Foreclosure auction buyer confession

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2012 Feb 19, 12:46pm   26,615 views  41 comments

by Malkovich   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Hey there,

When I am not looking at Patrick.net, or reading SFgate, I am typically reading a site called Reddit.com

It is a fascinating site with a lot of strange news, pics, movies, etc.

One of my favorite sections is the IAMA page. IAMA is an acronym for I (am a ___) Ask Me Anything. The people who post there do a question and answer for whatever they do. It is incredibly interesting.

I happen to look at the IAMA page today and one of the postings was "I buy foreclosed houses at public auction, I've seen the ins and outs of the biz."

I was very curious about the nefarious practices I've heard about at these auctions and with great anticipation started reading the IAMA.

Upon scanning the posts I quickly realized that the original poster had second thoughts about his IAMA and deleted all his answers (this actually happens on a regular basis - people feel the need to confess anonymously and then get paranoid that they could actually be outed).

Fortunately, someone had somehow archived all the original poster's replies here:

It's a bit hard to read at first but you can scan for the longer paragraphs and find some of the questionable practices that these people do.

One of the most surprising to me was how this person would B&E a house that was scheduled to be auctioned, then actually put locks on the doors/garage doors, put up cardboard over the windows to block the view, etc. to prevent any competitors from properly assessing the property.


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13   jkennedy   2012 Feb 21, 2:36am  

This is probably a pretty good representation of what's going on. Most readers here will look at this as dirty and huge amounts of money, with fraud.

These guys worked in teams, all day long every day. They had 2 weeks to take a house from being filthy to being ready to sell. Looking up taxes, liens, loans and other legal issues. They had guys going through paper work, through the county offices looking for any issues. They had guys knocking on doors, trying to see if they could see in. These guys are in a high risk venture here and money isn't liquid once it's put in this business, it's stuck there for probably 2-4 months while a house is fixed and resold. 2 weeks to fix it, a couple weeks to a few months to sell it, and then a month of paper work to close it.

It also shows that the numbers have dropped from 200 a day to 25 a day.

14   Hysteresis   2012 Feb 21, 2:50am  

super interesting. thanks.

15   perpetuallyastonished   2012 Feb 21, 7:04am  

One of the commenters in the AMA thread asked about "upper-deckers". Anybody know what an "upper-decker" is?

16   everything   2012 Feb 21, 7:54am  


The act of defecating into the upper tank of a domestic toilet.

I didnt know what it was either, guess I'm not up to date anymore.

17   FunTime   2012 Feb 21, 8:05am  

Interesting, but I don't know enough about the subject to separate out the mythology. I'm sure some of the stories misrepresent the facts just because the stories are so far separated from the storyteller.

18   tclement   2012 Feb 21, 8:13am  

perpetuallyastonished says

Anybody know what an "upper-decker" is?

Not sure you really want to know: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Upper+Decker

Anyway, very interesting post. Thanks for it!

19   dildobreath   2012 Feb 21, 9:48am  

Yeah people, a few titallating anecdotes and you got the whole picture.... from a semi-literate jerkoff totally immune to "rockstar syndrome" now that he finally has an audience. Yes sir, lay it on thick, the peeps love it. Yeeaaah, those greedy capitalist bastards, they're all unscrupulous, thievin', slimy conmen! Well then folks, why don't you principled, self righteous pietists, why don't you get in the game. Someone needs to clear the inventory before the housing market totally self destructs. So, get in. Bring your ethics into the arena... since all the rest are evil. This article is irrelevant, but evidently sufficient fodder for simple minded bashers.

20   Malkovich   2012 Feb 21, 10:23am  

dildobreath says

Yeah people, a few titallating anecdotes and you got the whole picture.... from a semi-literate jerkoff totally immune to "rockstar syndrome" now that he finally has an audience. Yes sir, lay it on thick, the peeps love it. Yeeaaah, those greedy capitalist bastards, they're all unscrupulous, thievin', slimy conmen! Well then folks, why don't you principled, self righteous pietists, why don't you get in the game. Someone needs to clear the inventory before the housing market totally self destructs. So, get in. Bring your ethics into the arena... since all the rest are evil. This article is irrelevant, but evidently sufficient fodder for simple minded bashers.

Guys, guys, guys... looks like we hurt someone's feelings. We have to tone down the rhetoric in here. There are some rich people trying to make some (more) money. After all, they have bills to pay too! They're just scraping by. No need to come down so hard on them.

21   LarryPatrickMaloney   2012 Feb 21, 10:58am  

Welcome to the real world people, this happens everyday. Thought you guys knew this stuff?

22   FunTime   2012 Feb 21, 10:59am  

dildobreath says

why don't you get in the game.

Why would someone play games with so much money? Most of us don't have enough to play.

23   LarryPatrickMaloney   2012 Feb 21, 10:59am  

So, free tid bit on real estate. (this thread helps demonstrate the proof)

"You make your money on the buy, not the sell."

24   Malkovich   2012 Feb 21, 1:06pm  

LarryPatrickMaloney says

Welcome to the real world people, this happens everyday. Thought you guys knew this stuff?

So, free tid bit on real estate. (this thread helps demonstrate the proof)

"You make your money on the buy, not the sell."

Completely agree. Just like these poor chaps: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/07/01/BUPQ1K504I.DTL These local boys were just trying to make a buck - nothing wrong with that.

If they hired thugs to break the kneecaps of anyone else trying to move in on their game I totally wouldn't blame them. Whatever it takes. Everyone's gotta put food onna table, right?

25   JodyChunder   2012 Feb 21, 1:31pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Tony Manero says

You scum-sucking retards! Get with the program! People don't live in fucking houses. Only ASSHOLES live in houses! You invest, flip, broker and use them to launder money from other enterprises to offshore accounts where the tax man can't get at your money.

I disagree with some of this.

26   bg   2012 Feb 21, 10:29pm  

blueskytwo says

Hello, everyone, this is me in this site made the first post, I hope to make friends with everyone.

What on earth are you talking about? Are you trying to say that you are the guy who posted to reddit? That seems unlikely, but OK.

27   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2012 Feb 21, 10:36pm  

blueskytwo says

Hello, everyone, this is me in this site made the first post, I hope to make friends with everyone.

No I'm not sending any good faith money to your Nigerian bank.

28   TPB   2012 Feb 21, 11:12pm  

blueskytwo says

Hello, everyone, this is me in this site made the first post, I hope to make friends with everyone.

Ahso, we have happy happy fun time.

29   bubblesitter   2012 Feb 21, 11:16pm  

blueskytwo says

Hello, everyone, this is me in this site made the first post, I hope to make friends with everyone.

Depends. Bear or Bull?

30   Patrick   2012 Feb 22, 12:37am  

dodgerfanjohn says

blueskytwo says

Hello, everyone, this is me in this site made the first post, I hope to make friends with everyone.

No I'm not sending any good faith money to your Nigerian bank.

User blueskytwo was definitely a spammer. Thanks for alerting me.

That was a test comment to see how good our forum immune system is. I get many a day like that, almost always from foreign countries (Japan this time), but usually they don't bother to actually confirm their test-spam comment by clicking on the link in the confirmation email. So I just blow them away each morning, and they creep back in at night.

31   Patrick   2012 Feb 22, 5:00am  

Ouch. Thanks for telling me.

OK, fixed now, I hope. Let me know if not by including "@Patrick" in a comment. I will see that comment for sure. I might not see it if you don't include the @ sign.

32   AndLar   2012 Feb 23, 8:47am  

Great article > thread. Great find. Thanks for sharing. I gotta say nothing really surprising (or disturbing) but confirming suspicions, like watching a reality T.V. show. I think the author is legit with his facts.

33   FunTime   2012 Feb 23, 10:12am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Tony Manero says

Nivana is an America where a 2/1 condo in Lansing is a seven figure proposition and every paper boy owns 26 rental properties, 124 time shares, 72 SFH and flips them all in a week with all the meth dealers and arsonists who are the bold brave backbone of our Free enterprise system.

@Patrick, can you code a way for me to multiple-like posts?

34   bubblesitter   2012 Feb 23, 1:27pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Tony Manero says

flips them all in a week with all the meth dealers and arsonists who are the bold brave backbone of our Free enterprise system.


35   bubblesitter   2012 Feb 24, 12:18am  


Something is wrong with ignore function. Lately I can see the comments from people I have on ignore list.

36   Patrick   2012 Feb 26, 5:41am  

FunTime says

@Patrick, can you code a way for me to multiple-like posts?

You mean double-like? It would complicate things, but maybe you should get some once-a-day "like bomb" to use on a post you really like...

37   Malkovich   2012 Feb 26, 2:43pm  

E-man says

Who on Patnet believe they can do this without a coach? How much are you willing to pay to learn the ins and outs of this business? Mal & EBguy?……………… :)

I’m happy to answer any questions you guys may have. However, there are certain things I can’t disclose on a public forum.

E-man, thanks for the summary and additional input.

I don't think it is a question of how much I would pay to learn the ropes of buying foreclosures. The question is, even I knew the ins and outs, would I have the time to research properties and attend the auctions?

As I have a small business I certainly do not have the time for this. Particularly since many of the auctions are held during business hours. Moreover, although I may sell my business in a few years and could see myself delving more into real estate, for now, I want to buy just one multi to owner-occupy.

Now, if you (or someone you know) is already attending these auctions and willing to give me a "cost plus" deal, well, let's talk. The poster says "The only way I see buying a single auctioned house is to contact people who buy foreclosed houses in bulk. Just buy the house straight from them with no flipping done and let them take a 10% profit for there work.

If you or anyone else on here can assist in this regard, I know exactly what I want, have the cash, and am a no-BS sort of guy.

38   FunTime   2012 Feb 27, 1:26am  

You mean double-like? It would complicate things, but maybe you should get some once-a-day "like bomb" to use on a post you really like...

I was more joking, but your suggestion is really creative!

39   bg   2012 Feb 27, 1:07pm  

Ouch. Thanks for telling me.

OK, fixed now, I hope. Let me know if not by including "@Patrick" in a comment. I will see that comment for sure. I might not see it if you don't include the @ sign.

@Patrick: ?? was there something here that got deleted. Why ouch?

40   bg   2012 Feb 27, 1:12pm  

and they creep back in at night.

That is like some image from a horror movie about rats that nibble off your toes and the end of your fingers and nose in the middle of he night when you are sleeping.

(@AF, how did I do on that one? My first attempt at a gruesome image. )

I have one more graphic if you might like it better...

LIke starving rats trapped to a can and duct taped to your asshole. They will eventually get in. (@AF - better?)

41   Patrick   2012 Feb 27, 1:21pm  

bg says

was there something here that got deleted. Why ouch?

That ouch was in reference to this:

bubblesitter says


Something is wrong with ignore function. Lately I can see the comments from people I have on ignore list.

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