some credentials, does not mean they "really" believe you are, or aren't a member of what ever it is those documents will dictate. But the fact still is, everyone in America is subject to credit checks, and identity checks. No one is immune from legally identifying them selves. If anyone has a problem with those asking for proof from anyone. Then that person really has a distorted view how things work, and are the ones with the problem, in this Democracy, in this America, we're all in our right to ask anyone for their ID. And yes that goes for Obama too.

Those that have a problem with that are the "Birthers"

6592   klarek   2011 Apr 28, 8:35am  

errc says

Since when are landlords considered needy individuals?

Probably ever since homeowners were considered better citizens than renters, thus getting their mortgage interest deductions and tax credits.

errc says

Anyone else find it hilarious that it took 13 different government agencies to solve the case?

I don't find the criminal realtors and their lobbying power funny at all. They assrape the general public with impunity.

6593   FunTime   2011 Apr 28, 9:04am  

FunTime says

Some are suggesting that will happen from now on, but that system would have have met the demand brought by CDOs.

"...would NOT have met..." for those following.

6594   FunTime   2011 Apr 28, 9:05am  

FunTime says

I would certainly enjoy making tens of millions a year instead of just many thousands.

Actually, I'm not certain, but it sounded good to write.

6595   tatupu70   2011 Apr 28, 9:45am  

shrekgrinch says

That’s right, folks…see how MarkInSF tried to pull a fast one on you all just now?

Nope--he just posted your quotes. If quoting you is a fast one, what does that say about your posts?

6596   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 28, 12:12pm  

Funny thing about Obama. He's an incredibly smart man, and yet, he spent over $2 Million in legal fees in order to prevent the release of the certificate that he had all along. Any theories as to why?

6597   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 28, 12:26pm  

The Donald said he spent over $2 Million in legal fees. Are you seriously willing to take on the Donald on this issue?

6598   MarkInSF   2011 Apr 28, 12:47pm  

RayAmerica says

The Donald said he spent over $2 Million in legal fees. Are you seriously willing to take on the Donald on this issue?

Yeah, like he has any credibility. When asked about his investigation he said:

"We're looking into it very, very strongly. At a certain point in time I'll be revealing some interesting things," Trump said on CNN's American Morning.

Trump first claimed earlier this month he had sent investigators to Obama's home state in an effort to find out if the president was indeed born there, as he says he was and several media organization's independent investigations have confirmed.

"I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding," Trump told NBC then.
But Trump has since offered few details about the on-the-ground investigation and, in the interview with CNN Thursday, wouldn't specifically say if it had uncovered new details.

"You'll be very surprised," he said when asked by CNN's Ali Velshi if his investigators have found anything.


Uh, huh. He found something we'll be surprised about, that his people cannot believe they're finding? Do you think so Ray?

I think he's full of shit. I also think anybody that thinks Trump has any credibility on this is an idiot.

When asked about the surprising findings yesterday, after Obama released his "long form", he completely dodged the question (toward the end):


6599   Done!   2011 Apr 28, 1:05pm  

RayAmerica says

Funny thing about Obama. He’s an incredibly smart man, and yet, he spent over $2 Million in legal fees in order to prevent the release of the certificate that he had all along. Any theories as to why?

No they don't get and don't want to, having a smug coy smart ass president, is just fine with this lot, and they don't see a problem with that what so ever. A man so petty, and shallow, that his press conference was upstaged by his grand entrance, and mention that he was in fact interrupting our next president's tirade over on the fox network.

The Drama Queen should have just showed BC, printed the fucking thing and mailed it to every registered republican voter, and it would have saved the tax payer, money. This bull shit has consumed to date.
The truth is Obama so desperately needs these diversions, to draw attention from his nepotism and his administration's ineptitude.

And we're the Birthers, ring that bell.

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