It's official: Huckabee says he will not run for president

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2011 May 14, 12:42pm   3,000 views  17 comments

by terriDeaner   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Maybe this has something to do with it?

Had Mr. Huckabee entered the race, he would have been filling a perceptible void in the Republican field by becoming the presumed candidate of evangelicals, whose social issues have been largely swept aside as both parties focus most acutely on the economy and government spending.


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1   Vicente   2011 May 14, 2:04pm  

Must have chickened out with Santorum running.

2   Vicente   2011 May 14, 4:46pm  

I don't understand why GOP isn't putting Tom Miller in the front row:


But this is probably why:

I will close a majority of our non combat military bases in the developed countries that can and should be providing their own first line of defense (Japan, Korea and Germany). I will bring 250,000 U.S. service members home and assign them to actively defend our own borders. This will stop the flow of illegal aliens, human trafficking and a majority of the drugs that are currently physically and financially threatening our National security every day

He wouldn't play well with the existing power structure at all.

3   terriDeaner   2011 May 14, 5:00pm  

No way Vincente... he'd be a shoo-in if he was sporting a 'pornstash'. THAT is Tom Miller's weakness.

For example, contrast this...


with THIS!


4   Vicente   2011 May 14, 5:37pm  

Tom Selleck is a Hollywood Republican/Libertarian, seems he'd be ideal. Have to wonder why he didn't run for Governor he could have followed right in Reagan's footprints and starting from a career that left him more known and liked.

5   terriDeaner   2011 May 14, 5:46pm  

Vicente says

Have to wonder why he didn’t run for Governor he could have followed right in Reagan’s footprints and starting from a career that left him more known and liked.

Probably was too busy squirreling that red Ferrari around Oahu to make a serious bid at Govenator. Or maybe Higgins had some deep dirt on him that kept him out of politics?

6   terriDeaner   2011 May 15, 5:30am  


Fuckabee is a brain-damaged hillbilly Jesus freak who would be best employed licking tires clean at a car wash.

So you're for Bachmann then?

7   HousingWatcher   2011 May 15, 6:23am  

And the Republican nominee for president will be:

8   Â¥   2011 May 15, 6:46am  

"I will bring 250,000 U.S. service members home and assign them to actively defend our own borders."

The Mexico border is 2000 miles, that's a company for every mile. What a cake job, watching the clouds go by on the Wacht Am Grande.

Would cost around $50B/yr I guess. And all to keep carwash attendants and lawncare professionals out of the country . . . Wouldn't it be cheaper to just pay these surplus military $50K/yr to play xbox like they do anyway, another $50K per year to pay the people the Mexicans are displacing from the workforce to play xbox all day with them, and have the Mexicans come and do the work for us?

As a result, the moderates fled to Obama.

The House pivoted +20 seats too, so it wasn't really Palin's fault. The Republicans had the bad luck of having their Go-Go economy utterly fall apart on their watch.

McCain didn't win any prizes having Mr "It's a Mental Recession" Gramm as his campaign advisor.

9   mikey   2011 May 15, 6:47am  

Hawaii dune today?
I'm not sure if Selleck has the kahunas to run. Seems like he prefers to lei low rather than raise cane. That being said, I really don't think he's the type who would be willing to grease palms, so he would most likely end up with few fronds in government to help him, which would drive him bananas.
Oh, well. Here today, gone to Maui.

10   terriDeaner   2011 May 15, 6:48am  

Looks like Ron Paul WILL be the Republican nominee in 2012.

11   Â¥   2011 May 15, 6:49am  

I welcome Ron Paul as the nominee. America would certainly have a fair choice of futures.

12   HousingWatcher   2011 May 15, 6:52am  

"Looks like Ron Paul WILL be the Republican nominee in 2012."

In fantasy land, yes.

13   terriDeaner   2011 May 15, 8:19am  

HousingWatcher says

“Looks like Ron Paul WILL be the Republican nominee in 2012.”

In fantasy land, yes.

So technically, is it safe to say that you are fantasizing about Ron Paul running for president?

14   terriDeaner   2011 May 16, 2:09pm  

So Trump dumped today... the field narrows just a bit more.

15   Â¥   2011 May 16, 4:27pm  

Palin will choose the Huckabee path; there's more much much money on the table grifting on Fox than being Prez. Plus being Prez really fucks with your private life, and, TBH, all of these clowns know they're beholden to the same stupid playbook and kingmakers so it's not like they actually have anything to add to the debate.

In fact, the world is actually better for them personally if Obama remains president.

Easier to throw shit at people from the sidelines than actually trying to fix anything.

16   terriDeaner   2011 May 16, 4:29pm  

Intrade has Palin and Paul neck-and-neck at ~1.5%, Gingrich at 4.5% (???), and Romney at ~25%. We'll see how things progress...

Nate Silver has something convoluted to say about all this, but, in summary, he seems to believe that only the establishment players have a chance in the general election.

We Won’t Have Donald Trump to Kick Around Anymore

17   zzyzzx   2011 May 17, 4:07am  

Troy says

“I will bring 250,000 U.S. service members home and assign them to actively defend our own borders.”
The Mexico border is 2000 miles, that’s a company for every mile. What a cake job, watching the clouds go by on the Wacht Am Grande.
Would cost around $50B/yr I guess

There are cheaper ways of guarding the border. Landmines and helicopter gunships that mow 'em down as soon as they cross the border is probably most of what we need.

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